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    "To my ears, the best Dead shows are those that not only fit the criteria that make them amongst the best of a year, but that are also completely unique for their era—shows that fit perfectly into their year of performance, but also fall somewhat outside of the norm for that year. Harpur College, Veneta, Cornell, Cape Cod, and Augusta are all shows that are objectively excellent, and if they are not the best from their respective years of performance, they are certainly unique. Miami 6/23/74 falls into that category: not only one of the very best shows from this outstanding year, but also one of the most interesting and unique. It’s certainly worthy of many, many deep listens." - David Lemieux

    ¡Ándale, ándale! ¡Arriba, arriba! We're back with a hot one from Miami, F-L-A. DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 34 features the complete show from the Jai Alai Fronton, 6/23/74, one with unparalleled sound quality due in equal parts to the Wall Of Sound and the beautiful sonic clarity of Kidd Candelario's tapes. The first set is chock full of dynamite takes on classics like "Ramble On Rose," "Mississippi Half-Step," and "Cumberland Blues." The second set delivers on the JAMS - one leading into a gorgeous "Ship Of Fools," one rare instrumental version of "Dark Star," and a "Spanish Jam," this is Miami after all! The show also offers up a "first" and an "only" - the former, a Seastones set featuring Phil and Ned Lagin and the latter, the sole Grateful Dead performance of Chuck Berry's "Let It Rock."

    Limited to 22,000 numbered copies, DAVE’S PICKS VOL.34: JAI ALAI FRONTON, MIAMI, FL 6/23/74 has been mastered from the 7.5 IPS reel-to-reel tapes to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman. ¡Agarrarlo mientras esta calientito! (Get it while it's hot!)

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

    Subscribed to Dave's Picks? With this release, you'll also get a bonus disc with selections from Miami 6/22/74. Excellente!


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  • Dennis

    How Dogs Became Man’s Best Friend

    A story told by some Native American peoples is that the Great Spirit decided to divide the worlds of animals and man.
    He gathered all the living beings on a great plain and drew a line in the dirt.
    On one side of the line stood man and on the other side stood all of the animals of the earth.
    When that line began to open up into a great canyon and at the last moment
    Before it became too great to cross, the dog jumped over and stood by man.
    – Unknown -

    Give a man a fire and he’ll be warm for the day.

    Set him on fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life

  • stoltzfus

    I have had next to no interactions with police.

    One speeding ticket when I was young and dumb
    one pullover for ???
    one pullover because I changed lanes too fast.

    "so much things to say right now"...but dead.net isn't really the place.

    just BE KIND and respect your fellow human beings, my people.

  • stoltzfus
    my sense is that the blackout...

    is to halt business as usual and think deeply about current affairs, and keep thinking, and act.

  • Oroborous
    Blackout, Dogs, and Cops

    BLACKOUT: had no clue....it was fine, just wish they would have announced it. Hopefully it helped make a difference!
    It did inform me that perhaps I’m obtaining a bit of a addiction here lol.

    DOGS: love most animals, especially Dogs, it’s people I tend to have problems with. Some Dogs people will say “careful, their not nice, or their not friendly”....me, they love me! Go figure...real unconditional love, loyalty honesty...always glad to see you...amazing.
    I’ve had a Irish setter that was really smart and well trained, a Lab/Husky, and lived for 5 years at a place with the best, smartest, mellowest Golden Mutt ever. This dog would look at you and you felt like perhaps they were a person last go round and now their stuck in this dog body lol. The dog would basically telepath it wanted to go out. Living where we did that meant just opening the door and letting her go. When she wanted to come back in, she would bark once. Then she would wait patiently. If no one let here in within five minutes, she’d bark again just once. Amazing dog! Oh, and she loved the Dead and music in general. I Played music with her owner and she loved to come curl up at your feet on stage while the band was playing! Owner was tight with LOS and she would do that sometimes at their gigs too!
    Labs and Golden’s are awesome, but they need room and a lot of exercise. Both are fun and can be great partners and both usually have good personalities. Their usually really good with kids. But dogs, like people, definetly have personalities so it’s usually best if you can spend time or get to know them before you have to choose. My last Dog was a lab/Husky mutt and I immediately liked him out of the rest of the large litter....because the crazy little guy was already slipping away from mama and getting into stuff at four weeks old, lol. You could tell right then and there he was going to be a handful, named him Aiko because he had that vibe..hey now! Here i come, wuff!
    He was a handful when he was young, but eventually became an awesome well behaved companion.

