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    The unexpected return of the masters of the Grateful Dead's triumphant show at the Albuquerque Civic Auditorium, November 17, 1971, yields great rewards. The Dead came in HOT for their first New Mexico show. Aided by clarity and precision and abetted by confidence and focus, they finessed old standards with definitive takes. With Keith now blending in seamlessly on keys, the first set offered up a triple shot of electric Blues, an exceptional "You Win Again," and a stellar "One More Saturday Night" to wrap things up. And the second set, well, it might just be unlike any you've ever heard. Archivist David Lemieux urges you to turn it up and do it loudly. We won't dare spoil all the surprises, but pay special attention to the rippin' "Sugar Magnolia," the aggressively monstrous "The Other One," and the highly-danceable "Not Fade>GDTRFB>Not Fade." Rounding out the 3CDs, you'll find selections from Pigpen's return tour at Ann Arbor, MI, 12/14/71. Subscribers will get nearly all of the complete show as this year's bonus disc.

    As always, Dave's Picks Volume 26 has been mastered to HDCD specs from the original analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman and is limited to 18,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Terrapin Moon
    recreational weed is not
    recreational weed is not legal here. even if states say it is. states cant over ride federal law.
  • Charlie3
    An Honest Question
    Do any of you folks who feel marijuana should not be legal and yet admit to prior recreational mj use honestly feel like you would have been better off if you had been arrested, prosecuted and convicted of mj possession? Did you ever consider turning yourself in so you could get the benefits of arrest, prosecution and conviction for a marijuana offense? Would you turn in a family member for a marijuana offense to help them get the benefits of arrest, prosecution and conviction for a marijuana offense? Do you have the moral fortitude to subject yourself to the remedy you prescribe for others? I can tell you that entanglement in the criminal justice system sucks more than you might realize even if you don't end up going to prison. It follows you forever either way and there are those who will hold it against you.
  • LedDed
    drugs, inc.
    If only our elected representatives (note I won't use the word, "leaders," because no one is leading) would converse in such an honest and reflective, civil manner about societal issues that are important. America's drug habit has destroyed Mexico, for one example. There is too much money to be made in black market commodities. In the end, while I don't want a 21 year-old kid to be able to go buy herion, blow or meth over the counter, much of the trouble comes from prohibition. Everyone here loves Jerry Garcia to death. His personal experiences notwithstanding, ol' Jer succumbed to drug addiction, it became dark, and he was ultimately lost to us. Tragic. The Grateful Dead is a great sounding board for this. Because, can anyone name a druggier band? Seriously, the symbol of the counterculture and youthful experimentation. The positive psychedelic experience is without parallel. There is a large interest today in ayahuasca, microdosing, etc. In the name of consciousness expansion. Most of us know there is a "there" there, and drugs - I've had mystical, mind-blowing experiences with the coca plant as well as the poppy - can be a portal to this kind of true knowledge, and consciousness expansion. But you can't get too far gone - you've got to find your way home. Love the Blind Faith song. It's a fine line, yes, but how many if not for drug addiction would have killed themselves through some other excessiveness... It's something, really, to put yourself out there and then come back. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything, but the idea of my kids going there freaks me the fuck out. Because it is dangerous. I don't know. I only know how it went for me. I had periods of, not addiction, but willful excessive abuse, because, hey - I loved it. But it wasn't what defined me, in the end, and now I get up at 5am 7 days a week and exercise. We can't put people in prison for drug use or possession. I live in Colorado. Nothing has changed here, except all the good the tax money is doing now that dealers aren't pocketing it. Your local drug dealer never paid taxes - dispensaries do. They sell only the cleanest organic product for the most part. Weed, for sure, should be legal like it is here. It's no worse than booze or cigarettes, or a triple bacon cheeseburger. Or pharmaceutical drugs your Dr. will prescribe you. Harder drugs should not be legalized. I draw the line there. But, obviously, anyone can go get anything they want, any time. Decriminalization and emphasis on rehabilitation. Jail for large dealers, repeat offenders, etc. We all know of those whose lives have been ruined by drugs and alcohol, but ultimately, just like Jerry Garcia, those folks went swimming in dangerous waters and failed to maintain. And, falling prey to basic human frailty in such a manner, they may have fallen to pieces anyway through some other medium. All the best to everyone.
  • Born Cross Eye…
    Legalize for recreational use?
    Legalize for recreational use?No. I agree with the comments that are not in favor of legalization for recreational usage. Medical legalization? Yes. CBD, in my opinion: it's really just a pain medication that is useful for several problems. It's not for all problems or people. My recreational use: from my late teens into my mid-thirties in 1991. I was a "casual" user, I got into it slowly and every so often, I could go into daily binges for two, three weeks or two months at a time and then stop cold for for anytime from two weeks to about six months without having the "I-need-to-get-high-again-very-soon" urges. But yet, I knew it was just around the corner and sure enough I'd feel the need to get high, sooner or later. During the Operation Desert Storm period, 1/17/91 - 2/28/91, more like 1/17/19, with the breaking news story, I lit up a joint for the last time without realizing it, and I had no urges after that. It wasn't even on the radar, or just around the corner that I even wanted some. On July 4th 1992, someone asked me if I wanted some, and I said no. I haven't had any urges after that. The desire is just not there anymore. "Clean-N-Sober since 7/4/92" Tongue-in-cheek.
  • Charlie3
