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  • cosmicbadger
    Basket ball Report
    Earlier I asked some advice about attending my first basket ball match: between Macedonia and Estonia. I had some nice responses so I owe you a report. That’s why it’s posted here. We arrived early to get good seats, and by the time the game started the 7000 seat arena was packed with fans, mostly young, decked out with the red and gold of the Macedonian flag. One corner was occupied by the so called ‘Committee’, hard core local fans who led the singing and chanting around the arena. In a new young country in the heart of the Balkans what can you expect but patriotic passion verging on the extreme (but never spilling over into ugliness). Still, the uppermost row all round the arena was occupied by riot police with shields in case things got out of hand! Huge cheers as the team came out to warm up and jeers at the poor Estonians. In all the riotous noise a touching scene as a young boy, clearly the son of one of the local players and afflicted by (what looked like) cerebral palsy, joined the players for the warm up, fetching balls and then awkwardly but accurately tossing a ball into the basket from outside the 3 point line The crowd went wild! In such an intimidating atmosphere Estonia never stood a chance. They were 25 points down half way through. In the third period the Macedonians started playing to the crowd and showing off. Estonia got back to within 9 with a succession of three point shots. People started looking nervous. But in the final period the locals upped their game and ran out winners 87-75. This means that Macedonia have qualified for the European finals and the crowd was vociferously pleased with that. Poor Estonians slunk of for the long flight home. Some impressions as a basket ball novice. I followed the action OK, except I could not work out the whole business with fouls. One minute they are playing the next they are all wandering up the other end while some one has 1 or 2 free throws for no apparent reason. Some moments of breathtaking skill and dexterity and interplay. Sometimes it seemed like there was a magnetic bond between ball and player. An amusing moment was when one giant Macedonia executed a spectacular slam dunk and succeeded in dislodging the whole basket-supporting rig and tearing out the electric supply that powered the clock over it. Rapid repairs required. Growing up with soccer and rugby, I am not at all used to the rhythm of this game. In those sports it is hard to score and there are long tactical battles in the middle of the pitch. Here everyone just runs from end to end and are expected to score every time. I could not figure out the tactical aspects of what was going on, so it was often exciting but rarely absorbing if that makes any sense. Still that’s probably because I did not know what I was seeing and it was quite a one-sided game One of the great joys of travelling is doing things like this. Getting to know people I work with outside the office, learning more about them, their culture and their country and doing things I would not consider doing when at home. Next time I am here it will be the European Women’s handball championship. Book me a ticket!
  • stuman
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    very interesting ...very cool ....
    Well this got interesting , I did`nt even think abt. Belafonte , .. Cool , Thank you for the history lesson Mark !! I`m kinda like oroboros , I love knowing the history behind the music... Harry`s first album was named "Midnight Speacial" that is also interesting , considering in the late 70`s early 80`s (I think) there was the television show that featured many diferent bands , hosted by "Wolf Man Jack" it was called "The Midnight special" ..From what I understand the "calypso" style music was used to try to keep people`s minds off the cold war and everything else that was depressing to people .. And it was introduced to the U.S. via "Disney" writers who travled the world to find new ideas for the "Disney" theme parks ... And also brought back from some of the soldiers from WW1, who where stationed in the Islands .. OH , and Bob Dylan ,, wow !! I never would have thought about him during that era .. Very cool !! Nice research Mark ... This kinda turned into an interesting topic ,, future forum maybe ? "History lessons".. Love food for thought !! I really enjoyed this .. Take care everyone ,, and thanks for playin' !! Hope everyone has a nice sunday !! Stu ...
  • MarkintheDark
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    Didn't know much about Harry...
    ...other than the Banana Boat Song. Then I read the Wikipedia article and find out critically important information like: *the "Calypso" album was the first million-selling album of all time (but it didn't make the Rolling Stone top 500 list) *his album "Midnight Special" has the first recording of a obscure harmonica player - Bob Dylan *The first TV show he sang "Day-O" on was the Muppet Show. Well, there ya go, mon.
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    Cool Idea-TL
    Cool Idea-TL-will have to find where Harry Belafonte is playing near my mom & take her-that'd be fun! xoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
  • MarkintheDark
