• 8,166 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • Oroborous
    Gratefulhan & 10/9/76

    Han, glad your digging 85. It’s so cool to find stuff you dig that you weren’t familiar with!
    Actually, I can’t take credit for the Greeks as I believe GOGD and/BTK brought those up?...I think?
    I know I was pushing for the summer tour proper, but whomever took us to the Greek I’m glad I listened!
    6/18/83: my friends told me all about how cool the place was and what a great show, and especially about that S/F.
    I’m still kicking myself for not going: had a ride, tix were easy etc, Doooaaahhh! We more than made up for it the next year!

    10/9/76: awesome! Only heard this first show sorta once and haven’t made it to the second night yet as I just picked DP 33 from real gone a couple months ago. So glad to dig in and wow, really dug the second set especially. Prolly my favorite thing about 76 is how well they segwayed in and out of the songs, especially with the bigger band. Usually the bigger the band, the clunkier and harder to turn on a dime like that. Smells like rehearsal to me? 7/18/76 possibly being the best example of this?
    It’s funny as 10/9 still got some of the laid back 76 air to it, but as with other shows as the year progressed, the transition to a more 77 urgency is noticeable. Of course I’m betting a little R&R good natured rivalry and a giant stadium full of SF nuts might of had something to do with it also? Definitely need to get more familiar with this Dick (sorry, couldn’t help it 😏). In fact I need to get right with this one or the ole senator from the great state of Vegas will subpoena me and bring me in front of the Dead ethics board.
    Ok, mañana 10/10/76!
    Anyone know what the SS is or who the guest is?

  • Oroborous
    Tough Crowd?

    I thought that shit was hilarious, but maybe you had to be there?
    I figured the likes of Casey Janes and Hendrixfreak would find humor?
    Of course they probably don’t hang here...

  • Gratefulhan

    OROBOROUS I took your advice and I started with 6/14 @ the Greek Theatre. What a great show! I didn't look at the setlist, I just hit play. I was really suprised and happy with the Keep on Growing cover. Lots of great stuff in this show: The Let it Grow > Deal set 1 closer rocked. Then a Morning Dew to open the 2nd set? I didn't think they did that kind of thing in 80s. I even thoroughly enjoyed Bobby rocking the Smokestack Lightning. Plus the Comes a Time was sweet and according to the fan reaction on the tape and Deadbase- it hadn't been played in 5 years. So good....

    Food for thought for the Pick of the Day: I am sticking with my 1985 time travel experiment, but I came across a post on FB talking about the Scarlet > Fire from 6/18/83. I sampled it, sounds good. This show might slip into the rotation for me, but not yet.

  • The Good Ole G…
    1990 & 1982

    OROBOROUS I see why Summer '90 holds a special place in your head, heart. Even without the spicy psychedelic romping in the forests by the beach the music and trip to the west coast would've been a winner, but it sounds like you had a winner winner chicken dinner!
    Good Times.
    Dug the shows and really hadn't spent much time with summer '90 previously, enjoyed the ride, nice block of shows. I wanna check out those Eugene '90 shows that follow, soon...

    I'm thinking DEADVIKES might be on to something. I liked the first night & third night best, but the middle night got released, would love to sit down with Dave & the team and hear all about the thought process.

    VGUY - Can't do 10/10/82 without first listening to 10/9... a fine set of shows for sure!
    '82 Frost tapes were cherished in our early tape trading days.

    Fun stuff.

    You can tell this Day On The Green is gonna be a fun one, the band sounds ready and is delivering from the get go.

    Gonna be a good day of listening!

