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    By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!


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    @ Boo Boo Buddy....
    Fire up.... I'll be webstreaming through nugs.tv... where's your seats? a BooBoo board will be in your inbox on return to RaChaCha.... bet you $20 you get a U.S. Blues.... summertime come and gone, my oh my oh my!!!! Enjoy the ride... they were shit hot and rocking!!!!!
  • geomeister
    Chapter 4.0hhh this must be the Break...
    So it was, and we happily let our ears partly decompress and made sure feet were semi firmly anchored to earth...these sandles were made for dancin and walking, ready set go... ...any tale of Indy would be incomplete without mention of the 009 mosaic, brought to you through and by our guide and resident local, Kurt, da Man... It seemed that our friend knew half of the folks in the house, and throughout most of the first set, half of them visited or promised to visit. Kurt knew friends from the 4th, 5th, 6th etc grades, and he and they and by proximity this cub got to hug, relive, recall, extrapolate on and other wise discuss the daze of yore and at hand. One friend John, seemed to be the senior friend from the 4th grade, and at the break, he was close at hand... ...before we could say which way, whiskers, he said, "Let's go up to the lawn, a friend of yours from the 7th grade is there." We started the long walk up the steps from the inner A sanctum, along the center aisle with the lawn on the right side and the big bowl bowels of Deer Creek seating to the left of us, passing countless deadheads and the like...turned at the center aisle of the lawn and headed up the slope...all... the...way...up...to the tip top...and then looked around for said friend...Kurt, being the more together of the pair of friends, said I dont have a clue who we are looking for, and I nodded, that makes 2 of us, of course...but John assured us we'd find the elusive buddy from childhood. Looking this way and that, no mysterious friend in site...the view was spectacular tho, and the sun was setting over the bowl and giving everything a magical glow that may or may not have been enhanced by anything in particular which may or may not have been going around in gusto... It became clear that the unknown friend had probably wandered away to do those things you find necessary at the break, and I saw the sun set, looked at the flash of color over yonder, and said, let's get back, the bands coming back soon i bet...so we did...and made it semi in time to use our nifty It's not a Bribe passes to the VIP lounge. The whole excursion was perfectly right-on...a mission to visit an unknown friend, a hike through the masses to watch the sunset from the top of the bowl, a chance to see the Whole Enchilada laid out in front of us...so thank you Kurt, thank you John, and thank you unknown and unseen friend...you made it happen... Meanwhile, back over there, a roar went up, lights went up, we lit up, and the band once again came on stage...Set 2 and the journey continues...for the music never stops...this little ditty does, tho, right here, on this Dot.
  • Boo469
    last day at the mine before blastoff
    oh, so hard to concentrate on the business at hand. The rails are patched, the sails shined, provisions stocked, fresh oil and ready to roll. reports from Saratoga to follow, stay tuned
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    awww shucks....you made me blush. Thank you, you're not too shabby yourself.
  • liketohike
    Good Morning Daydreamers!
    Wooo...you boys sure do know how to tell a good story! I will attest to everything these fellows have said. Really the only thing I can add is that this just might be the best group of folks I've ever met and I wouldn't want to spend my "Dead" time with anyone else! Virtual hugs to all!
  • geomeister
    Chapter 3.02468...aka "Who Do We Appreciate" or...
    ...are there two Dr Richies an da house? What are the odds of a Doctor Richie giving a miracle to a Doctor Richie? What kind of cosmic confluences and alignments have to occur for one to fly in from New Yawk, and one to cruise up from Memphis, each wandering their separate ways through the maze in a daze and end up after much twirling around and folderol making, end up face to face ten minutes before showtime, one with an extra ticket and one needing a Miracle? Dr. Richie, meet Dr. Richie...we expect miracles every day...for the cosmic confluences that occur at a Dead show are the stuff of legend and lore, the odds are perfectly in your favor, and who else deserves it more, other than you or me? The show, back to the show...for the Band Beyond Description or this 2016 version of it is on stage and we are a twinkling away from the first chords to today's Masterpiece. Cub reporting being what it is, with the pay and all being at that nickle and dime side of things, this particular version of the evening can and will not be the studious chord-by-chord breakdown of the show...sure, I could say they started with Minglewood, which left half of us wondering what the hell the song was because we are new to the scene, one quarter of us saying I am too old to remember the name of this song, and the other quarter saying I am too high to care...sure I could start that way...but the pay isn't good enough for that... Monday morning's edition of the Daydreamer Daily SunShineNews Dead-a-Gram comes gratis, as the best things in life are free or very expensive...results may differ, void where prohibited, and not available in states ending in Why.... So we left the Minglewood Blues to those still outside, and merge into the left lane, step on the gas, and roar into Cumberland Blues territory. Did Bobby sing better than John? Who is driving, please take the wheel.... Somewhere in all this, someone had thoughtfully brought some of those hand rolled thingies that get passed around so we can all share the same germs and build up tolerance...and as this intrepid reporter looked, ten thousand little glowing joy sticks suddenly started being shared between like heads, no-one missing a beat, and now, suddenly, there were no strangers, only family, and the brotherhood and sisterhood could not have been stronger if it had developed in the womb...I'm rambling now...sorry... No Wait, that's the next song! Ramble On Rose! Finally, three songs in, every living soul cranks it up and sings along with the bouncing rubber ball in the Heavenlies..."Did you say your name was?!" ... Bobby is belting it out, John, Jeff and even Oteil gets to belting it out...and in rapid succession Black Throated Wind, then Geeky's song of all songs Althea and then this silly Sailor Saint of Circumstance ditty are presented to us by a damn good band. Not the GD with John, Jeff, etc, not Bobby and the Midnites, not some take off band with a substitute lead guitar player, and certainly not the band many heard last year. This is a new band...one who has nothing to prove, one born of all silly circumstances, from an off the wall invite to play on a Late Late Tonite show. Folks, it's the real McCoy, complete with Birkenstocks and pajama pants. We have, presented for all to marvel at and party with, a real live rock and roll band that isn't shy, isn't feeling its way, isn't trying to mimic something. It is a new force, and one to be reckoned with...and those in attendance in Indy certainly did get a treat...a music journey that started over here, and rapidly ascended to about that level, then leveled off and the wooossshhh off we go into the wild smokey blue yonder...the set closer left us right at the perfect spot, as Bobby said, "we'll be back in a bit"... Come to think of it, so will I... cheers, The Break, where-in we get to do all the hikey we likey to do, the Interludes and Outerlubes of Deer Creek, and Set Two, as well as the famous Two Dollar Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, the Lot...and a Golf Cart Ride too? Who ever heard of a golf cart ride at a Dead show...this ain't the Masters..but wait...go feed the parking meter of life, let out Puppers she hasta pee...and stay tuned for the noon edition....all will be explained...and if you're still reading, the answer is 42. ...and now, a word from our sponsor, "It Depends"
