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  • B42
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    It's probably already been
    It's probably already been mentioned but maybe there could be separate threads off of the replies? Makes things less confusing.. "if you get confused..."
  • dancinbears
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    Member List
    Hi :) love the site!Is there a way we could get the member list to be easier to access? Maybe put everybody's name in ABC order, or list and find by first letter...? You have to go thru pages and pages to find someone you're looking for to send them a message. Thanks. ~dancin'
  • marye
    Here you go...
    Musicians of, have at it!
  • marye
    and I think
    A Me and My Band topic might be arranged. Stay tuned.
  • izzie
    thanks gemini moon - we'll ask about getting some nav links on the bottom of the screen too.
  • gemini moon
    Default Avatar
    I'd like to see an easier way of navigating back into the forums from the bottom of a discussion. Breadcrumbs or links of some sort would be helpful. Right now I have to scroll all the way back to the top of the page or go back on my browser.
  • izzie
    Lounge/Chat Forum
    As we say in my office: Let's Discuss! What would you like to see there? What kinds of 'topics'? Or just a free for all long screen of folks talking about Whatever?
  • izzie
    nodding along
    We're here, me and marye, and are listening, taking notes, and passing your Fancy Feature ideas onto the people with the magic fingers. Please keep 'em coming!
  • andthelam
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    Favorite versions and Favorite shows by year voting.
    I would love to see poll style results of people's favorite versions of songs (date) as well as favorite shows by year voting and an easy way to interpet such info.
  • skenisahen
    The Archives?
    Hello everyone! I went cruisin' through the Archives last night and I really enjoyed the timeline thingie and seeing all the photos and posters. However, there are LOTS of clippings and articles, but none of them are legible. I definitely realize that imaging is an intense process and super high quality images would be costly in terms of labor and storage, but has anyone given thought to making the articles/posters/interviews/whatever purchasable in a high quality format? Some of those interviews I would definitely buy because I find the band members thoughts and sayings fascinating. Just a thought...(oh, and this new place is neat-o!)
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17 years 9 months
So... what's your fancy? What features would you like to see?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I've been to around 300 shows. Clicking each show (it usually takes a few clicks just to get to one show) just seems like too much work. It makes more sense to me if when a list of shows comes up (by venue or month, for instance) that you could click on a little checkbox or something and add a whole run, or in the case of a venue like the Kaiser where I only missed a few shows (if any) add 80 shows on one page, just checking the box.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

totally agree with Julie - a checkbox rather than having to click on the "I Attended" link would be so much easier. i'd love a database of my 250++ shows but that'd be way too much work!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

while we're at it...the Shows database is going to need some work. it's not relational. it takes too many clicks to even get to a given setlist. i know this has been done before so it needs to be done here.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I think the shows attended list is a fantastic idea. How about some kind of totals or totaling at the end of the list so that such things as total # of shows seen, #s of shows at same venue/different venues, #s of shows in each month, as well as the obvious, "songs seen" lists. has a feature like this and it's pretty cool. I would hope it shouldn't be an impossible task to add this in the future! Peace & Light!! Big Dave
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Member for

17 years 9 months

The show database is definitely going to need work. It's on the To-Do list!! just remember, the folks backstage here still only have 10 fingers and need to eat, too.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Definitely a shoutbox embedded in the board index would be a plus. Also, not that more forums are really needed because there are ALOT already, but a "lounge"/general chat forum, hopefully placed high on the list would be nice too to get things rollin'. _______________ My feeble, get-rich-quick attempts:…
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Also, I don't know if it's possible, but when someone types a date(ie: 7/7/89) it would turn it into a link to that specific setlist. That would be awesome.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Hello everyone! I went cruisin' through the Archives last night and I really enjoyed the timeline thingie and seeing all the photos and posters. However, there are LOTS of clippings and articles, but none of them are legible. I definitely realize that imaging is an intense process and super high quality images would be costly in terms of labor and storage, but has anyone given thought to making the articles/posters/interviews/whatever purchasable in a high quality format? Some of those interviews I would definitely buy because I find the band members thoughts and sayings fascinating. Just a thought...(oh, and this new place is neat-o!)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

We're here, me and marye, and are listening, taking notes, and passing your Fancy Feature ideas onto the people with the magic fingers. Please keep 'em coming!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

As we say in my office: Let's Discuss! What would you like to see there? What kinds of 'topics'? Or just a free for all long screen of folks talking about Whatever?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I'd like to see an easier way of navigating back into the forums from the bottom of a discussion. Breadcrumbs or links of some sort would be helpful. Right now I have to scroll all the way back to the top of the page or go back on my browser.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

thanks gemini moon - we'll ask about getting some nav links on the bottom of the screen too.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

A Me and My Band topic might be arranged. Stay tuned.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Hi :) love the site!Is there a way we could get the member list to be easier to access? Maybe put everybody's name in ABC order, or list and find by first letter...? You have to go thru pages and pages to find someone you're looking for to send them a message. Thanks. ~dancin'
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Member for