  • The Good Ole G…
    Day On The Green

    set your WABAC machine to 1976-10-09 & 10-10 - DiP V33 and the pilot tells us within 13 minutes we'll be headed to the terminal gate

  • JimInMD
    Took a couple days off

    I had to palate cleanse. Listened to four Phil shows from 07 & 08 while refinishing my 100 year old wooden front door. Made what was a very unpleasant but much needed task almost enjoyable. Lots of aged and neglected delicate details to sand around. Phil didn't sing in too many of these (no need to comment on his vocal range). It was super rewarding. One of the shows started with a Cumberland, reminiscent of a recent feature Dave's Picks 16. Some ripping moments. Jackie Greene, Larry Campbell, Barry Sless, Warren Haynes, it was a multi-instrumentalist buffet and man.. to hear some well played pedal steel mixed in with fiddles, steel guitars, fenders and gibsons oh my, then the custom thing-a-magigies. Goodness, a guitar fest.

    Visiting my parents tomorrow for the first time post covid, my did is in my mid 80's and had surgery yesterday. Outside only exercising caution and much distance.. both parents are old and have a serious list of chronic conditions. These are strange times we live in.. but the point, I doubt if I will get through a pick of the day tomorrow either. Did I say the best of the best Maryland crab cakes and cold beer?

    Anyway.. great vibes here and some terrific picks. Hats off to the team effort and great tunes. What's in store today?

    Edit: Palate cleanse with Phil and Friends. Got a request to send some Old and in the Way last night.. another great palate cleanser. If anyone remembers that Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, I am pretty sure you can do it with the Grateful Dead to almost any piece of music (at least music sung using in English).

  • DeadVikes
    Good to See you Vguy

    Good to see you Vguy.
    Where the hell is Bob t? I alway get nervous when the regulars are missing, like FourWinds.

    Otis! Wait till Otis sees us, he loves us!

  • Vguy72
    I'm still on 10.10.82....

    ....here's a little secret. Its a keeper.
    Dicks 33 is very, very, veeeery high on my list. I know it well. It blows sweet nothings in my ears every three months or so.

  • DeadVikes

    This is a solid show Oroborous! Might be better than 6/16/90?? Well maybe not, but damn good. Highlights for me Shakedown Street, Birdsong, Eyes and Stella Blue are really good. Your favorite finish, Throwing Stones, Lovelight. Great encore with the Weight.
    Thanks Man!

    Relisten is working great for me, appreciate the tip. Yes, I am late to the party.

    On to 10/9/76 tomorrow, good old Dick's #33.

    Be well folks!