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    Calypso Lucy, did she limbo?
    I'll have to look for that episode of "Lucy", that sounded hilarious when I read the article. It's kinda weird to think that as the war was going on in Korea, the Cold war was starting to heat up and the fight for civil rights was starting to get attention - the US had a "calypso craze"! I don't know if you guys listen to CDs put out by the Putumayo world music label, but they do ethnic/regional/genre albums, mostly local artists. They have a bunch of great ones from the Carribean, and the "Calypso" album is awesome. Got some good reggae albums too. Rough Guide also has a good series.
  • TigerLilly
    Like you, Gypsy Cowgirl
    Harry Belafonte brought a sexy twinkle to me old Mammy's eyes-so heard him alot as a kid. Mom always said "he is soo classy and sexy" and perhaps Mr. Belafonte is the only man on the planet where my mother and I would see eye to eye on that comment. Besides Paul Newman, of course.Took her to see him in concert for her 55th birthday, and he was just marvelous live. Charming, intelligent, classy, and very kindly there with his audience. Also probably the only concert that I ever saw AND enjoyed with my mother. AWESOME basketball story marye-and C.B. am looking forward to your report on the big game tonight. After the tips you got here, you should be able to deport yourself like an old pro of basketball viewing. Just remember "slam dunk" like we were discussing last night, and you will be FINE :-) ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • stuman
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    I love Lucy !!
    Hey everyone gets it !! The I love Lucy show 1957 .. I just seen the show on tvland at like 4:00 am , and though wow well thats interesting .. wonder how many people Knew this .. Thank you !! And thanks for the history lesson ,, very cool .. Hope everyone has a beutiful weekend !! stu ... Peace...
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    Fond memories of Harry Belafonte
    Mom played Harry Belafonte all the time in the '50's -I was under 10......."Day-o, day-o Daylight come and me wan' go home Day, me say day, me say day, me say day Me say day, me say day-o Daylight come and me wan' go home".......there's more of course........Gypsy Cowgirl xoxo
  • Oroboros
    Love it, MitD
    Nice history lesson, thanks, much appreciated. Hearing the story behind the songs is a favorite of mine. Good stuff, King Radio, grate name!!
  • MarkintheDark
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    Hey Mr. Tallyman, tally me calypsoes...
    King Radio wrote and recorded it on a trip to NYC in '36. Belafonte had the hit single in '52, and included it on his "Calypso" album in '56. Couldn't find a specific citation that Belafonte sang it on TV but I'm guessing he did; I'm not too savvy on your '50s variety shows. Belafonte appeared on TV several times in '55 and '56 (Colgate Comedy Hour, Nat King Cole Show, 28th Academy Awards) and I'm betting he sang this song on one of them. My official guess will be Harry sang it on the Colgate Comedy Hour in '55. I did find out this: "The song became so popular during the 1956-57 American calypso craze that Lucy, Desi, Fred and Ethel even sang it during an episode of the I Love Lucy television show."
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Read your post about prejudice & ignorance... I live in a far northern part of the Appalachian Mounatin chain and the people around this and the surrounding counties are hill people -- yankee dairy farmers and for the most part. They are salt-of the-earth kind of people. the largest part of them. But there is not a high level of education (or a high percentage of people with all their teeth) and they have been living in these mountains, hills, hollows and vallies for a lot of generations. There are maybe 20 people of color in this 3 county area. There are a lot of bumper stickers around the county seats that read "Hate Is Not A Family Value". Which is all just to say, don't feel you're the only one facing such a situation. With some places it's an epidemic, not an isolated attitude. Wish you the best raising your little one.
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I recently went to three of the shows on the Dead Tour 09 and was disappointed with the quality of the shows. I noticed that a lot of Deadheads were voicing mild approval but whenever I saw a review in the local papers I knew I wasn't far off the track. I don't consider myself a "snobby old deadhead", but I am in that rarified group of people who have listened to 10,000 plus hours of Grateful Dead, JGB, Bob & Phil and know the Dead Base quite well. My interesting question is: If you caught a show on this tour, would you agree that now is the time for Bob, Phil, Mickey & Billy to bury The Dead with a modicum of dignity? They are doing well with their own bands and seem to play better while doing their own thing. As the Dead they seem really constrained. I think if the Boys don't bury The Dead (and seal the crypt) the situation is rife for zombies to come marching in, if they aren't already... ~Nostalgia for the past is bullshit.~ Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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17 years 2 months

