I suspect I am not alone in this...
i'll back marye up on this,
Some of us
OK how about Second Life?
Virtual Dead?
Lame attempts at humor on rareley read threads....
Better yet
Get a DeadHead on Hells Kitchen
The Garcia Project on FACEBOOK
bumping this thread a bit
Listening Parties
Interested in joining us for full show Listening Parties? We have a discord room for live chat during the show, where we typically meet on Sun, Tues & Thurs evenings around 10 pm Eastern Time. We start the show at the same time so that we're all hearing the same thing in real time. Message me here or at https://m.me/regalbeagle78 for the 411. We'd love to have you on board our ship of fools.
listening party
yo yo! i'm in NY and would love to join the listenin party! 10pm is the time i get settled in to hang out for the night anyway. hit me with the details and i'm on discord already as LilStank. excited to tune in