    TIPS: get them fixed ASAP before they know what there missing etc, I didn’t for over a year and it was a big mistake....since he was fully mature by then and had “gotten some”, so it took years for him to calm down that way even after he’d been fixed. Be prepared to spend A LOT of time that first year. If you wait too long it’s much harder to get good results. You’ll thank yourself because there is nothing better than a life with a cool, mellow, behaved happy dog, and nothing worse than a bad untrained dog. Preferable to get your pup after they’ve been wormed.....
    Insurance. Currently don’t have any pets but my understanding is nowadays you really need insurance....
    Chewing: they do like to chew stuff up. I used crochet balls and old 2x4s. He’d instantly chew anything else up (until older) he couldn’t get enough jaw on the crochet balls and the 2x4s it didn’t matter that he’d shred them, at least they’d last a little while and were free so didn’t matter.
    All dogs can be overprotective and act out. Every dog I’ve ever lived with or known for long has done it at least once, Usually it was just a weird situation and often not all the dogs fault, but it can happen.
    Also, poop! You will be dedicating the next 10-15 years to endless poop; worming, cleaning up, walking, sickness etc.
    In other words, it’s a big decision because it’s a big responsibility! Unfortunately that’s why we don’t have a dog anymore; our lifestyle is not organized and scheduled for the proper care of a dog, and Pedro doesn’t pick up poop, so though I miss not having one, it’s because it wouldn’t be fair to the mutt and I just don’t want all that responsibility these days. Sounds like you have a family to help which can make a big difference and it can be great responsibility learning for a young person. A life with a good dog can be one of the greatest experiences in life, but man is it hard when they go. I’ve lost my folks, all my grandparents, most of my aunts and uncles, even a few friends, but I think losing a good dog that you were really tight with and had a good life with can sometimes be harder. I still get pretty upset if I start thinking too much about missing those guys. I’m getting misty just talking about it...

