Grateful Dead Press Conference To Announce Partnership With UC Santa Cruz
The conference is over. We will be putting it up permanently on this page as soon as we get it.
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(NOTE: Contrary to rumor, this has nothing to do with any sort of Dead reunion or tour)
Grateful Dead Press Conference To Announce Partnership With UC Santa Cruz
The conference is over. We will be putting it up permanently on this page as soon as we get it.
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(NOTE: Contrary to rumor, this has nothing to do with any sort of Dead reunion or tour)
So, since we were once told (long ago) that "Terrapin Station" would contain these same types of items, does this mean that those of us that donated money long ago should give up hope? Is this confirmation that, since an "official" GD museum will never happen, these types of objects will best be preserved at UCSC?
Also, given the LONG history between the GD and Berkeley, why not there? Does this have anything to do with the fact that UCSC has, for a LONG time, offered credit for a course in GD history? Or maybe it's because Cal has grown away from it's liberal roots in the past decade as it's academic reputation began to equal that of the Ivy league schools on the east coast (at a FRACTION of the cost) and it's students became more interested in their own careers than the social causes that helped to define and identify the name in the past.
As a UC grad, I agree that UCSC is the holdout. As the UC schools gain more grants, more reputation, and more applicants. UCSC stands out as continuing to hold onto a vision of providing quality, liberal, PUBLIC education that reflects the values of the California community it grew out of. Cal, UCLA, UCSB, UCI - all LOST their liberal values as they struggled to win research grants and "select" the "best" students (those with high GPAs and SATs, but low Emot IQ and social concern). UCSC remains as the school that never gave up on their ideals.
A good choice, IMNSHO... I wonder if any of the envelopes I drew on will be included!
16 years 8 months ago
Press Conference
"The conference is over. We will be putting it up permanently on this page as soon as we get it."
Cool with me. Using that ICLIPS website is a pain in the azz. Wanna listen to the Tapers Section here? Click...
16 years 8 months ago
I can't help thinking that putting this stuff at a university, sorta like a museum, sorta like a presidential library, pretty much says it all for the good 'ol grateful dead -- it's history.
We can still enjoy and appreciate it -- but only as artifacts.
this is like being in the old chatroom waiting for the boot to fall...see marye, this is the thrill:)! whats to become of the baby!
ohh, the anticipation is gonna drive us crazy..
Hey Rob, don’t you ever remember hearing the most famous Grateful Dead press conference ever was when they were busted in NOLA and upon their bail/release, they held a press conference and even Bear was a part of it!
I hope it is good news and maybe.....just maybe we will be able to see all four guys play together again! I miss you Jerry ever so much! Send some kind vibes to your four brothers and tell them to tour!
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery...none but ourselves can free our minds"
My guess is that is about the ONLY thing that bares the name The Grateful Dead- THE VAULT. My guess ( again ) is the availabilty of the vault to the average deadhead. Pay 12.50 a month or a lifetime membership of $499.95 and get access to downloadable music 5 to 15 shows a month from various years. The perfect solution to an aging deadhead population starving for the best that THE GRATEFUL DEAD have to offer ( and the ONLY thing that bares that name!!!!!!!!!!!!!
attend a Grateful Dead press conference once. At the Greek in 1985. The back of my head shows up in the video (the TV guys were there too). Got some good pix too; must dig them out.
But as to this one, I am clueless.
we think we know that they think we think they know what we think they are thinking about. a major announcement. Just thinking outloud...
"Sun comes up blood red
Wind yells among the stone
All graceful instruments are known"
Bobby Petersen
oh goodie oh goodie oh goodie whatever could they be... announcing... hmmm maybe the BEAT IT ON DOWN THE LINE 08 summer tour to ALL 2395752943 cities WORLDWIDE?? this could be the start of a revolution! :)
To me, using the FULL name "Grateful Dead" when announcing the conference would imply that it has something to do with the past, when Jerry was alive, rather than current politics. If it's about politics, why not say so right now? If it's about marketing a new Vault CD, well... working up the anticipation a bit is a wise move.
If it doesn't have anything to do with Jerry and uses the Grateful Dead name to promote the political career of an individual he never knew (especially since he was so against getting involved in politics) I will be DEEPLY disappointed!
It's about a grate find , inside one of the old monitor speaker cabinets, bear in a hurry stashed an ungodly amout of product and the remaining members are gonna be the "house band" for a global trips festival where with one mass mind melt Jerry and Pig will apper in holographic forms, peace and harmony will befall upon all of humanity...but i've been wrong before. ;)
First. The term, "Grateful Dead" is used as a media umbrella. An ultra familiar soundbitel
Also, Hunter proclaimed at Alpine's GDFR that "we are all the Grateful Dead."
The press conference will be for announcing a tour.
Look for Larry Campbell on lead guitar.
Ok this will drive me nuttz till Thursday but lets expand this theory a little more. IF the boys come back together as GD IF they announce a tour WHO will play Keys? and WHO would you like to see play keys? any thoughts?.
Walk in Peace, and let the smilin' begin
Trey - always more tech and less soul in my opinion. My vote would be for Kimock/Karan OR, ultimate choice but not likely - hello, Jorma?Keys? Bruce. Course, he's escaped the bad JuJu so far, so maybe he'd rather keep his distance... What's TC up to?
All speculation of course. The press conference is probably about something minor, like another show at the pyramids or something.
While most blog/posts are about re-uniting Bobby & Phil - I trust it is not BAD news about the health of any remaining members. Somebody speculated about further Vault releases, if that be the case then I will be able to upgrade my collection with some soundboards replacing those treasured AUD recordings I have been listening for many moons. Or maybe............
we will have to wait & see..................
"counting stars by candle light" - Robert Hunter
Love & peace RTFROG
While not wanting to jump the claim of the people holding the press conference, it might be handy to deflect some speculation, allay some fears, etc:
1. There will be NO announcement of a tour, one-off-gig or reunion of any kind. This is not about an upcoming musical event.
2. There is NO immediate time-valued urgency here, as in "if I don't know about this, I'm gonna miss out on something big!"
3. The press conference concerns past history more than future events, but it will be an announcement that scholars and fans of GD history will welcome enthusiastically.
I will leave the rest for the announcers to announce.
so what are we looking scholars and deadheads? a museum, a deadicated concert/museum venue?
a full release of all remastered shows in itunes style on
come one, how can you say there is an announcement and NOT think everyone will think it is about a reunion...when it is probably about music releases or such...
that is cruel and unusual punishment and is unconstitutional according to the 8th amendment, so go ahead and just tell us now...ok?
That's a Floyd the Barber Oooooooooh, not a Merv Griffin Oooooooooh, although he had a very nice Oooooooooh too.
Gotta be about The Vault. Be interesting to see who's at the head table.
with the banana slugs!!!!!
what, a library or exhibit or recording sound thingy....
ok, so looks like I can calm down, whatever it is will be cool, but not tour excitement worthy...
I am already seeing the heck out of phil and bobby this summer between fest and other shows, so figured not a tour, but still, makes the heart leap a little bit...
of a Dead reunion playing in shows this summer. A friend's friend works at a venue and already signed up to work for an august Dead show at the Susquehanna Center (was the tweeter in NJ)...who knows. Hope Phil's innards are doing fine, tho Ami
Seems as though this has something to do with the vault. Three of the four boys have tours set up for the summer. So that is out. Let's see who owns the vault , Rhino? Lots of money to be made there. I hope they don't pull everything from the LMA (even tho it only streams)