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    Just One Thing That I Gotta Say....
    ...but, I digress..... The whole Indy thing fell in my lap, after a little prodding from geopleasecometodeercreekmeister and the gentle persuasiveness of Devil's Friend, "don't be a pussy and just come to the f*cking show", a line right out of Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, I scored a ducat in sec. B row T under face, a last minute miracle, the elusive room at the Cambria, which by the way was sold out and overbooked and a promise of a ride from King George in his chariot, I took the plunge. But wait a minute....you know you make me wanna shout! Dammit, there I go digressing again....a few days before the show, a fellow head in da Buff calls and asks if I can use a two in sec B row N, same section and row as Miami n Ozark btw as he can not make the trip due to work commitments...and those tix are gratis, so who is this mongrel dog to pass up A Nice Pair...Adam unloads his seats, becomes my wingman in all things illegal, immoral and fattening in those kickass seats, 2 rows behind pit center stage... So here we are about to enter the gates of heaven and I still have one in sec. B row T, walking around the lot with Ozark and Devil's Friend by my side, I happen upon a middle aged stoner, joint in mouth glassy stare and drooling, my kind of folks, I ask quietly "who needs a ticket?' Looking up he asks "how much?" I reply that we can talk money later, so I whip it out....the ticket that is, show it to him, and say, my friend I have been blessed in life, isthmus be your lucky day, he takes one look and says c'mon is this real? These things don't really happen...I assure him it is real,it is spectacular and it is free, and you have been miracled...sticking my hand in my pants again...get your minds out of the gutter perverts, I produce a I need a miracle button, provided to me by geopartyfavorsuprememeister and hand that to him as well....he asks what he owes me, I ask for a manly hug and the opportunity to have Matt and Adam snap a few photos, and most importantly the promise that he would pay the act of kindness forward which he eagerly agreed to. He obliges as Likey to Hikey looks on in awe and endless wonder, whilst biting her lower lip and trembling with excitement she like what she sees. (Hoo hah said in my best Pacino) Turns out said miracle recipient is a professor, a PhD in English at the University of Memphis and shares my name, he is a Rich as well and at end of the festivities gives Ozark and Miami his business card which I used to later fire off an email to him along with a picture of our exchange courtesy of Adam... So Devil's Friend and I pregame with brews and some hippie lettuce as Miami and Ozark wander off to the merch table.... It's moments like this that drew me to the culture that I am proud to be just a small part of.... What was that Sarge? "I need a woman about twice my weight....ride her like a surfer, ride her on a tidal wave..." anyway, time to take old leg humper for his morning constitutional.... Happy Summer children! I NEED A MIRACLE EVERY DAY!!!!!
  • geomeister
    ..but wait, if you act now...A Miracle!
    you might get one more pre-show story first...and we all need a miracle of one type or another. Richie, our esteemed dus briver of FTW lore and a righteous part of this Indy six-pack, had an extra ticket and is fixin on helping out someone who is need of one... He is strolling through the crowd with Adam our fearless packer of all things cold and combustible, ready to go in, and he stumbles across this gentlemen in dire straits...Oh No! Richie says, and a Miracle ensued. Lest I forget the details, or get the gist a bit wrong I will leave that part of the story to Richie... Meanwhile, the band starts strumming and we hustle to the A flank of Indy's Deer Creek, somewhere in front and under the pavilion...the other 2/3 of the Daydreamer six-pack had staked out Sector B, smack dab in the middle...as our friends take the stage and start strumming.... The Dead and Company have started to Paint their Indy Deer Creek Masterpiece! Descriptions of such a Painting would be far beyond this cub reporter's skill level...suffice it to say that on the morrow, time may be taken to describe in such inadequate terms as can be mustered, the succeeding three plus hours of musical melodies... As the weekend edition of the Daydreamer Daily SunShineNews Dead-a-Gram goes to press, rest easy...for we know the music never stopped... in this case, has found a new foundation. A band that has jelled. A band that knows what it might be capable of doing. A band that hops on the carpet and floors it...the story will continue, as the music never ends...
  • geomeister
    Chapter Two, the sixpack become three pair, and interlude, and
    Don't forget your towel..as this restaurant and Dead show at the Indy corner of the universe is one that leans towards the self sufficient side... One more thing, Agent 009 had previously left nice "Welcome to Your 30-Hour Spaceship Home" gifts at our hotel. A suspicious aroma gently wafted out from one...maybe a hint of something that could create the illicit smile of song and lore...so Richie and this intrepid reporter carefully accepted said gifts and awaited the possession of our hotel room keys...upon receipt, we eagerly took the elevator to the top floor, worked our way through a maze of corridors, found our collective rooms...adjusted our tinfoil hats and opened the packages. It was no coincidence we were adjacent to room 420...mine was 418, and Sir dus Brivers was 419 as i said earlier, cattycorner and readily available for a stumble-athon. Fun ensued as we discovered our new digs and dug into our gift packages, but you'd have to buy us a cold one for that part of the story... Ok the show...Agent 009 and I strolled through Participation Row, a couple of vendor booths, found some cold ale on tap, discovered a tight ass front gate agent for the VIP lounge who said we have no more wrist bands available and are sold out. Burns, busts, bummers and ripoffs, thwarted from one of our goals. Kurt, being a local, took that as a challenge and said to the cute but stubborn guardian of the gate to cold beers and clean toilets, "Honey, you've got a whole bunch of wristbands on your arm, Shirley you cant be sold out quite yet..how bout we give you 20 apiece for a couple of those wristbands on the top...how does that sound". The little lady at the gate suddenly realized she had extras, and gladly handed us two wristbands to the coveted VIP inner sanctum...this reporter looked at her and said in his higher than a kite and quite amazed voice, "Did we just bribe you?" She smiled and said demurely, "Why no, you just bought a couple of passes, step right in".... We heard the crowd start a roar and knew a part of a band beyond description would be taking the stage, so we hustled to our seats...and the next part of the Sunshine Daydreamer story continues...
  • JeffSmith
    Text-Free Zone
    Hey Rich, Just wanted to remind you that I can't text from up here in the hinterlands of west Texiz. No cell service. Nada! I know that's so "20th century", but I try to make up for it when I get out in "civilization".
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17 years 9 months
By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!
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17 years 8 months

