• 907 replies

    So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

    Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 


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  • 00
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    water and charcoal pills
    CCJ, nice! What a story. Where the pills you were taking for this test the "morning after pills?" Joe where are you from again? What State?
  • c_c
    I know!
    I know, let's start bashing those dudes from England who have those funny "Beatle" accents. yuk yuk yuk
  • c_c
    your wife
    your wife knows first hand about that story ever so intimately. ( -: yuk yuk yuk. we gotta stop this shit before we get booted off and banned from the forum for posting crap in every thread. I'd like to personally remind everyone, it all stated with some dork named Tony Clifton.
    I'll Pass Joe...
    but I'm sure the rotten crotch story will be a hit with the ladies! ; - ) "Since you've all been such good boys and girls, I would like to take everybody in this entire audience out for milk and cookies. There are buses outside. Everybody follow me."
  • c_c
    now who really wants to hear the story of the crotch rot medicine cream that don't work that we tested the year before??! ( -: yuk yuk yuk.
  • c_c
    these days, and probably for about 20 years, I have been off the hard alcohol; it is just too hard on the old system... I still enjoy beer and wine, especially red, red wine. I don't mix wine with beer, ever. though I often make my own blends of wine, 2 parts hearty merlot mixed with one part shiraz. and my personal cure for hangovers, is lots and lots of water and a couple of advils. Maybe add some whatthefuckaretheycalled?, yeah, electrolites, or some gatorade, like that. a liter of wine, 2 liters of water. I can't sleep though, because I'm up every 10 minutes to piss. such is the life of a geezer. ) -;
  • c_c
    water and charcoal pills
    way back when, like fucking forever ago, I earned $500 for being a "test subject" for a hangover medicine. Some pharmaceutical company was in the last stages of FDA testing, and we were the first human guinnea pigs. pretty cool gig, actually. Two separate weekends, we HAD to drink whiskey, controlled amounts to get us drunk during the course of the 4 days. There were 12 of us, 6 guys, 6 gals, all deadheads in the group. Actually, about only 6 or 7 hard core heads, and a few more "straight" people, but everybody was into shows and partying. Somebody knew somebody who knew somebody who knew somebody in charge of the whole thang, and somebody said; "hey, do you want to earn $500 for drinking booze?" no fool, I. I asked: '$500 U.S. dollars??" no fool, I. I asked: '$500 U.S. dollars EACH??" yes! OK, where do I sign? US greenbacks-- 500 bucks bought a lot of gas in those daze. all sorts of legal release forms, medical questions, gotta be healthy for the drug companies to do this to you. anyways, one weekend, you got the real charcoal pills, the other weekend you got a placebo. They limited the amount of food we could eat, limited the amount of water that we could drink, based on body weight and shit like that. Although the sample was only 12 people, it was all pretty scientific. Both times, they were drawing blood at intervals, (that really sucked) to test it -- whether you gots the placebos or not, both weekends, they were taking blood. before each "drink" wheich was every 15 minutes, I never shot nothing, so the whole needle thing is pretty fucked up, especially as you are getting drunk on sour mash. As we got drunk, they gave us memory tests, hand eye coordination tests, walk in a straight line, shit like that. Me and a few of the hard core boozers actually did BETTER on the coordination and memory tests as we got drunker-- that kind of totally fucking skewed the results resulting in odd-paradigms which the doctors could never explain. i was amazing the doctors and nurses with "philosophy" courtesy of Hunter or Barlow, (before the memory tests) saying shit like: "Cherish well your thoughts and keep a tight grip on your booze" It was pretty funny. So it all became a party for the first few hours and then it started to really suck. We were actually drinking just a little bit more than we were supposed to, often running to the bathroom to do various other things that required privacy. After about 30 or 45 minutes, some of the members of our little group started staring at the lights... babbling, giggling, you get the picture. some were definately en-hancing our party with un-mentionables. Suddenly, after boozing for 3 hours we had to take handfulls of these fucking smelly charcoal pills. I mean like 20 at a time, well, the doctor would say, please swallow all of these pills, but you can only drink 300 cc of water to do it. Every hour, more booze, more pills, more blood letting... It went on and on... the blood taking, the handfulls of pills, the continuous boozing, the MUSIC! but oh no!! "you can not dance!! no physical exertion, no sweating allowed!" I started calling this one nurse Dracula's mistress, calling her a leech and a blood sucker, I swear, she looked just like Nurse Ratchid. The whole thing became a big bummer and we was getting just a little belligerant. I think in all, we had to drink and do that shit for 6 hours each day of the 2 weekends. They had us all crash in the clinic. So it was 12 hours of boozing in a 48 hour time period. But you know what? Those charcoal pills definately work, I got the placebo the first weekend, and the real stuff the second weekend. So it went, we got through the 2 weekends, got the money paid in CASH!! and went our own way onto the summer tour that year... later on, I ran into the "straight" dude who kind of set the whole thing up, and I heard that they had to re-do all of the tests, because with the exception of 1 or 2 people, EVERYBODY had something we weren't supposed to have in our blood in our blood. So they drug company had to re-do everything, they threatened law suits because somewhere in that fine print we had signed papers saying we would be clean. But fuck it, we did it, got the cash dollar bill money, and hit the road. by the way, iknowurider, not only have I looked into the eyes of the worm, the worm winked at me -- but that is another story. peace
  • Ami
    worm VS hangover...
    as a bartender in my wayback years, people would ask for the worm and stick around looking for the last pour of the Mescale bottle. I always gave a gulp & gone, Bob, rarely a chew (ewww), but people swore it was the trick to not getting a headache the next day. I think the sugar content in the Mescale kept you from having a really bad headache, kinda like caffiene. who knows, but I always knew it was good for a night of entertainment when a few cruisers came in and started doing shots when the bottle was 1/2 way done. bob, here's my secret- one glass of wine + one glass of water + 1 Advil, 2 glasses= 2 Advil, 2 glasses water... hydrate often to reduce the AM throb....age is definitely a factor I have found out.
  • marye
    misbehavior of the week
    I don't know why the spam filter has suddenly taken this dislike to gratefulmom, but deepest apologies.
  • GratefulGigi
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    Tequila Song.....LOL
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Member for