  • Oroborous
    Misty Midi madness, The Heep, and more 85

    Foggy tales from the Heep!
    Wow, digging the 17th. I only really remember any show specifics from the 16th, mostly because of the unusual set list. Of course I’ve watched the video numerous times so I’m sure that plays into it...both great shows, actually the 16th lost just a touch of its status for me this time? Not quite as razor sharp as I recall, but that’s nit picking compared to spring tour? Fun set list though, and the China Cat starts to really soar, then they sort a miss a gear on the Segway, but it’s subtle. We Can Run was ruff, but after that the rest is good, and of course the whole Terrapin through the weird fest is awesome, that’s the shizzle this boy is looking for. Yeah, some good 90s electronic mind eraser! Nice ease back to reality and scoop up your fragile ego off the lawn with China Doll, and dance her home with the Mags. Always dig a sweet Baby Blue.
    Definitely picked a good time to come outta electric “retirement”!
    17th is pretty solid all around, Brent slips a tad during Far From Me but they pull it out ok, Picasso Moon is the only thing I recall sounding like it wasn’t happening, and I was looking forward to more jam/weirdness, especially when they broke out the PITB where they did. That’s often a good launch pad for deep space 9, but not much of a jam comparatively, and then into an Eyes of all things? Good weirdness outta D/S, with the rest sorta status quo for the times.
    All in all perhaps best trip ever. 85 was more nuts, stay up for days and rage etc, this trip I was like 28, with new 20 year old “Loose Lucy” “GF” , doing electric things not done in years, first time to SF/promised land, Oh and 2 awesome Warfield JGB shows in the middle of the six Dead shows to boot! Of course I got stuck paying for it for a while, long story, but it was totally worth it all. So summer 85 was a gas, but June 90 was a dream, a summer loving in the spring, fall, and winter, in the ocean, camping at half moon bay, hotels, pools, camping at Santa Cruz, and perhaps best of all, at dawn still feeling it as the sun came up and we were camped out in a Red Wood Forest State Park of some kind up by La Honda, whoa, that was some cool shit. Like having to drive AROUND huge trees where the road was literally built to go around rather than cut them down, so cool. So, we get there in the middle of the night, and you can tell the trees are there, but man at dawn when you could start to see to the tops.......still blows me away, THAT, I’ll always remember!
    Perhaps best sunrise ever! So yeah, let’s just say we didn’t just get some,...well, let’s just say old Pig woulda been proud!
    Ok, 2 quick related stories then I promise I’ll not pontificate on these ever again.
    So back to, think last night of Cal Ex, as we’re sharing a room with like 4 or 5 other dudes, the happy rolling couple is feeling like folks often do under the conditions, but not possessing the modesty or lack of decorum to just get animal in the crowded, shared room, so eventually after much rolling and tumblin’ on the bed Etc, and after already getting kicked outta the pool several times over the 3 days, the bathroom seems like it’s going to have to work, remember, “the situation is the boss”, so that’s what happens...so we’re having a grand ole time and being relatively stealth....I think?, and everything’s all hunky dory until the sink counter that she’s perched on comes off the wall and crashes to the floor!!....Oooppss!
    Well so much for stealth and now everyone’s freaked out about the damage so of course I do what anyone who’s ever been involved with R&R on the road, especially if ever for a living, and I get up and get all cleaned up and make sure I get to the office early while all the upstanding folks and traveling families are checking out etc, and so I proceed to complain in a loud enough voice to draw interest, but not loud enough to raise concern (object is to use the natives for benefit, power in numbers etc, not to scare, never want to scare the natives, unless on purpose of course), so your boy proceeds to ask for the manager and register a complaint about “what kind of unsafe place is this? etc, with both he and I realizing that all the guests in the looby are now totally listening, so I proceed to politely but firmly replay how just as I was leaning over to shave that one little tuff spot, and while leaning on said counter to do so, it suddenly, and terrifyingly jumps from the wall, but how luckily, tragedy was narrowly averted, only by my quick cat like reflexes, and how I only ended up with this little abrasion on my neck! (which of course conveniently for the situation happened during the previous evenings extra curricular frolicking in question.)
    Yes sir HST and Cassidy both woulda been proud, especially when the manager apologized profusely and gave us a nice discount off the tab! Of course you could tell he was kinda wondering and started to mumble something about how could that actually happen etc, but we didn’t stick around for all that, I immediately turned, found the cutest little tyke and proceeded to lay on the “boy you folks sure must be proud“, and “what a well behaved cute little guy” etc as we’re literally backing out the door.....give me three steps mister for sure! Tru dat, all of it, I don’t care if you believe me or not as:
    1) I was there, and
    2) I have several witnesses!
    I believe the statue of limitations on hotel rooms is up after 30 years?
    The other story is that last early morning red wood sunshine daydream. So as we’re in the woods and thinking we’re all alone, so in other words we’re back at it again...hey, sun dresses and Guatemalan shorts come off pretty easy, so just as the suns coming up and we’re still riding the last electric waves, and the trees are magnificent, and the birds are starting to chirp, and the river is signing, and we’re actually living a real life sun shine daydream........along comes a park ranger up from the river pumping station! Oooopppss, hee-hee, well the poor gal seemed more embarrassed by it then we were, and of course as we’re literally rolling down the hill like a couple of squirrels in heat as I look over and wave and give er the biggest morning greeting and smile and act like absolutely nothing is wrong, LOL. Well she couldn’t get outta there fast enough, and hell, it’s California in a big state park, so I’m guessing it wasn’t the first or last time she saw some tweaked out hippies getting weird and naked! 😎
    Ok, I’ve rambled on enough, but GOGD did ask for it, or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Lol
    Thanks for indulging my little trip down memory lane, hopefully y’all had some fun and heard some good tunes you might not of ever heard otherwise? These have always seemed to fall between the 90 spring, summer tour cracks....
    Now Onward, through the fog! Forward, never straight...mañana sounds like we’re going Dicks 33, Awesome, see ya then!