    I suspect that there is a fair amount of overlap with our general view on the prohibition debate with some differences with regard to specific substances like marijuana or psychedelics. I feel pretty strongly about the issue, which probably comes through, but I hope I am being sufficiently respectful that I don't appear to be an ass. Based on experience and feedback, I don't always realize when I act like an ass. I do enjoy a respectful discussion like this, I think it helps everyone to reach a better understanding, even if universal agreement is not reached. I just have a view that my consciousness is my most personal and private space, and that it is up to me to decide how to use it or alter it. Personally, I think that responsible use of psychedelics can be an intensely rewarding experience with what I have perceived to be permanent beneficial results in my ability to interact with the world and the people in it. If used responsibly it seems more like a sacrament than a harmful drug. Opiates and stimulants hold no appeal for me, and based on my observations on their impact on others and my limited '80's coke use, they are devastating and destructive substances that no person should use. But I would not want to incarcerate someone if they disagree and choose to use them. Marijuana seems to me a petty vice at worst, and there are lots of legal vices that are more harmful to the individual and society. For example, I believe as a nation we have among the highest rates of obesity, leading to increased risk of diabetes and other costly and chronic medical conditions - should we prohibit high sugar, high fat, high sodium and high calorie diets and prohibit sedentary lifestyle choices to save society money in medical costs? Should we lock up people who refuse to eat healthy and exercise, or perhaps just the giant junk food conglomerates pushing these unhealthy choices on the masses. Seems like the same or a similar situation - people making unhealthy choices that cost society as a whole money and resources - so shouldn't the solution be the same? In my mind, if a society is free, you can give the individual all of the information that he or she needs to make an informed decision about things and then let them choose. If you're not free to make choices other's feel are stupid, you're not really free, and if you're not really free you may as well be an outlaw. After all, living healthy is no guarantee you don't die a horrific death from a devastating illness. I've watched it happen to loved ones. At some point the ride ends, so enjoy it while it lasts or regret it as it ends.
  • JimInMD
    Re: Trainwrecked
    First, I encourage your coming forward.. it's honorable, and I think we all have a thing or two to learn here. Please don't view my disagreement as combative or dismissive. But I have to ask.. how much of your 35 years of smoking were done with joints vs. bongs, etc. The reason I ask.. I have you just barely beat... and I don't consider it a health risk to me in the slightest. Since beginning, if possible I have consumed through water. It has never raised my blood pressure and I am pudgy dude. Except for periods of either no school or no work, I would not call myself a daily user, I have always had too much going on.. but.... Still.. many around me dwarf my consumption, many much older.. and I am not seeing the damage on the scale of what describe in any of their lives. I have never in my life knew a non-cigarette but weed smoker getting emphysema. So my question is.. clearly your usage was high for years.. fatties, or less invasive techniques? Again, not trying to prosecute or question, you have my sympathy - trying to better understand. I want it legal and I want me and more than half the people I know to no longer be criminals.
  • Gary Farseer
    Vegas Knights Guy
    Like that name. Vegas Knight would have a cool name for Bobby's son. oh yeah, check your pm. G
  • Trainwrecked
    Charlie I agree with you
    But still stick to my point that it's a bad idea to legalize marijuana. The Portugal model is what I would condone, which is to de-criminalize it, but not make it legal. In Portual, it is still illegal to use drugs and still a penal offense to sell them, there is just no heavy jail time. Because prohibition has been a failure, the best solution is to keep it illegal, but change the penalties, so that only hardcore distributors are doing jail time, and only after multiple offenses. After all, laws are laws, and if you're part of distribution ring selling hundreds of pounds, then yes, you should do jail time if you don't learn your lesson after a heavy fine and probation before judgement. But nobody walking around with a quarter in baggie should be doing time ever. The problem with making it legal across the country (like Colorado) is that the use will go up over time, as the social stigma of using it erodes, and the suppliers get a foothold in every state. And to be frank, I'm not an exceptional person, I'm quite average. If it can happen to me, it can happen to a decent percentage of Americans, so why propagate a social habit that will have extremely negative consequences for a large number of people. And keep in mind, as those people run into issues, there will be burden on every tax payer, as they start exercising their health insurance for psychological counselling and replacement therapy drugs, etc. I really fear for the kids. Decision making capabilities do not develop fully until the early 20s. With legalized pot everywhere in the country, there will be a lot of kids who get into the habit and pitfalls of daily use, and it just bothers me to think that we may not be too far off from living in a society whose laws are indifferent to that outcome.
  • Terrapin Moon
    but anyways on to more
    but anyways on to more pressing matters. 12/10/93 and 8/3/82 needs to be released. also am I alone in thinking that in a world of smart phones and moble devices it seems really silly that they still ban soundboard downloading on archive just seems pointless now???
  • daverock
    reijo 29 King Crimson
    Thanks for the warning on the Larks box set. I am very tempted by the Sailors Tale box, though. There is one cd that I would really recommend, that is included in that box-but which was released separately a few years ago-Live at The Marquee 10th August 1971. Its a double cd set, and the opening track on the second disc is a 27 minute instrumental jam, the like of which I have never heard before. A fantastic release.
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8 years 4 months

