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  • Anna rRxia
    Carlos D*A*N*G*E*R!
    I think everybody got it Parkas. What struck me as side-splittingly funny is the picture he sent of his weiner over the internet and the tall, skinny, middle finger he blew off the press with at the fifth place primary finish. All digits grow the same? Shoe size =? Too much! You won't have Nixon's Dick to kick around anymore!
  • Parkas4Kids
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    RE: Drone Proliferation
    See, I have the exact opposite viewpoint when it comes to drone strikes being effective in the war on terror. What could possibly be better for our international image than that of a faceless nation that has so little value for human life that we send out robots to do our bidding? Has anyone not seen the movie 'The Kingdom'? Where invading the Middle East and killing an entire family suspected of terrorist activities is creating more terrorists by building resentment for the U.S.? How are giant flying robots that kill indiscriminately supposed to make that better? At least when we send in real troops, it puts the value of all their lives on an even playing field. It also gets me thinking about 'Ender's Game', which hits theaters soon. If you aren't already familiar with the story, it takes genius-level children, puts them in "training exercises" designed to simulate actualy battle situations, and later reveals that all their training was actually--for lack of a better term--live drone combat. The idea of turning actual warfare into little more than an interactive video game is truly sickening, and I hope some level of international regulations come to fruition before we have to start worrying about drone strikes here on U.S. soil.
  • Parkas4Kids
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    RE: Speaking of Weiner
    I'm sorry, but am I the only one who finds it side-splittingly hilarious that a guy named Anthony WEINER is obsessed with his weiner? C'mon, this is comedy of the utmost quality! Still, Carlos Danger is a pretty bad-ass alias. ...Sorry, just needed to get that off my chest.
  • Anna rRxia
    Drone Proliferation
    The Obama Administration has accelerated the drone program in it's six years in office. It has had good success in taking out terrorists in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen as well as Libya and Mali. While a high percentage of kills are on terrorists there is an alarmingly high number of civilian casualties that are drawing attention to this new form of warfare. The White House Spokesperson Jim Carney, I believe, spent a large amount of time yesterday defending the drone program as one of the most effective types of warfare in combating terrorism. The problem is that human rights groups are underlining the US non-cooperation with international protocols on the rules of war concerning drones as they are being developed. More and more countries are acquiring drone warfare capacity and it has been pointed out that it is in the US interest to make sure some type of internationally agreed rules of drone war are agreed to. One of the main things is that the relatively high percentage of non-combatants (24%; 33% - 50%?) who are being killed. Nobody really knows as it is classified information. What is known is that the US has a very spotty record in compensating obviously innocent victims. One grandmother standing in a field who was killed by an errant drone strike had her family compensated $100. This in contrast to high publicity massacres like Sgt. Bales slaughter of 13 women and children which drew compensation of $25-50,000 each. I don't think I'd want to be the government official in charge of assigning a value to a human life in a foreign country. Then there is the question of the cost of human empathy on drone operators. They are not eligible for PTSD benefits as they are not considered to be in a war zone. Yet they do get to graphically see their mistakes. There is now a large body of evidence that the toll from human empathy related to errant strikes is taking a huge psychological toll, such as binge drinking for days on end ending in blackouts. These people are commuting to work on highways in our country. The contrast between their job and life in the US must take a terrible cost, especially if they have ever actually traveled abroad to the countries where their drones strike. It would behoove the US to participate in international protocols before this type of warfare starts proliferating to our own foreign-based military installations and homeland. And if the percentage of human casualties who are innocent is as low as claimed by the military then more compassionate payments should be calibrated based on the real value of human life.
  • Anna rRxia
    Good point, Mike
    Who'd have thought Anthony could have stood there and had a satori about his own junk? Wow, I do remember being truly impressed when I heard that on a TV news program. So self-effacing (Or is that self-Effexoring?) Anthony Wiener has a revelation about his own genitalia? So honest, so unpretentious -- it almost makers you want to cry You know what? On 2nd thought, I think this was just a relatively unsophisticated attempt to drum up sympathy by using a canned line. My heart still goes out to him as a fellow suffering human being... Politicians! Will they stop at nothing? No, they will stop at nothing. This particular one is lucky he has a wife who will stand by him. ;
