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  • marye
    I'd say if you consider yourself a Dead Head, so you are. And we may already be at the point where there are more Dead Heads who never saw Jerry than those who did. So you're in fine company.
  • Dead-Head96
    being a true dead head
    This is a question as a young dead head. What am i too do i can never see the grateful dead live, but they are my favorite band ever. I wear a grateful dead shirt every single day and a have a good amount of cds, i want to claim that im a dead head but dont feel i can just cause ive never even seen a show. ive been trying to see them but they never come near me. so can i claim being a dead head? also how can i handle being in a world were i can never seee my favorite band?
  • Byrd
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    How they do it...and how they got Jerry
    Among the many effects opium and its derivatives have on the human brain, schizophrenia is among the most sinister and it affects practically every junkie to one degree or another. It is this schizophrenia, or more specifically this bi-polarity, that provides a mental switch which can be used against us and it can be induced using very low, trace levels of the opiates to which each and every one of us has been exposed through one way or another. It's triggered through various methods including light shifts, color shifts and music itself, producing a left brain/right brain polarizing effect - essentially pitting one side of the mind against the other with no possibility of reconciliation because the common ground has been eliminated. This then becomes the trigger mechanism for war itself, as friend is easily pitted against friend, and our own mind is pitted against itself through what is basically a chemically induced bisection of the brain. Now it appears that geneticists have discovered how to cross certain specific traits or genes of the opium poppy with that of corn, producing a hybrid that can be used to basically saturate the entire population with this bi-polar characteristic, even in infants when consumed in something like baby food using creamed hybrid corn or soy-based infant formula. Probably explains the huge rise in autism, as you might well imagine the detrimental effects it would have on the newly-forming brain. They've pretty much completely monopolized corn production throughout our country and the Caribbean, and now have their sights set on Africa. Farmers are prohibited from using the seeds produced by their crops and always have to go back to Monsanto for the latest upgrade. They are prosecuted if caught planting seeds their own crops have produced and their crops are seized. This is how they do it…and this is how they got Jerry. The last time we saw each other at RFK in '95, and though he was three years younger than I am now, he looked 100 years old - which is actually odd for a junkie - and he seemed completely locked into chromatic mode playing - his left brain was playing against his right and the internal conflict, unseen by either himself or others, was essentially ripping him apart. He literally became his own worst enemy as it just wore him out, and as in all wars, both sides lost. It was also no accident or coincidence that he had access to the most potent heroin around, because he was pretty darn resilient when it came to drugs and it took a lot to co-opt his mind. Who knows what Jerry was really hearing himself play, but all I heard from him that night was a chromatic mish-mash of notes with whatever remained of his melodic skills locked or split somewhere inside. This is not science fiction. I wish it was, but it's not. The only good news I can give you is that it appears that those who use marijuana or have used psychedelics such as LSD, peyote or psilocybin seem to have some immunity from the effects - and that's why pot remains illegal while opium and its derivatives flood our streets. ..... Curious that it always seems to be fertilizer plants that blow up in America. Of course, anything powdery can explode if enough of it gets into the air during the mixing process and it comes into contact with a spark. Even things like refined white sugar, or even opium, can explode if you're not really careful. Again of course, you probably wouldn't want a lot of nosy FEMA investigators snooping around until you got everything cleaned up. And I guess you've also just got to wonder why something so explosive as fertilizer, which was reportedly used by McVie in the Oklahoma City bombing, wasn't under seriously heavy guard so terrorists couldn't get their hands on it for sinister purposes - as Bloomberg did with the sparklers in New York this year. And didn't we all feel safer knowing those sparklers were off the streets. Hmmm. I'm of two minds about this, as I'm sure we all are, but it will all come together. We all know our government would never do something like that, because even in minute doses, opium would tend to make people rather compliant and docile, don't you think? We all know how addictive sugar is all on its own(!?), as is concentrated high fructose corn syrup, and besides that, they'd have to go all the way to somewhere like Afghanistan to get that much opium and need a huge agricultural monopoly almost as big as something like Monsanto, to control and distribute it in secret if they really wanted full market saturation. Sure would be a lot easier if they could just splice the necessary poppy and corn traits or genes together into a hybrid. But then I do love science fiction, and I am absolutely certain that the dynastic powers that be in Texas have a good explanation for not immediately rushing all available assets to this poor West Texas town leveled by the explosion a few months back, else they'd just be beating the bushes to get it done. Can't wait to hear it. Guess I could always roll a stone over to that smiling Cheshire cat in the White House and ask him: "So come on, Brown Sugar. How come you taste so good?" Why don't cha tell me 'bout it. So I sent this straight to the White House. Peace to all, Byrd