    SPRING 85: used to know more but haven’t gone there in forever...know 4/7/85, my favorite Easter Sunday ever, is well worth a listen. Prime 85, yes Jer has a “tour cold” by then, but so what, sometimes I thing it adds to the affect. Dirty but dangerous!
    Wilfred: yes the weirdness! It didn’t start up in 85, but they did bring it back in a big way..

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Member for

17 years 9 months
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.

I completely agree.

On occasion and if I'm not careful volume gets the best of me. One day I might live to regret this. Thankfully, that day was not today.

A new one for me. Some sound weirdness especially in and around banter, but what the hey.

I don't know what it is, but I have soft spot for The Eleven, Born Cross-Eyed and especially New Potatoe Caboose. Good show with some vintage grease to end the night with me feeling a little dirtier than I did when I woke up.

If there's no pick for tomorrow, I suggest the next in line. It's a partial, starts with a rare Clementine. 1/20/68 Euraka Municipal Auditorium. I think we should set up a go fund me to find all the missing reels, there's a couple missing from this show. It would be something for them to be found.

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Member for

8 years 3 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Hey Jim, I know you have had a lot on you plate this year. Thanks for checking this one out. Yes, the recording is decent, not great. Like a lot of 88 recordings out there. Still think they have some good ones in the Vault.

I liked the show, anytime I see a Hey Pocky Way, I am in. Nice Shakedown to open the second set. Love the triple Encore with China Rider OMSN.

It is good to get out of the comfort zone once in a while Doc.

Carousel Ballroom 68, okay Jim, Ok will have to que it up this morning.

Enjoy the weekend out there.

Edit. Oh and after the carousel ballroom I will be moving on the 12/9/79, Dave's Picks #47. Love this one and I need some 79. If I had the keys, I would be putting out a big 79 Box.

44 years ago today, there when Roy Buchanan along with Levon and His All Stars opened for the Dead. My last in person show, on the bus since their first album, however things had changed so much.... Doc was there, a wild late summer scene, part of my farewell to Maine.

Hey rockers!!

Yes, we were there and had a blast. Beautiful day and tremendous music. A very fine show by the Dead, one of my all-timefavorite in-person Dead experiences.

Would make a solide offical release. It is worthy......

Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile, I caught hell for.....

Hey rockers!!

Yes, we were there and had a blast. Beautiful day and tremendous music. A very fine show by the Dead, one of my all-time favorite in-person Dead experiences.

Would make a solid official release. It is worthy......

Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile, I caught hell for.....

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9 years 5 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


I'm in - hopefully sometime this weekend I can transport my mind and spirit into late summer beautiful day/evening Maine. Sounds like a dream show and setting. Very cool that a couple of you guys got to be there. Didn't realize this was the last show before the Warfield run. Long and heartfelt write up on grateful seconds (he was there). Comment at the end from a guy who was 8 at the time and lived a "bike trail" away from the fairgrounds. Listened to part of the show from his clubhouse. Rode his bike over and snuck in. Totally dug the Drums. Made major bank (for a kid) collecting cans and bottles for deposit afterwards (which is exactly what 8 yr old me would have done.) Think I might travel John Deere with the Jim Wise FOB.

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13 years 7 months

In reply to by bluecrow


But back this week. I can do Lewiston again.

As I recall there is not a good soundboard that circulates, right? And the one that does is first set only and it sure does sound like an audience (or ultramatrix on steroids at least).

High energy though.. like Gainesville, there must have been something in the water.

You have to wonder if this was recorded and if so where the hell are the master tapes? I think someone (Parrish??) tossed out the language that some of the master reels were left on the seat and when the truck pulled away they must have flown out the window or something.

I'd love to see more reels (and cassettes) returned.

Anyway, Lewiston Me for me tomorrow.