The unexpected return of the masters of the Grateful Dead's triumphant show at the Albuquerque Civic Auditorium, November 17, 1971, yields great rewards. The Dead came in HOT for their first New Mexico show. Aided by clarity and precision and abetted by confidence and focus, they finessed old standards with definitive takes. With Keith now blending in seamlessly on keys, the first set offered up a triple shot of electric Blues, an exceptional "You Win Again," and a stellar "One More Saturday Night" to wrap things up. And the second set, well, it might just be unlike any you've ever heard. Archivist David Lemieux urges you to turn it up and do it loudly. We won't dare spoil all the surprises, but pay special attention to the rippin' "Sugar Magnolia," the aggressively monstrous "The Other One," and the highly-danceable "Not Fade>GDTRFB>Not Fade." Rounding out the 3CDs, you'll find selections from Pigpen's return tour at Ann Arbor, MI, 12/14/71. Subscribers will get nearly all of the complete show as this year's bonus disc.

As always, Dave's Picks Volume 26 has been mastered to HDCD specs from the original analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman and is limited to 18,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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Member for

9 years 4 months

Both Other One’s are great, and are different.A few weeks ago we were discussing bands that played the same set list every night and played the songs the same way. Here we have 2 shows with similar set lists, separated by a few weeks, and the songs are not played identically. That’s why this band is awesome. And the sound quality is spectacular. The first set songs should sound embryonic, because they were. Its not like those songs were played live for 5 years before being recorded in the studio for an album.
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7 years 9 months

Really like the cover art on this release. Hell of a lot better than Dave Van Patton has ever done.
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17 years 3 months

I finally got why it is Star Wars day, thank you Grateful Dead email. Don't forget what happened on May 4, 1970. If you have Road Trips Volume 3, Number 3, Bonus Disc, listen to the Turn On Your Lovelight from 5/14/70 Merramec Community College, and hear Pig Pen's feelings at the end of the song. Must have been intense to be at the Kresge Plaza show and Dupont Gym during that time period... bob t
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11 years 1 month

