Cancelled Shows in Honolulu. 7/25-26-27/69 Artist: Rick Griffin
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I have this poster, found it in a Little Record shop in Maui, Hawaii around early 1980's. It's in Excellent Condition, with black frame/mat. Does anyone know why the Concerts were Cancelled????
I Dunno
I don't know why I felt compelled to find out since I have no connection to these shows, but I looked in Deadbase and the Tapers Compendium and I can't find a reason for the cancellations. Coincidentally, the next shows were on 8/2-3 with The Family Dog in SF, the shows on 8/5-7 at the Fillmore W. were also cancelled and then they were off to Woodstock on 8/16. Perhaps the Bear had other plans for them at the time. I don't believe they were the well oiled and prompt machine they became later on in life.
Peace -
Griffin poster
I was born and raised in Hawaii and had purchased tickets for this show and was set to go when the news came the show was canceled. Don't know the reason but there were many unhappy fans, including myself. Used to have an original of this handbill, it was actually quite small not usual poster size, but it got lost in the ether along the way. This was a great show that never happened.
Glad to read there are still copies of it out there and Griffins work lives on. His Murph the Surf comics bring back old memories.
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