Get out old Dan's recordsGet out old Dan's records We will Dance the whole night long It's fun to play the old time songs If old Dan could see us now I know he'd be so proud Bring out old Dan's records Bring out old Dan's records I remember my aunt Bea She'd dance with Dan till two or three If old Dan could see he now I know he'd shout out loud Dig out old Dan's records Bring out old Dan's records We're all here, we've all got dates We'll dance all night to the seventy-eights If old Dan could see us now I know he'd be so proud If old Dan were with us still I know he'd come around Get out old Dan's records Dig out old Dan's records Back to nineteen thirty-five The foxtrot, jitterbug 'n' jive If old Dan could see us now I know he'd be so proud Get out old Dan's records Bring out old Dan's records High above the fireplace There's a smile on old Dan's face If old Dan could see us now I know he'd be so proud If old Dan were with us still I know he'd come around
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14 years

Thanks for stopping by....we are just floating downstream....Feel free to grab a fishing pole....and a cold one....got some Great Lakes Lake Erie Monster in that there cooler....but be careful, it's a sippin beer.... Hey, do it now Yeah, hey Hey, Once I was a boogie singer playin' in a Rock and Roll Band I never had no problems, yeah Burnin' down one night stands And everything around me, yeah Got to stop to feelin' so low And I decided quickly (Yes I did) To disco down and check out the show Yeah, they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin' And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right Play that funky music white boy Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die Till you die Oh ya, ya I tried to understand this I thought that they were out of their minds How could I be so foolish (How could I) To not see I was the one behind So still I kept on fighting Well, losing every step of the way I said, I must go back there (I got to go back) And check to see if things still the same Yeah they was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin' And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right Play that funky music white boy Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die Till you die, ya Till you die (Gonna play that electified funky music, yeah) (Hey, wait a minute) Now first it wasn't easy Changin' Rock and Roll and minds and things were getting shaky I thought I'd have to leave it behind But now it's so much better (it's so much better) I'm funking out in every way But I'll never lose that feelin' (no I won't) Of how I learned my lesson that day When they were dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin' And just when it hit me somebody turned around and shouted Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right Play that funky music white boy Lay down the boogie and play that funky music till you die Till you die Oh' till you die They shouted play that funky music (Play that funky music) Play that funky music (You Gotta keep on playin' funky music) Play that funky music (Play that funky music) Play that funky music (Come and take you higher, ya) Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right, ya Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right Play that funky music white boy Play that funky music right
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9 years 9 months

She was a be-bop baby on a hard day's nightShe was hangin' on Johnny, he was holdin' on tight I could feel her coming from a mile away There was no use talking, there was nothing to say When the band began to play and play And we danced like a wave on the ocean, romanced We were liars in love and we danced Swept away for a moment by chance And we danced and danced and danced I met my be-bop baby at the Union Hall She could dance all night and shake the paint off the wall But when I saw her smile across a crowded room Well I knew we'd have to leave the party soon As the band began to play out of tune And we danced like a wave on the ocean, romanced We were liars in love and we danced Swept away for a moment by chance And we danced and danced and danced The endless beat, she's walkin' my way Hear the music fade when she says Are we getting too close, do we dare to get closer The room is spinning, she whispers my name And we danced like a wave on the ocean, romanced We were liars in love and we danced Swept away for a moment by chance And we danced and danced And we danced like a wave on the ocean, romanced We were liars in love and we danced Swept away for a moment by chance And we danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced And we danced And we danced And we danced And we danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced and danced
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14 years

....get it myself from the mountain stream...... Took a boat Sunday, down by the sea It just felt so nice, you and me We didn't have a problem or a care And all around was silence, everywhere You are the reason I was born Be with you through all seasons I'll always hear you when you call We'll keep the love light shining Through each night and day A lonely life behind me Oh what a change you've made So down here on the ocean we will stay Went through a lot of changes Turned a lot of pages When I took a boat Sunday To know you as I know you now That is all I need And we will get along somehow If we both believe So down here on the ocean we will stay Went through a lot of changes Turned a lot of pages When I took a boat Sunday Supertramp was the shit......
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17 years 8 months

sounds real good right now. can't get it in Texas so I'll be happy to take you up on your offer. can;t promise I'll sip, tho.
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9 years 9 months

was the shit, is the shit... Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no! I said dreamer, you're nothing but a dreamer Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no! I said "Far out, - What a day, a year, a laugh it is!" You know, - Well you know you had it comin' to you, Now there's not a lot I can do Dreamer, you stupid little dreamer; So now you put your head in your hands, oh no! I said "Far out, - What a day, a year, a laugh it is!" You know, - Well you know you had it comin' to you, Now there's not a lot I can do. Well work it out someday If I could see something You can see anything you want boy If I could be someone- You can be anyone, celebrate boy. If I could do something- Well you can do something, If I could do anything- Well can you do something out of this world? Take a dream on a Sunday Take a life, take a holiday Take a lie, take a dreamer dream, dream, dream, dream, dream along... Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no! I said dreamer, you're nothing but a dreamer Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no! OH NO!
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when you're right Miami, you are....But let the music do the talkin..... So you think your schooling's phoney I guess it's hard not to agree You say it all depends on money And who is in your family tree Right, you're bloody well right you know you got a right to say Right, you're bloody well right you know you got a right to say Ha-ha you're bloody well right you know you're right to say Yeah-yeah you're bloody well right you know you're right to say Me, I don't care anyway! Write your problems down in detail Take them to a higher place You've had your cry - no, I should say wail In the meantime hush your face Right, quite right, you're bloody well right...
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10 years