Condolences on your loss. When I chose my dad's music a little while back I used Levon Helm's When I Go Away as his processional music. It may be a bit rocking, but I buried him in a Ramones tshirt, and several people asked me afterward about it. And 2 of my friends did a graveside We Bid You Goodnight, which I learned is sung at funerals in Jamaica in a much livelier fashion along with Will the Circle Be Unbroken.
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13 years 8 months

..and an excellent, grand adventure it was.. bet you can't guess what was on the menu? That's right.. 12/14/71 for it's second close listen. Like two of your children.. They have different personalities, strengths and weaknesses, but don't make me pick between the two. Summer's here and the time is right... On a different note, a very kind soul who's feeling a bit under the weather just send me this link. http://nugs.tv/?utm_source=ldmaster&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=20180… It's a free stream and makes for a perfect backdrop for Cinco de mayo. I'm the one wearing the tie dye with my hands in my pockets, Oteil side of course.
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Member for

7 years 7 months

If the first set of Albuquerque is "throwaway" material, then every time they played any of those songs after 1978 were throwaways. It's a laughable statement.
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15 years 1 month

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13 years 8 months

My guess is one day 12/15 will get released. Anyone heard from David Duryea in a while? Hope it's just having a kick ass, extended vacation.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

Space.. I think Pinkus ripped you off. I'd start by emailing Dr. Rhino and asking for a partial refund. I got mine for $699.98 or $8.75 per disc. ..although if you are bitter, I bet you could sell yours, used, for the $1,500 you supposedly paid. They will never do a box set for that much money ever again.. so I fail to see your point.
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13 years 8 months

Ok.. best pre-1972 China Rider. I was always partial to the early ones.. yes, some crashed and burned but at least they took some chances (and some doses). Even if they had not achieved that 5/3/72 polished perfection, it's worth seeking out the early ones, especially those with learning-curve anomalies. I guess I prefer embryonic imperfection over polished and rehearsed. Call me crazy (scratch that). Some of the 1970 ones in particular are worth the price of admission.
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Member for

12 years 5 months

Jim, Thanks for the reminder on that one. I just watched the Gdansk video. Great stuff. I couldn't find a video from the Circus Maximus show. Too bad. What a vantage point that would have been from the ancient Roman palace. Even just walking through those ruins was a life changing experience. Gotta disagree with you about your objection to the $1,500 price though. I think most people here would pay well more than that for a mid 90s release. Especially 93.
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17 years 8 months

A 30 show $750 box set of mostly '80's and '90's shows sold out in just a couple of weeks AJS. You don't believe an 80 show box, comprised entirely of Betty boards would sell out for $1500? You should try some '93 sometime. An open mind is a great thing. @jim - $1500 was mean't as sarcasm. The point being that many of the top shelf shows are being limited to mega box sets and out of most people budgets.
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11 years 6 months

Where's it at Dave?Give it up... We need this Normanized...pronto! Easy Wind! :o)
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17 years 8 months

....Idaho stinks like cow shit. I miss my bed already.
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Member for

10 years 6 months

Alright! Even hidden behind crackles and snaffles and pops he still sounds incredibly powerful. 90 years old recordings too-amazing. He was 10 years before Robert Johnson-but on the subject of country blues, I got the Robert Johnson cds The Complete Recordings-The Centennnial Collection on Sony last year. Its got far and away the best sound quality of any Johnson release I have ever heard. They are all new digital transfers, according to the sleeve notes. You can even hear the distant sound of a trucks engine outside at one point. If you only had one blues recording-this is the one I would recommend.
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17 years 8 months

I once saw a map of Idaho which comprised an outline of the state and one straight line from north-east to south-west that was marked "Potato Road". Is this a reasonable representation of the state of Idaho? Spacebro talked about "mega box sets out of most people's budgets" presumably referring to the 30 Trips box. I think probably what he meant was that it was outside his budget, rather than most people's budgets. As I recall that box, despite the price, sold out rather quickly, suggesting that most people had no problem instantly coming up with the moolah. I can see that such a price could be a problem for those amongst us who are fiscally disadvantaged, but that would seem not to be the majority.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Saying the 750$ box is "mostly" 8os and 90s shows is an exaggeration, seems like hyperbolic language to support a subjective argument about Dead era preference. It was evenly split almost exactly. Many of the people I came across sounded like they did not buy the box for the later years releases. Some of the later era shows in the box are of high quality but some sounded just awful in sound quality when they were transfered. I hope that Dead.net wouldnt keep inflating box sizes and continue to fill them with shows that have dubious sound quality on low quality CDs, now that would ruffle my feathers.
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13 years 8 months

