• 8,176 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • Oroborous

    31, bring it!
    Glad we got that Chocolate spot all warmed up for ya!

  • Thats_Otis
    @ Oroborous, DeadVikes, etc.

    Thanks, my man! I think it sounds pretty sweet - especially that Shrine 67 LP release, played LOUD!

    Your Hershey story is great! Really wish I would have been around during those times! I would have partied right down in the mud with you!

    Not the same, but my first Phish show was at Hershey in 96. We too found a spot directly in front of the soundboard, figuring that it had to sound good there. To this day, my friends and I refer to that area at shows as "The Chocolate Spot."

    DeadVikes, everything's a-ok on this end. Thanks for the thoughts!

    So, are we on for Dave's 31 today?


  • DeadVikes

    Good to see you back in the loop. Hope all is well. New system is always exciting.
    I am willing to give Dave's 31 another try. Haven't listened to it since last year.

    Took out Good old Dave's 25, the BINGHAMTON NY 77 show. Some of these shows keep getting better with each listen.
    Oroborous, you are a wild man. What a ride!

    Be well folks. I have heard rumblings in other pages about big announcements coming. Don't know about that but we do know Dave's 35 will be announced in July. Maybe they will give Oroborous an 85 pick?

  • Vguy72
    6.28.85 Hershey Park....

    ....another one of my first tapes. Bird Song-> Comes A Time -> Deal. A rare Garcia trifecta to end the first. Music Never Stopped-> Tom Thumbs to open the second. How do you guys keep bringing up my first loves? And why does this band keep following me?
    Here's kind of a story. I tripped balls listening to this tape in 1989. That's all I got.

  • wilfredtjones

    You know it's on Dave's radar as he has played some of it on 30 Days in past years. Good show and one of my first tapes. Keep the stories coming! :-)