each subsequent show i've heard has been a little bit better...i dunno...i'll wait and see (and that may just be subconscious greed and wishful thinking on my part)....i do know i need a show bad...it'll help me heal, mentally and physically.
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17 years

...wait till the tour is over to start your whining. You say you're not a "snobby old deadhead" but the very next line you wrote says quite the opposite.
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17 years 7 months

i am kinda on the fence. i saw three shows this time around and they do sound a little off at times but they still ripped it up at other times. look at some of the 90,s shows were just cause jerry was there dosn't mean they rocked the house. i think some of this is due to age how many people at there age are as sharp as they were 20, 30 or 40 years before. Also i don't particualy like warren some times its like he stops playing to me it seems that he dosn't know what to do if he can't rip out a solo. i think that kind off throughs them off.What i liked about jerry if he needed to think about whats next he would play rythym and just hang and let some one else step up. But i can't seem to give up that vibe they produce at the shows (especialy when i bring the kids) come on we all feel it thats why we are here. So as long as they do shows i will go but if they decide to stop i won't fault them.
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17 years 2 months

lighten up, i don't believe the man is whining.....just voicing an opinion...i DO think we should wait until the tour ends however, also...why deny them the right to play together?....and if people are enjoying it, all the better....i've only seen 60 or so shows and have several hundred hours on tape....hope i'm not considered a "snobby old deadhead".....'course i know people that have seen them 300+....anyway....give 'em time.........say....is that my lighter?
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I was still a little ticked that he ignored me awhile back on a different forum, but that was cause I dissed Timothy Leary and I guess he took it personally. If anyone expects this to be like the good ol days they might not be too happy. But after 14 years I'm ready to move on and go see the Dead ,Jerry or not, cause I love good music. And when this tour's done they should have enough in the bank to keep going with their own bands for as long as they want to. I paid $64 with fees for my Gorge ticket and am getting 3 bands so the way I see it I'm only paying $20 to see the Dead. I won't pay $100 to see anybody. Anyways, their are still people out here waiting to see this tour, if it doesn't get cancelled cause of the flu epidemic, and we want to be uplifted and the complainers can go piss-off until the tour's over. Peace!
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... that when I'm not loving the Lord with all my heart and get distracted by my own problems I can be just as big a jerk as anybody!
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17 years 2 months

i didnt look at it that way.......HELL yeah........peace be with you
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15 years 11 months

great question the battle between good and "evil". Its a long story been here since the begining.The Dead and those of the Cosmic Tribe (its up to you to be of the Tribe) are the current manifestation of the ancient Cosmic Tribe. Our job is to shed light and not to master.A viel of darkness is covering the planet its reach is nearly complete.Its up to you whether light or darkness prevails.Universal Love and Compassion is the only path to being one with the universe.A grateful Dead concert is a tribal gathering,depending on the amount of love and compassion you have reflects what you experience. There is not much time left before darkness prevails on the planet,so we all have to get up to speed real quick Here is a quick path to enlightment. Put yourself in a peaceful enviornment, project your mind off the planet, lay out your life experiences linerally, in a straight line, start at the begining and observe how diferent experiences led you to who you are ,how you think, what you feel.Its like oh! this is when I first felt hurt because of jonn'y calling me fat and ugly,this is when I felt compassion when I saw this old man on the street in the cold with no shoes. You get the idea. Unfortunetly many of you were tramatized by the darkness so that your experiences were shortciruited, this is where you find the shortcircuit and realize it was people's darkness that was passed to you, and how it affected you from that point on.So thats what we do for each other we lift the shit that was laid on us so that we can see .The rest is up to you using your own creative design to perfection What I did was to delete all the files from my cosmic computer , in other words I got rid of hatred, prejudice, envy,ego etc etc. Once you get to this point give me a jingle and we can decide where we go from here.
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17 years