I was walkin' down the streetConcentratin' on truckin' right I heard a dark voice beside of me And I looked round in a state of fright I saw four faces one mad A brother from the gutter They looked me up and down a bit And turned to each other I say I don't like cricket oh no I love it I don't like cricket no no I love it Don't you walk thru' my words You got to show some respect Don't you walk thru' my words 'Cause you ain't heard me out yet. Well he looked down at my silver chain He said I'll give you one dollar I said you've got to be jokin' man It was a present from me mother He said I like it I want it I'll take it off your hands And you'll be sorry you crossed me You'd better understand that you're alone A long way from home. And I say I don't like reggae no no I love it I don't like regaae I love it Don't you cramp me style Don't you queer me pitch Don't you walk thru' my words 'Cause you ain't heard me out yet. I hurried back to the swimming pool Sinkin' Pena Calarda I heard a dark voice beside me say Would you like something harder She said I've got it you want it My harvest is the best And it you try it you'll like it And whollow in a Dreadlock Holyday. And I say Don't like Jamaica oh no I love her Don't like Jamaica oh no I love her oh yea Don't you walk thru' her words You got to show some respect Don't you walk thru' her words 'Cause you ain't heard her out yet. I don't like cricket I love it Dreadlock Holiday I don't like reggae I love it Dreadlock Holiday Don't like Jamaica I love her Dreadlock Holiday.
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14 years

pass da spliff..... From Rochdale to Ocho Rios From Ocho Rios to Dorking From Dorking its back to Rochdale From Rochdale to Ocho Rios You spend half your life in transit But that's just the way God plans it Pack a shirt and some fresh pajamas That's all you need Tried to get a flight out to San Juan But Air Jamaica don't fly on Sunday Gotta get a flight out to San Juan Because I wanna see the Mama and the Papa When I look into your blue eyes I bend the truth but I never tell you lies I need my lover, I need your care Understandings not enough to make it fair From Rochdale to Ocho Rios From Ocho Rios to Dorking From Dorking its back to Rochdale From Rochdale to Ocho Rios Asleep in a stream of sunlight Awake in a dream at midnight I'm rushing to wait for jumbo Oh where am I now Tried to get a flight out to San Juan But Air Jamaica don't fly on Sunday Gotta get a flight out to San Juan Because I wanna see the Mama and the Papa A dressing room so far from home A corridor with a broken telephone I wanna call but I got to go The curtains up and it's time to do the show Show time! I just got in to the city Yeah, it's so insane But the man with the suitcase is on the road again Tried to get a flight out to San Juan But Air Jamaica don't fly on Sunday Gotta get a flight out to San Juan Because I wanna see the Mama and the Papa Asleep in a stream of sunlight Awake in a dream at midnight I'm rushing to wait for jumbo Oh where am I now You spend half your life in transit But that's just the way God plans it Pack a shirt and some fresh pajamas That's all you need Everybody sing! From Rochdale to Ocho Rios From Ocho Rios to Dorking From Dorking its back to Rochdale Oh where are we now Irie.....Irene
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9 years 9 months

pass it to the left Sarge... Stir it up; little darlin', stir it up. Come on, baby. Come on and stir it up: little darlin', stir it up. O-oh! It's been a long, long time, yeah! (stir it, stir it, stir it together) Since I got you on my mind. (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Oh-oh! Now you are here (stir it, stir it, stir it together), I said, it's so clear There's so much we could do, baby, (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Just me and you. Come on and stir it up; ..., little darlin'! Stir it up; come on, baby! Come on and stir it up, yeah! Little darlin', stir it up! O-oh! I'll push the wood (stir it, stir it, stir it together), then I blaze ya fire; Then I'll satisfy your heart's desire. (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Said, I stir it every (stir it, stir it, stir it together), every minute: All you got to do, baby, (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Is keep it in, eh! (Stir it up) Oh, little darlin', Stir it up; ..., baby! Come on and stir it up, oh-oh-oh! Little darlin', stir it up! Wo-oh! Mm, now, now. Quench me when I'm thirsty; Come on and cool me down, baby, when I'm hot. (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) Your recipe is, - darlin' - is so tasty, When you show and stir your pot. (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh) So: stir it up, oh! Little darlin', stir it up; wo, now! Come on and stir it up, oh-ah! Little darlin', stir it up! --- [Guitar solo] --- Oh, little darlin', stir it up. Come on, babe! Come on and stir it up, wo-o-a! Little darlin', stir it up! Stick with me, baby! Come on, come on and stir it up, oh-oh! Little darlin', stir it up. [fadeout]
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14 years

An obscure little ditty....and yes the women are smarter...smarter than the man in every way..... I treat you like a woman So treat me like a man I took you to a better place And helped you understand So don't squeeze me like toothpaste Like putty in your hands I'm gonna go away, I'm gonna blow away A woman is a woman And a man is just a fool It takes all of the heartaches And life can be so cruel Who's gonna be there when the morning comes? Head on the pillow, smiling at me I get up and make the coffee It must be love, it must be love Who's gonna be there when the morning comes? Head on the pillow, smiling at me I get up and make the coffee It must be love, it must be love I treat you like a woman So treat me like a man I took you to a better place And helped you understand Trivia question: What is the significance (referential meaning) of the band name 10cc????
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10 years

it's a measure, but I ain't gonna say of what. Stir it up is one of my all-time favorites. Ranks in one of my top-10 sexy songs (as long as we're on topic.) Your recipe, darlin', is so tasty! food references in music are sexy, 99.99% of the time. The other .01% is reserved for Weird Al.
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14 years

Marley has always been sublime....not a bad song in the catalog.... Mr Peter MacIntosh is no slouch either as you pointed out earlier in this journey.....why do they have to die too soon? If it's love that you're running from There is no hiding place Just your problems, no one else's problems Could just have to face If you just put your hand in mine We're gonna lay all our troubles behind We're gonna walk and don't look back Gonna walk and don't look back Now if your first love has let you down There's something can be done Don't you have your faith in love Remembering what been gone So if you just put your hand in mine We're gonna lay all our troubles behind Gonna walk and don't look back We're gonna walk and don't look back If you just put your hand in mine We're gonna lay all our troubles behind We're gonna walk and don't look back Gonna walk and don't look back Places behind you There to remind you If your first love have broke your heart There's something can be done Don't have your faith in love Remembering what's been gone But if you just put your hand in mine We're gonna lay all our troubles behind Gonna walk and don't look back We're gonna walk and don't look back
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14 years

