• 7,962 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • daverock

    I am really enjoying this show, too. Completely off my radar until I foraged it out again yesterday. I would but a June 76 box in a shot.

  • icecrmcnkd

    Playing now.

    June 1976 TOO Box - the remainder of the month, let’s have it in 2026 Dave.

  • DeadVikes

    This show might be the best of this run. Haven't listened to it in a couple years. Great first set, love that long Crazy Fingers and the second set with the St.Stephen Eyes all the way through the Franklins is a fun ride.

    Thanks for the pick Jim.

    74 sounds good to me. Can't remember if I have ever heard the Roanoke show.

  • JimInMD
    A good Monday show

    Seventy Sixtus would be proud.

    I didn't quite make it to the end. Distractions abound. There's always tomorrow.

    After I catch up, and with all the '74 hype, I'm tempted to dig deep into something from that year I have not heard in a while. Any suggestions? Something off the beaten path from a year that is pretty well paved. Maybe a complete, under the radar shows from the October Winterland run or Roanoke or something else that just hasn't percolated lately?

  • icecrmcnkd
    June 76

    Just started 6-10 in the car tonight.
    A June 76 TOO Box would be grate. Give us the remaining shows.

  • DeadVikes

    This sounds good for my Monday Jim.

    Our second taste of this tour, with the download series being the first.

    This was the only year this released five from this series. Maybe this was supposed to be 5.1 before they decided to cancel this series and go to Dave's Picks.

    Definitely an underrated series Jim.

    Hope we are due for another 76 release soon.

  • JimInMD
    Been A While..

    and since it's June..

    It's been a while since I have listened to Road Trips Vol 4 no 5, June 9, 1976 at the Boston Music Hall.

    It's funny, I was not a huge fan of the Road Trips series in general, but by the time this one rolled around I has warmed up on it tremendously. They were doing more complete shows by then and collectively I realized there were some monumental shows released as Road Trips. By the time I began to enthusiastically embrace the idea it got kiboshed. Go figure.

    Or as Yoda was found of saying, Late to the Party, I am.

  • DeadVikes

    Alright, we made it to June!

    Any picks out there?

    Might have to check out 3/22/90.

  • nitecat
    Doc - miracles

    Doc, I can't agree more. Every day is a miracle and a gift.

  • Forensicdoceleven
    Music is the soundtrack of your life......

    Yo, rockers!!!

    For goodness sake, what else would I be listening to?

    May 26, 1972. An all time favorite, the last show of a fabulous tour, the last truly classic show with Pigpen. The E72 cuts from this show were truly part of the soundtrack of our young lives. And still are.........

    Who hears music feels his solitude peopled at once.......

    Rock on, my friends!

    To be alive, to be able to see, to walk, to have houses, music, paintings - it's all a miracle, I have adopted the technique of living life miracle to miracle.....

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Member for

17 years 1 month
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Not sure if there is a better year, so many great shows and yes, sound quality on releases have varied over the years. Would be interesting to hear 10/19 with Plagent.
I think the HCS Box sounds better than the PNW box.

Which reminds me, I should listen the Des Moines show tomorrow.

Would love to send some rain your way Jim. We have had more rain here in the last three months than we had in the previous three years.

July should bring us the 2024 Box reveal and for sure Dave's Picks #51. What will it be?

85, 77 and 69? 91?

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


I happened upon a thingie on your toob

England 1970
The Lost Film

Very worth checking out

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by proudfoot


I saw that video hanging around there.. like an hour and a half. I've been crazy busy doing useless crap for other people lately.. so I only got about a third of the way through it last night. It must have been uploaded recently.

Needing a pick me up, how about 5/7/89, something someone we all know and love mentioned on the Dave's 50 thread. I don't think I have listened to it.

Sorry about your rain DVikes. If you pee in the river I live on it would probably double the flow. (not that I am recommending peeing in rivers, power to the fishies)

If they made 10/19/73 sound better, I'd buy two just to thank them for their trouble.

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Gotta revisit 10/19/73

Like Alpine 89, I have never fully understood what is so aMAzing about it.

A road trip with 10/19/73 should do the trick....

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


There's a lot of subtlety to it

And some unsubtle things, too :)))

For whatever reason, I really enjoyed it yesterday.

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Fallout from the Phil Zone

Listen to it sometime this month

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Infrared Roses

Listening to that again for the first time in a while

Just finishing up the Des Moines show from the HCS. I love this box!

Jim, I will get 5/7/89 rolling this afternoon. I believe this was a Rex benefit show.

Hope you all can enjoy some good Dead music this week.

Happy Fourth of July weekend out there. Hope you all had a good day and enjoy the weekend. July is my favorite month of the year and the Dead played some great shows in July.