    COPS: I’ve had a few good experiences with reasonable, polite, and respectful ones, but unfortunately I’ve had more terrible experiences. Leddead your Denver buddies being some of the worst!
    Years ago after a Phil and Phreinds show at the Philmore, I had 4 or 5 beers over the course of several hours, but stopped more than 3 hours before leaving. This is a system I’ve used based on science for years. Basicallly, get a little buzz early, then stop so by the time you leave your totally fine (legally and otherwise).
    So I take the back street behind the Philmore to avoid all the lights on Colfax, and then cut back over near DT so I could get to the expressway etc. Well as I’m not familiar or good in the city, and my night vision sucks, I made a right on red at a place I wasn’t supposed to. Cop is sitting there hiding in an alley just waiting for this. So she pulls me over, and of course asks if I’ve been drinking. Since I knew I was legal etc I said I had a few, a few hours ago. I know, that’s what everyone says, but it was true. So next thing you know there’s a half dozen cops most of which are trying to mess with me and get me to do something stupid so they can mess with me. One even stepped on my toe while getting so close to my face he was spitting on me while he screamed at me. I was never so scarred in my life. Luckily, I know how to act around wild animals so I just stayed calm and was overly polite the whole time. So I take the so called sobriety tests that I can’t pass if it’s first thing on Tuesday and I’m more sober than a baby. It’s a proven fact these tests are designed for failure.
    So of course I fail and they arrest me even though I’ve still not taken a breathalyzer which I’ve been asking to do the whole time. Now I’m pretty beat up for my age, and I’ve had reoccurring shoulder problems, and it’s extremely painful for me to ware the jewelry behind my back which is standard practice for officer safety. So I try to very calmly and politely explain this to the Women cop who originally pulled me over as she was the ONLY one of the posse that wasn’t being intimidating, obnoxious, rude, or trying to violate my rights. But as soon as I did, the brutes slammed me up against my truck and hurt me so bad putting the cuffs on I was crying out in pain. Luckily the ride was short as I was in severe agony.
    So we get to the compound and go into an armored door underground garage. So before we go in the officer has to put her weapons etc in a locker in the garage area. So now she starts getting nervous about taking her hands off me while she attends to this protocol (they don’t want you grabbing their weapon after they take the cuffs off inside).
    So since she’s now alone she’s not comfortable etc and has me stand on the other side of this fortress garage and says don’t go anywhere....so I’m like Mam, im over fifty years old, mostly broken, I’m in extreme agony here cuffed behind like this, what am I going to do, some acrobatic Kung fu shit and fly over there and bite you in the neck because I made an illegal right on red? Kinda like Arlo Guthrie LOL, but it helped reassure her and she actually smiled a little.
    So next it’s this whole long convoluted process to book you and get mug shots etc and I’ve still not had the test. Meanwhile there are now new Neanderthals circled around trying to get me to give them any reason at all to mess with me. At some point they tell me I have to sign shit which lawyer friends say never sign anything! So I politely mention this and before I even finish they start telling me I’m now failing to comply and refuse the test (which I never did) and how I just lost my license and all kinds of other screaming and carrying on until they finally shut up enough so I say, look, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to know what your asking me to sign. So he takes the paper and jams it in my face so close it’s touching my face. Another inch and he would of basically hit me. Now I’m even more scarred...finally, after more threats, screaming, insults, intimidation etc, I get to take the test. Now I’m still not worried about DUI cause I know I’m not illegal etc, but I am worried about getting beat. Again this whole time I’ve never raised my voice. I’ve only spoken when asked to, and I’ve used only Sir, Mam, Officer etc and been extremely polite and respectful. So I take the test and of course barely register any alcohol like less then .001, .08 is the legal limit....but this nut doesn’t believe it so recalibrated the machine and made me blow multiple times, including putting his face next to mine and screaming at me that I’m not blowing hard enough (like a drill Sargent) even though I’m literally out of breath and panting etc...
    Finally the original gal that stopped me (who’s been totally proffesional the whole time) says “enough, he’s good, I’m letting him go and taking him back.” We’ll they have to go through the whole convoluted process in reverse to sign all my stuff back out including my tour laminate (was not looking forward to notifying my cousin that the cops now have full access)...so while this is happening, they take one last run at me trying to get me to give them ANY reason to mess me up and lock me up, all because I failed to obey a traffic sign I never saw...
    This is just one story, I have several others where I wasn’t as worried about being beat, but I did have my rights totally violated, so my 2 cents is that I’m scarred shitless anytime I have to deal with cops. It didn’t used to be as bad, my experiences have gotten worse over the years and I’m white, I’ve never done anything bad (I don’t believe minor drug stuff is bad) and I’ve never actually been convicted with anything except speeding, yet in the last ten years or so anytime I’ve been pulled over I’ve immediately become extremely scarred, nervous, anxious and worried for my safety. If these cops are all so good and there’s only a few bad apples, why should generally law abiding citizens be scarred for their life during even a routine traffic stop (last time had a company truck with tail bulbs out)? Another example, car searches: they rarely did them in the old days, now, it’s almost like standard practice...they used to have to follow the constitution....
    Imagine how our brothers and sisters of color feel....
    We have a serious systemic problem with the recruitment, training, and oversight of our law enforcement in our police state of a so called free democracy. Be careful out there folks....like Kerouac said “avoid authority, go through life like a ghost”

  • Dennis

    you made me check on Robb Johnson, I have none, I want. Amazon has a 5 cd set called "A Reasonable History of Impossible Demands". (I'd want it just for that title!) Used, it's an ok price. Anyone familiar with said album?

  • daverock
    Website closure

    Simon-no I had no idea what was happening on this website yesterday until someone told me in an email. I am obviously following what is happening on the news, but I never came across any references to social networks-or whatever this is-closing for the day. It almost felt as though they were stopping discussion on the subject by their action. So...an act of protest. I would never have known it if I hadn't been told. I'm not sure what "going black" for the day is supposed to achieve.

  • Dennis
    Colin - PERFECT!

    Thick, Rich, White!!!

    Still laughing, but will work that bad boy in, somewhere!

