- Post reply Log in to post comments623 repliesizzieJoined:Welcome, Wharf-Rats.
- windysuisunJoined:Hello Friends- Big week…
Hello Friends- Big week/weekend ahead for Bay Area and was able at last minute to pic up a tix for final show: Now the big question: Will there be any W.Rats meeting up in person prior to or during the night of music? If so how would a person in recovery meet up? Have to say watching the thinking process prior to the show: IE: stay sober no matter what, etc. Thx for reply. Best- windysuisun
- DelilahJonessJoined:Wharf Rats in 2020
Now more than ever I love Wharf Rat. Each time I listen to it I learn somethung new about the song. What’s amazing about Wharf Rat is the community and deep sense of connection it has with so many people. When you are feeling low we are here for you. My favorite part- I’ll get up and fly away!
Welcome, Wharf-Rats.
Pauly were you at the Spectrum when they boys did the 1st Unbroken Chain? I was at the Wharf Rat meeting between sets what a great night! Hopefully I will get to Chicago. Amen to Divine intervention, I thank God everyday.
I love you but Jesus loves you the best and I bid you goodnight..........
Hey Mike,I have no idea if I was at the 1st Unbroken Chain in Philly, to be honest with you! I was living in Pa in the early '80's. from about 1980 through 1985. We used to go to the Spectrum all the time back then.(Still using back then)A bit of a blur...I do remember Barney the Dinosaur playing bass at one of those shows! Best of luck finding a ticket to Chicago!
hey, any westy campers camping in the area on the coast before the shows want to meet up and sing around the camp fire? let us know-del bear
Hey CW....First thing I noticed that you joined the site in 2010...whatta ya been doing for the past 4 and a half years if your trying to get sober now?? The first thing I did to get sober: Change People, Places and Things!! You gotta lose all your "using friends" start hanging out with positive, healthy, sober people. Try that for starters and get to a meeting!!
"a group of friends sharing a common bond, providing support, information and some traction in an otherwise slippery environment." Look for the yellow ballons and meetings are at set break. You don't have to be perfect. Just take it one show at a time (~);-)
The Wharf Rats are a group of concert-goers who have chosen to live drug and alcohol free.
Our primary purpose at the shows is to make ourselves available to anyone who feels we
may have something they want. We offer support, strength, fellowship and hope. Look for
the yellow balloons, signs and the Wharf Rats information table.
We are not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous nor any other
twelve-step group. We are a group of friends sharing a common bond, providing support,
information and some traction in an otherwise slippery environment.
The Wharf Rats began during the 1980s as a group of Deadheads under the name "The Wharf Rat Group of Alcoholics Anonymous". The Wharf Rats originally came from a small group of Narcotics Anonymous members who went to a Grateful Dead concert in Philadelphia and located each other by their Yellow balloons with the NA symbol drawn on in Magic Marker. However due to operational differences they soon split off from Alcoholics Anonymous, and are not affiliated with them, NA, or any other twelve-step program, though many of members of the Wharf Rats are members of AA, NA or other 12 step programs. The Wharf Rats see themselves as "a group of friends sharing a common bond, providing support, information and some traction in an otherwise slippery environment."
The unusual name of this group comes from the Grateful Dead song "Wharf Rat", which contains the self-told story of August West, a down-and-out dockside wino.
At both both Chicago and Santa Clara. Look for the yellow ballons or bring one and you will be found. Maybe a meeting on Friday afternoon or night at a Park near the Stadium SC.
Going to SC 6/27, and a bit nervous that I will be the only one around me not using. I'm younger than most of you folks from what I have gathered, as I only got into the Dead as a high schooler in the early 90's, and have followed mostly by trading music and watching as a bit of an "outsider". Saw Phil a few times. Loved the music and people were kind. But I always felt out of place since it seemed like I was the only one not smoking, dosing or drinking that wine. (Never used. Seen too much life wasted to be attracted to any of it. That, and my relationship with God, the real influence, would be so scrambled up if I was under the other influence.) Would like to find the yellow balloons during set break and say how do you do. Plus, I'll need the reassurance that there are more like me out there. Real name's Eric. I'll see you there!
Santa Clara: Where can I find the Wharf Rats at the show?
The Wharf Rats will have a table near the Participation Row area, on the main concourse close to the Intel Gate A.
Where can I find the Wharf Rats at the show?
The Wharf Rats will have a table near the Participation Row area, in the South Courtyard inside the South Gates, near Gate 0.
Looking forward to Chicago Fare Thee Well! When are the meetings?
You will not be alone at all! morning drew meetings at set break. Read above. Look for the yellow balloons or better yet have one on shake down to meet other Rats
Good morning,
I'm looking for information on where to post an invitation.