  • Byrd
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    Through the Wormhole...and out the other side
    Happy friggin' 4th of July, folks, I hope everyone saw the new Through the Wormhole episode, "Can Our Minds be Hacked?", last night on the Science Channel. It pretty much details everything I've said over the last few days regarding our government mind control program which is headquartered in the multi-billion dollar top secret National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) building outside of Washington DC and was built without the vast majority of Congress knowing anything about it. See my comments below. Seems that the American people are the real targets of their reconnaissance, so at least they got the name right. You might also note that the White House, Pentagon, CIA and NSA are all completely shielded from this type of personal EMP. The Capitol can't be effectively shielded because of the open dome and just look at the mess that friggin' place has become - and now you know why. Finally, it should be noted that the Supreme Court is also not shielded, so all you need to do to get a split decision is tweak the polarity just so and viola: the conservatives all vote conservative, the liberals all vote liberal and the majority wins every time, irregardless of the merits of the issue at hand. And they don't even know it's happening. So what do you think of that, Scalia? Still in line with the Founding Father's intentions, or do you not know your own mind? Or was your mind, and everyone else's for that matter, really made up for you by some Air Force tech sergeant sitting at a computer console in Chantilly? Corporations are people - that was one of yours, I believe. Are you really that stupid? Good grief. What we really need exposed is anything Snowden might have related to psyops programs and actions our government uses not just against its own citizens, but anyone within range of our communications, be it internet, television or radio (Radio Free Europe? Voice of America?). That's the stuff they're really worried about. And once you do that, you'll see how it all ties in together into the most sinister totalitarian regime this world has ever seen. And then we Americans, like the Germans before us in 1945, will say, "But we didn't know." And they'll have both been right, but not for reasons of personal apathy or barbarism. Think on that, Merkel. It may well be that rather than not knowing, that the information or knowledge was simply suppressed through various psyops means so that it became inaccessible - a suspension of belief of sorts. It was, after all, the first war to make extensive use of radio and radar and they both interfere, at certain frequencies, with the bio-electrical computer and power plant we all share called the human brain. Their primary carrier is now microwave technology, the receivers for which most of you carry around all day in your personal cell...phones. And if you've ever seen people sitting around in public places looking at color charts as you'd find in a paint store, that's what they're doing. Certain colors, which are frequencies themselves, excite or suppress certain areas of the brain and that gives them their in: They're the programmers and hackers. You see the same things on television through pixel manipulation, which is a whole lot easier to do in the digital age than it ever was in the analog age, and can be tailored to be IP-specific, just for you and me. Peace. Byrd
  • cbaylies
    Grateful Dead slot machine
    I was in the midst of writing a story, when my protagonist wander into a casino. Before I knew it he was playing a Grateful Dead slot machine, which I did even know existed 'til I started writing about it, the rest is as follows: he was gazing, as if at God. I traced her glance to a slot called “The Golden Road”, featuring the Grateful Dead – since about the age of 9, Janis worshiped them. She had albums, tapes, cd, boatloads of bootlegs. She said they had over 2000 songs, I'm sure she had them all, several times over. She was still staring, and mumbling or singing – at an old geezer and his oxygen tank, both looking down on their luck. He looked straight at Janis, his body might have been old, but his he had the big blue eyes of a newborn. “Dime for a cup of coffee” he begged, offering an arthritic hand. What the hell. I pull one out of my pocket. As I passed it to Janis I noticed the portrait of Mercury on it. Shit, damn thing is worth more than ten cents. And so it was. Before I had time to retrieve it from Janis, she had passed it to the old man and he jammed it in the machine. Seconds later