  • carlo13

    Dead-Shoreline amp. mountain view 6/3/76. Max creek-Capital theater 6/3/89. You could almost find as much acid at max creek gigs as the dead in the 80s. Whew, is it safe to come out now?

  • Colin Gould

    Two that I like, both from Half Man Half Biscuit lyrics:

    “You’re the reason that Paradise Lost”
    “The light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an oncoming train”

    Perhaps a little simplistic but a lyric from Robb Johnson about an earlier Tory government
    “They’re the cream of the nation. Thick, Rich, White”

  • Dennis
    Quote a Day Board!

    I just read somewhere further down someone suggested a quote a day board (sorry forget who), but I thought what a great idea!

    Here's an mean one to start off

    I kept it in a cage, watched it weeping, but I made it stay. - Kate Bush


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6 years 6 months

"To my ears, the best Dead shows are those that not only fit the criteria that make them amongst the best of a year, but that are also completely unique for their era—shows that fit perfectly into their year of performance, but also fall somewhat outside of the norm for that year. Harpur College, Veneta, Cornell, Cape Cod, and Augusta are all shows that are objectively excellent, and if they are not the best from their respective years of performance, they are certainly unique. Miami 6/23/74 falls into that category: not only one of the very best shows from this outstanding year, but also one of the most interesting and unique. It’s certainly worthy of many, many deep listens." - David Lemieux

¡Ándale, ándale! ¡Arriba, arriba! We're back with a hot one from Miami, F-L-A. DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 34 features the complete show from the Jai Alai Fronton, 6/23/74, one with unparalleled sound quality due in equal parts to the Wall Of Sound and the beautiful sonic clarity of Kidd Candelario's tapes. The first set is chock full of dynamite takes on classics like "Ramble On Rose," "Mississippi Half-Step," and "Cumberland Blues." The second set delivers on the JAMS - one leading into a gorgeous "Ship Of Fools," one rare instrumental version of "Dark Star," and a "Spanish Jam," this is Miami after all! The show also offers up a "first" and an "only" - the former, a Seastones set featuring Phil and Ned Lagin and the latter, the sole Grateful Dead performance of Chuck Berry's "Let It Rock."

Limited to 22,000 numbered copies, DAVE’S PICKS VOL.34: JAI ALAI FRONTON, MIAMI, FL 6/23/74 has been mastered from the 7.5 IPS reel-to-reel tapes to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman. ¡Agarrarlo mientras esta calientito! (Get it while it's hot!)

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

Subscribed to Dave's Picks? With this release, you'll also get a bonus disc with selections from Miami 6/22/74. Excellente!

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15 years 6 months

In reply to by Colin Gould


My UPS tracking ends on 1st May when the package was transferred to the post office and assigned a different (USPS) tracking number. This confirms receipt and processing of the package on 1st May at the USPS Los Angeles Distribution Center. Then nothing until it arrived in LA on 20th May and departed from LA Airport to the destination two hours later. Not sure where it was for the missing 20 days (in lockdown??) but hopefully be with me in the next few days.

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Member for

17 years 3 months

My discs also look pristine. Since we are in a similar boat, let's compare our limited edition numbers and see what happens.

For DaP 1 I Have Number: 9920/12K
DaP 2: 2295/12K
DaP 3: 233/12K
DaP 4: 10195/12K

Listen carefully, sometimes the scratchy static plays underneath the music. Also, I have radial shreddings or shavings dropping off the edges of the discs.

In my experience, (as I think, Seth first mentioned) the first and last tracks seem to be the most affected. Also it has been my experience, the worst case scenario (which happens with 2 of my discs) is the disc won't be recognized by the player.

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15 years

In reply to by IanM


The USPS system told me it was out for delivery on 1st May and then again on 20th May. Since we are both five days behind SIMONROB let us hope that we hear that his copy has arrived soon. No worries yet. An earlier DaP arrived and left L.A. three times before eventually arriving in the UK. The three departures were within days of each other but they were simpler times.
I got quite excited when a package of the correct size was delivered this morning but that was a delivery from the Another Timbre label in Sheffield. Still It means I’ve got five albums of interesting music to listen to while I wait for #34. Stay safe, listen to music and as Lady of Tarot (she might have been removed by now) said read.