  • Oroborous

    So after basically staying up for 2 days at SPAC, we finally pack it up and hit the road the next day. I believe it was a rainy, gloomy day most of the day. But that didn’t stop our idiot patrol from basically racIng at high speed through the fine but conservative state of Pennsytuckey, where they were one of the last to let go of the 55 mph laws, and back then there usually wasn’t much tolerance. So 2 cars of totally raging nutknicks, with probably enough cargo to keep us detained for decades, thought it’d be a good idea to race at speeds up to 90!, Idiots!.....yes, one car had a radar detector, but in those days smart cops would wait for some nut traveling high speed and click it on when they had ya dead nuts.
    Luckily, all was well and it was one more “miracle” as we earnestly pursued our quest for “too much of everything is just enough”, aaaa, never considered back then maybe Bob was being sarcastic? Lol
    So we roll on into Chocolate town late and all beat up. I’m guessing we grabbed some kind of drive through, but not sure and as we were hardcore vegetarian then, perhaps we thought we’d grab something there? It’s all such a blur, I do recall the lot we were in had no or little Shakedown action going on. That still wasn’t in full flight anyway, and don’t recall much there, so maybe we drank our supper? I know I scored some Carlsberg Elephant beer, and believe I may have finished it, though that is a tall order even under good conditions so perhaps not. I’m sure I put in dent in it at least! So, that and the last of one z of veggies, though the tricky part was it was mostly just powder and scraps and so no normal produce to properly gage etc, which would turn out to be a tactical error...
    So it’s late, we’re tired, but tweaked, perhaps no dinner, and of course it’s horrible out. Dark, rainy, and cold is usually not how you want to do your Dead. Eventually we get in perfect time, slip right in front of the SB and try to make the best of the situation. Well I had a shirt, a black baseball jacket, and the electric Buffalo Hyde, but even still it was damp and cold at first. Eventually, when things started to take hold and we started boogieing, we began to warm up a bit.
    Meanwhile, the set list is awesome, but the conditions, which necessitated all the stage and PA speakers being covered in plastic (there was no stage lid) thereby severely effecting the audio. It’s was such a weird show that way, loved the little “stadium” and the nice audiophile stereo set up, with surrounds, great set list, mostly good playing, yes JGs vocals are a little ruff in the first set, but you have to cut some slack as it was terrible, I mean depending on the wind/rain they were getting rained on playing electrical instruments! Weird indeed, but like so many times in adverse conditions our heroes seemed to rise to the challenge. Thus the playing was perhaps more relaxed, steady and together and not forced like the previous night. Really, besides JGs vocal issues in the first, its a top notch show!
    The second set really starts to take it higher with stellar versions of Music Never Stopped, Terrapin, Miracle and one of the best Dews I’ve ever seen! I think I saw about 14 or 15 Dews and when I think about Dews I’ve seen, this one is the one I always think of first! Rocking Stones/NFA with a spirited Day Job. I liked Day Job, but by now it was getting a tad old, and was a disappointment for this show considering how high it was at that point. A She Belongs or Baby Blue would of been a perfect Cherry on top, but perhaps that’s being greedy?
    Now since the weather was such a factor, we must discuss that and how it influenced this show. The second set starts out with their “signing in the rain” as Bob says, and it’s a good’n! Next they slowly slid into an unusual sounding Tom Thumbs which I had never heard yet, and wasn’t even sure at first what it was, but hey, it was Phil so that’s all I needed to know! Good but perhaps truncated Estimated, followed by an awesome Terrapin. So as the set started to progress, so did the weather until (I think?) around Estimated it really started to clear up and they started pulling the plastic tarps down. It was almost like you could immediately hear it get better after each one was removed. Eventually by about Terrapin, they tarps we’re gone, the moon and stars were out, and Healy started increasing the volume and tweaking the mix. I remember we were goading him to turn it up, and man eventually he sure did!
    As the night wore on it began to warm up a bit too. But as you’ve heard this scenario, or been there yourself, many times I didn’t feel quite high enough so what the hell, one more time with the powder veggie crumbles just before drums......hee-hee....you know, “I’m not feeling it?” and then...Dooah!
    So the problem with those baseball jackets is they don’t really breath and the electric Buffalo Hyde was thick plastic. We didn’t have all the nice technical outer gear we have now, or at least WE didn’t. I could barely afford the free plastic one from the old mans work.
    Well a perfect storm mounted; little or no food, Elephants, veggies etc, no sleep, excess everything and underlying exhaustion, with me starting to overheat due to the above and dancing with that plastic shell on. Things were going unbelievable well, and partly influenced by the very recent passing of my Grandfather, during Dew, things peaked musically, the sound, the night, the stars, emotionally etc etc until I had one of the most powerful musical/emotional/psychedelic peak experiences of my life. Perhaps my all time GD moment, it was that powerful. But what goes up must come down and just like that the radiator blew and that last handful of shroom dust fully kicked in and somewhere in Throwing Stones, right during ashes, ashes all fall down, well.....I say i didn’t really fall down, it was more like an immediate realization that if I don’t sit down rapidly, I’m going down! LOL, so one way or another, depending on who you believe, I end up down in the soft, cool mud until near the end of the song, but I swear just as I tried to get up I knew it wasn’t going to happen, so right on que again I go back down. My friends to this day always bring up my perfectly coreographed “Dance moves” above all else that happened on this tour..35 years later and it’s still “ashes, ashes, Pedro falls down” !
    That would of all been well and good except things were very strange and weren’t wearing off, and I was barely functioning. I never would of found the car etc If not for my homies. Honestly all I remember is them pulling into a Wendy’s or something, but I just sat in the car with my face literally stuck to the window and crackled! Zzzzttttt. I really thought I had finally fried some essential circuits and thought this time I really did it. At some point I snapped out enough to find some kids in another car staring at me with a look of concern if not fear. Luckily, the boys finished up and came out and got us outta there. Somewhere near the state line we finally grabbed a motel as we all had had more than enough rain and adversity. Plus the next day was off and the drive short. I remember they propped me up in bed and I just sat and crackled and worried. Eventually I slept and though I felt better the next day, I didn’t feel normal and don’t recall much except when we got to Merriweather and found a good spot just over the creek, right next to the path, in some trees, on the way to the big parking lots to the right of the venue. But now it was nice and I was feeling more normal so not so freaked out. I also remember going to a nearby sorta plaza with an upscale liquor store where I scored my first sixer of EKU 28 ever which was awesome!
    So now we’ve moved beyond the insanity of TOGA, the adversity and majesty of Hershey, and ready for perhaps the best overall show of the tour on 6/30/85....

    EDIT: Otis, congrats on the stereo. All that matters is if your happy with it. After all the specs and hyperbole etc, no matter how big, small, expensive etc, in the end, that’s all that counts!