it had hit some kind of bonus – lights were flashing – “Truckin' got my chips cashed in” was booming from a tower of speakers and a pyramid flashed high above. This was apparently the Jerry bonus as his face flashed on the board, urging the man to “pick a pick” - five guitar picks presented themselves and the man pondered for a long time. “Left one, body left” yelled Janis, I had no idea what that meant, but the Geezer rubbed the left one with great vigor. Ding, Ding, Ding – the right choice! Advance to New York! “Chicago, New York, Detroit and it's all on the same street. Now six guitars flashed for the old mans' approval “Right one” Janis urged “Mind right” The old man smashed his finger at the guitar like a DA accusing a murderer in a court of law. Louder bonging, again a winner, advance to Detroit, 6 bongs now appeared, numbers flashed an ever higher quantity, “BIG WIN”! A crowd was gathering, but Janis shone above them, and the old man put his arm around her. She squeezed in the little area between the man and the oxygen tank. “You are my oxygen” and offered a gnarled hand “August West” “Sugar Magnolia”, glad to meet you. The numbers kept rolling until they reached $300. The next bonus was $750. “Do you know what your choices are?” Asked Sugar Janis “Never got to this stage” croaked the old man, he was sweating and wheezing – “but I seen it done.” Two of them are straight-armed cops, and then jail bars slam down and you are busted, two of them show a danged consolation prize like fifty clams, two of them let you spin the wheel while the song “The Wheel” plays and the last gives you a chance at The Golden Road. They both broke into song “California, Prophet on the Golden Shore...” “At any rate I get to keep the three Franklins- plus whatever the wheel or consolation prize adds.” “OK, Sugar” the old man squeezed her butt “be my summer love in the spring, fall and winter” “I can make out with any man alive” and she planted a wet kiss on his lips. I'm sure this was all in the spirit of the moment and had something to do with whatever tone was in the air. Instinctively I moved closer. The crowd did too. A little too close, there were two dramas playing out here. More people joined in – the oxygen tank tilted and the old man had to grab his mouthpiece to keep it from flinging into the crowd. In unison August and Janis turned and said “OK, everybody, take a step back” And they did! What was going on! Did they practice this? I felt like I was a foreign church, everyone knew when the “Amen” or “as it is in Heaven, O Lord” or whatever trick phrases come up, except me. Now that the crowd has backed off I sidled next to Sugar/Janis. “What's going on here” “Quiet, we are playing for real money and don't worry” she turned and whispered “Sugar Magnolia is a lesbian”. If she wanted to shut me up that really did it. Did she mean she was a lesbian, were the rumors about Donna Rudolph and her true? If you lose your virginity to a dyke, does it count? Meanwhile, the crowd was making various suggestions. Sugar & August were huddled, I leaned closer to catch their whispers. “I'm getting no real feeling on this” “Think” urged the man “this could change my life, like that kid who won the lottery” O, boy- what did he know? “How do you know it was a kid” asked Janis “Everyone knows his picture is all over the place- must be in hiding” Yipes! I'm doomed. “Forget that, Sugar” the old man drew her closer “Pay my ticket” “Trouble ahead, Trouble behind” she sang “It's the one in the middle. And so, it was – the crowd went nuts and we move to the Golden Road, prize $1 million. “Man, this is going to be a tough nut to crack” said the a semi-bald pony-tailed biker. His stomach was 3 feet closer to me than his mouth, and getting closer. He had a wife-beater tshirt with a hand-made design. A skull with a lightning bolt zagged across a red forehead, and below it said “Steal You Bike”. He was working his mobile devise, his sausage fingers were somehow pecking out a message on a postage stamp size keyboard.
  • Anna rRxia
    Hey Byrd, Watch your back Dude!
    I'm in Nepal and the word here is that Monsanto is a bunch of international gangsters and is actively shadowing activists arrayed against them. No joke, if I'm hereing it here this is a world-wide thing! Wake up everybody, you're eating FrankenFood!
  • Anna rRxia
    Hey Byrd
    I hate Monsanto and opium corn. Go get'em! (Not intended as sarcasm)
  • Byrd
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    ..back home, sit down and patch my bones...
    ...and get back Truckin' on.......................
  • Byrd
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    ...and that's it for the other One...
    Peace. Byrd
  • Anna rRxia
    It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
    Fred Rogers had his his 15th posthumous birthday with many well-wishers. This series produced at least 10 episodes a year for 25 years and a few more with less than that. It showed how to keep it real and distinguish it from make-believe. It also dealt with neighbors, diversity, conflict and other subjects. It is still shown on many PBS stations though it has dropped from PBS syndication. ~ Would, you be, my neighbor! ~
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17 years 4 months
an open space.
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16 years 9 months

