• 929 replies
    Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

    Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

    (We're changing some things for 2009)

    BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

    MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are


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  • That Nice Hippy Guy
    Nice work dstache
    Since Ive been active in the vineyard I dont think anything has ever bothered and confused me as much as this markinthedark thing. A few weeks ago I couldent even imagine him stalling a vine much less killing one. He must be going through some serious stuff or something. I hope that he gets it all straightened out. Peace and Love, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
  • Arkdeadhead
    Not to be a dick, but he has stalled more than that. He stalled Winterland '74 for a long time and also RFK '73, which I get Oroboros to reseed. Both of these vines got sent to me by DHBen at the same time and it took me by surprise because I had no idea they were coming. I know that he does have Santa Fe '83. As far as I am concerned he is the biggest offender. So much for me not wanting to call people out, but this is info that needed to be shared.
  • dstache
    After an exhaustive, and
    After an exhaustive, and exhausting, perusal of all the Grateful Dead and JGB (and LOM, and Recon, etc) vines, but NOT vines for other bands or even the current incarnation of the boys, here is what I have: (1) For all the trouble we seem to be having, this is an AWESOME place. The MAJORITY of vines are either still alive or have died a natural death, i.e., the last person on the list received it and no one signed up after. My collection has grown by leaps and bounds because of the vineyard. Let's be grateful for what we have. It reminds me of the saying that democracy is the worst form of government, except for every other kind. Sure, we have problems, but all in all this may be the best place for Heads on the internet. (2) Communication is the key. Going through the vines, I noticed the lack of communication. It is difficult to figure out on some of them where the vine died. Post often, post when you receive the vine, post when you mail it out and to whom mailed it. (3) Although I initially disagreed with the recommendation, I now agree that we should PM the person after us, both to confirm they are still active and their address. (4) Emergencies happen. We need to be patient with that. Just let us know and we will be. As we all know, Hal has a family illness. He has a few vines and I am sure we all want him to take whatever time he needs. (5) As I said, sometimes it isn't clear, but when your name appears numerous times it is tough to give you the benefit of the doubt. For example, if 3 different people say they mailed you 3 different vines, and none of the vines turn up again, it is difficult to blame the mail (it DOES happen, but NOT to the same person that many times). (6) The bad guys. No doubt about these characters. They are the Bermuda Triangle of viners. DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MORE VINES UNTIL THEY CLEAR THINGS UP WITH THE COMMUNITY. Do not just send them a PM and ask if they are active; they have caused too many vines to disappear for that. They are vine killers. They have killed before, and they will kill again. (a) Chinacat503 appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Nov 72, Eurovines # 4 & # 5). (b) Markinthedark, once a great viner, appears to have absconded with at least 6 vines (KPFA, Maples 2/9/73, Flac Me Flac You, 12/27/77, Early Stuff Vol 1, 3 and Augusta 10/12/84); (c) gratefulmikes appears to have killed at least 8 vines (funiculi funicula, 93 by request, Legion of Mary, Winterland June 77, NYE 83, Summer 82, Greek 84 and LOM Mystery). NOTE THAT he is signed up to soon receive Europe 74 so heads up birdsong1969nj and Jimbo (unclear who has it right now)!!!! He may also have killed Red Rocks 9/8/83 (or Deadhead Ben never sent it to him) (d) Day Glo Louisville appears to have killed at least 4 vines (Eurovine Acoustic, Garcia/Saunders 73, March 28,31/73, Jerry solo 4/10/82). He is also an interesting person in the Garcia Party disappearance; (e) j.straw (NOT to be confused with jackstrawfromcolorado) seems to have disappeared with at least 5vines (Lewiston 9/6/80, Beacon 6/14/76, Fox 85, 3 from 82 and Hampton 89 reseed) (f) canyon critter seems to have killed at least 4 vines (Acid Test, 1985 vine, History Buffs, and Fillmore East 9/20/70); (g) PAPPYPGH appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Hampton/Harrisburg...84, 2/17/82, JGB 1977 Part 2, Silver Stadium 6/30/88), not to mention the Fall 79 Part 1.5 Rhino fiasco (either Pappy or Solix killed this one, tough to tell who). Pappy also should have recently received the Spring 88 parts 1 and 2 vines (Stephen in PA sent them on 5/28). Finally, he is up soon on More May 77 and JGB Keystone 12/21/79 (DON'T SEND THEM TO HIM!!!!) (7) Guys who have a little explaining to do. I am not sure here whether they have commited multiple vine slayings, or were just irepeatedly n the wrong place at the wrong time. These guys should explain to the community what happened before being welcomed back, but any old explanation will do. (a) Sakparadise is a suspect in at least 2 vine kills (Glen Falls 82, Fall 79 Part 2) and there are some questions about 2 other vines. Sakparadise posted on 4/29 that he would mail out the March 90 vine to Row Timmy. The vine has not been seen since. On 5/20 jackstrawfromcolorado, the good jack straw, posted the he would mail the Pink Floyd vine to sakparadise. That vine hasn't been seen since. It hasn't been that long for Pink Floyd (it was my vine, that is why I looked it up) so it may be ok, and Row Timmy has his issues so it may have been him on March 90. (b) Row Timmy was apparently involved in a couple of mysterious vine disappearances. March 90 discussed above and 3 from 75, which PKpotter said he mailed to Row Timmy on 9/12/08. (c) Brother Tom is suspected in 2 vine slayings. Solix said he mailed Cream Filling 73 to our holy friend. Brother Tom was the last person to receive Matrix Volume 1, and it wasn't until 2months later that anyone else signed up, but he doesn't seem to have passed it on. (d) Deadheadben seems to have slayed the infant Cleveland Convention Center 12/06/73, before it had much of a chance to travel the country. Either he or grateful mikes killed Red Rocks 9/8/83. And either he or Hard To Handle killed Sante Fe 83. (8) Guys who had minor hiccups [hopefully) (a) my friend Dave C was the last to have Early 69 (shoot, don’t know what volume this was, sorry) (posted 5/13) and should have received Early Stuff Vol 2 (unclejon posted on 5/20 that he mailed it out). Dave C posted that he had computer problems. I am sure he either sent these vines on and didn’t post (here, another call for communicating, post often) or is resolving his computer problems and will soon send them on. Ejjd is next on Early 69 and Jake R on Early Stuff Vol 2. (b) Darkstar1971 (aka Estimatedprophet 1971) rides the rails quite often. I think he is an engineer, the kind you think of when you are kid (a train engineer) but never meet. Hal posted on 3/19 that he mailed DarkStar1971 Fall 77 Part 2. No word since. DarkStar1971 was the last to have Orpheum 7/12/76, pisting on 4/20. Pomo1 is next for Orpheum. (9) Specific vines not mentioned above, many probably involved miscommunications. If you are involved here and can help resolve, please do. You don’t even need an excuse here, just a “I never got it” or “I sent it out” or even a “sorry” will suffice. (a) 3/28/81: Benny Jakes stalled this one for 3 months but eventually passed it on to On The Road Again, who apparently killed it. (b) Felt Forum 1971: greatfullygrateful was the last to post having it, said he had a family emergency, never posted having sent it on to Arkdeadhead. © Repatriation 1971: Fluffhead420 posted on 4/8/09. He was last in line. 3 weeks later Jake R and dpwstldeadfan signed up. No word on where this vine is. (d) Eurovine # 1: Dead Man Telling Tales posted on 4/20. He was last in line. Jake R and others signed up later. Now word on where this vine is. (e) Keith’s First Few Months: dpwstldeadfan posted on 5/6. Only Gr8tful Ted is signed up after. He may have received it and not posted. (f) Valentine’s Day: fluffhead420 posted on 3/9. He was last in line. Lord Monkey and Jake R signed up after. No word on where this vine is. (g) MSG 93 Part 2: Tommo posted on 3/24 that he sent it to Toddsnc. No word since. (h) Jai Alai 74: On 5/12 KingCargoJB posted that he mailed it to Emily J. Slimee is after her. No word since. (I) Northern New England Wish List: on 5/19 fluffhead420 said he would PM Tommo for his address. Estim8ed was after Tommo. No word. (j) 70 & 73: On ½ Estim8ed said he mailed it to Chasmo, who said he never received it. Probably lost in the mail. (k) BCT 86: on 4/13 ark deadhead posted that he would mail to Pkpotter. No word. (l) Little Bit of Jerry: on 4/14 Long Rifle posted that he had it. OneGratefulDad and Fleaflicker were next. No word. (m) 5 Garcia shows: on 5/21 cacthim hickory matt (or something like that) posted that he got them. Fleaflicker and Space Otter were next. No word. (n) Dead/NRPS 1970: on 5/5 birdsong1969nj said he would mail out to test4965. No word. (o) Pigpen Shotgun: on 5/8 Phat Moye said he would mail out to Jake R. Da roach was after that. No word. (p) Brent’s Last show video: lost in mail btwn gadeadhead and JimmyC (q) More May 77: on 5/28 Pomo1 posted he would reseed to Larry Here. PAPPY IS NEXT. LARRY HERE SKIP PAPPY!!!! ® More Mary: on 1/23, rambleinbearisgrateful posted that he mailed to Tommo. Stuman, then bearisgrateful were next. No word. Lost in mail? (s) Bill Graham Tribute: Playdead apparently killed. This vine was reseeded to the person after him. (t) Shoreline 91: on 12/24 Chasmo posted that he had it. ark deadhead was next. No word. Apparently Chasmo killed it. (u) merriweather 6/30/85: on 4/29 fluffhead420 posted that he PM’d OneGratefulDad for his address. No word. (v) Boston Tea Party 1969: on 5/11 Slimee posted having it. Dpwstldeadfan was next. No word. (10) I am too tired for final thoughts. All will be forgiven, except for that first group. I hope those that have disappeared with vines are ok, and are only AWOL here and not in reality. Others can figure out what to do next. I am not proofreading this so there are probably some spelling and grammatical mistakes. Vine on!!!
  • Arkdeadhead
    I've got patience brother!!
    Take your time. You are providing an invaluable service to this vineyard!!
  • dstache
    vine killers
    Soon, soon, another 1/2 hr
  • Arkdeadhead
    I hate to say it but we need to figure out who is stalling the vines and cut them out of the vining process until they begin to be more responsible. I am not sure what the exact issue is. Some new people bite off more than they can chew and sign up for everything (which is why you caused such a stir Fluff, but you have more than proven yourself), or they are people who have previously vined and for whatever reason decide to bow out in this manner. There is one particular individual who seemed to be moving along just fine and then all of a sudden he became a bottleneck and wouldn't respond to pm's. I don't know and my psychological analysis isn't solving the problem. We will have to wait and see. There are too many people who care so much for this vineyard, and I know that we collectively will solve this gordian knot.
  • Hal R
    not sure about that being an easy solution
    the problem is that people are not sending them out, sure they can give us their address and we can send it to them but they have to send it out Seems like we are addressing the front end for a rear end problem. But I have no solution to offer. It seems that we should hear from dstache first and see what he finds before we seek a solution. Where are the specific problems? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • JackstrawfromC…
    fluffhead I agree!!!!!!
    Such an easy solution. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • fluffhead042
    Default Avatar
    i second my emotion
    Instead of sending addresses to the person in front of you months prior to actually getting the vine why don't we contact the next person on the list for an addy request (via PM) after we recv the vine? We already go on to post we recvd it....it clearly shows who's next on the list...we can then send them a PM and if there's no response in 3-4 days they get bumped...that way if circumstances have changed the person can req they be skipped, not respond and be dropped from the list, or they send their addy if they still want the vine...no response in 4 days: you're bumped to the end...simple as that....problems solved....everybody's happy and our heads are being fed....am i wrong? "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • Oroboros
    Ladies and gentlemen, we do have a problem
    but the first step is admitting it. ;o}Hopefully we can take a look a the solutions for this issue. I will take a look back at the vines that I started and try to give them a jump (or is it bump?). I will also think about the solutions offered and what can be done to be part of helping out with this endeavor. Things do seem a bit scattered currently and quite a few vines are dropping away as a result. And the Vineyard has grown quite a bit which make this all more difficult to manage. It is good to hear of other ideas and methods to get the music to those who desire it. Maybe this is all a new 'evolution' of the Vineyard? We will see. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

