- Post reply Log in to post comments643 repliesmaryeJoined:Since the original topic now has hundreds of introductions and is getting a bit hard to navigate, this seems as good a time as any to launch a new one. The original is here, should you wish to catch up on the who's who since this opened up in May. If you haven't introduced yourself yet, please do! And if you already have, but have something new to tell us about you and your life, speak up! (A bit of housekeeping business so we don't have to repost everything we posted before--izzie and I are the moderators here, and for our more extensive intros see the original topic.) Thanks and welcome!
- JD_wilsonJoined:new (old) member
Had an account long ago... hadn't logged on for a while and so maybe it was wiped? Set up a new account. Wannabe writer, I have 2 books on Amazon/Kindle and working on a third. Was a staff artist for Relix and Unbroken Chain magazines back in the mid-1990s. Saw shows from mid-eighties to mid-nineties. Here's info about my writing --- jdwilsonbooks.com
- gr8fulgal77Joined:Listen to the Music Play 🎶
Hi! I am just a millennial who missed the original bus, but caught the later spin off buses!😂 From the south and listen to Dead all the time with my cat. I hope to move out west soon, and leave the south for a while!
Keep on Truckin and hope to see y'all on the lot, GratefulGal7277! 🌹⚡
- bassgreatleshJoined:Hi
Hi,I grew up in a southern town too. Mechanicsville Virginia. About 20 minutes from Richmond Virginia. I graduated high school in 94 and saw the dead on 10-9-94. It was crazy seeing jerry and Phil and everyone. So fun. The only thing I have seen from them since was in 1999 I saw Phil and friends at the mosque in Richmond. They played strawberry fields forever. And a lot of dead. It was great. Now I am living in cocoa Florida and am a professional illustrator. Just wanted to say hi.
- new2deadJoined:Hi!
Hey everyone! New to the Dead here with a recent mind blowing revelation of how great this band truly is. I watched the amazon special and now exploring on Tidal a lot of there stuff. I grew up listening to best hits but could never get into their other stuff. Fast forward 25 years and with regular mj use the dead is really opening my mind. This looks like a great site to learn about this epic band !
- Eirik-the-rockerJoined:Hi everyone
Hi. I'm Eirik, originally from Sweden but now living in the US.
Been a deadhead for almost 25 years. My dad would play vinyl's of their classics and it didn't take me long to pick up on it. Really love the design of this site and looking forward to contribute more. I see that the introduction section has been "dead" for a while, but I'll still give it a go. As for my private life I'm married with 2 kids, and work as a database programmer. I also run my own personal economics blog - https://www.refinansiere.net/. Might have to add another section on the GD soon though :)
- TN JohnJoined:Thanks for the welcome!PonchoBillThe jury is probably still out on whether I'm ok or not. It was certainly weird being that young, and having no guide for my first trip. I guess that's why I used to try to help first timers at some of the later shows I attended. Anna My ex-spouse was a non Head. It did not work because she aspires to have lots of possessions. I just want good music, and a space to get my head right. That's all I need. And... I am looking for a little community. Solitary Dead Head where I live.