• 336 replies
    Got issues with something? Wish we were doing something differently? Speak up here!


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  • ivhs72
    Past purchases
    Marye, Do you know what the status of restoring past purchases information from users? It's nice to be able to see what I've purchased in the past. Also, when I went to order the new Road Trips Vol. 3 #1, it seems that this time the system knew me but had lost my password. I was able to order with no problems this time. But having that past order info would sure be nice...... Thanks for all your help. Rich Portland OR "All Who Wander Are Not Lost....."
  • killersharks
    Default Avatar
    The Dead On The Road lasercut poster
    When I went to The Dead's show last May at the Shoreline, there was this Dead On The Road lasercut poster by Emek that was on display at the Merch booths. The poster has the same design as the On The Road Tee at the Store page.I asked the people working the booths about it and they told me it wasn't for sale and directed me to Dead.net. I've been checking the Dead.net store for a while now and still haven't seen the poster listed for sale. I've also tried calling the Customer Service number once in a while to ask for it, but the operator really doesn't have any info on it. I was wondering if this poster will ever be put on sale or not? Here is a photo of the poster that I snapped at the merch booth.
  • marye
    reality check/update
    Okay, here's what SHOULD be happening. If it does not map to your experience speak up. 1. This site launched in May 2007. Accounts stored on previous versions of Dead.net were not copied over. 2. If you've set up an account in the Store and/or ordered from the site since then, that account info should have moved over to the new site this week. 3. If you haven't ordered and/or set up an account since May 2007, go ahead and set up a new account because we do not have that info. Like I say, if your experience is different, speak up. Thank you.
  • marye
    thanks for the info
    I am passing all this up the line and hoping for a speedy fix. Very sorry for the aggravation.
  • ivhs72
    Store accounts
    From talking to the people on the 800#, it seems that everyone's store accounts didn't get moved over. I also tried entering the information again and reordering (put in address, CC#, etc.) and clicked to place my order, and it came back that it could not complete my transaction. Needless to say I counted to 10.....many, many times. :-) "All Who Wander Are Not Lost....."
  • marye
    the Store account
    has always been separate from the Dead.net account. If your Store account has not successfully moved over to the new site, that's not what's supposed to be happening, so speak up. As for the downloads, I am assured they'll be back. More as I know it.
  • ivhs72
    Winterland June '77 & Download Series
    What's up with not being able to order the Winterland June '77 set? I tried it online, and get an invalid user name/password when I try to log into my account. (BTW, same user name/password that I use to get on the site, works great there). When I click on remember my password, I get an email with a temporary one, and when I log in, all of a sudden you're asking me for all my user information again? Not wanting to create a 2nd account, I cancelled our and called the 800#. Guess what, same experience there as well, they could not/would not take my order. Needless to say, I'm fuming right now, especially if I miss the bonus disc on this one. You might tell the people answering the phone that no amount of escalation "to the management team" and endless apologizing will make it any better. As for the Download Series, it was as set of 13 shows ( 1 thru 12, with the 13th being "At The Family Dog" from Feb. 1970) from the late 60's up through '92, I think. They had cover artwork, but no liner notes or anything. I called them Dick's Picks Lite, but they were good shows. I was surprised to no longer see them in the catalogue, since they are worth having.
  • marye
    I'm looking into this.
  • morokolli
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    I think it was actually
    I think it was actually called just Download Series. They had some nine or ten items there. It has been there for a long time (years) and I have bought some of them earlier. It was there few weeks ago. Anyway its not Dicks Picks or The Dead Tour downloads. It was for downloading only and you couldnt have them as CDs at all. It would be nice to have them available again. With this new Winterland box there is some kind of mixup with shipping costs. Better option is cheaper and vice versa. When shipping to Europe they also for some reason want VAT-number. Private citizens dont have one. Not in Finland anyway. I cant see why it is needed. Thank You (again)!
  • marye
    which Download Series are you referring to?
    the Store's having a bit of a transition at the moment, but if you can be a bit more specific I'll try to find out what's what.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Got issues with something? Wish we were doing something differently? Speak up here!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

It would be useful if Forum under Table of Contents expanded to show the main categories as is the case with other items such as Shows & Songs * All Shows * Browse Songs * Shows By Year * Venues By Location This would make it easier to navigate. Thus, Forum would expand to include Welcome Mat Dead Heads Dead On and Off the Net Spinoffs and Similar Music The Grateful Dead Administration
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I believe this is a navigability issue that those-in-the-know with Drupal are aware of and working on. Thanks for the perfect synopsis of the issue!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I just noticed that there are navigation links at the top of the page showing which Forum and Topic you are in, however, the navigation link for the Forums doesn't seem to work right. If those could be made to work properly that might solve the problem of navigating the Forums.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

What became of the folders we used to post in, most importantly, the baseball folder?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Well, this is all new here, but if you want a baseball folder we can make one. In the Deadheads section?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I think the breadcrumbs discussion is toast because I removed a lot of beta discussion and it may have gone with it. Suffice it to say that some of those navigational links at the top and bottom of the page are not working just exactly perfect yet, but a crew has been put on it.
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17 years 9 months