Space. I got your point. My point, even when there's no flame you somehow seem to stoke the fire.
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Member for

10 years 6 months

Sorry to hear about your father-in-law. One song to consider if it's not too late is Shine A Light by the Stones. Not sure if you know this one from Exile on Main St, but it's balad-like, peaceful, and has some gospel influences (female gospel singers backing vocals). One of the things that made exile such a unique record for the stones was that there were a wide variety of styles perfectly blended into a cohesive two-LP collection. Several songs have gospel leanings, after Mick and, I want to say Graham Nash, went to a southern Baptist Mass in Alabama (they had been recording overdubs and post-production vocals down there, I think at Muscle Shoals). Anyway, sorry for your loss.
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Member for

10 years 6 months

Totally disagree with the notion that the top shelf shows are reserved for expensive box sets. These performances are considered the best of their eara, and they were all single releases: Two From The Vault / 1968 Dick's Picks 4 / 1970 Sunshine Daydream / 1972 One From The Vault / 1975 Cornell / 1977 Dead Set & Go To Nassau / 1980 Crimson White & Indigo / 1987 Also, Fillmore West 1969, Europe '72 & Spring '90 all had individual shows from those tours released. The fact of the matter is that Rhino is sometimes going to release huge box sets, and there are going to be top shelf shows in them.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

JiminMD How about all of them, Went searching and wound up listening to the 12-12-70 Santa Rosa Fairgrounds. After a two week hiatus they were ready to play that day. Also loved the really sweet trans from GDTRFB to the Darkness jam. Something about a show with the Darkness jam that makes me want to give it a listen
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Member for

12 years 5 months

Yes. An open mind is wonderful. So, after having attended a number of shows in 93, I can assure you that the playing was subpar compared to earlier years. When approaching the Grateful Dead, try to remember these two axioms: Don't listen to the music through rose colored speakers. The scene was always better before you got there. And I use the term "you" in the general sense.
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Member for

11 years 10 months

Jim, thanks for the Beck alert, just checked the tour schedule, might find something somewhere on the east coast, the closest to me, Boston can be tough. His take on Goodby Pork Pie Hat is a favorite, phenomenal technical prowess. My first and last Beck was at the Alexandria (VA) Roller Rink in October '68, Nicky Hopkins piano, Ronnie Wood on bass and Hot Rod Stewart on vocals, they opened for Janis and Big Brother. No chairs, sit on the floor, stand or dance. Wish the Dead had come to DC/Baltimore before 1972. Streamed 6.27.69 Veterans this morning to hear Green Green Grass of Home, great show with "country" & a nice DS, Jerry on pedal steel... happy to have juice after super high winds and tornado alert yesterday afternoon, 65,000 people without power up here. Vermont tornados very rare, heck the last snow on the north side of things just melted off a few days ago. Firing up Airplane's Fillmore East 11/28-29/1969, Sweeping up the Spotlight, saw them at the Baltimore CC soon after. Recalling Shady Grove Music Fair, Gaithersburg, great early shows there, including pop psych Iron Butterfly & JA, Rod Stewart (when he still rocked) & Savoy Brown Blues Band, etc. Theater in the round venue, stage rotated, Yes, Steely Dan, the Allman Brothers, James Brown all played there. It's an office building complex now. And then there was MPP in Columbia... a real treat to get back there for Dear Jerry.
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9 years 4 months

Summer Tour ‘95, pressed on gold CD’s.Limited edition to 25 units. Early subscriber bonus: Boreal ‘85 on 200g vinyl.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

#8433 + Bonus arrived here in sunny Holland this afternoon, just in time. Now the big question is: Will I get the chance to listen to it this evening before flying off to enjoy the tavernas of Kreta tomorrow morning for a week's well earned (IMHO) rest 'n' relaxation. At least I know it has arrived safely. Latvala! Metaxa!
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Member for