  • Thats_Otis
    @ Bob T and Pick for Monday

    Nice rec for the TDIGDH 6/28/76 show! I'd never heard that one before, and it is pretty sweet. The "Happiness is Drumming" is certainly a highlight!

    I have been out of the loop for a bit - trying to deal with some personal stuff on my end, and I just kind of lost track of things around these parts. I hope to be able to participate more going forward.

    To that end, how about a pick for tomorrow, Monday 6/29? I am thinking Dave's 31 - 12/3/79 Uptown. I feel like this pick got a short shrift on the DaP page, but I remember being very happy with it, though I haven't given it a proper listen since it first came out. What do you all think?

    One positive thing that I have accomplished since I've been away has been the set up of my first component stereo system. I don't know if it compares to all of your "big boy" systems, but it certainly feels BIG in my little row home! Looking forward to playing it LOUD tomorrow when the wife goes to work.


  • Oroborous
    Voodoo senile, slight return. 6/27/85, and why 85 Dead is like

    Bode Miller...

    First, GOGD, I did not mean to single you out, over generalizations, which become stereotypes, which become truth etc, really bum me out. So it was more of a trigger to that, not you personally. I know you were just repeating this line.
    Actually, as I’ve dug in deeper, there are probably a significant number of shows where he often doesn’t sound so good, but to over generalize that “his voice was shot”, as in never more, to me, imho, that completely devalues and discounts all the amazing, great sounding stuff he was still able to do. 87,88,89,90,91anyone? Micro view versus macro perhaps?

    SECOND: I must humbly recant my tale of dancin in the rain. As we were diligently experiencing TOGA last night. Too things became apparent. First, perhaps JG was a tad “caffeinated” at the start of both sets. Listening close on a real system, (not the big boy, but the living room system which ain’t no slouch!), he seems a tad to fast and/or their not fully entrained. One could argue not fully so until Women Are?...so probably something to do with him totally skipping the Key Rain Storm, and Jailhouse versus, of Bertha, lol.
    Thus, while I wasn’t deceitful, I was not accurate. Sure enough, when Holmes and Watson ripped a spleef and fired up Bertha from SPAC 6/24/84, and bingo, ding, ding, ding, ding! Right venue, wrong year! 😂 Ooops, my apologies to the dear reader...but hey, it’s a fun interesting new tid bit, and it did rain, I think, lol.
    While doing this research I was listening just on the iPad and interestingly he doesn’t sound as bad? Also, I’ve been going with the HS matrixes, especially shows where I want to hear those crowd big moments. Generally they’ve been pretty good, but researching, I used a CM transfer and man, definitely a big difference. Perhaps number one being the speed/time of the Miller seemed better and more natural?
    Subjective I know, just that it’s interesting how every variable can effect perceptions.
    6/27/85: so this beast is still as much of a rocket sled ride as I’ve thought, but it’s perhaps a tad more unpolished then I would of said in the past. But that’s being picky, and you know I prefer danger dead to safe, so as at this moment, Hell in a bucket is scorching, I stick by this show for that, the cool set list, and the fact that eventually, say around Women Are on out, that part of the show stands with its lofty summer 85 neighbors. Probably have to give 6/24& perhaps 6/25? a slight advantage overall, but man I haven’t been to many shows that had the vibe, fun, and overall madness of this puppy.

    So why is 85 Dead like Bode Miller? He often was criticized for his erratic style, or lack thereof, his nonconformity, often disregard for the rules, including parting then basically going 80 MPH down an insane pitch, that was usually hosed down to make it more icy, and thus faster! So just like this era of Dead, sometimes he’d DQ, sometimes he’d slack off, sometimes it was ugly, but when he brought it, that mofo brought it!! and when he was able to be one with the force, it was fucking breathtaking! Scary, but breathtaking. No matter what, if he was racing there was an energy, an excitement, that larger than life vibe......that, to me, is 85 Dead.
    FINALLY: Ladies and Germs, May I present the Electric Buffalo Hyde! as christened by my degenerate cohort due to my resemblance of the great beast of the prairies back in the day, and this baby used to be so bright people would ask if there were batteries. But Alas, like youth itself it’s faded dramatically, and is old and bartered. It definitely gave it’s all to R&R. So many Dead shows, festivals, camping, parties, you name it! Also, it will be a part of an unfortunate situation at the next night, where I lost my shit in Hershey! So until then....

