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  • TigerLilly
    my 2 cents
    Nobody asked for it, but am going to say it anyhow. Not right, and not fair Anna!! Gonzo's decision is his own resposibility, and his alone. I think your going after specific people, and especially your accusations agaist marye are in poor taste. Gonzo could have done several things, talked to Badger directly about how he felt, being the first one. As you said, he has been communicating for many years on this forum, and if he is that quick to take offence and withdraw...that is his own choice. Nobody MAKES anybody do anything!! Such accusations are childish.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    whaddya mean you didn't pay me, badger? i have the goddamn receipt!right that's it; mary, i want you to terminate my account. i don't have to take this from a black and white furry space heathen.........
  • cosmicbadger
    Then turn around and blame you....
    Well I certainly had no intention of driving Gonzo away and am not convinced that I did….my post was only meant to be a mild riposte to the bucket of icy water he was pouring over the festive season and our collective futures. If you post stuff like that then surely you must be ready for a response, and I really don't think mine was nasty. Gonzo may be a Buddhist, but I don’t see whow that comes into this…it certainly hasn’t stopped him posting some pretty combative and provocative stuff in this place at times, and facing down some strong reactions. Based on that, I assumed that he was big enough to take an amiable poke in the ribs and cheer up a little. If he wasn’t then I am sorry, maybe it is that Brit sense of humour going astray over there again, or perhaps inadequate skills in amateur psychology. You know Gonzo has threatened to quit many times before…I am sorry he is not here, I enjoy his contributions and I hope he comes back.By the way Anna, if not me then I think you do owe Ted an apology, his comment was a powderpuff compared to mine. Also accusing Marye of favouritism is unfair….I am confident she would be as quick to set me right if necessary as she would anyone else. Also, before anyone suggests it, I did not pay Jonapi or provide him with any other favours to write his last post.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    and breathe........
    "i quit my job at the helium factory...i refuse to be spoken to in that tone". for me personally, this seems a wee bit blown out of all proportion. there's no need to take sides or pit one against the other. i don't know Ted or the badger or gonzo in person, only through our witterings in the forum; all have taken the time to respond to things i've written and given their honest opinions. i'm sure gonzo realises that the post he made on New Years Eve looks a little more negative then he probably intended. i understand where he's coming from and i would hazard a pretty good guess that he wanted everyone to think a little more deeply. nothing the matter with that; i agree with him. but he has recently been posting more 'downer' pieces and sometimes that gets frustrating to read; i should know, i do it myself occasionally!! (as the badger can attest to!). so every so often others do the good service of speaking their own minds and reminding me/us to snap out of it or reign it in a little. it's all good dialogue between friends we haven't met yet. i'm sure gonzo is old enough to make his own decisions; from what i know through PM'ing him and corresponding through the topics, i reckon this little matter wasn't that big of a deal that he would truly take this all to heart. he must've been tiring of the forums a for a wee while anyways and this was just a little prompt. we all miss him and if the spacey badger and Ted (not sure why he's been dragged into this as an instigator of 'neggie' behaviour!! he only said he was going to catch a show!!), really wanted to blast someone and make them feel bad, they could have done a much better job ha ha!!! i thought badger's post was quite reasonable and wasn't a hatchet job on someone's beliefs and reason for living; he's right that a lot of people in terrible poverty in unforgiving situations make the best of it and come together to share that wonderful sense of community that makes life more tolerable. i read his post as more of a guffaw and nudge to 'lighten up' a little; nothing the matter with that. i wouldn't consider his words intending to "chase away a good guy". that's a little overly dramatic. gonzo will be back when he's ready i'm sure. if buddhism is so close to everyone's hearts, then surely using it to forget and not worry about such triflingly inconsequential matters as this is one of it's purposes. and remember, mary is not 'just' a moderator. she can have opinions too!! she is allowed! lets move on folks and put behind all this silly tosh. life's too short.
  • Anna rRxia
    Just because you know GTed and CosmicB really well and like them does not mean that somebody can not point out the obvious, as others have wanted to know the reason he left. Personal attacks are not OK. Your OPINION that this is a guilt trip is overstepping as the moderator.
  • marye
    obviously spammers and other bad actors get their accounts nuked, but bad behavior is their own choice too...
  • marye
    excuse me
    people's decisions to be here or not be here are theirs and theirs alone. I am sorry that Gonzo, who is a responsible adult, decided to leave, and I hope he comes back, but attempts to guilt anybody in this conversation for his response are out of line and unacceptable. He's welcome back any time he wants to come back.
  • Anna rRxia
    Cosmic Badger & Grateful Ted
    Shame on the both of you for chasing Lamagonzo away. Yeah, he was negative a lot of the time but he was a Buddhist like me and he knew his GOGD. He was the political life of this site. He held down the National Affairs Desk in the TATB thread and did a damn fine job. I am proud to say he is a friend of mine. His last post spoke of the suitability of his comment to this site. His second to the last post was positive, he wished you both a happy new year, but his next to the next last post was very important. The historic Buddha's last words before his Parinirvana (death) were on impermanence. He said that of all the animal's footprints, the elephant's was the largest. Of all meditations, that on impermanence is the greatest, most important. That was his point. You both had to chime in with neggie comments that made him feel really bad. He took his own words to heart and deleted his account. Thanks for chasing away a great guy who had been around 4 and 1/2 years! (explative deleted)
  • marye
    Happy New Year to all...
    and especially to those for whom the past one has been really hard, here's hoping the new one is a whole lot better.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Badger, Ted
    Do have a good year. You go your way, I'll go mine. I must have been insane for a moment posting that on the official Grateful Dead site. Please do forgive me.
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17 years 9 months
Our beloved freeform topic reborn!
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16 years 2 months