I repeat myself when under stress......
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9 years 9 months

I dont really know but I would venture to guess it has to do with syringes? Or small scooters? I caught you knockin' at my cellar door I love you, baby, can I have some more Ooh, ooh, the damage done. I hit the city and I lost my band I watched the needle take another man Gone, gone, the damage done. I sing the song because I love the man I know that some of you don't understand Milk-blood to keep from running out. I've seen the needle and the damage done A little part of it in everyone But every junkie's like a settin' sun.
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10 years

sorta. or, a little red corvette. we'll have to do sexy songs next week. I tried to post Stepping Razor the other night, but the censors didn't like it (shoulda used the studio version of the lyrics, instead of the live.)
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10 years

I will drop whatever I am doing, wherever I am doing it, to listen to that duet between Peter Tosh and Mick Jagger -- from Saturday Night Live, if I recall. Gotta run, kids. Have a lovely evening. Gotta pack the champagne for Ravinia.
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14 years

The Dead.net forum police are still alive and well unlike Johnny Winter.... I leave you all with this ditty about formal gatherings..... Well I'm upper upper class high society God's gift to ballroom notoriety And I always fill my ballroom The event is never small The social pages say I've got The biggest balls of all I've got big balls I've got big balls They're such big balls And they're dirty big balls And he's got big balls And she's got big balls (But we've got the biggest balls of them all) And my balls are always bouncing My ballroom always full And everybody cums and cums again If your name is on the guest list No one can take you higher Everybody says I've got Great balls of fire I've got big balls Oh I've got big balls And they're such big balls Dirty big balls And he's got big balls And she's got big balls (But we've got the biggest balls of them all) Some balls are held for charity And some for fancy dress But when they're held for pleasure They're the balls that I like best My balls are always bouncing To the left and to the right It's my belief that my big balls Should be held every night We've got big balls We've got big balls We've got big balls Dirty big balls He's got big balls She's got big balls (But we've got the biggest balls of them all) (We've got big balls) (We've got big balls) And I'm just itching to tell you about them Oh we had such wonderful fun Seafood cocktail, crabs, crayfish (But we've got the biggest balls of them all) Never quite bought into their juvenile sense of humor.... Song is good as a request at a piano bar though..... Later Kristine....enjoy.....
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Member for

9 years 9 months

They have a strange threshold for what passes and what doesn't. Spent the last year Rocky Mountain way Couldn't get much higher Out to pasture Think it's safe to say Time to open fire And we don't need the ladies Cryin' 'cause the story's sad 'Cause the Rocky Mountain way Is better than the way we had Whoa-oh-oh Well, he's tellin' us this And he's tellin' us that Changes it ev'ry day Says it doesn't matter Bases are loaded And Casey's at bat Playin' it play-by-play Time to change the batter And we don't need the ladies Cryin' 'cause the story's sad, uh huh Rocky Mountain way Is better than the way we had Yeah-ah-ah
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14 years

The censorship ....some of it is copyrighted song lyrics esp from the 60's.....some is random..... The 10cc refers to sperm donation if you follow the jizzzst...bad choice of words....but I'm sure you get it..... ;-) Have a great weekend....Sarges, Jerrys and my birthday tomorrow...... Celebrating at a local watering hole tonight with a neighbors band..... Take it easy .....but take it.... Say high to Matt... Monday, God willing and the creek don't rise.....
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Member for

9 years 9 months

I take it how I can get it! You have a great weekend too! Tell Sarge Happy Birthday too. Spring was never waiting for us, girl It ran one g step ahead As we followed in the dance Between the parted pages and were pressed In love's hot, fevered iron Like a striped pair of pants MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark All the sweet, green icing flowing down Someone left the cake out in the rain I don't think that I can take it 'Cause it took so long to bake it And I'll never have that recipe again, oh noooooo I recall the yellow cotton dress Foaming like a wave On the ground around your knees Birds like tender babies in your hands And the old men playing checkers, by the trees MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark All the sweet, green icing flowing down Someone left the cake out in the rain I don't think that I can take it 'Cause it took so long to bake it And I'll never have that recipe again, oh noooooo (Short instrumental interlude) There would be another song for me For I will sing it There would be another dream for me Someone will bring it I will drink the wine while it is warm And never let you catch me looking at the sun And after all the loves of my life After all the loves of my life, you'll still be the one I will take my life into my hands and I will use it I will win the worship in their eyes and I will lose it I will have the things that I desire And my passion flow like rivers through the sky And after all the loves of my life Oh, after all the loves of my life I'll be thinking of you - and wondering why (Longer instrumental interlude) MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark All the sweet, green icing flowing down Someone left the cake out in the rain I don't think that I can take it 'Cause it took so long to bake it And I'll never have that recipe again Oh noooooo, o-oh no-ooooo
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Member for

9 years 9 months

I have a DJ friend who goes by the name Plasma because that's how he got his record money...selling plasma. 10cc had other methods, less painful ones.
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Member for

14 years

Pun intended.... It don't cum easy! Plasma, platelets, blood, sperm.... Take it Jethro..,,. Nothing is easy. Though time gets you worrying my friend, it's o.k. Just take your life easy and stop all that hurrying, be happy my way. When tension starts mounting and you've lost count of the pennies you've missed, just try hard and see why they're not worrying me, they're last on my list. Nothing's easy. Nothing is easy, you'll find that the squeeze won't turn out so bad. Your fingers may freeze, worse things happen at sea, there's good times to be had. So if you're alone and you're down to the bone, just give us a play. You'll smile in a while and discover that I'll get you happy my way -- nothing's easy. Take it easy Holly!!!!!
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Member for