L. Mo., in answer to your question, what I've been able to find out is, alas, that those folders are gone. I do not know if they can be recovered or not; I kinda just got here myself. I'm asking, but I don't really know what the deal is. Meanwhile, you want a baseball topic, I'll be glad to start one. Just say so.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

perhaps I should create a sig line... the nav buttons at the top of the comment screen don't work yet!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Its a very good idea but what a jumbled up mess. Perhaps you should take a look at ratdog.org or tooboard and take a few tips.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I hate to agree, but yeah, it is pretty bad. There are a lot of things that could be better with this site as a whole (such as the songs section adding the first/last played & # of times, etc) but I hope this is a work in progress.... Vivia la Grateful Dead
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Member for

17 years 9 months

we've got several places where you can add your constructive criticism to the pile. Where I come from, we call it Herding Cats, and we're never gonna make all ya'll happy. Take what you need folks, and leave the rest. And if there are specific comments (besides you know, This Place Sucks) please feel free to post them. It's definitely a work in progress!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

overall. I have been here all of 7 days and I've seen a bunch of stuff get fixed and a bunch of new stuff added. All in all, the folks here are attentive and bless them, have a lot of patience. Rock on, I say! I'm enjoying the ride!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

it would be really cool if when I am looking for new replies in topics and I click on "3 new" or whatever indicating there are 3 new replies, it would be neat if it took me to just the new replies. Most likely I've already read the whole top of the topic and I seem to be scrolling down to reach the new areas. Just a thought.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

It would be fun to post all the other related shows I've seen over the years. Lots of JGB, Bob shows, Benefits, and all the stuff since Jerry died. we all shine on
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17 years 8 months

unkljohn, we feel your pain and continue to report this issue.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I hope I'm just missing the navigation part- what happened to the downloads? I heard that they were not very propserous but was it that bad? What's comning in their place? Sugaree63
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I would propose that if you are not going to reverse the order (most recent posts first, when you click in) then put the 1, 2, NEXT, LAST, boxes at the TOP of that page/thread. Then if what I want is to see the new stuff, I could click again right on that Last and get to the latest posts for my purusal. If this is a repeat of prior suggestion, consider it an endorsement from me. If not afford me due credit when this outstanding idea is enacted. (pomposity alert!!!)
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17 years 8 months

(((Izzie and Marye and your cohorts)))) I have to give you Kudos for bouncin with the flow and not getting your panties allin a wad! You both have a great sense of humor and just keep on keepin on. Way to go! The moderators at deadnetcentral.com must be sooooo grateful that they don't have to deal with all this headache which you two seem to take in stride so well! Take care and keep up the good work. Rose
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Member for

17 years 8 months

thanks for the kind words, Rose. I've passed them on.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Not a single one. Sorry! if you'd like a topic created, please send a note to me or MaryE. This is being asked all over the Forums, and the answer keeps being the same: Topic Creation is turned off.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hey now! I noticed when I go to a topic that has new posts, I am taken to the first post of the topic and not the newest post. This creates a lot of scrolling and clicking for me and I hate to sound like a lazy bones here, but some of these topics are spilling over into 3 or more pages and I'd like to be whisked away to only the most recent post. Am I doing something silly or is the way it works at this point? Thanks for everything! )(I'm just a, well...porpoise.)(
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Nope, Sken. you're not being silly (well, not that I can tell from here at least) and that's just the way things are set up right now. Changes are being discussed. Watch this space - not intently watch it, but you know what I mean.
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17 years 8 months

I just noticed that there was an "edit" button in a message I posted last night. But there's no "edit" button on messages I posted several days ago. (Wanted to fix that stupid name goof I made in my "Introduction".) What's the time frame on the "edit" function after a message is posted? katrinka "but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

don't know the answer. This is the first anecdotal evidence that the edit button expires. I'll see what i can find out.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Thanks, izzie! You and marye have done some hard work and have been very cool and responsive over the past week and I really appreciate it. Take care, )(I'm just a, well...porpoise.)(
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Member for

17 years 8 months

izzie and Marye (and crew), I must concur with the MadSken and shout 'Well' Done! And I think that we will now move to warp speed! YeeHahh!!!!!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Have sent two emails in the previous 3 days re an order which I think has either not been processed, or has got the wrong billing address. I never got any email confirmation of the order, and customer services at the new store email address are not replying, so I'm in limbo here. Can anyone help, please? Jeremy Poynton Frome, England
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I noticed the "reply" button at the bottom of posts is now gone. I think it creates more of a sense of community when you can directly reply to another poster. For example, over in the "best versions" thread, I was previously able to respond to someone's post about best Sugarees, but now it seems we can't get/keep that kind of dialogue going. (I guess we can if we cut and paste of respond to the poster by name without the quote.) Same with the "what are you listening to?" thread. It would make sense to be able to quote and/or directly reply to someone along the lines of "if you're listening to _____ you might like _____."Still, I'm enjoying digging around in here - plenty to do! "Got a few wrinkles but that's OK, hang out in the breeze and they'll blow away"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