So to all the XBOX360 playing DeadHeads out there here is a little heads up: I was on xboxlive and saw that there is now a 6 pack of downloadable Grateful Dead songs to play on rockband. For 800 points you get to download and play China Cat Sunflower,Truckin,I Need a Miracle,Sugar Magnolia,Casey Jones and Franklins Tower. On Rockband you are given the choice to play drums,guitar,bass or sing the lyrics and I must tell you I am smiling today. So those of you with an Xbox360 and rockband buy the download and if you don't have it, tell a friend. Gotta go jam me some truckin on hard..... Spread the word, Danny
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17 years 3 months

in light of recent news events, please visit and pass the information along to as many folks as you can. in a nutshell, china is trying to destroy tibet's culture and religion and hide this fact from the rest of the world. tibet is a country and a culture that actually practices "peace, love and compassion". please help any way you can. thank you
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17 years 3 months

Have seen that you posted the above all over the place. Keep it up, Brother! China's actions are an outrage and cannot go uncommented. We have to be LOUD that this is fuc&$d up!!!!!!!!!!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 4 months

I gotta wonder about how you came upon this pic. *shudders - turns Tapers Section up louder* Selah "Since you've all been such good boys and girls, I would like to take everybody in this entire audience out for milk and cookies. There are buses outside. Everybody follow me."
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16 years 6 months

Jesus here … I have a message for all of you from beyond your realm. This is a Message from Jerry, Pigpen, Brent, Keith, and Bill. To all you who have taken this site and made it about personally attacking one another; who have made a point to forget about the music completely, who have disregarded what this web site is all about. You all have disappointed us greatly. Remember it’s about the music and what it means to each and every one of you. Stop the personal attacks against one another. There is a lot going on in this world right now. And not everyone is going to agree with each other on what should be done. The end of days is near. We need to come together and be united. No I’m not from the Chinese government. I have nothing to do with any government. Nothing we say on these forums about the world is going to change anything. Pray to who or what you believe in. At this point unless you are going to the different places or raising money to help fund these causes; all you can do is pray. So QUIT your bickering it’s time to get along and enjoy the music while we still have the freedom to listen to it. And Remember why we are here on this site in the first place!!!!
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17 years 4 months

now FUCK OFF! I'm too busy having fun to buy anything and besides, the tax man got all I had left. Could you please strike that fed swine down? If you do, I'll believe in you (and I might just give you a cut in the $$$ action). "Since you've all been such good boys and girls, I would like to take everybody in this entire audience out for milk and cookies. There are buses outside. Everybody follow me."
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17 years 2 months

I just got done with a cowboy story entitled "Them Old Cowboy songs" by Annie Proulx (who wrote the original story on which "Brokeback Mountain" was based) that appeared in the May 5, 2008 issue of the New Yorker. After finishing the story I felt that it had resonances with "Jack Straw", it gave me some of the same feelings and to a lesser extent "Me and my Uncle". I thought folks who visit might find the same resonances and want to know about the story. Be warned however that it is ultimately a sad and disturbing tale. Keep safe, Another Bear "Yesterday this day's madness did prepare."
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17 years 1 month

My path crossed with this woman who I was later to build a great amount of respect for. We started a bussiness together with seven other people called Nine Moons in Ohio and I miss her friendship. Now we've had our differances, but I would extend myself in whatever way I could to repair those differances. She's taught me many lessons and maybe this lesson is the lesson that some differances can't be repaired. But Kristin, if you're out there, your listening and you still care.............. I love you sister........... And I miss the times that our families spent together. I miss the simple lessons that you would teach me, about homeopathy, herbs, and music. Especialy about the movement. About living outside the mainstream and becoming our own genre of people. About the love. My best friend Kristin Piston......... I miss you sister....... and always will hold you dear to my heart!!!!!! Dead for Life. Zelda
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16 years 7 months

I just recently moved to the South and it's TOTALLY AWESOME!!! My GOD man - I've been partying with a bunch of youngsters and rockin' on, "Rock Band" (I downloaded, "Casey Jones", "China Cat Sunflower", "I Need a Miracle" and, "Franklin's Tower" from the internet store) and enjoying the peace of the densely wooded scenery!! This is WAY better than California. California is lamer than lame compared to the coolness up here . . . and my, "Rocky Mountain High" is sharper than ever. Man . .. why didn't Garcia add this song to the list? That would have ripped. Peace, -WP (William Parcher)
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17 years 4 months


Please check event link for all info.