EDIT: The package has left California. I’ve just had a USPS update telling me it has left Salt Lake City at around 9:30 this morning. I’m not that good on geography but I assume that means it is moving slowly eastwards.

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11 years 10 months

Talking to my buddy in Jersey last night and we got talking about disc rot. When hurricane Sandy left 6 foot of water in his house, his dvd/cd collection was submerged. He said they all delaminated! I was shocked, I would have thought a piece of plastic would be watertight, maybe not.

Reminded me of Springsteen -

…. Sandy, that sea water you left on my cd's last night,
Cause them all to turn to shit, in their cases that night.

Willy T - Radical Shreddings, isn't that what JoAnne Chesimard does with her old bills?

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4 years 9 months

Dave's Picks #1, 4625 #2, 4042 #3, 8979 #4, 1895. When I say this is no big deal in my previous post, I'm saying that relating it to my own personal experiences in life, some bad and extremely sad stuff has happened to me and everybody else on this forum I'm sure, so when I compare those things to this, it's no big deal. I don't for a second think that this was done with the record company thinking that this was an outcome that would occur. Hopefully, this was something related to the manufacturing of only the first 4 and this problem won't happen to the rest of the Dave's Picks. It seems like most people on here who have played theirs back have no problems, so that's good!

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14 years 8 months

If someone has bad discs, I can mail some lossless copies or assist with a Dropbox share. Thankfully my first four DaP seem to be in fine shape.

VGuy (and others)--You should pick up the new stereo mastering of Sgt. Pepper's (and The White Album, Abbey Road, and Let It Be). Many remasterings make you say, "Yeah, that's incrementally better . . . " The semi-recent Pepper's makes one slack-jawed, and gives one that ooey-gooey feeling in the pit of the musical soul.

Rhino--a great company, in my opinion. They sometimes take a beating on this board, but please go take a look at their catalog. All they do is go the extra mile to locate the master tapes of fantastic, long-neglected niche albums that won't sell a ton of copies, then spiff those tapes up with good remastering and packaging. Rhino is a company of music lovers, selling to music lovers. Very few companies in an age of streaming/downloading/pirating would step up to the plate and say, "Yeah, let's put out lavish BOXED SETS of CDs that have 15-80 discs inside! Cool."

Be kind. Rewind.

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Member for

10 years 3 months

I'd have to agree with you about Rhino providing access to niche albums we might otherwise only dream of. If only Rhino followed through with proactive, responsive customer service, we'd probably spend more time around here talking about Rhino's glass being more than half full (and the music, of course!). Onward.

Agree with all points.. we are a passionate bunch when it comes to the music we love.

Was looking for something this morning to listen to and stumbled on this by accident. A nice palate cleanse and an excellent bluegrass cover of Loser.


Thanks for the positive perspective Jeff and DHBrewer.

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11 years 10 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Nice Loser, looking for show on archive now.

“Ooey gooey felling in the pit of my musical soul” ...YEAH, that’s what I’m talking about!
You sir, are a wordsmith!

Nice post, agreed, but it’s such a travesty to cheese out on materials that cost pennies in bulk, BECAUSE they did all those groovy things you mention! They do all the hard stuff top notch...discs should be the easy part.

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14 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


disc rot beats dics rot

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by stoltzfus


....is doing an Ask Me Anything tomorrow on Reddit. 7PM pacific time.

the previous two post, one about disc that don't last an hour. The other about tapes, caught in a FLOOD, stored like shit and still working!

Maybe we should have kept all those old Maxell's :-)

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Member for

9 years

Haven't picked up the 50th Anniversary mix of Abbey Road yet, but I do have the 50th Anniversary remixes of Sgt. Pepper's and of The White Album and they sound fantastic. The music is the same, the remix is faithful to the original mix, but cleaner with more clarity and separation of each sound. The documentary Soundbreaking has a great episode (Episode 2) that covers the recording of Sgt. Pepper's and how they would record the various sounds and then combine them onto a single track so that multiple individually recorded sounds would be placed on a single track which would subsequently be combined with other tracks and distilled down again into a single track. For the 50th Anniversary remixes they went back to the original source tapes for the various sounds and made use of modern multi-track capabilities to remix the album without compressing everything into one track so things that were combined onto a single track are now spread across multiple tracks using the original source material. You can really hear the impact of this on the tracks with lots of different sounds mixed in. My description is a little sparse, but if anyone is interested the Soundbreaking documentary is really cool, particularly the episode that covers the making of Sgt. Pepper in detail, and there is a lot of other information out there on the process that Giles Martin used for the 50th anniversary remixes.

