Here is a who's who of those in the drawing! And thanks to all of you who sent me your pics so I could create this. I changed the theme and decided to make it a birthday card to Jer. I finished at 12:30 a.m. on August 1st, so I reached my goal. ; )
Inside the stealie: from 12 o'clock-clockwise: Paps, marye, gratefulmom, dgans(david gans), and lastly, iknowurider.
Outside the stealie: from bottom left clockwise: that nice hippy guy (and his companion), deadheadkid, joshua (not sure his name on here), Marshun, Tom Mittemeyer (dressed myself in green), Mr. Pid, TigerLilly, ramblinbearisgrateful (holding up two fingers), and at the bottom right, carlaplattwater (ed & carla platt).
If I missed anybody, and anyone else wants in on it, I can accommodate. As they say, Let it Grow. Digital art can be expanded. Also, if you'd like a larger version I'd be glad to send you the jpg. This one is kind of small on here. Feel free to email me.
I tried to give everyone their own personality with photoshop plug ins. I kept myself a simple green. : ) But I have to admit it was a blast getting to know each of you one at a time as I figured out where you should be.
One big happy family! And if anybody deserves it, it's Garcia.
Happy August 1st everybody!
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dead comment
Is just beautiful
Tom!!! Am guessing would make Jerry smile. Happy Birthday Jerry!!!**********************************
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live.
Samuel Clemens
nice work!
So Tom, did you go down unto the sea? i'm counting 24 layers plus adjustments?
very nice work tom and you met the DEADline!
Thanks for making the card!
Glad to see what like minded folks have on their mind today also. Still missin ya Jerry! Thanks for the memories, and wish you could see the scene today, and what great music is still being made thanks to you. Happy Birthday! You made The Chicago Tribune today- picture and everything! Nice card guys- thanks!
Salmon Will
Friends from Space
Another masterpeace connecting our worlds together in Stealy family portrait for Jerry's celebration from Tom Mitt. Bright eyes and big smiles and silly grins a swirlin'! Cheers! Happy Birthday Jerry!
"Maybe the sun is shining, birds are singing,
No rain is falling from a heavy sky."
Robert Hunter
Cant thank you enough for this
I love it, its now my desktop background.
"You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."