12 years 4 months

Thanks for the heads up on this Dave. I have the original release from the 90's and have always LOVED it. Your review of the re-release/re-master made me check amazon. Most reviewers agreed this was a HUGE upgrade to original. It was certainly cheap enough. It's on the way. And yet again this site has cost my wife money she doesn't know I spent!
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Member for

7 years 1 month

Used to have a pair. They looked great, but everything sounded the same. Then one fateful day they broke. It was an ear opening experience.
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Member for

10 years 6 months

I think you will get rumbled, Dennis, if you play the Robert Johnson within your wife's earshot. Incidentally, I don't know if you have ever heard of Larkin Poe. They are two young women who have done some amazing covers on youtube. It looks like they are recording at home, just for fun. One of these is a cover of Come On In My Kitchen. It is quite simply the best cover of a Robert Johnson song I have ever heard. I still can't figure how to put videos on here-but that one definitely deserves to be seen. Other great covers they do are One Way Out, Black Betty, Johnny B. Goode, Preaching Blues-Whole Lotta Love, War Pigs! Their own songs don't seem quite as good to me-but those cover versions are the real deal.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....and song ideas. I used a few. You're all friends to me, and I mean that sincerely. My songlist made people smile and cry. When I found out the Snake River ran along the cemetery, I switched it up to Brokedown Palace. A couple of people even asked who that was. When I said The Grateful Dead, eyebrows raised and they said "really?" Really. Thanks again. Mission accomplished....
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Possible BOXES/Dave’s/SHOWS First, glad the main consensus seems to be a unified hell yeah for DaP 26... Great shows, if perhaps too much alike....if one were to nit pick.... Funny only one person has commented on the ABQ show sounding like Kieth is playing an upright, somewhat out of tune piano....a story there to be had I’m sure, Dave? Ok sports fans, after reading all the pontificating about what should/shouldn’t be released for what feels like forever ad nauseam, I finally feel compelled enough to speak up for those of us with perhaps a more opened minded, comprehensive view on the subject....oh boy I can see half your heads turning bright red, spinning around, and/or exploding as we speak hee-hee ; ) DISCLAMER; these are just some loose ideas, not the cure for cancer.... The one give in all this though, and kinda my point here, is there is soooooo much more great GD music, and that not everyone is a taper or approaches the music as such, just saying.... We are so fortunate that we have even received what we have, so bottom line is be grateful, and “let there be songs, to fill the air” Ok, gentleman (and ladies) start your engines.... FALL 89 BOX; (supplements previously released shows. We all know the multi-tracks are available...NOTE; I have not had the pleasure to hear all these, (heard and/or been to 8 of the 17, so somewhat going off of set lists for balanced lbox set. Still can’t believe I sold my Miami tix even after all these years, “Rat Farts!”) ————————————- 9-29-89; 1st DEATH DON’T, sugar mag (end)/Quinn the Eskimo (e) 10-14-89; 1st set Help/Slip/Franks, China Doll-1 Mo Saturday (end)/ Black Muddy (e) 10-19-89; Help/Slip/Franks, DEATH DON’T-Lovelight (end)/ Baby Blue (e) 10-20-89; 1st CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE , Hey Pocky way, Scar-Fire, Trucking, TOO Jam, Sugar mag (end)/ Brokedown (e) 10-23-89; Cali Earthquake, Crazy Fingers, GDTRFB-SOTM-Lovelight (end)/ ATTICS (e) 10-26-89; DARK STAR, Stella-NFA (end)/ WE BID YOU GOODNIGHT (e) FALL 73 BOX; (Let Me Sing, W.R.S., Let it Grow etc with horns) —————————- 9-11-73; Dark Star-Dew- Sugar Mag (end) 9-15-73; 9-17 or 18-73 ?? 9-21-73 9-26-73 WINTER 73 BOX; supplements previously released ———————- 12-01-73 12-06-73 12-08-73 12-18-73 SUMMER 85 BOX ————————- 6-14-85 (possible)1st Keep on Growing, Stagger Lee, Smokestack-Comes a Time-Sug Mag (end) 6-16-85 (possible) 1st Cryptical, Warf-Lovelight (end)/ Brokedown (e) 6-22-85 (possible) 6-25-85 or 1st set only as a bonus?? Day Tripper 6-27-85 * (definitely!) 6-28-85 * (definitely!) 6-30-85 * (definitely!) 7-01-85 * (definitely!) 7-13-85 * (definitely!) Smoking first set!!; mix with Cryptical through Around from second set BONUS DISC? OTHER Possible Boxes and/or Dave’s etc —————————— 1-10+20-79; Dark Stars and a St. Stephen 12-5+15-71; Dark Stars etc, BONUS DISC 3-17-70! 69?: need more of those psychedelic suites etc!!!!! 8-21+24-72; Dark Stars etc 7-27+28-73 6-24-84+7-13-84 9-26-91+6-9-91; 1st set, + Bonus 2nd set 7-31+8-1-94 3-20+21-92 (C eh, N eh, D eh!!!) 6-21-84+6-30-87 (C eh, N eh, D eh!!!!) 7-7+8-87 or something similar from venues/Places rarely played???? 9-26-81 6-10-73 12-31-81 4-12-83 FALL 83 BOX?; 10-11,15,17,22-83; St. Stephens etc, supplements DP 6 ——————— SPRING 89 BOX; these are only what I’m familiar with....supplements 4-2+3 ———————— 4-5,6,8,9-89 And FALL 85 BOX? These are what I’m familiar with, obviously could be others.... ———————- 10-31-85 11-2-85 11-5-85 11-7-85 11-8-85 11-10-85 11-21-85 How bout themes like best of venues or cities like.... Rochester Aud. Hampton Coliseum Greek Theater Syracuse TOGA Spectrum Cal Expo Alpine etc., Or???????????? Pick best 5 or 6 unreleased shows from ??????? How about some more videos? Yes, yes I know they didn’t sell etc, but if there is stuff that is already complete and the production costs have already been spent I.e., 7-2-89, why not release small batches like Dave’s? The point is, no matter how great the late 70s, Beatty Boards etc are, and they certainly are (usually, ahem)there is a whole lot more great, and some would argue comparable shows/tours/eras etc out there.... “just gotta poke around”, “free your mind, the rest will follow!”......or “Don’t dominate the rap Jack if you’ve got nothing new to say” yes perhaps the tapes aren’t always top notch, so what, market them at some kind of discount, just get more out before we croak! ; ) Hell, how about announcing possible shows, but having us pay before production so Rhino/GD etc does not lose money, and we don’t get shut out? The ole supply and demand symbiotic thingy.....nudge, nudge, wink, wink know what I mean. Ok, that being said, let the games begin. Oh, and you cant hurt my feelings cause I’ve seen shows in three decades (5 if you add post JG), and have listened to soooo much magnificent music for over 50 years now! So go ahead haters, make my day, “you cannot block my stoyyyllle!”
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15 years 6 months