There are probably more than a few people rolling down the road right now looking for a place to pitch a tent, park a bus, an RV or a car while en route to Chicago. We are on a patch of ground in Nor'western Illinois and have some room if folks need a place to stop for a few or overnight. The gate is open; we don't want anything in return (AKA - free). If there are any takers, we will rent a porta-pot. All we ask is that anyone stopping/staying treat the place with respect.
Please let me know when you have a chance,
J and T
I noticed the Wharf Rats table getting plenty of visitors in Santa Clara. Hope you have a great group in Chicago!
HelloI will be alone at the Chi town concert 7/3 in the Pit and I wanted to know where to find the WharfRat group table to meet up for a hello.
Any ideas? yellow balloons?
Look back in the thread maybe 2 weeks ago a parking lot location and yes yellow balloons....enjoy the journey .....I have...
How do I obtain access to bring camera to show?
We have come along way from being a bunch of strung out junkies touring for a living to being sober members of society . That care enough about each other to post were we are wear we will be and so on. Have fun everybody again is the day before Christmas for many. Enjoy this long awaited weekend.
Well said, Sir John....just like the day before Christmas
where are the wharf rats going to be at soldier field?
was freaking Hugh!Tried to post a pic of 1/2 of it but could't because anonymous.
Hope this info helps
Greetings lovely Wharf Rats,
I just joined the forum. I am based in the Denver area. Very early in my recovery from alcoholism. Got 2 months sober last summer otherwise it's been a struggle to even get a week. I am getting help now from a therapists and group. Any Wharf Rats in the area that can recommend a meeting or support group? I have tried AA several times, I guess I just haven't found my home group yet. I find the age gap tough for me as I am only 26. Anybody else not like AA at first? I am willing to try again, but if anybody knows of a meeting that is especially awesome let me know!
Thanks for this forum and recognizing the need within the music scene. I can only hope as I get furthur along in my recovery I can help others struggling with addiction. We are such a conscious and spiritual group of people I feel the poisons out there are holding many back from reaching full potential. Including myself.
Love you all
Unbroken Heart
SMART Recovery - Self Management for Addiction Recoveryhttp://www.smartrecovery.org/
Rockers in Recovery
To name a few.
Many of the people I know did not like AA at first. Stick with it is the 1 program I know of that accepts us no matter how we are there are no clicks it might seem like your to young yet it will stick I believe in you.
Your life is going to get so much better beyond your wildest dreams trust the process Good luck and write me any time you want john
IDK if the other recovery programs have them but I have seen it in 12 step groups like all walks of life. Can be good to listen to some elders. Denver is big and maybe there is a recreational 12 step club to go to. I would research your options rather than try something that is not working for you after you have given it a chance.
Good morning rockers!!!!
As many of you may or may not know, I am a bit of a “1971 Dead fanatic”. I have taken on a slightly ambitious project, documenting all 1971 Dead shows, the end result of which I hope will combine numerous “facts/factoids” about shows with recollections of folks who actually attended Dead shows in 1971.
In order to accomplish this, I need the help of the Dead fan community.
ALL contributions will be properly and specifically credited.
If you attended ANY shows in 1971 and have ANY recollections to share, PLEASE consider participating. Please PM me for details.
While of course I’m happy to hear from anybody who attended “classic 71 shows” such as Port Chester, Fillmore East, Harding Theater, Felt Forum, etc., I’m particularly interested in hearing from folks who may have attended lesser known, “out of the way” shows, such as:
1/21/71 Davis
1/22/71 Lane Community College
3/5/71 Oakland
4/14/71 Bucknell
4/18/71 Cortland
6/21/71 Chateau d’Herouville
8/4/71 Terminal Island
10/19/71 Northrop Auditorium
11/11/71 Atlanta
11/17/71 Albuquerque
In addition, if ANYBODY out there has “paper ephemera” related to 1971 shows, Please consider participating. I’m looking especially for:
Newspaper/print media articles
Show posters/handbills
Ticket stubs
Thanks in advance to all who participate and contribute!
Rock on,
Doc Gillespie
ATTENTION ALL WHARF RATS: Tuesday in Atlanta Mom AKA Caroline The original East Coast Table coordinator and Honorary Wharf Rat Queen will be attending the Show. Mom contributions to the Wharf Rat Group are myriad, too numerous to count really. From 1988 until 1994 she tromped up and dow the East Coast doing the Table and making sure it was done right leaving a rather large wake of pure LOVE everywhere she went. She started the newsletter and kept it going for years getting help wherever she could. Bumperstickers, Stickers that you all wear with the one show at a time, so many things about the wharf Rats that we take for granted all credit can be laid at Caroline's feet. She saved the Wharf Rat Table from banishment during a particular episode of very bad behavior by wharf rats who should have known better and I don't know if anyone else could have pulled it off. She doesn't make an appearance very often so if you are in Atlanta come by and give her some Love.