(We're changing some things for 2009)

BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are

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17 years 9 months

ok so not much left anyway the retirement shows have already been vined as have other shows from year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years

I will be out of the country starting the 13th and not back till the 23rd. any vines that arrive after today will not be out till the feb28th. have to take a week of mental health days, surfing in some warm clear water.
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17 years 9 months

Grateful Dead6/26/74 Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI Source for disk 1: SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR Contributed by Skankweed Source for discs 2,3: MSR > Reel > 4xDAT > CDR (HHB CDR-850) > SHN (EACx2) Contributed by John Oleynick (previous d1 from this source had problems, was withdrawn) Disc 1 ---- Set 1 ---- 1. Big River 2. Brown-Eyed Women 3. Beat It On Down the Line 4. Scarlet Begonias 5. Black-Throated Wind 6. Row Jimmy 7. Mexicali Blues 8. Deal 9. The Race Is On 10. Mississippi Halfstep 11. El Paso 12. Ship of Fools Disc 2 ---- Set 1 Continued ---- 1. Weather Report Suite Prelude > 2. Weather Report Suite Part 1 > 2. Let It Grow > 3. It Must Have Been the Roses ---- Set 2 ---- 4. // U.S. Blues 5. Me & My Uncle 6. Jam > 7. China Cat Sunflower > 8. I Know You Rider Disc 3 ---- Set 2 Continued ---- 1. Beer Barrel Polka Tuning 2. Truckin' > 3. The Other One Jam > 4. Spanish Jam > 5. Wharf Rat > 6. Sugar Magnolia ---- Encore ---- 7. Eyes of the World ====================== Grateful Dead - June 8, 1974 Coliseum Stadium - Oakland, CA Recording Info: Set 1 + Encores: SBD -> Master Reel -> Reel -> Reel -> Wavelab -> FLAC Set 2: SBD -> Master Reel -> Dat -> Wavelab -> FLAC Re-Mastering Info: FLAC -> Adobe Audition v1.5 -> Samplitude Professional v10.2 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) Re-mastered By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 4, 2009 Patch Info: Sony ECM250 -> Master Cassette -> FLAC (shnid=94594) supplies: U.S. Blues (complete track) Big River (complete track) Ship Of Fools (complete track) Playing In The Band (17:00 - 17:20) Sugar Magnolia (complete track) Notes: -- All disc changes are seamless -- This is a re-master of shnid=97182 -- Thanks to Joe B. Jones for his help with the pitch correction -- Thanks to Matt Smith, Pat Lee, Jamie Waddell and David Gans for the SBD -- Thanks to Bob Menke for the AUD source -- I cleaned up some flaws and pitch corrected some tracks Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - The Promised Land d1t03 - Brown Eyed Women d1t04 - Me And Bobby McGee d1t05 - Scarlet Begonias d1t06 - Mexicali Blues d1t07 - It Must Have Been The Roses d1t08 - Me And My Uncle d1t09 - Tennessee Jed d1t10 - Greatest Story Ever Told d1t11 - China Cat Sunflower -> d1t12 - I Know You Rider d2t01 - Around And Around Set 2: d2t02 - U.S. Blues d2t03 - Big River d2t04 - Ship Of Fools d2t05 - Playing In The Band -> d2t06 - Wharf Rat -> d2t07 - Playing In The Band d3t01 - Eyes Of The World d3t02 - Sugar Magnolia Encore: d3t03 - Casey Jones -> d3t04 - One More Saturday Night =========================== 20th June 74 no info file sbd Clugston =============================== Audience Devotional Tree Round 17 - March, 2003 GRATEFUL DEAD Wednesday, June 26, 1974 Providence Civic Center - Providence, RI Audience Recording AudMC > WAV > CD > EAC > SHN Recorded by Jerry Moore near the rear of the floor, close to center axis with Sony ECM-99 Stereo mic (on metal pole) > Sony 152 deck. Maxell UD-120 cassettes, with Dolby B ON. Analog > Digital by David Minches January, 2003 Master Cassettes played back on Nak Dragon > ART DI/O > HD > Cool Edit 2000 > Feurio (CD) EAC & SHN by Noah Weiner February, 2003 EAC > MKW Audio Compression Toolkit (shn) DISC ONE [52:29] set one-a: 01 [02:36] crowd & tuning 02 [06:49] Big River 03 [05:54] Brown Eyed Women 04 [04:32] Beat It On Down The Line 05 [09:30] Scarlet Begonias 06 [09:38] Black Throated Wind 07 [10:11] Row Jimmy 08 [03:19] Mexicali Blues DISC TWO [59:31] set one-end: 01 [01:34] crowd & "technical malady time" 02 [06:10] Deal 03 [04:23] The Race Is On 04 [09:03] Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodeloo 05 [06:51] El Paso 06 [08:41] Ship Of Fools 07 [01:19] Weather Report Suite Prelude > 08 [04:25] Weather Report Suite Part One > 09 [11:05] Let It Grow > 10 [06:00] It Must Have Been The Roses DISC THREE [54:55] set 1.5: 01 [22:17] Seastones set two-a: 02 [02:05] crowd & tuning 03 [06:02] US Blues 04 [03:33] Me And My Uncle 05 [02:28] Jam > 06 [13:14] China Cat Sunflower > 07 [05:16] I Know You Rider DISC FOUR [70:13] set two-end: 01 [01:11] crowd & tuning 02 [01:06] Beer Barrel Polka tuning 03 [13:40] Truckin' > 04 [02:12] Other One Jam* > 05 [15:20] Spanish Jam** > 06 [09:53] Wharf Rat > 07 [13:56] Sugar Magnolia encore: 08 [12:55] Eyes Of The World *begins with brief Drums and Bass solo **dissolves into long space jam ============================ Grateful Dead Boston Garden, Boston, MA June 28, 1974 - Set I Source: SBD>MR>DAT>Sonic Solutions>CD>?>EAC>SHN EAC'ed / SHN'ed by Tom Snider, Jr. 07/25/2002 Thanks to Jeff Cook for sending me the cd audio of this fine first set. 01. Mississippi Half Step-> 7:29 02. It Must Have Been The Roses-> 4:59 03. Jack Straw 5:16 04. Beat It On Down The Line 3:24 05. "Gold Plated Reconing" 0:40 06. Deal 5:02 07. Mexicali Blues 3:21 08. Tennessee Jed 8:02 09. Me And Bobby McGee 5:30 10. "The Sound Of Time Passing" 1:58 01. Loose Lucy 5:02 12. El Paso 4:21 13. Sugaree 7:03 14. Around & Around 5:22 Total Play Time: 1:07:36 ================================================ Grateful Dead Iowa State Fairgrounds Des Moines, IA 6/16/74 - Sunday Per Andy Lemieux, the source of this is as follows: Set 1: MSR>C>DAT>CD Set 2 & 3: MSC>DAT>CD (except for patch in Wharf Rat which is MSR>?