Edit: Started tonight - why not? Gave up on the "soundboard" and settled on the Jim Wise same as Bluecrow. Good news, Bluecrow.. The John Deere Broke down and was sitting in the yard for the last half of the week. I got it working today. Had to replace the solenoid. Damned electronics are always interfering with time travel. Just imagine if this broke back in time before Jebediah Solenoid created the first working model for riding mowers.. we would have been screwed.. I mean, nothing wrong with being stuck in 1980 but why not go back another 10 to 15 years...

High energy is right. Pretty good audience.

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


While I was in the neighborhood, I took a quickie with 11/28/80 Lakeland Civic Center - Lakeland, FL (30 Trips).

I figured why not.. most enjoyable, especially To Lay Me Down. Not sure why I like that song so much, but I do.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Ah, yes, more 1980. You don't have to twist my arm. A shorter show for the time period, but still really good. Will get it going after I finish up Dicks #36, which was mentioned on some other threads. Such a great show, but apparently didn't sell well at the time. No idea why.

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13 years 7 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Random Musing - 1980

My favorite non-multi-track 1980 release has got to be Dave's # 8, 11/30/80 Fox Theater. Love how that Matrix worked out. If anyone remembers the seaside chat, he was spot on.

Crowd noise was not as big an issue in 1980 as they could play in some pretty intimate venues. Also, as the age of the cassette master replaced the lovely Ms. Cantor Jackson, a lot of those early soundboards are a bit sterile sounding without the crystalline highs and the booming lows. Blending those early 80's soundboards with one of those near perfect audience masters works. When they aged out of the smaller, cooler venues (thinking after Jerry's coma and In The Dark) audience tapes had to compete with hundreds of the guy next to you screaming "JERRY!!" at 95 decibels, this was no longer possible.

That SBD/Dr. Bob matrix is almost exactly perfect (or as good we are going to get for the time).

On the opposite side of the same coin, I think some of the Ultra Matrix's have a bit too much of the guy yelling JERRY! then I sometimes want to hear. Thinking a lot of 87 suffers from this, and by then the audience tapes were no better.

Anyway, if Mr. Norman can pull of similar wizardry I wish they would do more like DaP#8.

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Member for

16 years 8 months

Mornin', rockers!!!

Pick of the day? September 24, 1972. Because..............Dark Star!

Minor rain storm headed my way................

The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils......

Rock on!

Music comes from an icicle as it melts, to live again as spring water......

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


It's an early audience, but contains one of the few Seven's that were recorded.

09/29/69 Cafe au Go-Go - New York City, NY

It's no betty board, but an interesting inflection point in GD history, so maybe worthy of our time. Primal GD on the heels of WMD Americana GD.

Despite the recording quality, it's pretty good for a 1969 audience. Worth the trip for the Seven alone. Plus, it's pretty short. Something different, something quick, and well, it's really something.

So why not mix it up with a shortie from the fall of 1969.

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8 years 4 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Will mix this in as I listen to the new box today. Thanks Jim.

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Member for

17 years 3 months

Been a while, just wanted to say hello. Watching the Dark Star from 10/18/74, cool to see video of Ned on stage, as well as see Jerry interact with the head nod. Enjoyed the April 78 release. With the 50th anniversary of the Winterland shows a few weeks away, doesn't look like anything is happening. Be good everyone. Bob t

Hey Bob T, how have you been man? Hope all is well.
Yes, love that bonus footage from the GDM soundtrack. Might be one of my favorite UJB.
I have been traveling for work this week so still haven't made a dent in the new box, but loving it so.far.
Good thing there is no rush at this point.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Hope everyone is enjoying the new box set. Really enjoying it so far over here.

If anyone is interested in a pick, it has been a while, how about 5/16/81, Barton Hall from the 30 Trips box?

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Started playing it last night and finished it tonight.

Good call DV.
And I’m having a Bell’s Octoberfest too. They’re gone from the store but I have 5 more cans in the fridge.