In my opinion his sound and style fit in best with Panic. But it was definitely cool when he played with the Dead in 03/04. "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
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17 years 9 months

first: (((((DNC))))) 2nd: congrats to the happy couple. 3rd: >U must patiently peel the tinfoil from many 1948 cigarette packs and roll it in a ball before rubbing on sidewalk. Silver guaranteed. bloody hell, Hunter, now youse let loose the details of my technique of earning a living. shit, the price of them 48' packs just shot up on e-bay-- gosh darn it. 4th: can't say why, can't say how, just know it was there; hoping it will stay. was it this??: "All I know is something like a bird within her sang All I know she sang a little while and then flew on Tell me all that you know I'll show you Snow and rain If you hear that same sweet song again, will you know why? Anyone who sings a tune so sweet is passing by Laugh in the sunshine Sing, cry in the dark Fly through the night Don't cry now Don't you cry Don't you cry any more La da da da Sleep in the stars Don't you cry Dry your eyes on the wind La da da da da da All I know is something like a bird within her sang All I know she sang a little while and then flew on Tell me all that you know I'll show you Snow and rain" had it on the loop, some show I seen from 81, last night, first night in a long while, I fell asleep without Carlo Rossi present, (don't mis-understand, I'm not gay -- not that there's anything wrong with that) woke up with a different feeling inside. optimiCCstic, maybe, realisCCtic for sure. looked up at the ever so familiar ceiling in the little old house... not counting cracks, not trapped by only looking back; just a different feeling inside. my head on straight, my shoulders square, my eyes dry; still carrying the freight -- but without the weight. thanks, folks. thanks ((((DNC))) you been there when I needed you most. you stayed there and was still there when i dropped in again-- ever in need, still unable to express it, and ever so welcomed back like I was never gone. can't say how or why, everyone handles things different, no one better none worse; all doing things in our own way and in our own time. I do appreciate the emails sent, the feelings I feel here on the public space. can't express the gratitude properly. just: thank you, thank you very much in the Elvi tradition is the way to say; all y'all played a part, all y'all who reached out and touched me, cep't of course for BJW who grabbed my ass... LOL ( -; ** all y'all touched my heart with your kindness, it all played a part, in a new start. still heading out, accross a sea or two, got my Old Spice packed and some Bay Rum, too... just know, I love you all, and that, my friends, is what matters most of all. ** LOVE & PEACE, cc.
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17 years 9 months

Good of you to drop by and let us know how you've been. Stay well. If you happen to be in Moldova next week let's have a beer! When you hear the music ringin' in your soul And you feel in your heart, it grows and grows It came from the backstreet rock and roll And the healing has begun Van Morrison
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17 years 9 months

raise a glass and have a drink for me, my friend. if you happen to be in Pusan in 36 hours... or Shimonoseki in 12 hours... cheers, mate. love&peace.
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17 years 2 months

might as well have a bottle of oscar and wunna them ham, egg and cheeses samichs (from a street vendor..heeheehee)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I just noticed that one of the endless spamvertisers here is asking us to buy model train layouts!!! Is this so we can re enact some classic Dead songs in the comfort of our own homes? Casey Jones Monkey and Engineer I know you rider Tons of Steel Or is it because some clever search engine picked up on us talking about shows that were train wrecks?
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Member for