9 years 9 months

takin it easy, day by day Glad for the blue moon tonight. Well they tell me of a pie in the sky Waiting for me when I die But between the day you're born and when you die They never seem to hear even your cry So as sure as the sun will shine I'm gonna get my share of what's mine and then The bigger they come The harder they fall one and all Ooh, the bigger they come The harder they fall one and all Well the oppressors are trying to keep me down Trying to drive me underground And they think that they have got the battle won I say, "Forgive 'em Lord they no not what they've done" 'Cause as sure as the sun will shine I'm gonna get my share of what's mine and then And then the bigger they come The harder they fall one and all Ooh, the bigger they come The harder they fall one and all And I keep on fighting for the things I want Though I know that when you're dead you're can't But I'd rather be a free man in my grave Than living as a puppet or a slave So as sure as the sun will shine I'm gonna get my share now what's mine and then And then the bigger they come The harder they fall one and all Ooh, the bigger they come The harder they fall one and all Hey, the bigger they come The harder they fall one and all Ooh, the bigger they come The harder they fall one and all The bigger they come The harder they fall one and all
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Member for

14 years

......she pulls me back in ;-) Well, I'm running down the road tryin' to loosen my load I've got seven women on my mind, Four that wanna own me, Two that wanna stone me, One says she's a friend of mine Take It easy, take it easy Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy Lighten up while you still can don't even try to understand Just find a place to make your stand and take it easy Well, I'm a standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see It's a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed Ford slowin' down to take a look at me Come on, baby, don't say maybe I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me We may lose and we may win though we will never be here again so open up, I'm climbin' in, so take it easy Well I'm running down the road trying to loosen my load, got a world of trouble on my mind lookin' for a lover who won't blow my cover, she's so hard to find Take it easy, take it easy don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy come on baby, don't say maybe I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me, oh oh oh Oh we got it easy We oughta take it easy
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Member for

9 years 9 months

Back in the saddle. I feel the same way, just keep rollin on. It's hard to quit, I got a bad habit. I like the way your sparkling earrings lay, Against your skin, it's so brown. And I wanna sleep with you in the desert tonight With a billion stars all around. 'Cause I got a peaceful easy feeling, And I know you won't let me down 'cause I'm already standing on the ground. And I found out a long time ago What a woman can do to your soul. Oh, but she can't take you anyway, You don't already know how to go. And I got a peaceful easy feeling, And I know you won't let me down 'cause I'm already standing on the ground. I get this feeling I may know you as a lover and a friend. But this voice keeps whispering in my other ear, Tells me I may never see you again. 'cause I get a peaceful easy feeling And I know you won't let me down 'cause I'm already standing... I'm already standing... Yes, I'm already standing on the ground Oh, oh
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Member for

14 years

You didn't have to love me like you didBut you did, but you did. And I thank you. You didn't have to love me like you did But you did, but you did. And I thank you. But you took your love to someone else I wouldn't know what it meant to be loved to death You made me feel like I've never felt Kisses so good I had to holler for help You didn't have to squeeze it but you did But you did but you did And I thank you. You didn't have to hold it but you did But you did but you did And I thank you. Every day was something new, You put on your bag and your fine to-do You got me trying new things too Just so I can keep up with you. You didn't have to shake it but you did But you did but you did And I thank you. You didn't have to make it like you did but you did but you did And I thank you. All my life I've been shortchanged Without your love baby it's a crying shame But now I know what the fellas talking about Hear me say that they been turned out I want to thank you I want to thank you I want to thank you Yes, I want to thank you No shit, you helped keep the raft afloat....
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Member for

9 years 9 months

This floats my boat as well... Bad Habit- The Kooks, I highly suggest you watch the video You say you want it but... You cant get it and You got yourself A Bad Habit
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Member for

14 years

I really leave us all with these lyrics.... Read them, love them, live them..... One night while sleeping in my bed I had a beautiful dream That all the people of the world got together On the same wavelength And began helping one another Now in this dream universal love was the theme of the day Peace and understanding and it happened this way The sick, the hungry, had smiles on their faces The tired and the homeless had family all around The streets and the cities were all beautiful places And the walls came tumblin' down People of the world all had it together Had it together for the boys and the girls And the children of the world look forward to a future Remember Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock people Time's tickin' away Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock people Time's tickin' away I had a vision of blue skies from sea to shining sea All the trees in the forest stood strong and tall again Everything was clean and pretty and safe for you and me The worst of enemies became the best of friends People of the world all had it together Had it together for the boys and the girls And the children of the world look forward to a future Remember Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock people Time's tickin' away Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock people Time's tickin' away Remember that, remember that Remember that, remember that People of the world all had it together Had it together for the boys and the girls And the children of the world look forward to a future Remember Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock people Time's tickin' away Remeber that Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock people Time's tickin' away Synchronize your watches..... Mr. MD has left the building.......
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Member for

9 years 9 months

It's party time, get your party favors and balloons ready. Party on Wayne, Party on Garth. Have a great birthday! You deserve it! People of the Earth can you hear me? Came a voice from the sky on that magical night And in the colors of a thousand sunsets They traveled through the world on a silvery light The people of the Earth stood waiting Watching as the ships came one by one Setting fire to the sky as they landed Carrying to the world children of the sun Children of the sun All at once came a sound from the inside Then a beam made of light hit the ground Everyone felt the sound of their heartbeat Every man, every woman, every child They passed the limits of imagination Through the doors to a world of another time And on the journey of a thousand lifetimes With the children of the sun, they started to climb Children of the sun, children of the sun No more gravity, nothing holding them down Floating endlessly as their ship leaves the ground Through the walls of time, at the speed of light Flies the crystal ships on their celestial flight (On their celestial flight) Children of the sun, children of the sun Children of the sun Children of the sun, children of the sun Children of the sun, children of the sun Children of the sun, children of the sun Children of the sun, children of the sun Children of the sun, children of the sun Children of the sun, children of the sun
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Member for

9 years 9 months

that's it, I quit. Time to leave the mine Time to Party Did you see any action? Did you make any friends? Would you like some affection Before I leave again? Well, I've been walking behind you Since you've been able to see There's never been any reason For you to think about me Did you have any bad dreams? Did you break any glass? Would you be my companion Is there even a chance? You've been talking in circles Since I've been able to cry There's never been any reason For never telling me why, yeah, yeah Save my life I'm going down for the last time Woman with the sweet lovin' Better than a white line Bring a good feeling Ain't had in such a long time Save my life I'm going down for the last time Have you ever been lonely? Do you have any fun? Do you ever think of me? I'm just another one. You never give me no answer You never tell me the truth There's never been any reason For me to think about you, yeah There's never been any reason There's never been any reason There's never been any reason Save my life I'm going down for the last time Woman with the sweet lovin' Better than a white line Don't you know She could bring a good feeling Ain't had in such a long time Save my life I'm going down for the last time Save my life I'm going down for the last time Save my life I'm going down for the last time Save my life I'm going down for the last time Save my life I'm going down for the last time Save my life I'm going down for the last time
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10 years 1 month