17 years 9 months

It's probably already been mentioned but maybe there could be separate threads off of the replies? Makes things less confusing.. "if you get confused..."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Replies are pretty much only different in that if we delete a Comment, any of its replies go with it. and we can sort, kinda, by thread or reply when we do our admin stuff. But that's about all the difference I've seen. In short, sorry B42 - it's not looking likely. (btw, this is a Reply, just to show you what one looks like for sure)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Someone had asked about this.... so yay!! it's functional now. You'll notice the little All Online Users hotlink under the Who's Online list. click away!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I'd like to receive an email with the tracking numbers as used to be the custom. Or at least automate it into the order page. This is very useful and appreciated. Especially when things don't show up on time as is the case with this Three from the Vault.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Whatever happened to the notion of the Terrapin Station Project? It has been a long time now and I have not heard any news.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

but I think it's, at best, cryonically suspended. I'd love to hear different from a reliable source.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Yup yup...I sent feedback on the ...cant we click on all the shows on one page? :P The other thing I would like to see is voice and text chat. I think that would go over really big :)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Horticultural tips who to grow better greens etc- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I'm not trying to be negative, but let's be real. This website leaves a lot to be desired. It's basically not much more than a fancy message board with a few on-line articles thrown in to resemble the GD Almanac. I appreciate what you guys are trying to do, but this website needs to be brought up to 2007 standards. Have the folks in charge take a look at some of the more updated websites. i.e. or These are much more user friendly, and offer things we want. At least give us some download options, even if we have to pay. (ala the download series.) Maybe this stuff is in the works, but there doesn't seem to be any inititative to get it done in a timely manner. I've said my peace, now I'm going to get out.......William-O
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Member for

17 years 7 months

There should be it loading in the last recieved post...or at least have the most recent posts in a box at the top. You should be able actually search posts..I find it had to believe that Dark Star got no returns...hello? We're really trying to love this forum, make us love this forum!!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

May sound frivolous, but I personally am missing emoticons for my posts, and have seen them in other forums. Adds a silly, more expressive flavor to messages that I kind of enjoy. Maybe it's just a personal thing, but will write it anyhow. :-)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I want to start a section for vines this side of the Atlantic to A: keep postage low B: stop packets having to fly back and forward across the atlantic C: keep the change round times shorter because of B i have put a message on the Deadheads of Europe topic. Where do you want me to post the offer Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

do you think a vine topic in the All Around The World would work, with a pointer in the Vine topic? Not being a viner myself, is it too hinky to have two vines going in one topic?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

never heard that word, am gonna have to remember it and use it sometimes. Starting now I think would be less hinky to have a separate vine.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

heh. I could have used an f-word complex, but I chose hinky. In keeping with minimal hinkage, I'll see about opening a vine topic separate for those of you across the pond.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

similar here not a word i have heard before Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

thanks izzie for the fast turnaround on the Eurovines and thanks Bob for the idea feeling cheered up now and not hinky at all..sun's out too ...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

for expanding our vocabulary! Life goes on now that the hinks are gone. No more hinky badgers! Hooray!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

shows up on cop shows a lot.:-) The late great Jerry Orbach in his role as Lenny Briscoe was very given to using the word.
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17 years 9 months

Not on Dixon of Dock Green or The Bill then :-) Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years

I'm a bassist.I'd like to encourage Phil to make a DVD (or two) giving bassists tips on how to play in his style. He'd be in good company, as John Entwhistle and Jaco Pastorius have both made such DVDs. It may not be a big money maker, but it would leave a lasting legacy for future generations of bassists. It would also be a great opportunity to record him playing with the camera on him. All the Dead DVDs I've seen only zoom in on his fingers occasionally. Alternately, you could post the vids here.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

This is a strange forum in how it's formatted and the fact that users can't start new topics. The display is not user friendly and the static nature of threads severely limits the amount of activity you will see from users. I wonder what your stats are on members with a post or two. If you had a more standard interface with some moderators there would be more activity and more participation from existing members. I'd be happy to have more dialogue about this. Just fire me an e-mail. Thanks for giving us a place to gather and be kind.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

speaking as the moderator I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here and we have fairly lively participation from the members who stick around. Should you wish to be one of them that is cool. The interface is not perfect. However, we do the best we can with what we've got. Thank you.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Hi Folks, I would love to see the taper's section have a 'jukebox' so that we could just hit go and it would randomly stream all previously posted nuggets forever. For those of us with computers hooked to the stereo this would be great rather than having to dig into each taper section and clicking a nugget. Then it's over then you have to go back and hit another one, etc. Yes I know about all the other dead streams, but they stream too weakly (56kb), have ads, get boring, or all of those. If you do look into this, please make it stream at 128kb because anything below that is not really worth listening to through a stereo. thanks! pokester
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Member for

17 years

Love the forums here but I have a few suggestions. I hang my hat at several difft forums from Fantasy Football to Gambling sites to Grateful Dead etc, etc.... Why is it that we can't start our own new threads??? I've never seen anything like that at any forum, anywhere. I like the idea of the "Best of" thread but it is 200 posts long and IMO would be best served if you have say a best of "Loser" thread, best "Terrapin" etc, etc... I am a long time Head but I can tell you I don't know shows and dates off the top of my head like some of these cats do. I read through 100 posts in that thread looking for the best Terrapin and haven't come across much yet. Maybe individual threads for each song, or maybe have a thread devoted to what we would like to see as a "Best of" thread... I know Loser and Terrapin would be my first two. That's my .02 on that topic. How bout a Best of 70's shows, Best of 80's etc, etc??? Best of Brent shows??? Maybe an all time Best Show thread....members would post their favorite show which in turn staff would narrow down and maybe a poll of some sort to get the All Time Top 10 shows....see, I'd start these threads but unfortunately I am "not allowed to post new content in forum"...that's mind boggling to me that I can't create a thread on a forum...isn't that what forums are all about? One other thing in regards to the forums...I notice you don't have a "quote" option, where we can't quote another members post and answer it directly. There are two members looking for the best Days Between in that thread, we should be able to quote it and answer it directly rather than just make a post. Let me know if you need any additional help. Thanks, Northbound Train
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Member for

17 years 9 months

in PM and in What Else Should We Be Talking About. Thanks.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I really like that blurry deep blue that is used on any area on site related to the tour. (in lettering and visuals) It is so "Sixties". I hope you continue to swirl it around here. Also I notice in some show listings that it is noted that this is the "first time" or "last time" they played a certain song. I wish the song lists had more history listed. All the way around, this site is excellent.