The record companies are anxious to milk the hardcore fan market as fewer and fewer people actually pay for music. The company behind Guns And Roses' huge debut album, Appetite For Destruction, has just started the marketing campaign for the marketing campaign for that album's re-issues. 5 editions, I think. The topmost edition is priced at $999. Vinyl LPs, vinyl singles, CDs, BluRay, and LOTS of replica paper and tchochkes all in a "faux" wood/leather box. Only the $999 and $180 editions include 5.1 tracks. How long before Rhino sees that this idea will make lots o' money from the devotees of American Beauty and Wake Of The Flood? And what will they limit to only being in the ultra-pricy editions? Some Deadheads may have to sell their Cadillacs... As for my listen to Dap26: 11/17 was very fine, particularly the PITB and TO1. I have noticed before that the jam section in DS and the one in TO1 cover very similar ground by late '72 (see 8/21 & 22 for evidence), but this is the first time I noticed motifs I expect in the DS jam section occuring in an TO1 jam section in a '71 show. REALLY ENJOYED that TO1! The two sampler discs from 12/14 were fine listening, but I always have trouble getting into live Dead that isn't full-show-in-order. Oh well. VGuy, sorry for you and your family's loss. Some say death isn't "the end", but it sure does feel like it. Keep on keeping on...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Been recently, pleasantly getting back with the 81-82s, whole bunch of great energy there etccheck out 5-17-81; saw in 3rd row, JG was using a McIntosh MC 2500 instead of usual 2300, holy moley was he loud! Great show!...had to take a final the next day and my ears were ringing so bad I couldn’t hear the prof ; ) 7-13-84, I wish...have never heard it, but they musta had a reason to release the hounds.... 6-9-90, unfortunately can’t remeber much. Always love Cal expo, great layout etc. Finally made it to the promised land after being on the bus for like 15 years at that point....3 Cal expos, 2 JGB Warfields, and 3 Shorelines....booyah!!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Rehash seems to be a prevailing factor in all things media these days, hell they take half hour tv shows, turn them into an hour by repeating aa you come back from commercials, stuff you just watched!And movies, fo-get-aboutit...is this because there is a lack of creativity/originality (probably cause nobody can see the boys anymore he-he)—or do they know we all suffer from short term memory loss yuck-yuck.. The whole remastered deal is suspect too....usually just crank up and compress the hell out of it...thank goodness not the good ol GD. Norm and the boys know how to let the music breath....you know, this thing called dynamics.... But your right, probably won’t be long before the 10 disc American Beauty rehash with one complete disc of Ram Rod and Steve farting while telling inappropriate jokes etc
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Member for