  • Mike Edwards
    Speaking of Weiner
    The former congressman had this to say about himself last week: "I’m just an empty, soulless vessel." This came as a real surprise to me because I had written him off as a completely self-absorbed narcissist who possesses no awareness of how others perceive him.
  • Randall Lard
    bundles of virtual cake
    good luck Ruby Tandoh! we're supporting you tonight!
  • Anna rRxia
    Illary! Illary! Illary!
    The campaign cry of Hispanics for Hillary Clinton in 2008. Hillary Clinton will almost certainly be the next president of the United States. She is already lining up the entire party behind her. Biden might make a token challenge, but it will be just that. I think, Parkas, the Republicans are in a battle for their own party with the Tea Party dufuses and, amazingly, it is a real question if they can herd enough of them into the mainstream to put up a real fight. There is real conjecture right now if the Repubs. can hold on to the House in the mid-terms. A few more of them have to croak or resign but it's close. The more important question is who can they put up for president? The Dems. are praying that it is Ted Cruz but it won't be. Paul Ryan could step up to the plate and do some real horse-swapping on the budget. If the Dems. aren't careful in obstructing him and not giving away most of the entitlements they could have Ryan in their face front and center for the next election. John Huntsman is very well-connected and also comes to mind. Who else is there out there with enough charisma and organizational support? Nobody, unless you count Anthony Weiner, who is on the cover of GQ this month. Maybe the American people will vote for his junk! As Jerry used to sing: " doesn't really matter anyway!" Hillary will be no different than Bill Clinton who was described as the best Republican president we ever had. Rich people and corporations have both parties cradled in their hands and no vetted candidate will stray far from interests of the rich.
  • Parkas4Kids
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    RE: Ship Of Fools
    The only question now is how badly the supporters and financiers of the Republican Party are willing to shoot themselves in the foot between now and the next election. Intelligent people like us won't soon forget what so recently transpired, but how much of the general American public will? True, there are some individuals who blame the shutdown on Obama for whatever reason they heard on Fox News, but I get the feeling we'll be seeing at least another 4 years with a Democrat in the White House come 2016. And yes, the glass is half full. Why do you ask?
  • Anna rRxia
    Ship Of Fools
    Can we really blame this whole fiasco on freshman tea-party members, gerrymandered redistricting, and stupid Senate rules that require a super-majority? I don't think so. Everybody knows the tea-party is a creation of the super-rich. Deficits have dropped by half under Obama. There is no reason to believe that deficits are going to sink our country. They haven't in the past and most probably won't in the future, if the right measures are taken. And good luck with that in the next 90 days! Politicians are being called out for their stupidity and greed and self-contentedness. The Congressional Gym stayed open during the shutdown? One can imagine them in the steam room discussing how to cut health care for their staffers. With their new districts and a 90% re-election rate, they only thing they fear is a challenge in the primaries. If Obama had been able to get 2/3rds of his agenda passed we'd have some needed new taxes and more human needs programs funded and infrastructure being worked on by Americans bringing home middle-class paychecks. It's not the Congress stopping this (except for the Tea Partyers), they're not cruel and heartless enough. It's their super-rich handlers and bank-rollers like the Koch Brothers. I believe the real reason we have this mess is that the WASPS who sit on interlocking Corporate Boards of Directors (with very few women) are still choking that they couldn't buy the last election. They are choking that a black man is president. They want no residue of him left after 8 years. No clue that he existed. They want the White House fumigated after the Obama's move out. But most of all? They want the Fed. to continue with Quantitative Easing (printing 85 Billion Dollars a month). That money is in corporate hands and the stock market keeps hitting new highs, awash with inflated money spent only on sure things. Look for your benefits like health care, social security and medicare to get cut while the dollars you saved for retirement to shrink due to inflation (unless you have a massive 401k). Most of all, don't look for anything meaningful to happen for the rest of the Obama presidency, never mind the next 90 days. Ship Of Fools.
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17 years 4 months
What's happening out in the world? Did it matter, does it now?
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12 years 2 months