16 years 2 months

On the computer the last year or so, I am super reluctant to click on any link.. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 9 months

I don't follow the links, I just look at the personal profile pages. How do they manage to create so many memberships? I see that the site has one of those gizmos where people registering have to type the camouflaged letters. Do the spammers have a computer that can overcome that or are they paying people to physically create the accounts ? Yet another thankless task for our Marye wiping them all out. I hope the tech people can find a way to stop them.
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17 years 8 months

there is one logged on now about yeast infections. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 9 months

you could get a day job posting the spams and a night job getting rid of them!
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17 years 9 months

warm in the sun, bathed in the light, thanks for the private messages and email that help me get through the night. love&peace.
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17 years 2 months

you might be on to something.......
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Member for

17 years 8 months

If you can hold your shorts on for a couple more months, I might have something for you. Am not pulling your leg either, so cross your fingers for me that can get my new project going.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 9 months

the cleanup woman is on the case. I do agree with the EEEWWWW GROSS!
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15 years 6 months

Johnman,cross your fingers for luck,but cross your legs and you won't need that gnarly belt.Really 'Lily how very kind of you,may the 'Cosmic Watering Can' sprinkle your project with success....
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15 years 6 months

What is the beer and cookies capacity on that 2" double thick model? Can it be converted to transport emergency supplies?Oh wait,beer and cookies ARE emergency supplies....
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16 years 2 months

"Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 7 months

Taking it a lil FURTHUR!!!!Trucking to Delaware today!! :) :) :)
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17 years 4 months

Gigi :) & everyone else Truckin to Delaware today :) Bet ya'll got nothing left to do, but smile ~ SMile~ SMILE !!! PEACE
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Ya think our Canadian pals are nursing hangovers today after getting their butts kicked in hockey last night? Ya bet!! Not too many Labatts left in the frig after that game.
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17 years 2 months

labatt's would make ANYBODY sick.....nasty, budweiser tastin' stuff.................heeheehee!!
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16 years 2 months

And not in a good way! Go U.S.A hockey!! "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 2 months

afraid i hafta agree with that "not in a good way"'s really too bad, cuz their beer is so potent.............................GO U.S.A.!!!
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Listening to the first Furthur show ever, from the Fox, and the Other One was playing, and i thought i heard Bobby singing, 'Furthur, Furthur, Furthur Around, ' instead of the usual 'Coming, Coming, Coming Around, In a Circle..etc...' ....but. after a relisten, i don't think so...must have had a headful that day! Would be cool to hear him Start singing that!..... .....Can't wait 'till AllGood... Furthur & West Virginia beautiful mountains - Almost Heaven Indeed! Peace
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17 years 8 months

nobody's talkin about hockey today?See you in 4 years.
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17 years 2 months

that's coooold, brother...but congrats!!...yes, 4 years...
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17 years 2 months

delicious, thank you........all......fuuuuuuzzzzzzzeeeeeee..heeheeheheee......GOOOOD cookie
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17 years 3 months

Looking for a GREAT COMPLETE copy of 5/2/70 show. I have the Dicks Picks but that is missing one song and the NRPS set.
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16 years 2 months

In a long long time. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 9 months

Chimenti man, that cat can tickle them keys with the best of them. peace. different gig than yesterday:
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Member for

17 years 4 months

FUCK SORRY, THE GAME OF SWEET REVENGE ::::: Karma?!? You all know I’m a sucker for betting the kids over music, sometimes making them cry on the basketball court( beaten by a Girl ~ a Mom no less), and gloating over the occasional board game. Everyone has finally settled and I’m relaxing in my room, reading The Green Mile. Feeling rather parched ( thank you Noodle! ) I head into the kitchen for a glass of tea~ or should I say cup, seeing as how there’s a shortage of glasses at our house. The only light is coming from the fish tank. Out of nowhere there’s a stabbing, blinding pain radiating from my right foot. Feet that I’ve sworn could walk over hot coals without breaking a sweat; thanks to my grocery store motto. For a few seconds I thought I was going to black out & crash into the aforementioned tank. Hopping on my remaining reliable foot I look down & spot the upright red man on the rug. It all comes back to me in a flash: I heartily knock Kramer’s green man back to start and I can hear myself chanting “SORRY! Victory is mine!” ARGGGH!! I sit down on the floor to make sure there’s no gaping hole in my foot as I wearily eye the red devil. I hurl him in the vicinity of the trash can, miss and mumble a few choice words under my breath. I make it to the fridge and although the tea is welcome, it just doesn’t seem as sweet as before. Waking up this morning, karma far from my mind I plant both feet on the floor and the pain comes flooding back. I’ve stepped on my share of kid toys and that damn Sorry piece was worse than the dreaded Lego and matchbox car put together. So, if your in a similar situation, don’t let the Power of beating your kids go to your head, because it can surely come back to haunt you. I’m starting a petition that all games with choking hazard warnings should also alert the unsuspecting game enthusiast of Stone Bruise Dangers….. Hex on YOU Parker Brothers!! cheezy I know, but why the hell not ??? :) PEACE
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17 years 9 months