  • bob t
    only time played anniversary show 6/28/76 Chicago Auditorium

    If you are too busy to listen to whole show, listen to Happiness is Drumming from set II, if you have never heard or listened to listen you will be pleasantly surprised!!! There is a Charlie Miller soundboard on Internet Archive!!!! bob t

  • The Good Ole G…
    Good Times Great Oldies

    Sounds like the ole SPAC '85 show will get some play today.

    Always a fun revisit. Vguy & Keithfan that was you guys?! That's funny.

    I guess I always thought this was an indoor show because of the balcony stuff and didn't know about the rain storm.

    Tell us more.

    And just for the record if I happen to say Jerry's voice is shot, what I mean to say is I love Jerry's voice, even though it's a little shot here. ;)

    I agree, it always sounds great to me.

    Enjoy party people!

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Member for

17 years 9 months
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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Member for

10 years 6 months

New audio equipment is the best.
Saw your post on "listening to" and you stumped me again. I thought has that not funny OCD Canadian comedian from AGT released an album? Oops not Howie, but Harvey Mandel lol. From John Mayall, Canned Heat and auditioned for the Stones. Not bad creds!

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Member for

9 years 5 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


music and clean sound - simple pleasures that bring a whole lot of happiness. and who can't use more of that these days? not an "audiophile" by any means but its increasingly important to honor those pleasures and make the occasional strategic purchase.

Cristo Redentor was Mandel's first solo album. He had played on Charlie Musselwhite's first album and Musselwhite plays harp on one or two tunes. Only came across it a few years ago. CD I've got is a reissue by Raven that also includes a selection of bonus tracks from a large slice of his career. Title track is pure dreamy late night gorgeous summer of youth - hauntingly beautiful. What I didn't know until now is that Musselwhite covered the tune on his first album and it was signature song he played. just listening to it now, with Mandel playing the guitar line. And its gorgeous (of course).

On a snowy Colorado note a brother reminded me today of when us kids (4 of the 5), along with a couple of brothers from another family (that we've totally lost track of), got to meet Billy Kidd at Steamboat ca. 1972. Billy graciously met with us little squirts (plus the Dads) and signed some swag for us - all gone now - lol. Fortunately still have a handful of faded photographs that our Mom had in an album. A real blast from the past. Looking online - Kidd is still there at Steamboat over 50 years later - very cool to see.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Probably still on K2s, lol.
Those red, white, and blue K2 Fours were the stuff BITD. An incredible racer who defined an era, and a great asset and ambassador for Steamboat.

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Member for

9 years 5 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


An iconic ski for sure. Some interesting photos of retro K2 assemblages/arrays to be seen with an easy search. Not that I skied all that much but I plunked down hard earned money for a pair of long/narrow/stiff Rossis - man, skis back in the day were such a different concept from nowadays and not in a good way for most of us. The Steamboat family history came up because another brother was going to join long time friends to ski there this weekend. That storm(s) put the kabosh on that - one guy arrived early but everybody else near and far got shut down.

Got distracted from Baltimore '77 yesterday so finishing that up this morning.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Going to start DaP 12 & 25 today, maybe a soundtrack for The Players golf tourny, lol.
Never had any K2s but I loved my Dynastars, almost sister company to Rossi. Tried the 2004-07 K2s, loved the Recon, hated the Crossfire. Best ski in '04 was a Rossi Z-5 for me. Carved like a dream, all you had to do was think about turning and they did. I used to find, tune and try lots of vintage skis in the pre-parabolic era and those K2 fours from 1970-72 were awful. I don't know how we ever got better, lol.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Hit it over the weekend in the car 1st Show. The Scarlet was always a little funky when I first listened to it, but it has definitely grown on me over the years. I think the Half Steps in 77 and into spring 78 were fabulous. Just rocking versions that you didn't want to end.