Hello Wharf Rats. I have met a few of you out and about at shows. I was hoping to hang out with some Wharf Rats in Atlanta this 29th and 30th before and or during the WSP shows at the Fox. My cell is 828 4236588. Please call me if you are going to the shows clean and sober and would like to hang out. Much LOVE!
about drinking and driving.As you know, some of us have been known to have brushes with the authorities from time to time, often on the way home after a "social session" with family or friends. Well, two days ago, this happened to me. I was out for an evening with friends and had more than several beers followed by a couple of bottles of rather nice red wine and vodka shots. Although relaxed, I still had the common sense to know I was slightly over the limit.That's when I did something I've never done before - I took a taxi home.Sure enough on the way there was a police roadblock, but since it was a taxi they waved it past and I arrived home safely without incident.This was a real surprise to me, because I had never driven a taxi before. I don't know where I got it, and now that it's in my garage I don't know what to do with it..So, anyway, if you want to borrow it give me a call.
for a person as me that lost a sibling to a drunk driver not really all that funny.. Smile smile smile
Hey ya'll...I've been going to gathering of the vibes for the past several years but they've canceled this year's festival. I have two little ones that I take with me and liked gathering b/c it was trunk camping on site with family/sober camping really close to everything. Anyone know of good festivals with trunk camping onsite we can check out this summer?
At 17 I lost a good friend and nice guy Curt who decided not to drink and drive so took a taxi home from a kegger. The taxi was hit by a drunk driver and Curt was instantly killed. His family had a private funeral so all of us "kidz" had no closure. I felt so deeply that something had to be done to at least try and fill the big whole the world will now have without him. I decided then that I would not drink and drive and share Curt's story so others may think twice about it. Wish I could say I never drove drunk but from this it has only been a couple times. I have shared his story for over 3 decades and many ppl all over know Curt like you do now. I get the added benefit of remembering him and I thank you for that. @--}--------
Hi family , new to this..Just reaching out , Doin the Dead N Company shows n NC and Boston. Just trying to get connected with some folk, first shows going clean and kinda a bit sketch. I recall from way back n the day about "Warf Rats" anyhow won't ramble..Peace
Welcome! Were you able to connect with some WR? Tough going clean your first go-round but it gets easier.......
Well technically not Detroit, but Clarkston...... July 7 2016.
Trying to get a lot meeting or at least a quick prayer before the show....
Shout it out if you will be there.
Shadow boxing the apocalypse, wandering the land....
Mick, I will be at NC, possibly CLE and INDY, Camden, Saratoga, VA, NY-2 shows, and Alpine Valley 2shows maybe Detriot, PA IN JULY and Maybe Boston as well.I was looking to possibly share some rides and road trip expenses. Clean 15yrs long time head--many shows clean.
Get in touch if you want to--clean is the best way to see and hear and dance and experience the full dead show! Hang with me and you won't believe how high it gets brother!
Ps: I'm not a warf rat per se, but have and can hang with them a bit if it helps you-- but if you're with me we will not be using anything but feet, eyes, ears, and perhaps some ginseng just to stay ahead of the curve :)
This is an extreme long shot but I am looking for a wharf rat who saved my life when I was 18 in 1994. He was 30 named Scott and had dark brown hair, very handsome. He was a lawyer. He was travelling with Dianna. He pulled me out of a fire (i forgot what fire was) and saved my life when I was on a bad lsd trip. I have always thought about him and would love to reconnect and thank him again. It was at the omni atlanta show. Perhaps does anyone who who he is or how I may contact? I last saw him in DC in 95 and always wished I kept in touch. It would mean the world to me. I want to say he was from Philedelphia but honestly cannot remember. He truly was a representative of God. There have not been many people on Earth I remembered like him and he truly saved my life. Thank you- Sarah Pounders
Where are the WRs meeting for these last 2 shows of the D&C tour? Any help would be appreciated.
Walking in you should see their table. It's all yellow and look for ppl with yellow balloons. There is a good open minded WR group on Facebook you can check before info. Wharf Rats Version 2.0 https://www.facebook.com/groups/173680889383178/
Here is the webpage. We may be sober but we are still hippies. Last update was 2013 and some numbers may not work. Still good info.
More than My wine more than my maker though he's no friend of mine (-;(~)
Don't know if I'm a Wharf Rat or not, as I still use cannabis. Spent seven years on Oxy due to a spinal injury. Quit at 240mgs a day ( under medical supervision) sigh. Woke up one morning and told my wife I needed to stop, never took another. 8 years now. Life is good
Was not a Wharf Rat at my first Dead concert June 1967 in Tompkins Sq Park, NYC but became one May 15, 1975. Not sure if I'm considered a Dead Head since I've only been to around a dozen concerts over the years.
Does anyone know if there were/are any recordings of that June 1967 concert?