Click Here To View Event LC Pavilion Columbus, OH June 12, 2008 Set 1: Minglewood Blues> Jam> Doin' That Rag Gone Wanderin' Direwolf Mama Tried Cumberland Blues> Bertha Setlist thanks to TAPERRROOOB!! Rock On! from Set 2: Passenger> Jam> Don't Let The Devil Take Your Mind High Time St Stephen> The Other One> Jam> The Wheel> Jam> Scarlet Begonias Sugar Magnolia Donor Rap/Intro E: Cold Rain and Snow Dead to the Core
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17 years 4 months

Set 1: Golden road, Jack straw, Mexican girl, Viola lee blues > Big boss man > Viola lee blues>Cell block #9>Viola lee blues Set 2: Help is on the way > Slipknot > Wharf rat > Eyes of the world > China Cat - > Eleven- > I know you rider, Mason's children > Franklin's tower, E: Brown-eyed women, Ripple (acoustic) China Cat Tease During Viola Lee What a perfect night!!!!!!!!! No Rain!!!!!!! What a venue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super Cool Time!!!!!!! Dead to the Core
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16 years 11 months

I lived in Hawaii for a time and lots of the recent transplants thought they had suddenly become better more advanced humans just because they had different real estate under their feet. Cool people are cool wherever they are and the opposite also is true.
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16 years 2 months

Hey im jessy and im only 19 but man im one of the biggest fans of the dead around. anyone else here a new age fan??????
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16 years 8 months

Sorry If this isn't the best place to post this, but this is the closest to a "random" thread as I could find. Hopefully you can still help me. So I'm going to the Halloween show again this year and was thinking of making a costume resembling a thing or a character from a GD song. I NEED YOUR HELP! Originally I was going to portray August West, the beggar from "Wharf Rat", but I began to realize how uncreative and cliche a homeless man costume would be for such a special occasion. I want to do something unique and specific for such a meaningful event and although this song is absolutely special to me, I feel as though my portrayal would come up short mainly because the costume would not require anything distinctly noticeable and a lot of commercial costume retailers sell hobo costumes. So I looked elsewhere. I really like the song "The Eleven" and was going to do the "Seven faced marble eye transitory dream doll" mentioned in the lyrics, however most of the versions of this song that I have and that I've listened to don't have this verse in it, so I'm thinking of doing something else that people will recognize. The other verses "Eight sided whispering hallelujah hatrack", "Six proud walkers on jingle bell rainbow", "Five men writing in fingers of gold" are too esoteric to replicate in a costume. (Don't get me wrong, I love the abstract nature of these versus, I just can't replicate them in a way that appropriately demonstrates my appreciation for this song-- especially in a costume). I was also thinking about doing the notoriously shifty alligator from the song "Alligator" or the carrion crow from "Mountains of the Moon" but I came to the conclusion that these characters are too general, so I might have to come up with a creative way to tailor a seemingly-broad animal costume into a specific character related to a particular song. I have yet to come up with a way to do this, so I continue to search for ideas. There is such a plethora of wonderful and diverse characters in all of these songs, I know there's one that is specific and creative enough for this purpose, which is why I am being so picky (also because this night is so special and meaningful to me). Here are some guidelines as to what I am looking for: -Something creative, {{VIBRANT}}, and specifically related to a GD song -Something not too general (i.e. alligator or crow—unless specifically tailored to make it distinguishable) -Something relatively tangible (i.e. I can't make a costume resembling an "Eight sided whispering hallelujah hatrack") -Doesn't necessarily have to be recognizable to EVERYONE- Doesn't have to be OBVIOUS (In fact I'd prefer it to not be so blatant) -Can be recreated using paper mache or something else besides just clothes and/or paint -Something that is suitable for a guy (I'm a male) -Preferably something from a song that is in Phil's repertoire (if the song is played that night it will make it even that much more special!) Help me!! I'll take ANY ideas.
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16 years 1 month

Coming upon the age of 18 I feel as though I have experienced much more than the average person these days and all the more I wonder where my calling is. It will not be too long before I will study at college. I have prospects for Green Mountain College in VT, Evergreen in WA, Oregon State University, Santa Cruz and so on but I am just wondering if anyone who has been around more than I could give me some insight into where a good place would be to meet and experience life with some old heads along with continuing the myth with some youngins like myself. - Lost is the long and loneliest town fairy sybil flying. All along the, all along the mountains of the moon.
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16 years 2 months

i love a man named Jerry, more then anything, i know that some of you wont understand
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16 years 2 months

i love a man named Jerry, more then anything, i know that some of you wont understand
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16 years 2 months

i love a man named Jerry, more then anything, i know that some of you wont understand
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17 years 4 months