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Member for

13 years 3 months

In reply to by Dennis


Stolzfus.. too funny.

I still have a box of tapes too. I have no idea where they are though...

Stoltzie.. can you help us find the missing reels? Start with the barn in California but be cautious.. the owner might just be a greedy and grumpy butt munch.

Perhaps we can ask Betty if she knows the address of the infamous barn tomorrow on the meet and greet on Redit.

I believe there is one more stash of tapes that needs to find it's way home.

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Member for

17 years 3 months

In reply to by IanM


After processing at an LA Distribution Center (May 1-May 21), CD has departed LAX on May 21, 8:16 pm.
Airborne right now, good News.

...hello again I have to say , we(the Fans & The Dead Org. are all very blessed to see these recordings back home in the vault where they belong. IMO. And more importantly being made available and released to the fans by the Grateful Dead! Dead / Dave, didn’t wait long to start releasing’Bettys reels& others.
Have a grateful day everybody as well as this holiday weekend! peace be with you all my brothers and sisters God bless! and rock on!
...starting my day first with the Grateful Dead’s release, ‘Dick's Picks Volume 19’ The album contains the complete concert recorded on October 19, 1973 at the Fairgrounds Arena in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
***Each volume of Dick's Picks has its own "caveat emptor" label, advising the listener of the sound quality of the recording. The one for Volume 19 reads:

"Despite a rather skeevy ouverture, the sound quality of this release quickly settles into a nice, warm groove. Listen closely, however, for you may just find that your mind will be blown by the music contained herein."

... I have to Concur, this performance will most likely , “Steal Your Face Right Off your Head!”
A+ Recording by ‘Kid’ and a Primo set-list to boot!
The ‘third’Disc(3 Disc release)
Is one of my favorite music recordings from the Fall of 1973! PRIMO the band is on fire! 💀🌹

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14 years 7 months

and be a better example for the kids, who I'm encouraging to get rid of some things . . .

But just could NOT toss out the two Foreigner cassettes (Double Vision and Head Games) I found last night! They are Columbia House editions, complete with the double-pink-line spines and poorly-rendered tiny cover art. I enjoyed the tape clubs much more when they switched to sending "real" copies of cassettes and CDs.

It might be in flight, but how far will it get? As I said yesterday mine flew out of L.A. on 20th then departed from Salt Lake City on 21st. No further updates yet. It looks like it will continue to take a long strange trip.

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Member for

17 years 3 months

In reply to by Colin Gould


Colin Gould,
I assumed it'll be on a direct flight to Frankfurt.
Tracking now says: Departure LAX 11:25 pm, before it stated 8:16 pm.
A bit of a strange trip.

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Member for

15 years

While I like the remix of the White Album, I wasn't impressed with the Abbey Road remix; but really, why did anyone feel that these albums had to be remixed? They were already perfect when they first came out, George Martin knew what he was doing when he produced them. Glad they left Rubber Soul and Revolver alone...

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13 years 7 months

In reply to by Cousins Of The…


I have been eyeballing The Beatles Super Deluxe editions of Sgt. Pepper, White Album and Abbey Road.

Are they worth it?? Any opinions?

I would be getting the cds and not the vinyl becuase I do not have a turntable. Although I have thought about getting a turntable again when room and money allows for it.