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Member for

8 years 3 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Nice Conekid, must be esp.

Enjoyed the show again, nice Shakedown Bertha, Sailor Saint. Show ends with that audience patch.

Enjoy the last few Octoberfests. Still have a couple six packs to get through. Would buy a few more but the self life of this beer is only 3 months and it goes bad fast.

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Member for

16 years 8 months

Good morning fellow rockers!!!

October 19, 1971

The second great seismic shift of 1971. The Yang to the Yin of February 18. Similar, yet different. Old, yet new. A vision of the new era. Change can be for good if you combine audacity with safety………

An old friend missing, a new guy who seems to fit in right away. Six new songs. The return of the complete CE/TOO/CE suite. The unusual occurrence of back-to-back Garcia songs twice in the first set. The first of the Fall 1971 FM broadcasts. One of only two 1971 shows that featured both Black Peter and Brokedown Palace. There ain’t no grease, but there’s plenty of Bakersfield left, as well as big jams.

Not without its rough edges, yet somehow it hangs together oh so well. Absolutely historic and worthy of a serious listen……

Rock on!!
He who rejects change is the architect of decay, the only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery………

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Member for

16 years 8 months

Morning, rockers!!

This is for AJS. He'll know what I'm talking about...........

October 20, 1984, Carrier Dome. The last show we saw on that tour, maybe not Augusta level but very enjoyable. We had a great time. Maybe it was the liquid 25, courtesy of Deadhead Fred, a little drop'll do ya!!

Or maybe it was the music. Worth a listen!!!

If I had known being insane was so much fun, I'd have gone crazy long ago.....

Rock on,

No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys......

10-20-84 - Syracuse

I was there also, think I met doc in the bathroom during drums,,, he was wearing a tie-dye :-)

My records show we rated Jack Straw at end of set one, a plus 2. Also second set opener of Shakedown got a plus 2 rating from our crew. We have the Black Peter that night at a plus 1.

Thing I remember was the air pressure blowing you out of the exit doors,,, deadheads LOVED this,,, kept going back in just to be blown out!

My wife went to Syracuse (both her parents also!)

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by Dennis


Love the energy of this show. I'm pretty sure I tossed this out for a pick of the day a few years ago. I was not there, but hey.. we make it to the shows we can and hope for magic and a lightning strike or two.

Still, an enjoyable show and how about that Jack Straw. Another one where I wish I was there.

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Just finished set 1.
It’s a Miller, but the file on my music player doesn’t have an ID number.
Vocals are pretty weak in some places. The playing seems to be trying to make up for it.
Shakedown poking around now…..

I would have had fun had I been there.
Drums/Space was good.
I’ll listen to it again.

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Member for

16 years 8 months

November 7, 1971
Harding Theater, San Francisco, California

Deadicated to bolo24, because I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail……

Great and classic show and a long-time personal favorite. It has pretty much everything you could ask of the Dead in this era. Rockers, Cowboy songs, hot jams, the unusual coupling of Dark Star and The Other One, an unbelievably smoking NFA transition jam (maybe the best ever?), plus even the often-expected equipment difficulties, AND jokes from the audience! The circulating broadcast copies are excellent quality and highly recommended. The band sounds loose, and the crowd sounds juiced. OK yes there’s no Pigpen, but still highly highly recommended, a classic of the first rank!!

Rock on!!
It is requisite for the relaxation of the mind that we make use, from time to time, of playful deeds and jokes

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Member for

12 years 3 months

I didn't see the notice about the next Bear's Journal, John Hammond.

If you missed too, it's available on Amazon and Bear's site.

Okay, seems like we need a pick.

How about 10/19/72 from the glorious LTTR Box? Love this box.

Good to see this box finally sold out. We need to make sure these all sell out in order to keep the train rolling.

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Might take me more than a day though, but I'm in.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Thanks Jim.
Another fantastic show from the Fox!
There is something about these shows. Might be the Birdsong that adds to the overall enjoyment.
Can you imagine if they played Birdsong in Europe that year?

