This year's submissions period has ended. Check out all the great performance with the Official 2016 DEAD COVERS PROJECT playlist.
Whether you play just like Jerry or like to give the Grateful Dead's beloved classics a unique spin, the 2016 Dead Covers Project wants you! We're calling all musicians - near and far - to share your love for the music and magic of the Dead through video. Show off your musical chops and you just might find yourself front and center on during the month of February! The rules are simple - all video submissions must contain a song either written by or recorded by the Dead. How that song is interpreted, however, is entirely up to you.
Upload your video to YouTube, tag it "DeadCoversProject," and we'll make it available to view on the band's official YouTube channel, Can't carry a tune? Join the fun by "liking" your favorites on YouTube.
This year's submissions period has ended. Check out all the great performance with the Official 2016 DEAD COVERS PROJECT playlist.
Whether you play just like Jerry or like to give the Grateful Dead's beloved classics a unique spin, the 2016 Dead Covers Project wants you! We're calling all musicians - near and far - to share your love for the music and magic of the Dead through video. Show off your musical chops and you just might find yourself front and center on during the month of February! The rules are simple - all video submissions must contain a song either written by or recorded by the Dead. How that song is interpreted, however, is entirely up to you.
Upload your video to YouTube, tag it "DeadCoversProject," and we'll make it available to view on the band's official YouTube channel, Can't carry a tune? Join the fun by "liking" your favorites on YouTube.
I have a stub from Roosevelt StadiumDead Show dated July 3, 1976 but cannot find any listing of that show. What Gives?
Anyone know
12 years 1 month ago
Ziph, Great picks. I've been watching some of their other vids. These guys are really really good. Travis is awesome, Annie too, they freakin' nailed that High Time.
12 years 1 month ago
ziph's picks 2013
Wow, here it is again, already. The 2nd iteration of the DeadCoversProject. Welcome and hello. I'm ziphler, a completely delusional, thus official, DCP editorialist, music critic, journalist, and otherwise complete nuisance. And this is the first edition of this year's ziph's picks, probably the bane of DCP's existence.
It looks so far as if there's been about 130 entries in the project since sometime in December. Of course, who knows what the ground rules are this year? Are we looking at all entries since time began or is it just entries since the event officially closed March 1, 2012, OR is it since DCP announced this year's event? Is it based on when a video is tagged "DeadCoversProject" or when it was uploaded? Beats me and I'm happy with the obscurity for now since rules can all be circumvented.
Anyhoo, I couldn't help but to notice a major contender right off the bat. They, it, them, him is called the volunteer string band and have jumped in with a plethora of entries. What sets VSB apart from some of the other early and aggressive "more entries is better" players is some serious musical talent. VSB seems to have a completely fluid membership and, in the case of lovelight, actually has no string players at all, instead sporting a brass band. So, sparing you anymore blather, here are the first two
ziph's picks:
The Volunteer String Band sings "HIGH TIME"
freakin well done!
Oh and PS: like she says, you don't enter the project by posting videos in this forum. Every video in ziph's picks has already been officially attached to the project by TAGGING the video in YouTube with this exact one word: DeadCoversProject - (I know it looks like three words but its not).
TAG IT: DeadCoversProject
This year's submissions period has ended. Check out all the great performance with the Official 2016 DEAD COVERS PROJECT playlist.
Whether you play just like Jerry or like to give the Grateful Dead's beloved classics a unique spin, the 2016 Dead Covers Project wants you! We're calling all musicians - near and far - to share your love for the music and magic of the Dead through video. Show off your musical chops and you just might find yourself front and center on during the month of February! The rules are simple - all video submissions must contain a song either written by or recorded by the Dead. How that song is interpreted, however, is entirely up to you.
Upload your video to YouTube, tag it "DeadCoversProject," and we'll make it available to view on the band's official YouTube channel, Can't carry a tune? Join the fun by "liking" your favorites on YouTube.
Good luck!
Dead Covers Project Leader Board
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Whether you play just like Jerry or like to give the Grateful Dead's beloved classics a unique spin, the 2016 Dead Covers Project wants you! We're calling all musicians - near and far - to share your love for the music and magic of the Dead through video. Show off your musical chops and you just might find yourself front and center on during the month of February! The rules are simple - all video submissions must contain a song either written by or recorded by the Dead. How that song is interpreted, however, is entirely up to you.
Custom Teaser
Whether you play just like Jerry or like to give the Grateful Dead's beloved classics a unique spin, the 2016 Dead Covers Project wants you! We're calling all musicians - near and far - to share your love for the music and magic of the Dead through video. Show off your musical chops and you just might find yourself front and center on during the month of February! The rules are simple - all video submissions must contain a song either written by or recorded by the Dead. How that song is interpreted, however, is entirely up to you.
Brian Sances Band performs “Loose Lucy” (Garcia/Hunter) during their set at New World Tavern - Plymouth, MA.
Brian Sances- guitar/vocals
Terrence Kelleher- drums
Dylan Vaughn - bass
Cory Schechtman- keyboards
Greetings, Thank you for posting my video today, "New Minglewood Blues". Greatly appreciate this honor. However, Noah Lewis is the original composer of the song.
Just a heads up.
Thanks again!
I know this has been brought up before. But, it's hard to understand how a popularity contest based on likes has anything to do with the integrity of the music. We could ask all our Facebook friends to like a video whether they actually listen to it or not. Grandma, neighbors, coworkers, etc, we are stepping outside of an audience that knows anything about the dead.
Sorry, just an old deadhead's grumblings—breathe. Miss you Jerry!
Folks - I don't see anywhere on the Dead Covers Project page that this is a contest. If it is a contest, please let me know...cuz if it is, I'm not sure I even want to enter.
From what I can tell, this is a project for fans of the dead to share some music, art, and love. Why does everything have to be so competitive these days?
Just enjoy the music and be happy you're alive to experience it! (Or not, sorry I don't mean to tell y'all what to do.)
Let there be songs to fill the air!
You're right man. My bad. It's a project and it's a great project. Perhaps the term "leader board" is throwing some of us off. And it does feel like there is a reward or "prize" a.k.a. getting posted on the home page. I will take your advice and just enjoy.
Thanks for giving me another perspective.
My second submission for the Dead Covers Project 2016
"If I Had The World To Give" arranged with "Hey Jude" parts embedded
Dupree's Diamonds at the Alberti Hurdy Gurdy last summer Check it out
Up to 88 likes so far... please support
And visit our site too at
Good luck to all the contestants
hi laurie, what a wonderful did ripple proud...i loved both your singing voice and [what was that instrument?]-playing...great job & i can't wait to hear from you again with another dead-tune...peas & out, uncle les
Yes, Thank you! I figured I would contribute again this year with something simple that I LOVE to play. The instrument is a Ukulele =)
Peace <3 ~
We are the Great Corporation a Rock Band From sicily,Italy and we played Stella Blue for the DeadCoversProject.Peace and love from sicily.
Bear's Choice, a Grateful Dead tribute band in the NYC area performs Black-Throated Wind for the #DeadCoversProject 2016. This is just a fragment of the ending when we got stage-jacked by "the hat guy."
Sorry for the late submission. Here is an improvisational acoustic medley on my 12-string of some songs from Anthem and Aoxomoxoa.
I hope you enjoy!
Going down the road feeling bad - I filmed this in Eastbourne in the UK a few years back and still enjoy playing it live to local audiences.