Hey you all, I am heading to Lockn, you know how to find me. If you are heading there, look me up. Yeow !! -- Tom
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Member for

14 years

Coffee is on andd I'm playing CAKE in your memory..... Brownies from scratch....homegrown recipe....courtesy of Scotty!
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Jerry would sing this to Rgrgrrgrr every Aug 1st back in the day... They say it's your birthday It's my birthday too, yeah They say it's your birthday We're gonna have a good time I'm glad it's your birthday Happy birthday to you Ah Ah Ah Come on Come on Yes we're going to a party party Yes we're going to a party party Yes we're going to a party party I would like you to dance (Birthday) Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday) I would like you to dance (Birthday) Dance yeah Oh Come on I would like you to dance (Birthday) Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday) I would like you to dance (Birthday) Oh dance! Dance They say it's your birthday Well it's my birthday too, yeah They say it's your birthday We're gonna have a good time I'm glad it's your birthday Happy birthday to you
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Member for

9 years 9 months

To Jerry and rrrgrrr and Sarge! Great Day for Great Fellas! First song I heard today was Help is on the Way... Gonna be a fabulous day! Now were rollin away the dew. Good Morning to you!
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Member for

10 years

This is a song about being happy! That's right! It's the Happy Happy Joy Joy song! Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Joy! The universe is a finer place for having Puppers in it. Oh, and you too rgr! EJ/BT said it best... "I hope you don't mind That I put down in words How wonderful life is while you're in the world"
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Member for

14 years

Great relaxing weekend....back in the saddle.... Coffee is on... Children play in the park, they don't know I'm alone in the dark, even though Time and time again I see your face smiling inside I'm so happy That you love me Life is lovely When you're near me Tell me you will stay Make me smile Living life is just a game so they say All the games we used to play fade away We may now enjoy the dreams we shared so long ago Oh my darling, got to have you. Feel the magic when I hold you Cry sweet tears of joy, touch the sky Now I need you more than ever. No more crying - we're together Tell me you will stay. Make me smile
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Member for

9 years 9 months

It is a 3 cup kinda morning...and I'm still on the first. Damn co-workers drinkin it all and not making more. Had a great weekend celebrating Jerry's birthday...man I miss him! Met a new friend to go hiking and share some adventures with, Yay. Monday always comes quick. Selling my home so send me some good vibes for a buyer... Rockin right through the day, Need Monday morning music. Hit it Sarge: Yeah, c'mon Love my girl She lookin' good C'mon One more Five to one, baby One in five No one here gets out alive, now You get yours, baby I'll get mine Gonna make it, baby If we try The old get old And the young get stronger May take a week And it may take longer They got the guns But we got the numbers Gonna win, yeah We're takin' over Come on! Yeah! Your ballroom days are over, baby Night is drawing near Shadows of the evening crawl across the years Ya walk across the floor with a flower in your hand Trying to tell me no one understands Trade in your hours for a handful dimes Gonna' make it, baby, in our prime Come together one more time Get together one more time Get together one more time Get together, aha Get together one more time! Get together one more time! Get together one more time Get together one more time Get together, gotta, get together Ohhhhhhhh! Hey, c'mon, honey You won't have along wait for me, baby I'll be there in just a little while You see, I gotta go out in this car with these people and... Get together one more time Get together one more time Get together, got to Get together, got to Get together, got to Take you up in my room and... Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah Love my girl She lookin' good, lookin' real good Love ya, c'mon
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Member for

14 years

Good luck, hope the housing market is better in St Louis than Scranton Pa...can't give them away there.... high time for a walk on the real side Let's admit the bastards beat us I move to dissolve the corporation In a pool of margaritas So let's switch off all the lights And light up all the Luckies Crankin' up the afterglow 'Cause we're goin' out of business Everything must go Talk about your major pain and suffering Now our self-esteem is shattered Show the world our mighty hidey-ho face As we go sliding down the ladder It was sweet up at the top 'Til that ill wind started blowing Now it's cozy down below 'Cause we're goin' out of business Everything must go We gave it our best shot But keep in mind we got a lot The sky the moon good food and the weather First-run movies - does anybody get lucky twice? Wouldn't it be nice... Tell me can you dig it Miss Fugazy Now it's gone from late to later Frankly I could use a little face time In the service elevator And if Dave from Acquisitions Wants to get in on the action With his Handicam in tow Well we're goin' out of business Everything must go Can it be the sorry sun is rising Guess it's time for us to book it Talk about the famous road not taken In the end we never took it And if somewhere on the way We got a few good licks in No one's ever gonna know 'Cause we're goin' out of business Everything must go
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Member for

9 years 9 months

The housing market in STL is good right now, but we don't have an MLS listing. We have shown the condo twice since being put up a week ago. We've had a good number of calls as well. Never done this before so it's all new territory. Trying to move outside the city so we can have some peace and quiet and a nice yard. So you think you're a Romeo playing a part in a picture-show Take the long way home Take the long way home Cos you're the joke of the neighborhood Why should you care if you're feeling good Take the long way home Take the long way home But there are times that you feel you're part of the scenery all the greenery is comin' down, boy And then your wife seems to think you're part of the furniture oh, it's peculiar, she used to be so nice. When lonely days turn to lonely nights you take a trip to the city lights And take the long way home Take the long way home You never see what you want to see Forever playing to the gallery You take the long way home Take the long way home And when you're up on the stage, it's so unbelievable, unforgettable, how they adore you, But then your wife seems to think you're losing your sanity, oh, calamity, is there no way out? Does it feel that you life's become a catastrophe? Oh, it has to be for you to grow, boy. When you look through the years and see what you could have been oh, what might have been, if you'd had more time. So, when the day comes to settle down, Who's to blame if you're not around? You took the long way home You took the long way home...........
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Member for