Would have been a fun show to be at. Love the banter.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


After moving along nicely, my 69 project, he’ll all dead, has been grounded.
After 17 years got blindsided by my greedy employer.
Long short pulled my benes so right before I need medical things done they pulled my insurance.
But worst part is how bad its me depressed. Just when things were looking good. “When life looks like easy street…”
So haven’t been able to listen to much and especially no Dead : (

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Member for

10 years 6 months

That's a raw deal Oro. Everything is bottom line nowadays. I had that happen too near the end of my retail career where they made everyone a part-timer so they'd lose benefits even though we were still doing 36-40+ hours a week. Then the SOBs went bankrupt and kept the $1K I had in PDOs and vacation time. Our condolences and maybe someone will pick you up who knows how valuable their workforce is. Spread the word and like me you might just be working for their competitor trying to put them under, lol. "Don't let it bring you down. It's only castles burning.....". Neil Young
Edit: Check PM (shortened by the HN police)

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Member for

17 years 9 months

That sucks in so many ways. So sorry to hear this.
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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by marye


So sorry to hear that man. Very lame.
Hope you can find a new gig with a better outfit.

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Member for

15 years 3 months

sorry to hear about your gig being cancelled, it sucks. It's happening a lot now days, as soon as you get close to retirement age, they boot you and take it all away. This also happened to a friend, 19 years and 1 to go for retirement, terminated on a trumped up charge.

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Member for

11 years 11 months

In reply to by PT Barnum


That stinks Oro. I hope they have to offer you cobra, though you would have to start ponying up, it should be at a better rate than out on the street. Perhaps coverage through your spouse? This stuff does happen more and more now, lucky I guess to make it to retirement age and Medicare before my employer started the funny business, of course they knew they could start cutting hours and benefits. Bastids.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by PT Barnum


PT, didn’t you get the “treatment” couple years ago?

Technically, they had a right to make me PT as I’ve only been working about 1100-1300 hours a year.
They didn’t outright fire me probably hoping I’ll make it easy on em and just go away. Could use to work at the higher rate for as long as I can stand it, but man it will be awkward.
But due to Covid, long short I had verbal agreement/arrangement with the owner which has worked amazing for four years.
And part of that was that if anything needed to change with my “hybrid” status, that we’d discuss it, like adults, not just send a cowardly email.
So it’s as much the way it went down that’s really lame, especially since nobody’s answered my reply to discuss this, nothing, crickets,
17 years of consistently doing high quality and the hardest shit jobs nobody else wanted, making them tens of millions, which has made me damn near crippled physically, and this is what you get!
And long short, basically it comes down to them perhaps subsidizing a few thousand “unearned” dollars to keep me healthy and happy!
Guess they’d rather spend it on a revolving door of young folks who have no skills, hard work ethic, or care.
Sa la vie. But thanks again, may not have any many other friends, but here on DN, like in Viola Lee, “I gotta friend some where” ; )

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Walked into the beer store and there was a stack of it.
Woo Hoo!
Must be spring.
Tastes mighty fine.
Bring on summer.

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Member for

8 years 1 month

Ooof Oroborous that really sucks. And I'm with you 100% on what you said about when life looks like easy street. We know it, we tell ourselves that we know it, but yet we can't help slowly being lulled into a false sense of security.

Sorry to hear this OB. Man. I got laid off a few years back after a 20 year run. Covid didn't help things either, but we do the best we can. Of all the things I have not been able to make whole is the kids college fund, an event that is rapidly approaching. The wheel is turning and you can't slow down, right. We'll find a way though - never give up.

I liked the Viola Lee reference, that's the vibe I like.

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Member for

1 year 5 months

...it makes sense that you feel slighted by the owner. wishing you much luck in your search!

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Member for

17 years 9 months

In reply to by uncle_tripel


A similar occurrence happened to my eldest son (and his coworker) who were walked off the jobsite (years ago) because they were making the most wage$ of all the laborers at sampson construction, in Lincoln NE. So both were fired without cause. They were not even allowed to retrieve their personal tools!

Radical capitalist extremists are repugnant entities, but are proliferating in modern times, unfortunately. The love and worship of money over all else is a malignant malady/mindset/faith. This belief system is detrimental for all individuals, our society, our culture, and our future.

"One way or another, this darkness got to give."

Good vibes sent your way to help you land in a better spot.

"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."

Once or twice a year I think back to Gordon Gekko. Does anyone remember him from the movie Wall Street?

Greed is good he proclaimed. That never sat right with me, it seems a hollow, selfish gesture that does not give the complete picture when greed runs awry.

Anyway, that movie came out in 1987. There are three shows I really like from that year - 7/24/87, 7/26/87 and perhaps my favorite 9/18/87. I'm going to hit one of these later in the day to try and balance out the greed of Mr. Gekko and the plight of our friend Senor OB.

