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  • deadheaddave
    GD On sirius
    I love this preview, I drive about 10hrs aday and I haven't changed the station yet.I dont have any good thing to say about any big corperations but sometimes you just need to set back and listen to the music the deads music makes me happy and kind of hides me away from the machine.So let's just Enjoy.... Gans keep up the good work you have to be a good dude cause youre tight with railroad earth my second favriote band.
  • darthstar
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    The preview has been a week of bliss for me...
    Got a great Wharf Rat playing right now...Jerry's in rare form on this one...using Firefox so I don't have the show-date info, but it's sweetly spooky. I'll reiterate what I said yesterday in the 'what are you listening to now' thread...I hope Sirius keeps this channel going for as long as possible after it officially launches. And it's good to know that Gans is helping Sirius out... "Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right."
  • Jodester
    That would be very sweet if it becomes free as it is out of my price range at present! It all sounds like a really great and fantastic thing indeed! This would really expand the Dead's audience in the international market! J :) Are you kind?
  • KJ7XJ
    ...let that deal go down....
    On the note of Satellite radio...I saw a car kits for them in a local retail store for 28.95 with all the adapters and such. Not sure what the monthly fees are to get it going, but as a consumer without it now, it got me to look. The GD channel thread also made me look twice. I can get my shows for free off the internet, but you can only listen to NPR and the classic rock stations for so long ya know... Eric
  • paisley
    Don't bet on it...
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... When Sirius radio announced that they formed a relationship with Warner's/ Rhino for the Satellite Station in late May,Sirius simultaneously took out an unsecured loan of 250 million dollars from Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley did not make that loan lightly. "Unsecured" means there was no collateral involved. It's easy to see what happened here. Sirius stock is down, the XM merger is taking longer than expected,right? So the reason Morgan Stanley gave Sirius a quarter of a billion dollars was to secure its relationship with Warners/Rhino and to give Sirius some cash to get the start up going in this relationship going with Warners/ the form of the GD channel. The GD channel is a good test balloon to see how things will work, and so far everyone loves it! Two months were spent in getting things together programmatically (David Gans input, etc.) to make it a success. So I think that the GD channel goes full time August 10, or if not shortly there after ironing out any last minute wrinkles. This is the bottom line, boys and girls: Warners wants to own Sirius and XM for their satellite bandwidth, Sirius and XM want to make a boatload of money on that sale and Morgan Stanley wants the interest pay off on its loan(part of which went for a right to broadcast vault material). This is the world of corporate finance.And BTW, I'VE NEVER SEEN A MORE PESSIMISTIC BUNCH OF DEADHEADS! you're gonna have your "radio" station, soon for free, so don't worry!
  • 3 Fingers
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    I am loving the DEAD
    I am loving the DEAD channel. I'm a little pissed they won't simply start the GD channel. They said sometime this summer...well its Mid August already. (I just think it will disapear for another month after the 9th)
  • paisley
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... I'm gonna bend this thread for a minute just to respond that all monoopolies are not bad, in fact most that are approved are benign. Don't think Warners is the bad guy, THE BAND WOULDN'T HAVE A WIDE AUDIENCE WITHOUT THEIR CONTRACT WITH WARNERS FROM '67 TO '73! An believe me, the money made on a Grateful Dead Channel,music CD's and merchandise is NOTHING when you compare it to the relationship with Sirius (and XM) that will get Warners the satellite bandwidth necessary to transmit first run feature movies to theaters around the world without any middlemen in the analog world. That's millions of dollars per film, my friend, and that's what this is really all about. Trust me, I did the homework. You're gonna have "satellite radio" free soon enough, so that films can be advertised on it.It costs literally nothing for the GD channel to exist.One last thing to remember,Warners/Rhino did not buy the Vault (another common misconception) they lisenced it from the band for ten years, so in 8 1/2 years, there will be a new deal to make for both parties.
    Appology Accepted
    DG - Sorry to take it all out on you. I realize that there will be both good and bad to come from this Rhino deal. This web site for instance, is the best thing to come out of it so far. I just feel like I am always fighting the man to get to listen to the GDH. First, we got it on in Atlanta. Then they pushed it back to the middle of the night. Then it left all together. Now the XM access is scrubbed. I also have mixed feelings regarding the satelite merger. I want it to go through so I can get the Grateful Dead station and Hour, but I honestly don't feel like it should be allowed. I feel like the Bush administration has screwed up the system so much already, its hard for me to get behind another manipulation of the system to support a monopoly. I miss Jerry and the boys screwing it up the old fashioned way - with their own label. Warner Bros is a large corporation and I can't help feeling like at some point, when something more profitable comes along or if someone like Rupert Murdoch buys them, this will all go away. PS: You sound like Jake Blues (John Belushi) lieing in the storm sewer begging Cary Fisher for his life and flashing his puppy dog eyes when you say "It wasn't my fault!" Peace
  • mtfreak
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    Sirius is serious FUN
    I am loving the GD preview. Listening to the 10/26/89 Miami show. Holy DarkStar!!I can't wait for the real thing!
  • paisley
    Anti-trust Law
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... The federal anti-trust statute says that 4 (or fewer) companies controlling more than 50% of a market constitutes a monopoly that is not legal. This is the hold-up on the merger between Sirius and XM. Ironically, niether stock is doing all that well. The most probable outcome here is that the FCC approves the merger and a federal district court hears arguments on the approval of the merger. Since Warner Bros. (the parent company of Rhino), wishes to "join" Sirius in other projects, involving the satellite transmission of feature films into your neighborhood theater, for example, Warners may acquire both companies and represent them as a "multimedia delivery system" to avoid the monopoly issue. Then, these two entities cease to be "radio stations" (already a misnomer) and are simply companies which so;d their satellite bandwidth to Warner's along with some programming(or not). The Dead Channel would certianly remain, but reorganization like this allows for the dissolution of the separate companies and the renegotiation of all their contracts (like Howard Stern's,for instance). Under this senario, look for the price of "satellite radio" to drop dramatically and potentially to be free sooner or later. Meanwhile it's 13.95 a month, and portable. The iPod analogy is quite correct.Also there is stream capturing technology available if you wish to record from this media.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Our own dgans is a programming consultant for the new channel!
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14 years