>DAT>CD) DISC ONE [70:06] set one-a: 01 [08:04] Bertha 02 [04:16] Mexicali Blues 03 [08:56] Row Jimmy 04 [05:53] Beat It On Down The Line 05 [09:22] Scarlet Begonias 06 [08:00] Black-Throated Wind 07 [08:39] Sugaree 08 [05:27] El Paso 09 [06:10] It Must Have Been The Roses 10 [05:14] Jack Straw note: splice in Bertha at 4:05; splice in Sugaree at 2:25. DISC TWO [56:49] set one-end: 01 [10:24] China Cat Sunflower > 02 [05:39] I Know You Rider 03 [04:48] Around And Around set two-a: 04 [06:35] U.S. Blues 05 [03:17] The Race Is On 06 [15:24] Eyes Of The World > 07 [05:01] Jam 1 > 08 [05:37] Big River DISC THREE [59:03] set two-end: 01 [29:19] Playing In The Band set three-a: 02 [08:17] Tennessee Jed 03 [03:07] Me And My Uncle 04 [06:00] Deal 05 [06:11] Greatest Story Ever Told 06 [06:05] Ship Of Fools DISC FOUR [46:22] set three-end: 01 [07:11] Truckin' > 02 [05:15] Nobody's Fault But Mine Jam > 03 [04:03] Jam 2 > 04 [04:41] Jam 3 > 05 [09:43] Wharf Rat > 06 [08:14] Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad encore: 07 [07:14] Casey Jones note: splice in Wharf Rat at 2:51 Based on Alan Fink's patched version: ...I used Steve Windsor's notes from his version: ...to verify and make the fixes myself. I also made several additional fixes, including... -- Removed two additional pops from Eyes Of The World at 14:35 and 15:10. -- Patched the splice in Wharf Rat with MSR>?>DAT>CD. Even after patching, it sounds like there may be a small chunk of material missing. -- Removed four additional pops from GDTRFB at 6:41, 6:43, 6:45 and 6:47. -- Patched the start of Casey Jones with alternate MSC>DAT>CD source. -- Retracked each disc so that tuning follows songs at the end of tracks. Kudos to Alan and Steve for their hard work. Thanks to Andy for the patch material for Wharf Rat. Sean Cribbs, 10/22/2004 ========================================= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Grateful Dead6/26/74 Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI Source for disk 1: SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR Contributed by Skankweed Source for discs 2,3: MSR > Reel > 4xDAT > CDR (HHB CDR-850) > SHN (EACx2) Contributed by John Oleynick (previous d1 from this source had problems, was withdrawn) Disc 1 ---- Set 1 ---- 1. Big River 2. Brown-Eyed Women 3. Beat It On Down the Line 4. Scarlet Begonias 5. Black-Throated Wind 6. Row Jimmy 7. Mexicali Blues 8. Deal 9. The Race Is On 10. Mississippi Halfstep 11. El Paso 12. Ship of Fools Disc 2 ---- Set 1 Continued ---- 1. Weather Report Suite Prelude > 2. Weather Report Suite Part 1 > 2. Let It Grow > 3. It Must Have Been the Roses ---- Set 2 ---- 4. // U.S. Blues 5. Me & My Uncle 6. Jam > 7. China Cat Sunflower > 8. I Know You Rider Disc 3 ---- Set 2 Continued ---- 1. Beer Barrel Polka Tuning 2. Truckin' > 3. The Other One Jam > 4. Spanish Jam > 5. Wharf Rat > 6. Sugar Magnolia ---- Encore ---- 7. Eyes of the World ====================== Grateful Dead - June 8, 1974 Coliseum Stadium - Oakland, CA Recording Info: Set 1 + Encores: SBD -> Master Reel -> Reel -> Reel -> Wavelab -> FLAC Set 2: SBD -> Master Reel -> Dat -> Wavelab -> FLAC Re-Mastering Info: FLAC -> Adobe Audition v1.5 -> Samplitude Professional v10.2 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) Re-mastered By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 4, 2009 Patch Info: Sony ECM250 -> Master Cassette -> FLAC (shnid=94594) supplies: U.S. Blues (complete track) Big River (complete track) Ship Of Fools (complete track) Playing In The Band (17:00 - 17:20) Sugar Magnolia (complete track) Notes: -- All disc changes are seamless -- This is a re-master of shnid=97182 -- Thanks to Joe B. Jones for his help with the pitch correction -- Thanks to Matt Smith, Pat Lee, Jamie Waddell and David Gans for the SBD -- Thanks to Bob Menke for the AUD source -- I cleaned up some flaws and pitch corrected some tracks Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - The Promised Land d1t03 - Brown Eyed Women d1t04 - Me And Bobby McGee d1t05 - Scarlet Begonias d1t06 - Mexicali Blues d1t07 - It Must Have Been The Roses d1t08 - Me And My Uncle d1t09 - Tennessee Jed d1t10 - Greatest Story Ever Told d1t11 - China Cat Sunflower -> d1t12 - I Know You Rider d2t01 - Around And Around Set 2: d2t02 - U.S. Blues d2t03 - Big River d2t04 - Ship Of Fools d2t05 - Playing In The Band -> d2t06 - Wharf Rat -> d2t07 - Playing In The Band d3t01 - Eyes Of The World d3t02 - Sugar Magnolia Encore: d3t03 - Casey Jones -> d3t04 - One More Saturday Night =========================== 20th June 74 no info file sbd Clugston =============================== Audience Devotional Tree Round 17 - March, 2003 GRATEFUL DEAD Wednesday, June 26, 1974 Providence Civic Center - Providence, RI Audience Recording AudMC > WAV > CD > EAC > SHN Recorded by Jerry Moore near the rear of the floor, close to center axis with Sony ECM-99 Stereo mic (on metal pole) > Sony 152 deck. Maxell UD-120 cassettes, with Dolby B ON. Analog > Digital by David Minches January, 2003 Master Cassettes played back on Nak Dragon > ART DI/O > HD > Cool Edit 2000 > Feurio (CD) EAC & SHN by Noah Weiner February, 2003 EAC > MKW Audio Compression Toolkit (shn) DISC ONE [52:29] set one-a: 01 [02:36] crowd & tuning 02 [06:49] Big River 03 [05:54] Brown Eyed Women 04 [04:32] Beat It On Down The Line 05 [09:30] Scarlet Begonias 06 [09:38] Black Throated Wind 07 [10:11] Row Jimmy 08 [03:19] Mexicali Blues DISC TWO [59:31] set one-end: 01 [01:34] crowd & "technical malady time" 02 [06:10] Deal 03 [04:23] The Race Is On 04 [09:03] Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodeloo 05 [06:51] El Paso 06 [08:41] Ship Of Fools 07 [01:19] Weather Report Suite Prelude > 08 [04:25] Weather Report Suite Part One > 09 [11:05] Let It Grow > 10 [06:00] It Must Have Been The Roses DISC THREE [54:55] set 1.5: 01 [22:17] Seastones set two-a: 02 [02:05] crowd & tuning 03 [06:02] US Blues 04 [03:33] Me And My Uncle 05 [02:28] Jam > 06 [13:14] China Cat Sunflower > 07 [05:16] I Know You Rider DISC FOUR [70:13] set two-end: 01 [01:11] crowd & tuning 02 [01:06] Beer Barrel Polka tuning 03 [13:40] Truckin' > 04 [02:12] Other One Jam* > 05 [15:20] Spanish Jam** > 06 [09:53] Wharf Rat > 07 [13:56] Sugar Magnolia encore: 08 [12:55] Eyes Of The World *begins with brief Drums and Bass solo **dissolves into long space jam ============================ Grateful Dead Boston Garden, Boston, MA June 28, 1974 - Set I Source: SBD>MR>DAT>Sonic Solutions>CD>?