just believe, in "skullfuck" let the alligator eat you yellow flowers and dragons keep the peace, share always and water will save you. blessed are those that are truly DEAD. the future as the past is filled with smile. dance till you collapse with enrgy and love that will be the highest high there is. GOOD OLE GRATEFUL DEAD.
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15 years 11 months

the magic comes when it wants, no one can call it. the dead give it their bet shot, the way its been from the begining. sat worc. bla bla sun worc. into the cosmos hartford started out of the solar system and was progressing to beyond the universe,until five pigs beat me with their clubs, did the show make it out of the universe?????????????? p.s. if the deadheads at the show are NOT KIND if you know what I mean ,then that affects how the band plays. those of you that expect perfection every show really don't have a clue as to whats going on.
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15 years 11 months

to those worried about your words being front page nytimes.Do you really think that anybody not of the cosmic Tribe can understand what your saying.To most people its jiberish, and those not of the Tribe that understand, understand that they are in the presence of something far beyond their dark desires, and tremble at the thought.
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17 years 2 months

one does not have to tremble to be aware. consciousness is it's own dimension, even if you're there, the light switch is often hard to find and stumbling in the dark can be dangerous.....you must have faith in the presence......we all know it is there, but some deny it's existence or refuse to accept it.
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17 years 9 months

Can anyone explain the exact role of Rhino Records in the release of Grateful Dead Music at the moment. The Rhino logo appears on the Egypt Set, 'To Terrapin', '3 From the Vault' and 'Cow Palace', but is nowhere to be found on the Road Trips or Box Set releases, which are credited to 'Grateful Dead Productions Inc'. So is the general frustration with Rhino misplaced...who is actually in charge of organising the releases and the marketing of all the music?
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... is listed in Wikipedia as being responsible for music releases and merchandising. They are in a contract for ten years that started in 2006. This information is contained in the entry for Grateful Dead. I have no idea if this is accurate. There is some other interesting stuff there too.
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15 years 5 months

Can you answer ?Yes I can, but what would be the answer to the answer man ?
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16 years 7 months

the Band stopped playing their traditional Jan 31 New Years Eve show in 1992 was this in tribute to Bill Graham? Mountain high to river wide so many roads to ride.
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17 years 9 months

if I recall correctly it had something to do with the fact that the NYE scene turned into a zoo, the demand for tix was insane, etc. and it probably wasn't very fun for the band. But Bill's loss probably had something to do with it too.
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17 years 9 months

Is it (as Neil Young claims) better to burn out than to fade away?
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15 years 11 months

Those who've burned didn't live to tell... not sure you'd wanna try and find out.
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15 years 6 months

Some burning,some fading....I would say install a good dimmer,know when to use it and enjoy the ride....
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17 years 2 months

though a good coating of rust can protect the insides...as i happen to live in the northwest and have discovered that up here we don't tan, but we rust quite well........
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17 years 7 months

My myRock and roll can never die There's more to the picture Than meets the eye. Hey hey, my my. :)
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Of all the partisan bickering in the Congress, the Repub. Lesbian S&M theme parties in Vegas really took my quarterly "Rome is Burning"award. It was nice to see the controlled way in which Obama worked over the Repubs. on this one. (Health care in general with the buzz saw to come on financial regulation.) Way to go Obama and Ted riding co-pilot!
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14 years 11 months

Anybelly guide me to state law rumoured to be a search-n- seizure law based on Dead stickers in Iowa? Thx
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15 years 5 months

...against Obamao for perpetuating, and sending tens of thousands of troops to, his "good war" in Afghanistan, and lying about shutting down camp Gitmo??
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17 years 2 months

against the continuation of those policy implementations he inherited from Bush/Cheny? There's plenty of them. All you have to do is broaden your information gathering beyond what Fox tells you to think and they're easy to find. At least he did actually shut down the stupidity going on in Iraq. I will grant you he's fallen way short of the mark in several areas, but we've had worse.
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17 years 8 months

Seems like he's just gotten bored or something, and come back with the aim to provoke, like in the "good" old days! Isn't worth it Bro. Pid!