I would like to hear 10-18/19/20-1974 very clean on GD radio Siris
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Member for

12 years 2 months

The two vehicles I have (2014 VW and 2013 Ford) both have Sirius in them I am not an over the top audiophile, but the sound quality on the GD channel satellite broadcast is poor. Very Compressed, muddy and is painful to listen to at times, esp on the live material The internet feed at home evidently has a higher bitrate and sounds a whole lot better, crisp and clear I want to support the band beyond description and really enjoy the programming (esp Tales of the Golden RD). It would be grate if GDinc could work with sirius to improve the sound quality of the broadcasts, as my gut is telling me it is not the source material, but rather the satellite transmission
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Member for

16 years 2 months

They offer a sound quality upgrade but why shouldn't it all be high quality? Sirius is living in the past. The GD channel is the bomb but the Sirius/XM tech is out of date, think Pandora has it on them. Sucks I am a lifetime Sirius subscriber. No wiggle room when it comes to the poor quality of their product. 24/7 GD music is nice but thats all I like about Sirius. Just my opinion. And thats nothing to shake a stick at
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17 years 8 months

I am wondering if anyone knows what the song/date is for the music played in the background while Dave is doing his intro on today in grateful dead history on SiriusXM. I don't mean the late 60s Dark Star but the music that sounds like a supercharged Fire on the Mountain jam but with early 70s guitar tone/phrasing. I actually emailed DL about this but the music is added by SiriusXM people and he doesn't listen to the show. Anybody know what I am talking about??? It's driving me crazy so somebody please help me out! :)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

So Many Roads Conference Co-organizers Nicholas Meriwether and Michael Parrish will be talking about the conference today at 2PM PDT on Sirius XM's Grateful Dead channel on the channel's talk show, Tales from the Golden Road, which is co-hosted by Gary Lambert and David Gans.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Interesting organ playing from Keith from the Nassau Coliseum on 9/7/73 during the Truckin' jam going into drums. I'd never heard this before! Tune in today during the GD History segment at 6 pm central, or anytime if you have an internet log-in subscription.
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7 years 4 months

A few months ago, I was listening to Alligator being played on Sirius XM. About halfway through it, another song started playing, abruptly ending Alligator. It was jarring and certainly not what we expect from a radio station that pretends to understand its listeners. I went to the Sirius website and complained but never received a reply. I don’t know whether anyone else has noticed any bad edits from Sirius, but if you do, I encourage you to give ‘em feedback.
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7 years 7 months

Never heard this before, nice first set, with a breezy easy feel. Mean Jerry slide on Litle Red Rooster, sweet Bird Song.