>EAC>SHN EAC'ed / SHN'ed by Tom Snider, Jr. 07/25/2002 Thanks to Jeff Cook for sending me the cd audio of this fine first set. 01. Mississippi Half Step-> 7:29 02. It Must Have Been The Roses-> 4:59 03. Jack Straw 5:16 04. Beat It On Down The Line 3:24 05. "Gold Plated Reconing" 0:40 06. Deal 5:02 07. Mexicali Blues 3:21 08. Tennessee Jed 8:02 09. Me And Bobby McGee 5:30 10. "The Sound Of Time Passing" 1:58 01. Loose Lucy 5:02 12. El Paso 4:21 13. Sugaree 7:03 14. Around & Around 5:22 Total Play Time: 1:07:36 ================================================ Grateful Dead Iowa State Fairgrounds Des Moines, IA 6/16/74 - Sunday Per Andy Lemieux, the source of this is as follows: Set 1: MSR>C>DAT>CD Set 2 & 3: MSC>DAT>CD (except for patch in Wharf Rat which is MSR>?>DAT>CD) DISC ONE [70:06] set one-a: 01 [08:04] Bertha 02 [04:16] Mexicali Blues 03 [08:56] Row Jimmy 04 [05:53] Beat It On Down The Line 05 [09:22] Scarlet Begonias 06 [08:00] Black-Throated Wind 07 [08:39] Sugaree 08 [05:27] El Paso 09 [06:10] It Must Have Been The Roses 10 [05:14] Jack Straw note: splice in Bertha at 4:05; splice in Sugaree at 2:25. DISC TWO [56:49] set one-end: 01 [10:24] China Cat Sunflower > 02 [05:39] I Know You Rider 03 [04:48] Around And Around set two-a: 04 [06:35] U.S. Blues 05 [03:17] The Race Is On 06 [15:24] Eyes Of The World > 07 [05:01] Jam 1 > 08 [05:37] Big River DISC THREE [59:03] set two-end: 01 [29:19] Playing In The Band set three-a: 02 [08:17] Tennessee Jed 03 [03:07] Me And My Uncle 04 [06:00] Deal 05 [06:11] Greatest Story Ever Told 06 [06:05] Ship Of Fools DISC FOUR [46:22] set three-end: 01 [07:11] Truckin' > 02 [05:15] Nobody's Fault But Mine Jam > 03 [04:03] Jam 2 > 04 [04:41] Jam 3 > 05 [09:43] Wharf Rat > 06 [08:14] Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad encore: 07 [07:14] Casey Jones note: splice in Wharf Rat at 2:51 Based on Alan Fink's patched version: ...I used Steve Windsor's notes from his version: ...to verify and make the fixes myself. I also made several additional fixes, including... -- Removed two additional pops from Eyes Of The World at 14:35 and 15:10. -- Patched the splice in Wharf Rat with MSR>?>DAT>CD. Even after patching, it sounds like there may be a small chunk of material missing. -- Removed four additional pops from GDTRFB at 6:41, 6:43, 6:45 and 6:47. -- Patched the start of Casey Jones with alternate MSC>DAT>CD source. -- Retracked each disc so that tuning follows songs at the end of tracks. Kudos to Alan and Steve for their hard work. Thanks to Andy for the patch material for Wharf Rat. Sean Cribbs, 10/22/2004 ========================================= Grateful Dead 6/26/74 Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI Source for disk 1: SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR Contributed by Skankweed Source for discs 2,3: MSR > Reel > 4xDAT > CDR (HHB CDR-850) > SHN (EACx2) Contributed by John Oleynick (previous d1 from this source had problems, was withdrawn) Disc 1 ---- Set 1 ---- 1. Big River 2. Brown-Eyed Women 3. Beat It On Down the Line 4. Scarlet Begonias 5. Black-Throated Wind 6. Row Jimmy 7. Mexicali Blues 8. Deal 9. The Race Is On 10. Mississippi Halfstep 11. El Paso 12. Ship of Fools Disc 2 ---- Set 1 Continued ---- 1. Weather Report Suite Prelude > 2. Weather Report Suite Part 1 > 2. Let It Grow > 3. It Must Have Been the Roses ---- Set 2 ---- 4. // U.S. Blues 5. Me & My Uncle 6. Jam > 7. China Cat Sunflower > 8. I Know You Rider Disc 3 ---- Set 2 Continued ---- 1. Beer Barrel Polka Tuning 2. Truckin' > 3. The Other One Jam > 4. Spanish Jam > 5. Wharf Rat > 6. Sugar Magnolia ---- Encore ---- 7. Eyes of the World disc two track 6 to end excluded as on Dicks Picks 12 ==================================================== GRATEFUL DEAD Sunday, June 30, 1974 Springfield Civic Center Arena - Springfield, MA SBDMR > DATx2 > CD > SHN > WAV > SHN Soundboard: DAT > CD > SHN transfer by Dan Lynch Final editing and AUD patching by Noah Weiner - June, 2003 DAT > via optical cable > CD (via HHb CDR-800 Pro) > WinDAC32 > WAV > MKW Audio Compression Toolkit (shn) > WAV > Sound Forge (track edits, normalizing, cross fades) > SHNTOOL (SBE fix) > MKW Audio Compression Toolkit (shn) AUD portions and patches from: AudMC > DAT > WAV > SHN Recorded by Jerry Moore, 1st level off floor, audience right, roughly center court with 2 hand held AKG D-1000E mics > Sony 152 deck. Maxell UD-120 cassettes, with Dolby B ON. SBD patches from: SBDMR > DATx3 > C > DATx2 > ZA2 > CDRx1 > EAC > SHN (see technical notes below) DISC ONE [78:10] set one: 01 [03:43] Don't Ease Me In 02 [06:55] Black Throated Wind 03 [05:18] Peggy-O 04 [05:07] Jack Straw 05 [06:26] Loser 06 [06:28] Greatest Story Ever Told 07 [06:26] Cumberland Blues* 08 [04:31] Dire Wolf 09 [18:34] Playing In The Band > 10 [08:32] Uncle John's Band > 11 [06:10] Playing In The Band *SBDMR flip in Cumberland patched with AUD, cross faded 05:12 to 05:35 DISC TWO [55:11] set 1.5*: 01 [03:21] taper talk & crowd 02 [16:48] Seastones set two-a: 03 [11:05] China Cat Sunflower > 04 [05:19] I Know You Rider 05 [05:10] Big River 06 [09:14] Scarlet Begonias 07 [04:14] El Paso *set 1.5 is taken from AUD; missing on SBDMR DISC THREE [72:27] set two-end: 01 [05:38] U.S. Blues > 02 [13:39] Truckin' > 03 [23:09] Eyes Of The World > 04 [07:34] Stella Blue 05 [10:01] Not Fade Away > 06 [07:29] Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad > 07 [04:57] One More Saturday Night no encore played *SBDMR flip in Eyes patched with AUD, cross faded 10:27 to 10:54 note: Truckin' contains a loose Nobody's Fault But Mine Jam technical notes: There are mix adjustments, typical of this era of GD SBD recordings, in the early minutes of Don't Ease Me In There were a number of spots on the source DAT that exhibited digital snits and pops. These were either removed with the pencil tool in Sound Forge, or, when they were of the nature that could not be eliminated by digital tools, patched over with the previously circulating SBD version, SBDMR > DATx3 > C > DATx2 > ZA2 > CDRx1 > EAC > SHN (source 2), as listed below: =========================== Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 9 months