A wise man once said Greed is a poison that blinds us to what truly matters. Shove that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Gekko

As you were.

You folks gonna make me all verklempt.

Ha, my situation had me recalling that prescient quote you speak of Jim.
I recall realizing that most people are unfortunately gonna miss the real point, which is the opposite, sigh.

But I also thought of a good one for you worrying about the kids future. Lol.
To quote the great Judge Smails “the world needs ditch diggers too Danny” lol
Totally just kidding of course, unfortunately I suffer from a pathology that requires me to become more juvenile and comedic the more dire the situation.
But hey, it usually makes people laugh, so what’s wrong with that!

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Yes, that is it. What did I say, four from the vault? That is wrong. Thanks Jim.

Two great shows from the summer Dylan tour in 87. Making up some of the shows that were cancelled in 86 due to Jerry's coma.
I own the DVD and the CD release.
Tons of Steel brings back memories from summer 87. I miss those days.

Just made it back from Nashville last night. Was there for four days for a family wedding. Fun town. Tons of live music on Broadway Street.

Had the Dead on my phone to get me through the flights.

When will that box set be announced this year?

Be well all.

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Member for

3 years 4 months

Great show, I was fortunate to have been there. The Dead played great, seeing Garcia play pedal steel was worth the price of admission.

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Member for

11 years 7 months

In reply to by billy the kiddd


You were right up the road from me in Nashville.
My son's Oncologist is in Nashville.
Give me a shout if you ever head this way again.

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by TN John


A tough weight to carry, sending good wishes to you and your son. We've got a bit of that going on in our family too. We are half in denial and half accepting what's to come.

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Member for

15 years 3 months

yeah, I was also mistreated by employer(s) doesn't matter if you are the best at what you do, if the cost of keeping a talented individual outweighs the benefits of keeping that same person, then, everytime, the powers that be will cut you, and sometimes that cut is deep.
Just the other day I was saying to my better half, "work sucks and I don't want to do it anymore". She said, "quit, the world won't end" so I did but not before telling the twit who was the immediate supervisor just what I thought of her. Lazy, stupid and crazy, that's what they picked over a vet who worked ass off. So, I just went in and quit, felt quite good actually. Now, I am officially retired. Time to veg out, relax and smoke em if you got em.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by PT Barnum


Will do TN John.

Roberts Western World was a cool spot.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by PT Barnum


and ESPECIALLY Greedheads!

Good thoughts coming y’all’s way, we are everywhere!

PT, you’ll love this one. So since I’m not fired, just PT, the bastardos try to call me up Friday so I could give them info that would make their life significantly easier lol
I texted next day saying you folks are shameless and “sorry, too busy reassembling my life after the cowardly sucker punch” to worry about helping you
Ok, too much pain and too much sorrow here, (hopefully) won’t be the same tomorrow!
Back to my spring 69 project, should be through February by end today
These short shows are beneficial to major box checking!

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Member for

11 years 7 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Thanks Jim and Oro!
We've been dealing with this for 10 years now.
Unfortunately, it has become normalized for us.
Daily chemo tablets, and occasional phlebotomies.
We are fortunate compared to some of the other people we see at Ingram Cancer Center.
"Once in a while, you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right"
Vibes to your family as well Jim.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Not as much a suggestion as a question.
Is it King Solomon's Marbles or Stronger Than Dirt?
Did 1 From the Vault today and was chasing blues for Allah stuff.
Think I'll just do the DaP 18 bonus disc which does not list the Stronger Than Dirt between Playin' and Cosmic Charlie (or the Samson after) even though Deadbase lists it.
Edit - It's more like a stronger than dirt jam but could just as easily be called part of Playin'. Love this disc!

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Good idea, I think I will join you in the bonus disc from Dave's 18. It has been a long time.

Then, Dave's #30, 1/2/70.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Yes lol

Luv me sum 7/76 Orpheum shows!

I’m rolling through spring 69, getting into ridiculously good April.
Next stop, the Ark!

Cheese and rice John, everyday for ten years!
Not sure how you do it, guess no choice eh?
May the force be with you!

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Member for

16 years 8 months

While you're cruising through the Spring of 69, don't forget to revisit the Ice Palace, it's hot!!! OSF has the reels, release the hounds!!!!