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Member for

8 years 5 months

...I have both the “Peppers” & “The White Album” most recent release from the Band & Record Company.
I absolutely LOVE the ‘White Album’ release with the “rehearsal -demo”-recordings being issued for the first time , and are absolutely Primo unreleased recorded Audio before going head first into the studio so to speak.
I still preferred my Beatles “white Colored-vinyl” release from back in the day as my go to album for the white album. But the new release is great work! I really enjoy this new mix.
This is Promo!!! Oh yeah, 1989!🙏❤️💀🌹

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9 years

I had my doubts about the Sgt. Pepper's remix when I first heard about it but based on the positive comments and reviews I was curious enough to pick up the remix even though I had the original (1987?) CD and the 2009 remaster. I don't regret it nor can I say that I regret having 3 copies of one of the greatest albums of the 20th century. Well, four copies if you count my 1970's vinyl copy. The 50th anniversary remix just sounds like the original mix with a layer of gauze taken off your ears. But, I hear what you guys are saying, and Sgt. Pepper's is kind of an exception, I don't really pick up new copies of albums I already have when they've been remastered or remixed, and the remix idea does generally cause some trepidation. I usually end up picking up remasters when they have good bonus content, like the Rolling Stones deluxe Sticky Fingers release which includes a version of Brown Sugar with Eric Clapton, or Layla and Other Love Songs by Derek and the Dominoes deluxe release which has a second disc including appearances recorded on the Johnny Cash show that are fantastic. To relate it to the Dead, I don't need another copy of the studio albums, I have the original CD's plus the box set remasters, but there is no way I can miss the bonus content on the remaster packages, so soon I will have another copy of Workingman's Dead to go along with the three CD copies plus vinyl copy that I already have. I am also inclined to consider remasters for things that I got in the late '80s and early '90's as it seems there may have been some improvements in digital mastering since then. You can find endless debate on the merits of various remastering efforts on the SteveHoffman threads. By coincidence, I am currently spinning the 2014 Houses of the Holy remaster - not much better than No Quarter sometimes.

To be fair, I have bought quite a few albums three times-typically, the vinyl in the 1970s, then again first time it was released on cd. And the second time when it was released on cd after it had remastered. Now we are getting anniversary editions, and I am starting to think ...hang on a minute..If I buy this latest edition of Working Mans Dead, with its live carrot, it will be the 4th time for me.

I agree that Sergeant Pepper is different. I first got the album in 1974, then the original cd in the mid 1990s, then the remastered stereo one about 2009, then the mono box set with it in, then the 4cd blu ray/dvd box set for its own 50th anniversary. This includes the remix, the mono and outtakes. Its easily my favourite Beatles album. I didn't bother with the remixed White album, and I'm not fussed about Abbey Road or Let It Be.

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by daverock


.....glanced at Amazon in regards to Sgt. Peppers (my second favorite Beatles record after Rubber Soul). Holy cow!! I had no idea there were that many versions. I need to get out more. Which should I get? Help me dead.net-kenobi, you're my only hope.

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9 years

...Don't think of it as buying Workingman's Dead for a fourth time, think of it as getting a free copy of Workingman's Dead when you buy the 2/21/71 Port Chester show.

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10 years 1 month

Recently read that McCartney plays the snarling lead on booth the sergeant pepper opening track and the reprise. I was only surprised for a second. I remember reading that he modeled the aggression for Helter Skelter after the who's I Can See For Miles. I guess he plays the guitar on that too. They really mixed it up a lot when it came to who played what.

I think this Uncle John's Band on the new Dave's Picks is one of the best of 1973 1974. I'll have to go revisit Dijon. I'm also really into black throated wind, especially the outro. Jerry plays some really busy lead work, but it's mellow at the same time . Bobby sings this real well too at the end. He had a phase where he would..... over sing it a bit.

The Jam is really good too. The way I look at it, this dark star doesn't have the lyrics and the Dark star from the Philly 73 show is too short. So I just go Jam => Dark Star Jam => Philly '73 Dark Star.

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13 years 7 months

In reply to by Sixtus_


Thanks Keithfan very interesting you mention that

Recorded in several separate sessions in studios across two continents, the recording of "I Can See for Miles" exemplifies the increasingly sophisticated studio techniques of rock bands in the late 1960s, such as those used for the Beatles and the Beach Boys. The backing tracks were recorded at CBS Studios in London, the vocals and overdubbing were performed at Talentmasters Studios in New York, and the single was mixed and mastered at Gold Star Studios in London.[6] The initial UK mono pressing (Track Records) and the US Decca single has an overdubbed second bass line mixed upfront, whilst the drums are mixed slightly lower.