sorry guys, was seriously under the weather yesterday. I'll get these going.
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17 years 7 months

So I did some cassette > CDR transfers this weekend and thought I would share them on a vine. Caveat Emptor on these... All SBDs but they are cassette xfers with no NR applied so just raw off my Nakamichi. Some with more cassete gens then others...Enjoyable shows anyway... See below for details: This vine is dedicate to my cousin and fellow deadhead phil eisengart (1st show 4/5/71) who lost his battle with cancer this weekend... Think of him when listening to the 10/6/81 He's Gone... Marty 10-30-70 SUNY Stony Brook Univ - early show (SBD B Quality) 1. Cold Rain 2. Truckin 3. Sugar Magnolia 4. Next Time 5. Me & My Uncle 6. Good Lovin> 7. Drums> 8. Cumberland> 9. Good Lovin missing Casey Jones from late show 10.Friend of the Devil 10-30-70 SUNY Stony Brook Univ - late show (SBD B Quality) * note - worth it just for the lovelight missing: Smokestack BIODTL China Cat> I Know You Rider 1. Truckin 2. Candyman 3.Hurts Me Too 4. Dancin 5. Big RxR Blues 6. St. Stephen> 7. NFA> GDTRFB> NFA> 8. Lovelight Jerry Garcia & Merl Saunders 1/73 (SBD A-) ksan record plant (garcia, saunders, kahn, bill vitt) 1. Someday baby 2. My Funny Valentine 3. That's All Right mama 4. It's too late, she's gone 5. finders keepers 6. second that emootion 7. jam 8. positively 4th street 9. how sweet it is 11/23/79 golden hall san diego ca (SBD A- / heavy phil!) * note - incredible sugaree Disc 1 1. alabama > 2. promised 3. they love each other 4. me and my uncle > 5. big river 6. high time 7. minglewood 8. stagger lee 9. easy to love you 10. looks like rain 11. deal Disc 2 1. music never stopped > 2. sugaree 3. estimated > 4. eyes of the world >jam > 5. drums... 6. ...space > 7. not fade away > 8. black peter > 9. good lovin' missing us blues 10/6/81 rainbow theatre london (SBD A) great show and quality - following sbd dropouts minglewood (last 10 secs) good times 75% thru (spliced gap) cumberland at beginning (spliced gap) high time mid song (spliced gap) Disc1 1. shakedown > 2. minglewood 3. must have been the roses 4.little red rooster 5. althea 6. me & my uncle > 7. mexicali blues 8. good times 9. cumberland blues > 10. looks like rain 11. might as well Disc 2 1. Women are smarter 2. high time 3. estimated > 4. he's gone > 5. drums... Disc 3 1. space > blues for allah jam > 2. wheel > 3. sugar mag > 4. stella blue > 5. good lovin' encore 6. sunshine daydream > 7. brokedown palace (after 15 sec aud patch which is cut at end) Jerry Garcia Solo Acoustic - capitol theatre, nj early show (SBD A-) 1. Deep elem blues 2. Freight Train > babe it ain't no lie 3. Gamorrah 4.dire wolf 5. little sadie 6. stagger lee 7. valerie 8. all around this world 9. to lay me down 10. run for the roses 11. ripple 12. e: reubin and cherise
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16 years 7 months

Sorry about your cousin Marty. Cancer is a tough battle and sometimes to lose that battle is the greatest victory. Peace. "Circle songs and sands of time, and seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, and little change, the wind and rain."
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17 years 7 months

the jerry show is 4-10-82... which after this post I saw is its own vine. marye can decide if she wants to leave this on/off this one... thanks for the well wishes birdsong.. marty
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16 years 7 months

...was the one with its own vine, but the Acoustic Jerry vine keeps disappearing every few viners so maybe the show on *this* vine would make it to me. One may sound better than the other, who knows? Cheers, and sorry to hear about your cousin, Marty. MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 7 months

Just checked the other vine... that is the late show and so-so quality per post. Mine is the EARLY show and good sbd quality so marye please leave as is but add note to post that the jerry solo show is 4/10/82 early show. Thanks, Marty
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16 years 7 months

You're right about the quality, though. ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 3 months