17 years 1 month

So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 

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Member for

9 years 5 months

First off, Deadant, take a chill-pill, as I've got a few months to hammer away and tell you the story you so eloquently requested a few days ago(before the Seahawks crashed and burned in that wee little football game on Sunday); And Marye, thanks for putting up this pseudo-use-when-necessary-because-the-chat-line-crashes area...cause I think it might be a politically correct place to tell this story; I was bonafidely (new word, Deadant) starting to tell this story when the chat crashed twice...so if the story police are monitoring this bit of cyberspace, it is legal, necessary, and altogether appropriate to continue it here. DeadGeek said the chat crashes if you type too fast, or walk and chew gum at the same time, or whistle Dixie in Boston... PS, Any of you other Deadheads reading this story, start at the bottom where Deadant whines and work yourself up, or go take out the recycling or build a house of cards, cause this old deadhead might ramble on, just like the rose Jerry sang about. ....our story continues...25,000 deadheads roll into town, and where can they stay on this dusty mountainside...onsite, of course, but where does the band stay? In the Motel 6 at the corner? No, I think not...for they are Rock Stars! They gotta be cooler than that. How about a wilderness resort, run by hippies who stepped back in time back in the early early 70's and bought a bunch of land way out in the middle of no-where...Sure, that's the ticket. And the roads are winding dirt bumpy narrow and almost non-existent, so you can kiss the limousines goodby, as a long bed pick-up couldn't traverse those roads. I know, Jim said, let's helicopter them in and have them land over there, next to our tomato garden and corn-field. It'll be cool! And that, my friends is the beginning of how the Grateful Dead hooked up with some long time, laid back hippies, not ne'er-do-wells, but certainly some were nefarious but still kind folks, and started a catering company out of a couple of pot and pans with two or three world-class chefs who had found out about the mountain hide-away, took said catering company on the road with a bunch of dead-heads and hangers-on, and built a small but casual and friendly empire, called Avery Ranch catering, and catered to the good old Grateful Ded as their personal chefs for the next five plus years... Who is Jim you might ask, and what was Avery Ranch, and did they/we/I have fun, did the bus run well? Did Bobby really want 6 bottles of Montrachet' Chardonnay,1989, no other year, no other brand, did Jerry like hot-dogs, who wanted the Apple Pie the most? What about the mountain of M & Ms? And Nilla-Vanilla wafer at 2 AM, are you kidding me? Those stories may or not be told as others remember them, but for me, I gladly hopped on that bus and rode, drove, pushed, sang and danced my way along that ride for a good five years, and I'll share some of those with you if that's alright, just to pass some time while we wait for tickets....more later, ok? Peace...G
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15 years 5 months

How can i chill with these awesome stories! I am sorry. I type a character that is more colorful then he actually is) I love your stories, they are appreciated, as is your advice, tempo and beat. I promise I am calm/chill and relaxed as can be. I like to create an air of situation in words to break some of the mundane minutes of my day tis all. I take advantage of this internet and sometimes fill it with challenging/immature material, on purpose, but not with the intent to elicit anything negative. Though I could see how that could be. Chill I shall, as i patiently await the next chapter with baited text)
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Member for

9 years 5 months

Hey oh fine Ant- I take your chat and comment shenanigans with all good grace, well-being and twinkle of spirit, as I'm sure that's how you mean it. Perhaps I can match my mundane-ness and willy-nilly-but-never-chilly posting with yours...we will see, as we continue "...going down the road feeling baaaaddddd" (which is good). Tis a grateful day...be well...till later...gotta mine salt all day. G
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17 years 1 month

the shakedown cruise/beta test of our new improved chat room. We're hoping it proves a bit more stable than the old one. Check it out and let us know how it's working for you. Thanks!
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9 years 1 month

Where are the Florida DeahHeads? :) You know the saying "Maybe it was the roses"?
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17 years 1 month

seems to have been too much for the chat room, which is currently MIA. I've got a note in to the tech folks. Thank you!