The Reply option was apparently behind the weird non-chronological listing of some posts. I encourage you to use the old-fashioned copy/paste to respond directly to something someone else said. JeremyP - I'll copy your note directly to some Admin-folks who might can help out. Everyone (even admin!!) is having trouble with the Store customer service, and it's being worked on. But that's kinda out of our hands here, and all we can do is continue to pass your concerns along and scream a little louder every day. Thanks for your patience!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

It has been a nightmare of non-communications with the store since the setup changed. I spent a week trying to get my "Three from the Vault" ordered adjusted to the lower Shipping Charge ( I'm in Cambridge, UK). I tried contacting them via Customer Services on the Web (5 times), and via direct email (3 times I think) and got no replies whatsoever. In desperation I posted to the Admin forum here and got some support and help there from Izzie ( thanks Izzie). Shortly after I found that Customer Service had responded to my post and cancelled my Order. So I get no response at all to any email, but I get a mail shot from them, and when I reorder "Three from...." I get immediate confirmation of the order. Is the only interest in taking my money?? Surely not here of all places. The most disturbing thing about this episode is that it has the feel of a non-caring Corporation running the store - which is not what I expect from DeadHeads. DeadLand is normally a haven from the some of the harsher realities elsewhere, so to be treated this way is very upsetting. Please tell me this is all due to teething troubles - and not a takeover by Corporate America :)) Howard
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17 years 9 months

Howard, suspicious looking, I know, that immediate response when you re-ordered. To me, though, that's GOOD NEWS!! it means the system automatically acknowledged your order, which is something we've been working on lo' these weeks now. I'm so sorry that it looked so tacky just then, but really, that's sign of better customer service to come! this makes sense, right? We asked them to acknowledge orders, if nothing else, and they're doing that now. That's a front-edge of better customer service behind the scenes.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

OK Izzie, you're right. I'll take the good news. Just looking forward to getting the CD. Guess I'm just Grumpy Old man "Always look on the bright side of life" eh... Howard
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Be careful, Howard. I like my hippie men old and cranky. It's so much fun to make 'em smile!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

You sure did that - thanks. Glad to know that DeadLand is still a great place to visit
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I just received the following unsolicited invitation to get in touch with a certain Teeyah Bonke. (member name Teeyah4you) ''Hi, I found you very interesting with a faith that you will be a great friend to me. Pls can you contact me with my address so that i can tell you more about myself with my photo and the reason why i contacted you.teeyah4you@yahoo.com Thanks.Teeyah’' If you google this name you get a reference to someone from Sierra Leone looking for love on a military dating site!!! Congratulations, Dead.net has made it to the big time…we are spam victims already! No surprise I suppose...I Love the site and all you are doing to make it happen and keep it real
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Yeup. I got that one too and deleted it. I'll make sure our tech folks are aware.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

First of all, I am new here and think the new website is very good, and I like the ideas for many of the forums,but the execution is a little of a problem. As others have said, the forum section is cumbersome and not terribly conducive to having an actual discussion between members (community forum, right?) I think the users should have more freedom to create descriptive topics/threads under the subsets and specifically respond to others interested in that same topic without having having to plow through dozens of unrelated posts. As an example, the "I'm looking for" section is really almost useless because you can't actually find anything in it. It does make sense in some categories to limit topics--for example, there is no point in having more than one thread on any particular show, And I think some of the predetermined threads where folks are invited to share particular experiences, introduce themselves, discuss dead related charities etc. make sense, but user made subtopics with discreet threads also make sense in some areas. That is my dime for a cup a coffee. Thanks to the moderators!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

....policy has not changed, sorry. There are no user-created topics, nor will the software support some areas with and some areas without that feature. Think the topics and forums are clunky now? Imagine it with several hundred threads.... We continue to encourage you to let us know what topics you'd like to see. Goffchile, if there's something you want to discuss that you don't see a forum for, please just drop me a line and we can most likely work out a place for that conversation.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

What is the best way to post photos on this site? I submitted a photo through a specific show's page several weaks ago and it was never posted. I realize that it was a very poor quality photo of the Omni venu screen in Alanta in '93. How do we know if the photo was received if we get no feedback? Also, what criteria is used to select photos? Is it based on quality of photography, uniqueness, or authenticity of the show? Don't get me wrong, I am very pleased with the direction this site has gone. Although I realize that this format was created as a marketing machine that can help give insight as to what the fans would want to buy in the future, I believe it is an invaluable resourse for Deadheads as well. It has motivated me to dig through the old shoe boxes of photos and stuff to see what would turn up. Unfortunately, most of the good stuff is pre digital camera (not that I was in the right state of mind to take good shots in the first place). I was a witness to some great moments and I hope the horizons of acceptablility for submitted photos will be expanded somewhat. Thank you for a real good time. DMD
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17 years 8 months

Feature was working, then it wasn't. Your questions were sent up the chain, gadeadhead.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

You're a sweetheart! (for the rest of the day)