3 years of intense civil war 150,000 dead 2,500,000 refugees, most living in squalor in the desert, if they're lucky, with nothing left to go back to. the polar vortex doesn't seem so bad...
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17 years 4 months

A number of folks have asked about this effort--a petition drive on started by a Head in Kansas to have the band included in the Kennedy Center Honors next year for the 50th anniversary. Details here:
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17 years 2 months

Ukraine's unrest has left the door open for neighboring Russia to walk right in and take control of the Crimean peninsula. This gives Russia more coastline on the Black Sea for their navy. I don't think the apparent invasion was for humanitarian or stabilization purposes. Today's stock markets suffered as a consequence, especially those with Russian interests. Some energy and commodity prices went up. NATO is silent, as is eastern Europe, as far as I can tell. Eyes fall upon the USA to do something about Vladimir Putin's "incredible act of aggression", a quote from Sec. of State John Kerry. Putin is more interested in Crimea than he is in improving Russia's relationship with the USA. Let's see how Barrack Obama handles this tense situation and hope for diplomatic success to diffuse potential hostilities.

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10 years 7 months

Crimea had finally decided to join Russia after 96.6 of voters are favor to join Russia. Crimea had become independent Ukraine since 1954. However, majority of their population were Russians.
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17 years 2 months

I think I'm in the current event forum, aren't I? Montreal won a great hockey game with the NY Rangers last night, eh?
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15 years 2 months

Holy crap!! First place in the A.L East. Finally this team is playing like it was told to us at the beginning of last season. Hitting dingers like madmen and getting quality starting pitching is paying off after seasons of playing rather dull baseball.The only doubt's I have is the bullpen. it seems they need a 4 or 5 run cushion every night to pull off a win. Still...first place after 50 or so games hasn't happened in a long time. As far as the Habs go, I guess it's a good thing and I'd like to see them go 7 games. But it's hard for me to cheer for a team I hated all season. Hockey ended for me when the Leafs shit the bed. I think St Louis mother passing away has seemed to be a rallying cry for the whole Rangers organization. I hope they win it all.
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10 years 3 months

Bummer the US couldn't beat Portugal yesterday. I thought they had it then let that goal in with less than a minute left. Hope they can tie or beat Germany Thursday.
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17 years 3 months

It was very disappointing to lose the lead with less than a minute to play. We played very well but let our guard down just for a moment and they exploited it. I think a win against Germany will be difficult. Though if Ghana could tie them, maybe we can too. At the very least, if we can avoid a route like Portugal got against Germany, then we should be ok to move on. -Dave
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10 years 3 months

I think your right. Beating Germany is going to be tough task think they were one of the favorites to take the whole thing. Would absolutely love to see them beat Germany though, imagine the confidence boost it would give them going into the next round. I think if we loose and Portugal beats Germany we still get in. Not real sure about that though. Looking forward to the match on Thursday.
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17 years 3 months

Yeah, if we win or tie Germany, we advance. If we lose to Germany, then it gets tricky. If Portugal/Ghanna tie, we advance. If Portugal beats Ghanna, we would tie Portugal on Win/Loss/Tie, so it would go to point differential. Since Portugal got stomped by Germany 5-1, they would have to beat Ghanna by about the same to advance over the US. If they only win by 1 or 2, the US still would advance. If Ghanna were to beat Portugal, we would be tied with them on Win/Loss/Tie but Ghanna has a much lower goal differential to overcome so if they won by 2, they would advance and the US would be out. Of course the numbers would vary by what Germany beats us by. So, ideally, we either win/tie Germany, or we want Portugal to tie or barely win against Ghanna. Thursday will definitely be an exciting afternoon! -Dave
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10 years 3 months

I appreciate you breaking it down for me. Definitely makes allot more sense now I didnt know they did goal differential. Anxiously waiting til Thursday now. Whos your pick to win it all if US isnt there?
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17 years 3 months

Well, if the US can't make it, then I would probably go with Mexico, or possibly Brazil or Belgium. Beyond that, anyone who can beat the Netherlands! I am more of a fan of the "beautiful game" style of soccer that countries like Spain, Brazil and Mexico play, than the "almost American football" tactics of the Netherlands. Unfortunately Netherlands are favored now. Hoping, whether US wins or not, that Mexico can beat them next week. Will be their toughest game. You? Got anyone in particular you are rooting for? -Dave
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10 years 3 months

I'm not a huge soccer fan however I do like following when the world cup is going on. I like rooting for a our country in a whole. If the US doesnt beat Germany today then I would prob pull for Germany, actually use to live over there. With that said Go USA.
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17 years 3 months

Israel/Gaza, the Iraq debacle, Syria, Libya, unresolved Afghan election, the August recess with really not much hope of anything productive from congress, Snowden asylum, Ukraine crisis, the CIA spying on the senate, California drought, November midterm elections, suing the president? It's no surprise things are a little dry around here, especially since Anna's gone...oh well. Ignorance is bliss!
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17 years 4 months

as, on one level, it's a regional grocery store issue in New England. However, the Save Market Basket saga is, in my opinion, the most important business story in recent memory, representing as it does the success of stakeholders refusing to let a business be destroyed by greedheads. God bless those folks.
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12 years 2 months