9 years 6 months

Hello: Pretty new to site. I have few of Dave's Picks However, I was wondering if someone could rate them 1-26 for me. Which ones are the classics. Luman
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Oh boy, that’s like asking “name your 26 favorite beers” hell, that’d be easier!See, imho part of the point of the whole deal was that they were a dynamic, constantly mutating organism, not a one show pony like most top “acts”, where the goal is to play the same show, perfectly, exactly, “just like the record” every show..... Read More than Human, study gestalt theory, sprinkle liberally with the bands whims, influences, whether their backs/feet hurt, it was raining, it was sunny, someone’s ol lady was pissed, combined by the line up; 1 or 2 drummers, which keys etc, new versus stale material, playing to the times, well you see that that’s what makes it the dead.... It was an always changing constant that sometimes sucked, but often transcended....see, its all good, check out what ever you can and “sometimes you get shone the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right” Don’t think, just listen. If you get confused just listen to the music play......
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Member for

13 years 8 months

Mr. Jack Straw is the man. They all have their place and they are all pretty damned good.. but we all have our favorites.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

So true Jim, just ass-uming Luman is newbie and/or young-er, so trying to be leading in old sage/zen like manor of not leading etc, but yaaass, even a proud papa of seven might have a favorite....I just figure let em wander unacumbered and eventually they’ll develop tastes as we all are do.... This being old thing has to be good for something : )
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Member for

9 years 7 months

I too want to wish condolences to Mr. and Mrs. Vguy. I am just catching up on things. Always like Vince Gill Go Rest High on the Mountain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jXrmAKBBTU Of course Brokedown. Keithfan, just in case. Old Muscle Shoals is in renaissance. A friend of a friend of mine, so an an acquaintance of mine owns all the old studio equipment of FAME studios. Has a studio where I am from in a ranch house in the middle of a subdivision. https://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2018/04/aerosmiths_steven_ty… One of my funkier ones, James Brown, Future Shock! https://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2018/05/john_jabo_starks_ala… Hate to loose him, loved James! Make it Funky! G Oh yeah Loving this release. Sound is phenomenal.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

It comes with a lot of pain, so it must be worth it. I did see some really good shows.. but my list pales to some of the others that contribute. I really enjoying hearing tales of old (and new).. The music and the culture.. great fun great memories.. and someone was smart enough to hit the record button.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Not fair. My understanding is you have both the time traveling lawn mower and the closet full of toads to lick. How does that work? I am without. Lick a toad and mow mow mow.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

Happy Cinco De Maya all.. Why not kick it in with a little free stream from the land of the psychedelic toads, extra anejo tequila and live dead. http://nugs.tv/free/ They seem to be letting you rewind it and start from the beginning and it gets out of the gate with a bang. Great tribute to JPB who had just passed.. here is the setlist: Dead & Company The Barceló, Riviera Maya, Mexico 2018-02-15 Set 1: Playing in the Band Me and My Uncle He's Gone Cassidy Brown-Eyed Women Bertha Good Lovin' La bamba Set 2: Scarlet Begonias Fire on the Mountain Althea Estimated Prophet Eyes of the World Drums Space Looks Like Rain I Need a Miracle Casey Jones Encore: The Weight
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