I think you landed in the right place.
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17 years 4 months

You are in a grate place Mr.soul. Love is all around, many here understand. peace Mr. soul and welcome
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16 years 6 months

I would suggest Humboldt St. University in Arcata,CA. Redwoods,ocean, rivers, mountains, good music, and cool folks. It does get foggy at times but the winters are mild. Check out their cirriculum and see if anything interests you. Good luck to you!
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16 years 2 months

I dont know if theres any Neil young fans here, but im going to see him Dec, and i cant wait.
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17 years 4 months

welcome, Mr. soul. Neil comes to Omaha, Ne. in November. I can't wait to see him. Has been a couple years but I have NEVER been disappointed in one of his shows. You are in for a December present!
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17 years 4 months

He's doing some really good sets this tour. you definitly will enjoy him. Hope he does On the Beach. peace,pk
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16 years 1 month

Neil, like the dead when i hear a certain can bring tear to my eye. from a memory or just the song it self, i know if i have anything to drink when comes on stages im gonna cry. (no drinks for me that night)
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17 years 2 months

of my ole time faves!!!How can you not love Neil :) I want to live, I want to give I've been a miner for a heart of gold. It's these expressions I never give That keep me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old.
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17 years 3 months

Sad news indeed!!! Tragic!! PINK FLOYD KEYBOARDIST WRIGHT DIES ~ LONDON, England (AP) -- Richard Wright, a founding member of the rock group Pink Floyd, died Monday. He was 65. Pink Floyd's spokesman Doug Wright, who is not related to the artist, said Wright died after a battle with cancer at his home in Britain. He says the band member's family did not want to give more details about his death. Wright met Pink Floyd members Roger Waters and Nick Mason in college and joined their early band, Sigma 6. Along with the late Syd Barrett, the four formed Pink Floyd in 1965. The group's jazz-infused rock and drug-laced multimedia "happenings" made them darlings of the London psychedelic scene, and their 1967 album, "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn," was a hit. In the early days of Pink Floyd, Wright, along with Barrett, was seen as the group's dominant musical force. The London-born musician and son of a biochemist wrote songs and sang. The band released a series of commercially and critically successful albums including 1973's "Dark Side of the Moon," which has sold more than 40 million copies. Wright wrote "The Great Gig In The Sky" and "Us And Them" for that album, and later worked on the group's epic compositions such as "Atom Heart Mother," "Echoes" and "Shine On You Crazy Diamond." But tensions grew between Waters, Wright and fellow band member David Gilmour. The tensions came to a head during the making of "The Wall" when Waters insisted Wright be fired. As a result, Wright was relegated to the status of session musician on the tour of "The Wall," and did not perform on Pink Floyd's 1983 album "The Final Cut." Wright formed a new band Zee with Dave Harris, from the band Fashion, and released one album, "Identity," with Atlantic Records. Waters left Pink Floyd in 1985 and Wright began recording with Mason and Gilmour again, releasing the albums "The Division Bell" and "A Momentary Lapse of Reason" as Pink Floyd. Wright also released the solo albums "Wet Dream" (1978) and "Broken China" (1996). In July 2005, Wright, Waters, Mason and Gilmour reunited to perform at the "Live 8" charity concert in London -- the first time in 25 years they had been onstage together. Wright also worked on Gilmour's solo projects, most recently playing on the 2006 album "On An Island" and the accompanying world tour. "Are you kind?"
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17 years 3 months

Gilmour paid tribute to Wright on Monday, saying his input was often forgotten. "He was gentle, unassuming and private but his soulful voice and playing were vital, magical components of our most recognized Pink Floyd sound," he said. "I have never played with anyone quite like him." "Are you kind?"
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17 years 4 months

You should check out the wonderful 3-D simulated shrine to Everything Dead in Second Life ( There is a sim called Darkstar, a loving tribute to the Grateful Dead that features an amphitheater complete with the "wall of sound", a parking lot with Further style buses, surrounding the Mars Hotel. There is also the beautiful Terrapin Station dancehall, modeled after the building from the Terrapin Station Limited Edition release. The island streams GDRadio 24/7 except during events such as special archival streams and live streaming performances by many of the musically talented residents. It is the most loving tribute to the legacy of the Grateful Dead I have ever seen. With Darkstar Deadheads have an opportunity to spend time in a virtual 3-D universe where the tour never ends and the lot never closes, where there is always another show, another drum circle, where the music TRULY never stops. Ever!
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15 years 9 months