Taking my time with the new box, so it is fun to jump around, which is so fun with all this incredible music.

Can we add a fifth release in December? Call it For the Faithful Volume 1.

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Member for

9 years 4 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Anniversary today.
It’s a RT Bonus Disc.

Expected that Doc would have pointed that out.
Maybe he did on another page.

Yes, the LTTR Box is glorious.

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Member for

16 years 8 months

Mornin' rockers! And happy Friday!

Fell asleep yesterday so forgot all about TCU. But I did remember it's an underrated show..........

Austin, Texas, November 15, 1971. Brings back fond memories of my tape trading days, when I had an unbelievably good copy of the FM broadcast. Starts high with strong Truckin', throw in a sweet first set Dark Star, a fiery NFA transition jam, and the usual country/western/new material suspects, and there you have it!! Really fine, very enjoyable show that is worthy of its official release status.

Of course, November 15 1972 will also do nicely...............

We're on this planet for the briefest of moments in cosmic terms, and I want to spend that time thinking about what I consider the deepest questions. LIke, what's for lunch?

Rock on!

On a cosmic scale, our life is insignificant, yet this brief period when we appear in the world is the time in which all meaningful questions arise......

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


If you didn't get a chance to listen to 11/14/73, I would strongly recommend it.

What a great show. Love shows that start off with a Big Railroad Blues. HCS, Cumberland!
The second set Truckin-TOO-Big River-TOO-Eyes-TOO-Wharf rat is a hell of a ride.

Queuing up 3/28/73 today. Dave's #16, Scooby Doo House.

Getting ready for that Maples Pavilion announcement next month.

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16 years 8 months

Mornin', rockers!! Couldn't resist......came out of hibernation for this.......because.......well............

Where's your will to be weird?

Felt Forum December 5 1971

A new member of the family, a vote for male chauvinism, the youngest old timer, the erudite strong backbone of the organization, a very very youthful, ebullient and a very very dirty softball player, and the godfather of rock and roll play a show for the ages……

Set 1: 15 songs. Opener: Bertha. Closer: One More Saturday Night. 7 Garcia, 5 Weir, 3 Pigpen.

Substantial, top notch first set. Perhaps the greatest one-off ever, revealing Garcia’s old soul. Muddy Water sounds so well rehearsed, as if it had been in the repertoire forever. Garcia’s picking is so so sweet. Solid Weir and Pigpen material. Excellent first set.

Set 2: 15 songs, plus one ‘loose jam”. Opener: Truckin’. Closer: NFA reprise. 5 Weir, 7 Garcia, 1 Pigpen, 2 “group” (NFA, NFA reprise). Encore: Johnny B Goode. Big jam: Dark Star.

A Truckin’ for the ages. A nonverbal—but certainly not silent---version of their signature psychedelic opus. Fine jamming in the NFA suite. Really fine second set.

We should revel in the gooey exotic weirdness of the Felt Forum show. Twists and turns, peaks and valleys, Pigpen and Bakersfield, rock and roll, Grateful Dead. In December 1971, did it get any better than this???

Overall rating: classic of the first rank.

Who was Uncle Sal????

Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.....

Rock on!

Music is the medicine of the mind.....

Why wasn't this show released? 12 6 and 7 ok but this is the one that SHOULD have been.

Grumpy Grumpkins at your service

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Yes, great question. Maybe Doc knows?

I wouldn't think he would save it for a later release, so there must be another reason?

They seem to skilfully avoid releasing the best shows from this era when putting anything out, thereby making it seem a less impressive timespan than it actually was. A skill they could do with losing.
Apart from Dicks 2, of course.

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3 months

In reply to by daverock


Almost all the ones they have released are still d*mn good too! 😁: Albuquerque, St.Louis, Austin, Ann Arbor bonus disc & the NYC material (what is not duplicative between the two dates) ... Only the UCLA show - which is decent, and likely was rush-released as Bill Walton descended - is a cut below the others ...
All of which could mean they're saving the other greatness, lately listed by several folks here, for a Big Box. That said, I would not be surprised if it didn't appear for purchase for another several years. Nice to think about it though!

