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  • PalmerEldritch
    Saw "Boyhood" this afternoon. Great movie. Probably Linklater's best movie, which is saying a lot. This one lives up to the hype. Don't miss it.
  • slo lettuce
    (sorry, couldn't help it :) Had to go see this with Dolby Surround 7. Saw the 2D show and the special effects were spectacular. I loved this story when I saw it originally as a little kid and the story in this updated version is definitely worthy of admission. As usual, Godzilla is a total badass and in this episode he(?)wakes from the depths to wreak havoc on two other freaks of nature. Good stuff! Spoiler alert: Insurance policies are pointless and property owners in Honolulu and Oakland really take it in the shorts, so to speak.
  • PalmerEldritch
    I really think that this has been a great year for movies. I can't remember the last time I felt that way. I saw "Inside Llewelyn Davis", "Nebraska", "Her", "Blue Jasmine", and "American Hustle" and I loved all of them. Come on peeps, cynicism aside, it's been a great year for movies!
  • Anna rRxia
    There is a constant theme in Science Fiction that I am noticing these days. The plot goes something like this: Human beings have used up the natural resources on the Earth until it is a wasteland due to different circumstances such as global warming. In Elysium a paradise in the form of space satellite/station with lush vegetation and artificial environment and robots serve an upper class population who have between able to make the hop between the two bodies. There is strict immigration control and homeland Security for the Space Station. Life on Earth is a somewhat less than an apocalyptic hell, but almost there. This theme is quite old, it just has different wrinkles in it these days. This version gets a B- for the updates.
  • Anna rRxia
    Runaway Jury
    I just bought the John Grisham Box set and glad I did. I never saw the theatrical release of this movie until now. This is an excellent movie about the gun industry and the dirty tricks they engage in to keep themselves absolved of responsibility of irresponsible gun proliferation in this country. The scenes where Gene Hackman, as a jury specialist for the gun lobby, raises millions of dollars from the CEOs of the major gun-makers who explicitly know they are buying a jury and the scene where the opposition lawyer, Dustin Hiffman, asks Hackman how he will feel at the end of his days when he is surrounded by the ghosts of dead gun victims are not in the expurgated TV versions and are especially poignant. Hackman's answer to Hofman about the ghosts is revealing: "I know I'll be surrounded by those ghosts but I don't give a shit and I never did." I write this today because in another part of this site somebody wrote yesterday that everybody should receive a Remington shotgun for Christmas this year, any make, any model. Their intent was to say there is bonding that goes on between father and son or elder and younger. I understand that. But I also understand that, living in the North Woods as I have for 25 years, there are around 100 death-resulting hunting accidents that happen every year in NY-NJ-New England States, not to mention the problem of hunter's hunting on posted land. That movie and that comment has me thinking about walking in the woods again this deer season. Don't just think twice, don't do it if you know it is hunting season and you value your life. Wal-Mart is just itching to sell you that Remington and ammo at a dirt cheap price and gun makers will never be held responsible.
  • Anna rRxia
    The Nine Lives Of Marion Barry
    An excellent film available on the net for viewing. It shows how Marrion Barry, former mayor of Washington DC got set up by the Feds for smoking crack with a ho. The film chronicles Marion Barry's comeback bid for re-election as mayor. Topical in the sense of Toronto's Mayor Rob Ford now in similar circumstances.
  • Randall Lard
    bark up a tree and get leaves in your mouth
    Maja S. K. Ratkje Sculpting With Sound VOICE – SCULPTING SOUND WITH MAJA RATKJE is not only a portrait of the singular musician and singer, but also explores the sound and nature of the human voice in all its facets. The film accompanies Ratkje as she composes and improvises in various constellations, in the studio, for example, while recording the next album of her quartet Spunk and new CDs of her compositions, which are being produced for Rune Grammofon and for John Zorn’s famous Tzadik record label. There will also be footage from concerts such as Passing Images in Bruges or with the trio Poing in Oslo. In addition, Biermann wants to give an insight into the work Ratkje does on her own back home in Norway, as well as including family moments with her two small children. Citing directors Thomas Riedelsheimer and Claire Denis as inspirational for the making of this film, Biermann explains that he is aiming to make 2a sensual film, with images for the big screen. Images one can dive into. A film about this woman, her overwhelming creative spirit and her passion which appeals and touches us all. A sensual and unexpected journey into the world of voices and sounds with the complex means of cinema.” Apart VOICE and NOCTURNE, Biermann is also currently working on a third documentary, ZEHN FRAUEN, which portrays ten women artists. Director Ingo J. Biermann Screenplay Ingo J. Biermann Director of Photography Kai Miedendorp Cast Maja Solvei Kjelstrup Ratkje, Frode Haltli, Spunk, Kathy Hinde, Trondheim Sinfonietta, Garth Knox, Arve Henriksen, Sylvie Courvoisier, Ikue Mori Producer Andreas Louis Co-Producers Solveig Arnesen, Ingo J. Biermann Production Company Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB), in co-production with Genesis Film/Hausgesund, IJB/Berlin Original Version English, Norwegian Shooting Dates March 2010-Summer 2011 With backing from German Federal Film Board, Filmkraft Rogaland
  • Anna rRxia
    SSDD Just got it!
    And Jerry I; II; III. Opened up an Amazon Visa and got the 4 for $44. What a deal!
  • Randall Lard
    Adderbury Tales
    Way Of The Morris

    WAY OF THE MORRIS: Official Trailer 1 (HD) from Way Of The Morris on Vimeo.

    For These Are The Lands Of My Forefathers And These Are The Dances Of My Ancestors

    WAY OF THE MORRIS: Official Trailer 2 (HD) from Way Of The Morris on Vimeo.

    A heartfelt ode to agrarian roots and rural brotherhood, 'Way Of The Morris' follows award-winning filmmaker Tim Plester on a journey from the English village greens of his childhood to the killing fields of the Somme, as he searches for a connection with the much-maligned native dances that run deep in his blood. Written & Presented by Tim Plester Directed & Produced by Tim Plester & Rob Curry Director of Photography Richard Mitchell Editor Jono Griffith Composer Adrian Corker Sound Design & Mix by Reelsound, Pinewood Studios Executive Producer Colin Teague Featuring Billy Bragg / Chris Leslie (Fairport Convention) & The Adderbury Village Morris Men
  • Randall Lard
    Electronics Without Tears
    Practical Electronica - The Sound World Of F.C. Judd

    Practical Electronica: A Trailer from Public Information on Vimeo.

    A trailer for Ian Helliwell's 2011 Documentary about an important and previously untold link in the history of early British Electronic Music. If you are interested in hosting a screening for Practical Electronica please contact :
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A movie from the Sundance Channel about an Irish cop named Sgt. Boyle. The opening scene is really good with a bunch of kids partying in a car going down a country road passing around a bottle of whisky.