This is as shown , and is all the imformation I know about it , besides that it sounds soo nice it kinda reminds me of a cross between Yes and Pink Floyd !! you can hear jerry`s guitar and it is plain that there is more then just Garcia/Saunders here..I`m thinking PERRO rehersals maybe,(but i`m not sure).. very spacey indeed and worth a good listen to .. as normal please no sign ups until it gets a home (pending approval).. Enjoy !! Share the music-share the joy !! ps; 2 cdr`s no converting needed.. Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders Matrix San Francisco, CA xx-xx-1971 SBD MR > R > R > CD > EAC > WAV (shntool confirms no sbes) > FLAC>CDR SBD MR (Peter Abrams) > R (Peter Kafer) > R (Will Boswell) > CD Transferred by Matt Smith---- info: MR@7 1/2 ips>R@7 1/2 ips>R@ 7 1/2 ips>Apogee Mini ME 24/96>Apogee Mini DAC(monitoring)>Wavelab 5.0(dithered to 20/44)>CD Huge thanks to Will Boswell for the source and to Matt Smith for blessing us with a copy. Disc 1 01 save mother earth jam > funk space jam > 13:29 02 save mother earth jam continued > 14:40 (reel splice at 2:37) 03 jam 15:22 Disc 2 01 jam > 8:48 (drop out at 5:23-:26) 02 jam > 24:04 03 jam 5:42 // (cuts at 4:42) notes: all instrumental show with lots of spacey improvisation wonderful sound and jamming!!! As Matt puts it: "It's clearly a Matrix tape and you can tell from the separation of the instruments and it has the same type of mix of all other Matrix reels I've done. Since Garcia would show up at the 'Thursday night Jam' numerous times, this could be from late 1970 but since Merle is here it's most likely early, mid '71. There is static in the left channel but goes away and the overall dynamics are fantastic!! It's like you're sitting right in front of them!! As an aside Kafer's reels were destroyed in his parent's attic so Will's stuff is most likely the best and cleanest surviving analog copies.
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All instrumental jamming/improvising! ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years

here's a little vine to celebrate that day. (2 audio CD vine, to keep it small & fast) Grateful Dead - March 17, 1988 Henry J. Kaiser Auditorium - Oakland, CA Recording Info: SBD -> Dat (48k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> Sound Devices 744T -> Samplitude Professional v10.02 -> FLAC (2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net March 26, 2008 Patch Info: SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK SA-X90/Dolby B) supplies: Let It Grow (2:50 - end of track) Notes: -- Drums with Hamza El-Din Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - Hell In A Bucket -> d1t03 - Sugaree d1t04 - New Minglewood Blues d1t05 - Ramble On Rose d1t06 - Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again d1t07 - Row Jimmy d1t08 - Let It Grow Set 2: d2t01 - Tuning d2t02 - China Cat Sunflower -> d2t03 - I Know You Rider -> d2t04 - Estimated Prophet -> d2t05 - Eyes Of The World -> d2t06 - Drums -> d2t07 - Space -> d2t08 - Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad -> d2t09 - I Need A Miracle -> d2t10 - Dear Mr. Fantasy -> d2t11 - Hey Jude Encore: d2t12 - Black Muddy River
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Masonic Auditorium, San Francisco, February 13, 1994 Disc 1: HOT TUNA 1. Intro: Wavy Gravy 2. Hesitation Blues 3. I'll Be Alright Someday 4. Trouble In Mind 5. San Francisco Bay Blues 6. Stop Freaking Down 7. Big Fish 8. Drop Down Mama 9. It's Just My Way 10. Hit Single #1 Disc 1 cont: BOB WEIR & PETE SEARS 11. Wang Dang Doodle 12. Walkin' Blues 13. Take Me To The River 14. K.C. Moan 15. Masterpiece Disc 2 CROSBY & NASH 1. Deja Vu 2. Unequal Love 3. Rusty & Blue 4. I Used To Be A King 5. Laughing 6. Box Of Rain 7. Cowboy Movie 8. Military Madness 9. This Land Is Your Land Disc 3 REHEARSALS 1. Box Of Rain 2. Laughing 3. I Used To Be A King 4. Cowboy Movie 5. Deja Vu CD 2, tracks 4-6: with Phil Lesh CD 2, tracks 7-9: with Phil Lesh & Jorma Kaukonen Seva (say-va) is a Sanskrit word for service. Seva Foundation was formed in 1978 with a mission to alleviate suffering caused by disease and poverty. Bob Weir is on the advisory board, he does a cool version of Take Me to the River. This is the SEVA website if anyone is interested: http://seva.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=about_seva
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17 years 7 months

Ok so I was going to wait and add these to one of the parts of me and dstache’s Early 69 Vine, but I thought that these deserved there own vine. This includes the short set played on 4/25 (dang velvet underground!) and the 90+ minutes of the last half and monster encore of the next night that isn’t included on dicks picks 26. Grateful Dead Electric Theater Chicago, IL 04/25/69 Source: mR>D>Sonic Solutions>CDR 1. Hard to Handle 2. Doin' That Rag 3. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl 4. Morning Dew 5. Yellow dog story 6. Sitting on Top of the World 7. Lovelight COMMENTS Jerry plays glide guitar on Hard To Handle. According to Ron Ramsey, who attended the show, the other bands on the bill were SRC (a local group), and the Velvet Underground. The Velvet Underground played a very long set and as a result the Dead only got to play one set on this date. According to Ramsey the Dead did the same thing to the Velvet Underground the next night. Grateful Dead Electric Theater Chicago, Illinois April 26, 1969 – Saturday Source: Soundboard Cassette x 1 > DAT Encore Source: 7 inch Master Reels @ 7.5ips 1/2trk > DAT Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > Cardas cable S/PDIF > Edirol UA-5 > USB > WaveLab Mastering: In WaveLab with Nomad Factory Plugins > CD Wave > TLH > Flac Transfer and mastering by Bill Koucky December 20, 2008, Green Mountain Bros. Disc 1 (Last part of set that isn’t included on dicks picks 26) 55:58 1. Minglewood Blues 2. Silver Threads And Golden Needles 3. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue 4. Saint Stephen > 5. Turn On Your Lovelight Disc 2 39:39 Encore: 1. Viola Lee Blues > 2. Caution Jam > 3. Viola Lee Blues > 4. Feedback > 5. What’s Become Of The Baby (tape) > 6. Feedback > 7. And We Bid You Goodnight From Dead Lists Projects: What's Become Of The Baby was played back from studio tape while the band played space live on stage. There are two SBD masters of this show in the vault, a pair of cassettes and 140 minutes of reels. The reels are missing the encore: the reel-to-reel machine was used to play back the tape of What's Become Of The Baby. According to Ron Ramsey, who saw this show, it was all one long set. Introducing Baby Blue, Bobby says "This is the home stretch for us. Because we're goin' home." Source / Mastering Notes: - Discs 1 is seamless - Reel change crossfaded between Silver Threads and Baby Blue at d1t02 3:39 - Splice in Viola Lee Blues mended at d2t01 10:16
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16 years 7 months

"Dang, no Velvet Underground"? ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 8 months

Velvet Underground and the Dead on two nights! That is beyond cool. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

I guess Im just not that big a fan. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years

I have parts of that Velvet Underground show. It sounds really horrible! Alot of feed back, low volcals. More than half of the Velvet Underground stuff I have is like that. Its hard to find a whole concert of theirs in good condition.
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16 years 9 months

I am about to go complete-total-ape-crazy. The basement tapes #1 topics say that the '82 (4-10-82) acoustic set has it's own topic/vine. Mark tells me this other vine has the whole set. Where is it? I don't see 4-10-82 in the vindex. I have gotten a lot of shows this week so my brain is fried to a crisp--thanks for your help and patience. I have to have this with Run for the Roses live!
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16 years 7 months

"I have parts of that Velvet Underground show. It sounds really horrible! Alot of feed back, low volcals. More than half of the Velvet Underground stuff I have is like that. Its hard to find a whole concert of theirs in good condition" heheheh, that *is* good condition for the VU! They always sound like that! It's the other half of your VU collection, that sounds "good", that is bad! (just kidding, sort of) MitD ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 5 months

