So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...
Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving.
Walk right in
its around the back.. just a half a mile from the rail road track.....You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant .
excepting alice!
Group W Bench...
...seems to be a euphemism for all the rejects/recalcitrants.
Officer Obie indeed!
Group W bench;
The default location where most in our community of free spirits can find themselves at some point along the way....
(mod hat on) since I posted the above
I have received complaints from A that B is harassing him, complaints from B that C is making his life miserable, etc. Whereas I'm sure it would make A happy if I nuked B's account, and B happy if I nuked C's, and so on ad infinitem, that is, as we have seen in many online venues, the path to perdition.
Put it this way. As any community grows, there are going to be people in it who just can't stand each other. There is no harm and no foul in this; no one is required to like everybody. What they ARE required to do here is get along. (Anyone who went to shows for any length of time quickly identified people in the scene who drove them nuts, or got really ugly on drugs, or had run off with their ex, or burned them on some deal. And yet they usually managed to stay out of each other's way. Online communities enable a particular sort of viciousness that wouldn't last five minutes in real life.)
On other systems I've been on, the most effective way of dealing with this issue is to have available a tool called (on the Well at least, and in Unixy culture generally I think) a bozo filter. If you can't stand somebody, put them in your bozo filter and their communiques will be invisible to you forevermore. This occasionally makes online discussions a bit cryptic but is a great--and controlled by you--tool for keeping the peace.
I've asked if we can have one installed here; currently you can block PMs but not posts, chat, etc. This may or may not be possible. But until such time as we have it available, pretend it's there anyway. If A drives you crazy, ignore every word A posts. We're all grownups here, we can do it.
And, just a hint, do not announce to A that neener neener, I can't HEEAARR you... This invariably fans the flames, TMOT.
If the chatroom continues to be a trouble vector and haven for bad actors, it will go on hiatus, but since I am very reluctant to have a few people ruin the scene for everybody, and lots of people use the chatroom in perfectly civil fashion, I would cordially invite folks to straighten this out for themselves before I am obliged to resort to such draconian measures.
Thank you.
(mod hat off)
thanks Marye
Wise words indeed. The BoZo filter sounds fine to me.
But what I really want to know is what this 'mod hat' looks like
is it any of these?
Bless you marye
you have a difficult job and, if i may say, you do it admirably!!
WS & GW bench....
Yes, MaryE -thanks for your wise words.......Whipper Snapper & Group W benches seem did the Chat Room Nerds ever Unite???
Chat room nerds are diametrically opposed by design as to facilitate "intense chat", yes? It would be all platitudes and niceties, mutual admiration societies... Geez, have you been to the Philzone forum or livearchive? It's harsh in there. This is a gentle friendly breeze by comparison. It's when people start taking it seriously and comments personally that the fun goes down the tube. Some get their fix by venting in a "safe" place, though when others are getting crapped on who didn't ask for it, it really sucks. Hard to be sure who's willing to play.. some are oblivious even after testing the waters. CHaos conquers and No One is having fun anymore, least of all ms. mod. Let's all of our own actions at least, be mod, shall we? Or are we rockers??
Marye's Hat
You do have a tough job, and we all appreciate you very much! Thanks Marye.
Chat room nerds unite!
I wonder if her hat looks like this?
Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!

bozo filter
Hey Marye...has there been any progress on the filter idea. After the events of the last few days I think we need it really bad. After walking out for a couple of months the last time things went nasty I am trying to stay on board this time. But , to borrow a phrase 'it gets to wearing thin'.
chat filter
This filter sounds like a great idea. I hope it is put in.
i agree with badger
i have been called the worse names over the last month on chat. the worse one today over a missunderstanding.this is not wy i or anyone comes here. to much of ppl taking what u say to someone else negative just because they r only seeing things thru there anger. aint no time to hate. bearly time to wait! (((((((((((((((((HUGZ))))))))))))))))))))
Filter! Filter!
it's a great idea. And Mona deserves an apology from one source, as she was called unspeakable names!!**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
Name calling
is not part of Chat Room Nerds Unite in my opinion......whoever called Mona names for whatever reason should apologize 4 sure.....what happened to the fun part? geez.....
If only
gagalive would implement an Ignore User toggle, which isn't actually that difficult of a thing to do, programming-wise. Unfortunately, the chat room is their code, and while free to use it's not open source so such features are their purview to implement or not. So as it stands the only possible implementation is left to users to physically ignore those who offend them instead of being able to virtually ignore them. And yes I know that it's annoying to have to use personal discipline as the only solution, and having to do so certainly does detract from the experience, but much like dealing with any schoolyard bully it does eventually work. The bullies will tire of their games once they figure out no one is playing with them, and all they have left to do is play with themselves.
Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
sounds like i've been
missin' lotsa fun and games in da chats roooom, hope all the chatfolk are ok and i hope to have time to hang out again soon
so this gets on recents post...
chatroom is down till tues. if having witdrawls PM me :) (~);-)
CR out til Tues? Sept 7th, 2010?
will be my mom's 94th birthday.....we'll celebrate.....:)))
aww, marye
it's not your do what you can, and we appreciate it!!
as far as I can tell
the problem is at gagalive, not here. I do not think this has anything to do with Lady Gaga however.
chatroom family
Wow when this chatroom is down i really know why i like it so much,i miss the folks in there tremendously when i can't chat with them.I hope everyone is alright and i hope to see you all again very soon.Peace,love and prosperity until we meet again.
i know its out of your control
but it has been awhile. so would br nice to know whats going on. TY
maybe some time
gagalive's entire website has vanished so it looks like a big problem. When I use a search engine to find out what is happening, I just get 100s of results about Lady Gaga live! Very distracting ;-)
gaga live/dead
It was awfully kind of the good doctor to allocate his resources for free for as long as he did, but this certainly does point out the fundamental flaw in activities devoid of a revenue model.
Something perhaps to keep in mind before complaining about the next release around here...
Dunno if it's really gone for good but it sure ain't there now. Anyone else have any bright ideas besides going back to the flaky Drupal implementation? What's a poor Rhino to do?
Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
I Really Miss My (((FAMILY)))
The Chat room
It seemed that recently there was alot of 'trashing' and hackinggoing on, as far as the Grateful Dead are concerned and the Cds that are for sale here and alot of personal converstaion as well- as people logging on under their own screen name then switching to someone elses screen name, and posting awful statements ! just tricks and games and very little about the music. I posted music everytime I came in- and I did my best to support Bobby Phil Mickey Billy etc ,because I have been to over 50 shows in the past year and I was a radio DJ when the Grateful Dead was alive and well. others just put me down and made fun even impersonated me, wrote lies, then it came into my real life activities at shows. If there is a new chat room it needs to be way more secured ... Deadhead hackers, hell, half of them never even saw the Grateful Dead ! I met Jerry Garcia when I was 17 years old ! I am 50 now OO play on- KEEP LISTENING LIZ KEMPF Farmington NY
your never to young to love the grateful dead :)
one thing i love about the chat is meeting 13 yr olds on up who love the GD. was nice to be there when jerry was here but they just go to show his music never stops :)))
we can pass this music
on to the next reason why they shouldn't enjoy it too........
and I like
the emotional support and caring and sharing going on in the chatroom. Reminds us that we are family and not alone.
And I 2nd Mona and Johnman-sharing with the ones who are too young to have seen shows, or too broke, or on the wrong continent, is a good thing!
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
so i understand
So the story so far as i understand it........ Lady gaga assisted by her army of sad,drunken flying monkeys has stolen the chat room and sold it to Donald tramp am i correct in thinking this? I have to pick up on what dancingsinginggirl has posted what we have here is deadhead snobbery and i am sad to see it i am in wales in the uk and have been to 3 shows does this mean no chatroom for me cos i havent seen them 50 times.Is it not our duty to pass this on to the young that are interested enough to look in here or does it stop when we stop.If you dont like some one DONT TALK TO THEM simple as.
Teach your children well.
I dunno
My 19 year old son has been to 15 or 20 shows, from age 6 months to 4 years, but doesn't remember much before the "Furthur Festivals" after Jerry's passing. But he proudly wears my tie-dyes and has some of his own Dead tapes and cd's....where does that put him?....ain't no wannabe's here...we all love the music, or we wouldn't frequent this website, but you are right, ripple, there do seem to be some snobs and I won't point fingers cuz some folks just take things the way they want to take them and they may or may not be the spammers count?
dat dere chatsroooom
she is STILL is don' works....I will soon be ungruntled.....on the plus side, I have discovered that "ain't" is actually a contraction of "am not" and can be used correctly........sort of....
a lot of snobs, unfortunately, ripple70
it may be just that the dead is a very personal thing with people but the 'hipper than thou' attitude - typified by the words "old school" - is definitely out there turning off a lot of otherwise friendly people.
say a prayer for the tragically hip (not the band), they really need it...
guess i just didnt expect gonzo
The dead is a personal thing and has been a part of my life for over 30 years that dosnt make me better than some one who got on the bus last week or more deserving, we are hearing the same thing yes.I despair gonz never thought id say the words deadhead and snobbery in the same sentence but there you go.Lifes for learning.
Loving the Dead
doesn't mean that we aren't heads if we don't discuss them 24/7 in the chatroom either. Everybody's got their own story to tell. The music is the common thread, but we are all unique-Thank Goodness!!! Methinks that folks with no life of their own are more inclined to resort to Deadhead snobbery.**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
Loving the Dead
doesn't mean that we aren't heads if we don't discuss them 24/7 in the chatroom either. Everybody's got their own story to tell. The music is the common thread, but we are all unique-Thank Goodness!!! Methinks that folks with no life of their own are more inclined to resort to Deadhead snobbery.**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
"Dead Head Snobbery"....
that statement is so making me it.......teach your children well, for sure!.....