If architecture is frozen music then music must be liquid architecture.....

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Member for

10 years 6 months

It's Oro's fault from his challenge to Doc's April '71 posts on the Mars thread. Thinkin' DaP 15 Nashville today. But as Oro said, that's just me.

Sounds good 1st Show.

I believe this is the show that Bob says at the end of the first set, "That's it, we quit."

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10 years 6 months

in DaP 15 are making me go to DiP 25, an old favorite, next to see the demarcation between the 4-24-78 show and early May run. Clearly the Nashville is in that picture perfect category and had a great flow of up and down tempos. They were working the room like Nashville cats. Next stop, the swaggering '78 sound.

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Member for

11 years 7 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


That April Nashville show is a good one.
I wish they would release the 12/16/78 Nashville show. That was my first show, and would be the last time they played TN until the Pyramid in Memphis on April Fools Day '95.
Good thing I moved to Norfolk, VA in '85, or I might not have been able to see that many shows. Being perched in the middle of the East Coast came in quite handy from a Dead show standpoint.

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by TN John


I was at both Pyramid shows.
Had a grate time. Pretty good shows as far as ‘95 goes.
Got my first of two Unbroken Chains.

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


I'm in on Nashville. The recording on this one wowed everyone when it was released. I think it was Keithfan that raved about the Wharf Rat (I think?).

Moving to Norfolk, I am guessing you caught a few Hampton shows then. I loved that venue and caught a bunch myself starting with 83.

Wow, I can't believe I did not get hay chowed. I'd better play Powerball while my luck is holding.

Saw every show at Hampton from '85 to the end.
Mothership, Spectrum, and Cap Center were my 3 favorite venues for shows.
But to clarify, I'm back in TN now. Moved back here 3 years after Garcia passed.
Hope your shoulder is healing up. I'm still doing therapy on my frozen shoulder.

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by TN John


I'm a little more than six weeks out, so weak and tender but improving. No frozen shoulder so far, I've been working hard to keep movement and working harder on range of motion since a couple days after surgery. So weak and tender but instead of it getting worse, I am seeing improvement. I have been religious about PT, doing everything that I am supposed to do. No less but also no more.

Gradually things are beginning to move towards normal (which is anything but normal).

Dropped four flights and cracked my spine aka what a drag it is getting old.

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Member for

11 years 7 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


How about that Foolish Heart at the 4/1 Pyramid show?
That intro about blew the roof off the Pyramid!
If you ever get back to Memphis, the Pyramid is now a Bass Pro Shops. LOL

Glad you're improving Jim.

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by TN John


I haven’t listened to those shows in a long time and don’t recall the Foolish Heart. But that could be because the transition from Victim to Foolish on 6-27-95 was so good (to me) that that is the Foolish I remember from that year.

Too bad SBD’s from 6-27,28-95 aren’t in circulation (last I checked). I have AUD’s.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by TN John


Was thinking of Dave's #5 today. I haven't listened to this show in a couple of years. Hey it's November 73.

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Member for

1 year 5 months

...a GOOD time for NOV '73

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by uncle_tripel


I think we have about 90 to 95% totality where I live but I feel compelled to drive a little closer to totality. The last Solar Eclipse I saw was in the late 70's or early 80's. We were instructed to build these lame ass shadow viewers so we would not go blind. So very disappointing. This year we are not expected to have complete sun so I have to drive a bit to get to partially cloudy. I guess I will go, why not?

So whatever you want to listen to tomorrow go for it, but before you decide, consider something with a melodic and meaningful Dark Star to suite this auspicious occasion. I rarely reach for this one, but I am bringing 2/27/69 and just a little extra something to make it interesting even if the sun don't shine.

I decided to stay away from interstates (they will become parking lots) and try to head West from where I live using mostly back roads as the highways are already packed with eclipse travelers. Due West seems to have the least clouds and closest to full totality. It's morel season here now so there's that also. When I look on a map, this logic takes me right past the Fur Peace Ranch, anyone ever heard of that place? I doubt if they let me in, but that's about where I am heading, if the place is locked I have another suitable place about 20 miles Northeast that should work. I figure I can get there and back in time to catch the game tomorrow night.

Seems like a noble adventure, what could possibly go wrong? 2/27/69, a solar eclipse and just enough jungle juice to make it interesting. Who's with me?