14 years

Always nice to have some peace, just a little peace of mind.... Good luck in your search for paradise..... Until then..... I look high, i look low, I'm lookin' ev'rywhere i go, Lookin' for a home in the heart of the country. I'm gonna move, i'm gonna go, I'm gonna tell ev'ryone i know, Lookin' for a home in the heart of the country. Heart of the country where the holy people grow, Heart of the country, smell the grass in the meadow, Wo, wo, wo. Want a horse, i want a sheep, I wanna get me a good night's sleep, Livin' in a home in the heart of the country. I'm gonna move, i'm gonna go, I'm gonna tell ev'ryone i know, Livin' in a home in the heart of the country. Heart of the country where the holy people grow, Heart of the country, smell the grass in the meadow, Wo, wo, wo. Want a horse, i got a sheep, I'm gonna get me a good night's sleep, Livin' in a home in the heart of the country. I'm gonna move, i'm gonna go, Gonna tell ev'ryone i know, oo-oo-oo In the heart of the country. Heart of the country where the holy people grow, Heart of the country, smell the grass in the meadow, Wo, wo, wo.
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Member for

9 years 9 months

You can take the girl out of the country, but you cant take the country out of the girl. I will gain a commute but I dont care... Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze. Country roads, take me home to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country roads. All my memories gather round her, miner's lady, stranger to blue water. Dark and dusty, painted on the sky, misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye. Country roads, take me home to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country roads. I hear her voice in the morning hour she calls me, the radio reminds me of my home far away. And driving down the road I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday, yesterday. Country roads, take me home to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country roads. Country roads, take me home to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country roads
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Member for

14 years

Nothing wrong with the simple side of life..... Winding paths through tables and glass First fall was new Now watch the summer pass So close to you. Too late to keep the change, Too late to pay, No time to stay the same Too young to leave. No pass out sign on the door set me thinking Are waitresses paying the price of their winking? While stars sit in bars and decide what their drinking, They drop by to die 'cause it's faster than sinking. Too late to keep the change, Too late to pay, No time to stay the same Too late to keep the change, Too late to pay, No time to stay the same Too young to leave. Find out that now was the answer To answers that you gave later She did the things that we both did before, now, But who forgave her. If I could stand to see her crying I would tell her not to care. When she learns of all your lyin' Will she join you there? Country girl I think you're pretty, Got to make you understand, Have no lovers in the city, Let me be your country man. Got to make you understand.
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Member for

9 years 9 months

I found a log cabin home and an A frame house that are awesome. Now I just need someone to put a contract on mine. Home is where I want to be Pick me up and turn me round I feel numb - born with a weak heart I guess I must be having fun The less we say about it the better Make it up as we go along Feet on the ground Head in the sky It's ok I know nothing's wrong... nothing Hi yo I got plenty of time Hi yo you got light in your eyes And you're standing here beside me I love the passing of time Never for money Always for love Cover up and say goodnight... say good night Home - is where I want to be But I guess I'm already there I come home - she lifted up her wings I guess that this must be the place I can't tell one from another Did I find you, or you find me? There was a time Before we were born If someone asks, this where I'll be... where I'll be Hi yo We drift in and out Hi yo Sing into my mouth Out of all those kinds of people You got a face with a view I'm just an animal looking for a home and, Share the same space for a minute or two And you love me till my heart stops Love me till I'm dead Eyes that light up, eyes look through you Cover up the blank spots Hit me on the head Ah ooh
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Member for

14 years

Love the A frame homes.....and a log cabin is a bonus.... Patience is a virtue, Grasshopper.... Slipping and sliding and playing domino Lefting and then Righting, it's not a crime you know. You gotta tell your story boy, before it's time to go. Are you ready for the country because it's time to go? Are you ready for the country because it's time to go? I was talkin' to the preacher, said God was on my side Then I ran into the hangman, he said it's time to die You gotta tell your story boy, you know the reason why. Are you ready for the country because it's time to go? Are you ready for the country because it's time to go? So Goodnight Irene Goodnight, hey Stella!! and Ellie Mae and all the ships at sea......
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Member for

9 years 9 months

Goodnight to you! This one cracks me up, but it fits so here we go... I'm a little bit country And I'm a little bit rock 'n roll I'm a little bit of Memphis and Nashville With a little bit of Motown in my soul I don't know if it's good or bad But I know I love it so I'm a little bit country And I'm a little bit rock 'n roll He's a little bit gentle, he's a little bit runnin' wild She's a little bit of ??? woman, she's a little bit of jive Don't know if I'm happy or sad My music makes me whole I'm a little bit country And I'm a little bit rock 'n roll I like that peaceful easy feeling of a laid back country song And when I sing my rock n' roll, I can sing it all night long I love my country with all my heart and soul I go out on Saturday night for a little bit of rock 'n roll I know if I'm fellin' right No matter where I go With little bit of country And a little bit of rock 'n roll I like that peaceful easy feeling of a laid back country song And when I sing my rock n' roll, I can sing it all night long I love my country with all my heart and soul I go out on Saturday night for a little bit of rock 'n roll I know if I'm feelin' right No matter where I go With little bit of country And a little bit of rock 'n roll We're a little bit country We're a little bit rock 'n roll
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Member for

9 years 9 months

They were so serious and yet so ridiculous! This song is sorta the same... Is love so fragile And the heart so hollow Shatter with words Impossible to follow You're saying I'm fragile I try not to be I search only For something I can't see I have my own life And I am stronger Than you know But I carry this feeling When you walked into my house That you won't be walking out the door Still I carry this feeling When you walked into my house That you won't be walking out the door Lovers forever Face to face My city or mountains Stay with me stay I need you to love me I need you today Give to me your leather Take from me My lace You in the moonlight With your sleepy eyes Could you ever love a man like me And you were right When I walked into your house I knew I'd never want to leave Sometimes I'm a strong man Sometimes cold and scared And sometimes I cry But that time I saw you I knew with you to light my nights Somehow I'd get by Lovers forever Face to face My city or mountains Stay with me stay I need you to love me I need you today Give to me your leather Take from me My lace Lovers forever Face to face My city or mountains Stay with me stay I need you to love me I need you today Give to me your leather Take from me My lace Take from me My lace Take from me My lace