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by strat-wolf-bean


No offense to good ole Mr Dave (L not Rock lol), but I think there’s gotta be some kinda list or outline perhaps better word, not a set in stone list, but some kind of general listing of certain shows that should/will be released in time, just not any kind of planned out schedule. Which would be very GD like lol.
He deny it categorically, but I mean to have a long term business plan you’d have to space out the top chestnuts. I can understand how this irritates some folks, fortunately, so far, not myself. But the next couple years will be interesting…
I’m not sure I always get some of his individual picks, but he often knows what tours to harvest from, and I think it’s interesting to get turned on to shows, near or around the big dogs, that you’d perhaps not normally discover.
And most of “those” have been good picks, just not “the” pick many desire.
Personally I love em all, except when sonically inappropriate (51) as it’s opened my horizons significantly, but that’s just me and I totally get the sandbagging POV.

Oh, AND, some of these shows have been significantly circulated over the years, so maybe that plays in?

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Member for

16 years 8 months

Morning, rockers! Happy Friday!!

The following is all just one man's opinions, and based on my information at hand---which admittedly is probably incomplete and dated...............

12/5 was not in the first two returned batches of Betty boards. The other three Felt Forum shows were, as well as other 1971 shows, such as Albuquerque, second December St Louis, first Ann Arbor, Northrop Auditorium, and several shows from the Spring. Of note, several of these shows were also broadcast live on local FM radio stations.

In addition, Charlie Miller (great big thanks!) has remastered and put into circulation several soundboard copies of December 1971 shows that were also "broadcast shows", such as second Boston Music Hall and the New Year's eve show. So clearly, shows that were broadcast were also being recorded by the band.

Another point: it's pretty clear that the Dead have a copy of the matrix FM broadcast in the vault. Over time, they have played snippets of it on their Taper's Section/Jam Of The Week postings.

So why hasn't it been officially released yet? Don't have a good, informed answer for that, so now we're into educated guesswork. My guess is, is that it's been a returned tape recently, or TPTB know there's a board out there and are waiting for its return. Maybe somebody is "holding it hostage". We may never know, but I think it will see the light of day eventually, and then it will get its due respect.

I have asked DL a couple of times if a pure soundboard of 12/5/71 has been returned to the band. No answer. I don't mean an evasive answer, I mean just plain no reply. I don't read anything into that one way or the other. Just keeping with the trend of TPTB being somewhat secretive about returned recordings..........

Rock on!!!
Doc, three day weekend

As soon as man does not take his existence for granted, but beholds it as something unfathomably mysterious, thought begins.......

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1 year 2 months

In reply to by Forensicdoceleven


Thanks for the reminder about this show, which I just enjoyed relistening. At 72 years old, I'm not much at remembering anything, but I did attend three of these Felt Forum shows starting with this Sunday show, and I do remember marveling at the monster long spectacular sets. (My immediately prior shows had been two nights in August at the Hollywood Palladium, which I still count among my absolute favorites, though they were clearly more abbreviated than the NY shows. Hard to Handle from 8/6/71 is unbeatable.) 71 was a great year for Me and Bobby McGee and this show is no exception. Also one of the last powerful performances from Pigpen. I remember thinking at the time that the Dead had really "made it" playing at the elite Felt Forum. Clearly not grasping what was ahead!

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Member for

16 years 8 months

Please check your pm. Of course, it's about Felt..............

Rock on, happy holidays to all!!!

Back into hibernation

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Member for

8 years 3 months

In reply to by Forensicdoceleven


Pretty sweet you were at these shows in 71, Stilltruckin. Wow! To see the band in 71, very cool.

Going with 6/23/74 today. Dave's #34. Hope this peaks a little interest. It is a wall of sound show.

Peace. -25 below windchill in MN the last couple of days. Walking the dog is tough.