It reached number 10 in the UK and number 9 in the US. Though these figures would seem successful to most bands, Townshend was disappointed. He had written the song in 1966 but had held it back as an "ace in the hole", believing it would be The Who's first number-one single.[7] He is quoted as saying, "To me it was the ultimate Who record, yet it didn't sell. I spat on the British record buyer."

The song may have inspired the Beatles' "Helter Skelter". Paul McCartney recalls writing "Helter Skelter" after reading a review of The Who Sell Out in which the critic claimed that "I Can See for Miles" was the "heaviest" song he had ever heard. McCartney had not heard the song but wrote: "Helter Skelter" in an attempt to make an even "heavier" song than the one praised in the review.

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9 years

Went back and listened to 6/14/76 again today and man is that an awesome show, perfect to go along with a sunny afternoon. Still haven't had my fill of that box, and 6/14/76 just hits the spot for me.

Currently listening to Khruangbin's Hasta El Cielo album and that is working well for a chill vibe later in the evening - mellow, psychedelic ambient dub flowing along nicely. I've also been having this tune Hell n Back by Bakar running through my head lately since I heard it on the local radio - sort of a retro soul kind of sound with a nice updated vibe.

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10 years 1 month

In reply to by Charlie3


Nice reframing of Working Mans 50th. As a package, led by the studio album, I'm not sure it works - a live show with the studio as a bonus readjusts the balance favourably.

Going back to Paul McCartney - it was he who played the coruscating guitar solo on Taxman, too.

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4 years 7 months

Are any other UK subscribers still waiting for 34 to arrive? Obviously these are unusual circumstances, but I'm now wondering where it might be.

Don’t panic yet. I don’t think any European commenter has mentioned getting #34 yet. It will be slower because UPS handed the package over to USPS in LA and despite USPS saying that they dispatched the item on 1st May they didn’t send it far. It has been reported being dispatched from LA again on either 15th or 20th May by various people. I wouldn’t start to worry for another couple of weeks unless lots of Europeans start reporting the arrival.

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8 years 5 months

...if it’s “new” , I’m interested. After that notion I start with Art Production & Produced & engineered by; to help me make my decision for rebuying an Album. Also reviews play a big role, Both Negative & positive thoughts!
And the must haves, For example, any Elvis release, lol ha ha...”thank you thank you very much!” That’s my best Elvis voice! Lmao

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5 years 1 month

In reply to by Colin Gould


I see some people's tracking updates indicate some activity around 15/16 May, even 20 May.

However, mine on UPS has nothing since 30 April, which was an update stating "package transferred to post office", while USPS similarly has the latest tracking status on 30 April.....but theirs states "awaiting item".

Are other UK customers' DP34s apparently still stuck between UPS and USPS three weeks after despatch?

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13 years 1 month

The liner notes state that Ned Lagin plays on some of the 2nd set...I've heard this release several times now and I'm not hearing it. Maybe I'm just spacing out at the exact right/wrong time. Can someone point out when and where Ned shows up?

Jerry basically says in this interview -- about 8 minutes in www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JOhtcJCjXA --going back and changing a performance that already exists is strange....and is kinda like going to a museum and painting over a picture. And I agree that it is usually strange. Beatles Revolver got remixed somewhere along the line...the version that is on Spotify is weird, and I find it jarring. An original vinyl is the best way to listen to that album (The UK Version). As we all probably know, the Dead did go back and change Anthem of the Sun and Aoxomoxoa. The differences on Anthem of the Sun seem pretty minimal to me. I gave both a hard listen when the 50th aniv. set came out and I wasn't able to pick a winner. I've listened to both mixes of Aoxomoxoa a lot and I do prefer the 2nd mix of that album, but that's one of the 1st Dead albums I ever bought and I was turned on by that mix. Grew up with it. So, it must be tattoo'd in my soul, or whatever. I do like the original mix of What's Become of the Baby. All of the extra sounds make it a little more digestable, I'm sure a lot of you are the exact opposite. If I was around and was a fan when they first release Aoxomoxoa, I assume I would like the 1st mix better.

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