This is the oddest message board I have ever been on. No one can start new threads? Oh well...I got tickets to the April 19th show, Im happy!
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15 years 8 months

I think it was Kesey who said acid gives you a swisscheese aura. Because I know some of you are highly susceptible at this point, I beg you all to visit the following website and follow the instructions:
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17 years 3 months

Well, as a semi-dinosaur here, new threads works out just grate nevertheless. Just pm marye for what you want, and she's ultra reactive with our reasonable thread requests. Think it helps alot this way, with keeping repeats and utter chaos to a minimum.********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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Can you name the last 2 set show, post 75, where there were no Drums in the 2nd set?All Dead shows were different but three second sets were almost exactly the same, can you name those three shows? There must be a taper or 2 out there who can answer w/o looking at the Base.
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Last 2 set show w/o drums: Providence Civic Center, Providence RI; 1/18/793 shows with almost identical 2nd sets: Providence Civic Center 5/14/78 Campus Stadium, UCSB 6/4/78 Autzen Stadium, U. of Oregon 6/25/78 I haven't listened to the show, but was there really a Nobody's jam in the 6/4/78 show? If not, then the Dead played 2 completely identical second sets within three weeks of each other. Still not bad for a band that played for 30 years. It would seem almost impossible for it NOT to happen!!!
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17 years 3 months

Saw him dec.1st. A /$&?(*%%?*()??%$$%(in frech in the text) show.
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17 years 3 months

in FRENCH in the text.
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17 years 4 months

that would be the Call the Tune topic, which goes on hiatus when our CC Joe is on the road, but comes back to life when he's home. So prepare to call the tune...
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Why can't the Grateful Dead come out with something like this? Interactive blu-ray with updated downloads as they become discovered? OMG! This brings to mind The Vault. That would be way cool to release but most likely impossible. Still, some kind of similar release would still be vastly appreciated. Maybe the 60s, the 70s, the 80s & the 90s in four separate releases of boxed sets? My question has to do with the Blu-ray version of NY's archives 63-72 vs. the 8 disc box set. Anybody heard both and have an opinion? I don't have the best sound system sooo, what should I do? Upgrade to Blu-ray? Thanks to Neil fans who share their opinion...
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14 years 8 months

I have my own money, a car that my dad bought for me back in october. I went to the hospital one day because I was not feeling well and they put me in a mental hospital for 2 months. Now my Dad is hiding my car key from me so I can't go anywhere. He took me to all these concerts and now he is trying to keep me from my one true love, the grateful dead. The other night I tried to ask him if I could have my car key back and he got some mad and it looked like he was going to throw pots and pans at me. I am scared now. He bought me that car and now he is trying to keep me from it. We live on a 500 acre farm in Virginia and he keeps the gate look so no one can come out or in without a key. This is a nightmare. I try to be really nice to my dad but he is just a jerk to me. I wanted to go on Winter tour with Further but now i can't go anywhere. This is ridiculous I am 30 years old and have been traveling with Further since 1998. I had so much fun. Now they are trying to say i have to take pills that burn my throat. I don't know what to do! Please email me at
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Member for

17 years 4 months

any one going to wanee festival in april. any one been there in the past??? what is that scene like, camping, etc?? trying to make some plans to head down with a few friends. peace nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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Member for

15 years 5 months

PLEDGE!!!!!to get wavys gravys movie off the ground and on the track to theaters around the country and eventually onto DVD. wavy gravy has the hog farm and has been helping inner city youth get their lives on track, totally a saint and his inspiring story should be shared with every american. make dreams come true. MAKE A PLEDGE!!!!!!!!!!!.. click on this link to the kickstarter site linked with amazon… THANK YOU FOR CHECKING IT OUT. here is his facebook link:… and the movie website:
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17 years 4 months

Today is the 67th anniversary of Albert Hoffman's infamous bicycle ride. I thank the good doctor for adding some amazing depth to this life I'm living...Here's a video of Dr. Hoffman giving a talk on his 100th birthday. Peace, Steve
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Lots of folks who post here like to talk about being close to the stage during GD shows. I remember that people had all kinds of favorite places near the stage. Not only in front of the stage, but on all sides. Did you ever notice the collective and individual noises coming from the various non band members during the show? I have. It was always different, some times more noticeable than at others, but always there. It definitely had a character of it's own.