'It's time to make emotional abuse a crime.Psychological violence is hard to define and hard to police. That's exactly why those experiencing it need the law to be changed.' Insightful piece by Lauren Laverne -… An average of seven women are killed by their current or ex-partners every month in England and Wales. The numbers in the United States are considerably higher. Lauren Laverne: 'What I remember most about emotional abuse is that it's like being put in a box. Maybe you think it's a treasure box at first: you're in there because you're special. Soon the box starts to shrink.'
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17 years 2 months

A long, strange and trippy 12 inning game gives Kansas City life in October!Sorry Marye about ending the A's season....
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17 years 3 months

My Brewers really screwed the pooch this year. After spending most of the season in first place, they lose 22 of their last 31 and end up in third place. Funny the first 1/3 of the Royals lineup last night were former Brewers, as is the manager Ned Yost. Yost was fired after almost botching the Crew out of the '08 playoff picture. Go figure.
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15 years 2 months

What did I say back in June about the Jays??? Silly me speaking too soon like that. Happy for the Royals tho. They deserve it. My moneys on the Giants.
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16 years 9 months

Is there gonna be a pony? They said there would be a pony..
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17 years 2 months

You've got me on the pony promo: please elaborate Johnman.We're getting the brooms ready in KC for Sunday's baseball game, after the Chiefs beat the 49r's.
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17 years 2 months

2 more wins to go over the O's to reach the Series: Will the Redbirds play dead against the Giants in St Louis again today?
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17 years 3 months

Also a former Brewer. Gotta give the Giants the edge in this one, although I have no preference other than an entertaining series.
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Member for

13 years 10 months

now it's almost here. getting psyched for another grand time. what you talkin 'bout you say? only the reason the internet has any value. the reason i get up every morning. and end up staying up all night. the quintessential listening party and trivia game. the best time outside the lot. gather round children for NOVEMBER IS HERE AGAIN!! 30 DAYS!!! say it again 30 DAYS!!! Right on You see this cat 30 days is a bad mother --- (Shut your mouth) But I'm talkin' about 30 days (Then we can dig it) dig it we will can't wait to see you all there let the games begin!! (we are doing it again this year right?) --peace and love-- hornsby.
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10 years

Gee, Hornsby, I sure wish we could get you excited about "30 Days" this year! Ya seem a bit laid back... ;) K
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16 years 9 months

Who doesn't like a pony? [=;{/)
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11 years 4 months

it is sad to learn that the Furthur bus has reached terminal station. very few bands create the entrancing aura Furthur delivered, thanks boys. too bad they call it quits but the future will bring good things. FFFers, where are you?
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10 years 7 months

Tim Flannery recently talked to AP about singing the anthem with Bobby and Phil, and he also dropped a nice cryptical hint about 2015. "We did this two years ago," Flannery said. "And they haven't been together. They're about ready to start a 50th anniversary Grateful Dead, so they kind of split their ways this last summer, and so this might have been the first time they've been together."…
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15 years 8 months

FFF FFF FFF Hey Cosmic Jerry! Hey Gordon The Drummer!
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11 years 4 months

Hey Jared! hey Gordon, how good to get news from you guys! Grateful for the link Jared, thanks!! :)
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17 years 2 months

Darn Patriots lucked out again. Flacco had a great game for Baltimore. Seatle just scored: Seahawks should roll. Colts will surprise the Donkeys tomorrow. Green Bay at home is a good bet.
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17 years 3 months

Some people dvr'd it ya know...
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17 years 2 months

No time like the present, Jeff. I find it hard to watch recorded sporting events after the contest is over. That's some eagle nest on your profile page! I saw a few balds and a couple of golden's last month in the mountains southwest of Laramie WY.
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17 years 3 months

Technically, the same day is the present. It just depends on your time scale. I was only kidding anyway, I had a feeling the new post in this forum had something to do with the football game, so I resisted clicking through to the messages. By the way, I find it hard to the watch inane commercials while the event is happening. So there's the obligatory trade-off.
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10 years

I'm inclined to believe that could I decipher the meaning in your cryptic posts, unraveling the universe's dark mysteries would be a mere formality; then again, perhaps they're one and the same..../k