There are bands that are studio bands and there are bands that are live bands. Think Steely Dan for the former, and the Dead for the latter. Then there are bands that are kinda both, and may in fact have been great to see live, but their performances don't exactly translate well to tape. That is where I would categorize the VU.
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17 years 8 months

I beg to differ. Once Becker & Fagen put their paranoia aside and started touring, they actually put on a great show. Admittedly, their studio stuff is a notch above. Also, although I am probably in the minority, The Dead's studio material is totally underapprecaited, IMHO, at least up to Terrapin. Of course, there is no disputing that their live stuff was superior, but I also enjoy listening to their early studio stuff. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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16 years 7 months

Dstache, I think you really hit the nail right on the head. I would say your examples of Steely Dan, and The Grateful Dead are the definition of studio to live. There are definitely some that did both extremely well. I would say venture into The Who, The Rolling Stones as "good" at both. I would say the Led Zepplin, The Jimi Hendrix Experience are examples of being masterful at both. "Circle songs and sands of time, and seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, and little change, the wind and rain."
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17 years 9 months

Neil Acoustic Solo Tour 1999 Compilation Vine.Deadicated to my Uncle Bus, who just died on Saturday. Of course, Old Man is on this 5 CD set of Neil’s '99 acoustic solo jaunt across the U.S.A., along with many other favorites that you have never heard played on acoustic, such as a wonderful Cortez the Killer. These recordings are of the same quality as the last Europe compilation that I vined, but this one is A Rust/Human Highway Community Production- NOT FOR SALE (Trade freely) As usual inserts included. DISC I 1. Announcement- 4/14/99 Nashville 2. Tell Me Why- 3/6/99 Portland 3. Looking Forward- 3/17/99 Sacramento 4. War of Man- 4/19/99 NYC 5. Out of Control- 5/29/99 Austin 6. Albuquerque- 3/9/99 Portland 7. World on a String- 3/6/99 Seattle 8. ‘Shut up asshole’- 4/22/99 Philadelphia 9. Don’t Let It Bring You Down -3/20/99 10. Philadelphia -3/17/99 Sacramento 11. Homegrown -3/8/99 Portland 12. Daddy Went Walkin’- 3/9/99 NYC 13. Ambulance Blues- 3/20/99 Oakland 14. Southern Pacific- 5/30/99 New Orleans 15. The needle and the Damage Done- 5/29/99 DISC II 1. On the Way Home- 4/21/99 NYC 2. Goin’ Back- 5/20/99 Detroit 3. Time Spent in Detroit- 5/20/99 Detroit 4. Pochahontas- 4/19/99 NYC 5. Long May You Run- 4/18/99 Boston 6. Old King- 3/8/99 Portland 7. Old Man- 3/8/99 Portland 8. Harvest Moon- 5/30/99 New Orleans 9. Heart of Gold- 3/6/99 Seattle 10. Last Trip to Tulsa- 4/27/99 Akron 11. Slowpoke- 5/30/99 New Orleans 12. After the Goldrush- 4/27/99 Akron 13. Good to see You- 3/1/99 Sacramento DISC III 1. Lookout for My Love- 5/17/99 Milwaukee 2. Unknown Legend- 3/9/99 Portland 3. Razor Love- 5/23/99 Minneapolis 4. Lotta Love- 3/2/99 Vancouver 5. Cortez the Killer- 3/11/99 Spokane 6. Dreamin’ Man- 5/29/99 Austin 7. Expecting to Fly- 5-1-99 Chicago 8. Horseshoe Man- 5/27/99 Austin 9. Love is a Rose- 4/24/99 Philadelphia 10. I am a Child- 4/21/99 NYC 11. One of These Days- 5/22/99 Minneapolis 12. Cowgirl in the Sand- 4/21/99 NYC 13. Throw Your Hatred Down- 3/2/99 Vancouver 14. White Line- 6/2/99 Houston 15. Mansion on the Hill- 4/18/99 Boston DISC IV 1. Out on the Weekend- 6/2/99 Houston 2. Buffalo Springfield Again- 6/2/99 Houston 3. Harvest- 6/2/99 Houston 4. Birds- 4/27/99 Akron 5. Nowadays Clancy Can’t Even Sing- 4/28/99 Chicago 6. Comes a time- 4/18/99 Boston 7. Railroad Town- 5/29/99 Austin 8. Helpless- 6/2/99 Houston 9. Flying on the Ground is Wrong- 3/9/99 Portland 10. Internet Rant- 5/1/99 Chicago 11. Dance Dance Dance- 5/1/99 Chicago 12. Down By the River- 3/20/99 Oakland 13. Mr. Soul- 5/19/99 Detroit 14. Mother Earth- 5/20/99 Detroit 15. From Hank to Hendrix- 3/20/99 Oakland 16. Everybody Knows this is Nowhere- 4/24/99 Philadelphia DISC V 1. Cinnamon Girl- 4/12/99 NYC 2. In the Great Divide- 5/22/99 Austin 3. Lotta Love- 5/1/99 Chicago 4. See the Sky About to Rain- 3/6/99 Portland 5. Kansas- 3/20/99 Oakland 6. Ohio- 4/27/99 Akron 7. Southern Man- 4/27/99 Akron 8. Silver and Gold- 4/27/99 Akron 9. Only Love Can Break Your Heart- 3/26/99 Las Vegas 10. Powderfinger- 3/8/99 Portland 11. Pochahontas- 5/1/99 Chicago 12. On the Beach- 5/1/99 Chicago 13. Sugar Mountain- 5/1/99 Chicago 14. Last Trip to Vegas- 3/26/99 Las Vegas Special thanks to you all in the vineyard, the music you all share, really does heal. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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16 years 7 months

Good looking compilation, nice tribute there. ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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17 years 3 months

I can add 1-12-71 Toronto,Canada to that Neil Young vine ..this is also all acoustic.. Neil Young Massey Hall Toronto January 12th 1971 Stereo Soundboard 01. On The Way Home 02. Tell Me Why 03. Old Man 04. Journey Through The Past 05. Helpless 06. Love In Mind 07. A Man Needs A Maid/ Heart Of Gold 08. Cowgirl In The Sand 09. Don't Let It Bring You Down 10. There's A World 11. Bad Fog Of Loneliness 12. The Needle And The Damage Done 13. Ohio 14. See The Sky About To Rain 15. Down By The River 16. Dance, Dance, Dance 17. I Am A Child let me know if I can do this , I`ll send it out to you this weekend, maybe tomorrow .. Sorry to hear about you loss, Uncle Bus. with a name like that he had to have been a fantastic guy to know ... May peace and sunshine rain down upon you and your familly ..
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17 years 8 months

Acoustic Neil '71 & '99 Vine and thanks Mark & Stu, Uncle Bus was a hell of a good guy, "All of my friends, came to see me last night, as I lay in my bed a'dyin'.......sun going up and then the sun, it's going down, shine through my window, and my friends they come around, come around..." He had a remarkable life. That is the part to celebrate. Vine on. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 9 months

talk amongst yourselves and compile the definitive list and I'll put it up. So sorry about your uncle, Oroboros.
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17 years