thought I was seeing double... a masterpiece of a story, rider. *** well, 2 can play at that game: ( -: back because I got no new idears.................... (sing along everybody!) iknowurider's, gonna drink a cuppa tea iknowurider's, gonna drink a hot cuppa tea Gotta teabag with sugar, baby, please pour herbal for cc Heard her last scream last night, Lord, you know her floor was a mess Heard her last scream last night, Lord, you know her floor was a mess Got that rider foot fetish, baby, I must confess iknowurider said "WHAT THE FUCK DID I STEP ON!!??!" iknowurider said "WHAT THE FUCK DID I STEP ON!??!" Goshnab stubbed her toe, gonna keep limping on Stepped in poo last night, Lord, you know she was pissed Scrapped the doo doo off, Lord, being done dog down dissed This ain't no crunch club baby, I just wanna get kissed iknowurider's, gonna put her fishnets on iknowurider's, gonna put her slit skirt on Gonna put on her garter belt, gonna keep turning me on Saw her last night, Lord, you know she looks the best Chatted last night, Lord, she’s unlike all the rest My heart was thumping baby, she put my celibacy to the test iknowurider, gonna put your fishnets on iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on The walls of the ‘love shack’ are shakin' again today The windows of the ‘love shack’ are all shatterin' today Some lucky someones are really getting blown away iknowurider, has her fishnets on iknowurider, has her slit skirt on Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on I wish I could see you try your garter belt on I wish I could see you try that slit skirt on I'd 'bleep bleep bleep' like Roadrunner, and that ain’t no con iknowurider's, gonna put those fishnets on iknowurider's, gonna put that slit skirt on Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on I wish I was on tour, not working on this farm I wish I was on tour, not working on this farm I’d get a tattoo of you, my baby, and put it on my arm iknowurider, gonna put your fishnets on iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on I wish you’d let me come in out from the rain I wish you’d let me come in from out the rain Cause right now, baby, my heart is in real pain iknowurider, gonna put those fishnets on iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on Cause in your “love shack” baby, I know what’s going on iknowurider says "I’m gonna put my fishnets on" iknowurider says "I’m gonna put my slit skirt on" "Gonna put on my garter belt, as soon as cc stops drooling on on on ON ON ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" love&peace&peace&love
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17 years 8 months

am wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. That was just great, joe! And of course rider's inspiration for it too!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 8 months

you forgot to mention her piercings-or maybe you hadn't known about them yet.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 9 months

I'd need specifics, better yet, photgraphclitical evidance. yuk yuk yuk. ( -;
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17 years 8 months

I saw a commercial last night, for Citröen, that was using footage of an interview with John Lennon to sell a damn car! ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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...bending over for Citroen?? Say it ain't so!
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17 years 8 months

But it's nauseatingly true. He didn't bend over himself though, someone else did BUT good! Someone who seems to have no clue that he would have said NO to his face pushing Citröen. And I know I didn't hallucinate this nightmare-JimiC saw it too :(********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 9 months

(I haven't seen this yet) is that I think there's an interview of Sean Lennon circulating in which he explains why this is a swell idea.
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17 years 9 months
Permalink… I haven't seen the ad but according to this web site's interview with Sean, Yoko was just trying to keep John "out there in the world". News to Yoko; you don't need to worry about anyone forgetting John, although I'd like to forget the nonsense that took part when he tried to force you into The Beatles which, along with saying this pandering isn't about money, I'll never understand. The universe... "it's a series of tubes (or donuts)... enormous amounts of material...!" (Psychedelized version of) Ted Stevens’s infamous remarks about the internet