I didn't see it in any of the reference links. Couldn't find this on lossless legs. am thinking that I downloaded it from archive.org. Haven't had the opportunity to completely listen to this yet - will likely do so over the week-end. Spot checking, it seems to be pretty decent Grateful Dead 06/30/87 Kingswood Music Theater Maple, Ontario Canada Source: AUD > DAT > CDR > SHN Note: This is the same version, I'm sure, as my analogs and they were FOB Schoeps > PCM > DAT > CDR... dnawrocki@cinci.rr.com Disc 1 - Set 1 01 Touch Of Gray 02 Greatest Story Ever Told 03 Loser 04 New Minglewood Blues 05 Candyman 06 Far From Me 07 Mama Tried > 08 Big River 09 Ramble On Rose 10 When I Paint My Masterpiece 11 Don't Ease Me In Disc 2 - Set 2 01 Scarlet Begonias > 02 Fire On The Mountain 03 Estimated Prophet > 04 Eyes Of The World > Jam (1) > 05 Drums > Disc 3 - Set 2 (cont'd) 01 Space > 02 Spanish Jam > The Other One > 03 China Doll > 04 Dear Mr. Fantasy > 05 Around and Around > 06 Good Lovin' Encore 07 Box Of Rain Comments: (1) Bob and Brent Jam Thanks to Paul Bottiglio for the seeds. DAE(EAC)>SHN(MKWACT)>FTP via C. Ladner/candyman FTP. 3/2002.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Hi! Hey now marye: I think the seeder(s) have settled on the Neil Young Acoustic Solo Tour 1999 Compilation Vine and the vine will just be as in Oroboros' original post. The Massey Hall show was released commercially several months ago. Cheers, MarkintheDark ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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Member for

17 years 8 months

A magical afternoon, August 19, 2006 at the Philadelphia Folk Festival. Two legends of acoustical music. Songwriter extraordinaire Jackson Browne, and his dear friend Mr. David Lindley, the single most accomplished acoustic instrument player on the planet. Together on a hot saturday afternoon, two friends sharing a stage, doing what they love...sharing their music and enlightening the hearts and souls of all who listen. disc 1 1. Intro 2. I'm Alive 3. Call it a Loan 4. Too Many Angels 5. The Pretender 6. Crow on the Cradle 7. Lives in the Balance 8. For Everyman 9. Mercury Blues 10. El Rayo X 11. These Days 12. Your Bright Baby Blues disc 2 13. The Barricades of Heaven 14. Late for the Sky 15. For a Dancer 16. Take it Easy 17. Running on Empty Thank you Jackson and David for the beautiful music.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I talked with stu and will go back to the original 1999 Neil vine. Thanks The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

This is for sure one of my new favorite JGB shows, and maybe my favorite version of sugaree so far. The sound quality on this is as good as it gets or pretty close at least. I really think that your all going to love this show. Jerry Garcia Band 12-21-1979 (Discs: CDA-2/SHN-2) Keystone Palo Alto CA Bertha Remaster of the master reel source SBD>>MR>>DAT>>CDA>>DAW(Bertha)>>CDA/SHN - Sound A Set1 d1t01-//Sugaree d1t02-They Love Each Other d1t03-Russian Lullaby d1t04-After Midnight Set2 d2t01-//How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You d2t02-Positively 4th Street d2t03-Deal Encore d2t04-Harder They Come Notes: Digitally remastered using a custom built, Dual DAW, nicknamed Bertha, by jashley@deadacated.com. Completed on 6/14/2004. Very light noise reduction (pure sample) applied to make the tape hiss a bit less noticeable. Dropout at 6:04 in After Midnight and at 10:20 of Harder They Come.
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Member for

17 years

I know there's no real way to enforce this - but when a guy with no fixed address signs up for litterally every vine on the site - and admits that his current address is only good for 2 (maybe) 3 weeks - that's a recipe for disaster. If he had come along and signed up for one or two, with the caveat that he was moving - that would be one thing, but to have signed up for everything, knowing there is no way that he could handle the responsibility of making copies, contacting the next in line and sending the vines along - and very importantly - being there to answer if it gets lost - is incredibly irresponsible, so... while I'm all for open, free & no rules, I'm saying - TILT - too much is too much - if even a fraction of these vines wind up going to him, there's no way he could handle the workload. I would rather wait until he's settled & has a relatively permanent address - then he can sign up for all he wants, but until then, it's a recipe for heartache. And I say this not out of meanness or selfishness - but out of concern for keeping this thing we have going alive & funcitoning properly - as one of the top seeders, vine investigators, and issue resolvers here, i think it's my place to say this. Below is the list (as of today) that Fluffhead420 has signed up for, and he told me personally that his address is only good for 2 to 3 weeks. Tivoli '72 TV Vine 1979 Fall Part 2 Vine Louisville/Atlanta '90 Vine More Red Rocks 9/8/83 Vine St. Patrick's Day Vine RFK 6/10/73 Vine More May 1977 Vine Winterland October 1974 Vine Hampton/Harrisburg/San Rafael '84 Vine Jerry's Last Show Vine Jerry Solo Acoustic 4-10-82 Capitol Theater, Passaic NJ Rolling Stones at Leeds 1971 Vine CSNY Then and Now Vine Winterland June 7, 8, 9, 1977 Vine Summer '82 Vine June '74 Vine Nassau March '90 Vine Dead Heads for Obama 2/4/08 Vine Cal Expo 1989 Vine May 1977 East Coast Vine Cleveland Convention Center 12/6/73 Vine 1985 Vine Capitol Theatre, Passaic NJ 6/17/76 Vine Legion of Mary Vine Hampton '89 Reseed Vine Fall 79 Part 1.5 A.K.A Lovin' Rhino Vine 1991 Digital Soundboards Vine MSG '87 Vine 5 Garcia Shows Vine NYE '71/'81 Vine Autzen Stadium 6/23/90 Vine ABB 8-30-08 Vine BCT '86 Vine (AKA Marye's Vine) Valentine's Day 1988 Vine Merriweather Post Pavilion 7/1/85 Vine Spring Tour '88 Part 1 Vine MSG 93 Vine Gruga Halle 3/28/81 Vine Three From '93 Vine Warfield 2/17/82 Vine More '74 Vine The Dead 7/1/03 Vine Huntington WV 1978 Vine Beacon Theater NYC 6/14/76 Vine William & Mary '73 Vine Spring Tour '88 Part 2 Vine Reconstruction Vine NYE '83 Vine October '72 Vine MSG '93 Part 2 Vine May 74 Vine Maples Pavilion Vine 2/9/73 Bill Graham Tribute 11/3/91 (VIDEO DVD) Vine Shoreline '91 Vine Augusta 10/12/84 Vine Omaha/Red Rocks '78 Vine Cleveland Rocks Vine # 2
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Member for

17 years 8 months

there needs to be a hold on sending anything to fluffhead until he is moved and settled. I was a bit alarmed when he was signing up for all these and I said something. Nothing against the guy but this is too much too fast for anybody and many folks have put lots of time and energy into this. We do not need the collective energy here stiffled. Has fluffhead got any vines yet and how is he in sending them on? Once again I say we should skip him until he is settled, then put him on the list. Let's see if he can carry through with all this. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years

Thats a lot of vines eh! Does Fluffhead know what he's getting into?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I really dont see how someone could handle that much at one time. I only work part time and still have a hard time keeping up sometimes. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I agree also, 57 vines and no permanent address has the probability of affecting many folks here in a negative way. That would not be too cool.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

There is one point to this whole conversation that we can just not overlook. He does not have a permanent address. My opinion is that he should not receive vines until he's settled. A lot of people work very hard in a lot of different ways to generate a productive, fun, cohesive, respectful music trading environment here. I believe it is a pretty easy going place and for the most part patience is a common practice, but the sheer number of vines he has signed up for is a recipe for a disaster and a lot of hours of work that potentially could go down the drain in rapid succession because of the address situation. I reached out to him in a PM in late January when he actually took up the first page of the forum with his posts for new vines. I had never seen anything like it. I warned him of the repercussions in time, effort and expense. He replied that he would be quick and that it would not be a problem. For that I would say we would have to let it go, but the address situation is tough to swallow....for me. I think Mary-e needs to chime in on this. This is a very unique situation. "Circle songs and sands of time, and seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, and little change, the wind and rain."