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    Friend of The Devils: April 1978 (Dead.net Exclusive) [19 CD]


    Curtis Hixon Convention Hall, Tampa, FL 4/6/78
    Sportatorium, Pembroke Pines, FL 4/7/78
    Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Jacksonville, FL 4/8/78
    Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA 4/10/78
    Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA 4/11/78
    Cameron Indoor Stadium, Duke University, Durham, NC 4/12/78
    Cassell Coliseum, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 4/14/78
    Huntington Civic Center, Huntington, WV 4/16/78

    Recorded By Betty Cantor-Jackson
    Newly restored and speed-corrected audio by Plangent Processes
    Mastered by Jeffrey Norman
    Liners By Author Steve Silberman
    Artwork By Acclaimed Artist Matthew Brannon

    Limited To 10,000 Individually Numbered Copies
    Dead.net Exclusive

    It’s been said before but April ‘78 was an incredible month for the Dead. Like May ‘77, you could throw a dart and guarantee you hit a stellar show. - KyloRensPecs, r/gratefuldead, Reddit

    .... April/May '78 has a lot of the same qualities of Spring '77 but with some extra edge and a much bigger sound from the Rhythm Devils. A really special era that often gets neglected. - viewtiful_alan, r/gratefuldead, Reddit

    Sportatorium - April 7, 1989

    when drums started I thought, oh s*#!, i hate drum solos and Billy and Mickey stopped me in my tracks. Wow, these guys are really good. Little did I know the pervasive influence this phenomena would have on my life. - pearlybakerbest, Dead.net

    Huntington Civic Centre, West Virginia – 16 April 1978

    This is another must-hear concert by The Grateful Dead. The sound and mix are almost ‘absolutely perfect'... It’s difficult to pick out highlights because everything is played so well; the band are tight, Donna is great and the set list is strong. - Grateful Ted, gratefulted.co.uk

    We're hitting the bullseye with the eight previously unreleased stellar shows that make up FRIEND OF THE DEVILS: APRIL 1978. Filled to the brim with peak performances from the Grateful Dead's post-hiatus period, this collection captures the historic tour where "Drums" begat "Space," morphed into "Drums">"Space" and cemented the Rhythm Devils' second-set power move from the music business to the "transportation business."

    Spring 1978 finds the Dead consistently weaving spontaneous magic, showing signs of great promise and potential - from the no-nonsense rock'n'roll in Tampa, where scholars cite the first "Drumz" leading into "Space," to the lengthy communal get down in Pembroke Pines to Jacksonville where the twain emerge fully formed, offering the primordial opportunity for "soul retrieval." It's evident in the dynamic range delivered on back-to-back nights at the intimate Fox Theatre and through the laid-back unity of the band's performance in Durham at Duke, a comfort that carries over to Virginia and West Virginia where the playing is unbridled, bursting with momentum, threatening to carry itself away. And nowhere can you hear that more clearly than through Betty Cantor-Jackson's original recordings, reliably crisp, bright, and vivid.

    Individually numbered to 10,000 copies and exclusive to Dead.net, FRIEND OF THE DEVILS: APRIL 1978 has been mastered by Audio Engineer Jeffrey Norman using Plangent Processes tape restoration and speed correction. Steve Vance designed the collection’s custom box, which features a removable wave drum. (We invite you to unleash your inner Rhythm Devil.) Acclaimed artist Matthew Brannon created the set’s original artwork. The collection also includes a 48-page book with original liner notes by author Steve Silberman and photos by James Anderson, Bob Minkin, and more.


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  • proudfoot
    Yo Dave

    Greek us, please

  • icecrmcnkd
    Almost Box Time


  • billy the kiddd
    Anniversary show 9/13/81 Greek Theatre

    43 years ago it was Sunday at the Greek with the Good old Grateful Dead. What a blast! Great show. Great run, my favorite Greek run was the 1st one. Stopped at Everett & Jones bbq on San Pablo Ave on the way home. I was so fortunate to see the Dead during these years along with so many other great musicians who are no longer with us. Fun times for sure!

  • nitecat
    Travels in California

    On my way to and from Lake Tahoe this month, I passed Nevada County Fairgrounds, where I saw JGB and the Dead in 1983. I also passed Boreal Ridge Ski Resort, the home of the infamous " Worst Dead concert ever" in 1985. I recall the Fairgrounds being pretty pleasant, and the Ski Resort being a pretty rocky, dirty location. I don't remember the show being all that bad, but the boys did have several technical difficulties. I'd go back in a second.

  • JoeyMC
    What's the line on, on time…

    What's the line on, on time delivery?

  • JimInMD
    Re: Steve Silberman's Obit

    Nice Post Dr. Robert

    When I run that obituary through HowNow (C) TM, the proprietary software I wrote to get wordy musings through this website during the HeyNow period, it would have taken 6,234 separate posts to get the entire thing through without getting HeyNow'd. (unfortunate to see it get fixed the day my patent came through...argh)

    anyhow... I'd call that tremendous progress.

    A tip of the glass and a moment of silence for all those deadheads worldwide that we lost jumping off bridges, hanging from neckties, joining monasteries, becoming uber drivers, starting tech companies, worm farms, etc. during the dark period when HeyNow ruled the land. May the four winds blow you safely home.

  • boblopes
    Steve Silberman's Obit courtesy of David Gans

    Steve Silberman’s vocation as a Grateful Dead scholar and writer began organically, on a blanket on the grass at a concert in the sun. He happened to sit next to Blair Jackson and Regan McMahon, publishers of “The Golden Road,” an essential fan magazine.
    “Steve wasn’t just a fan who ran off at the mouth about how many shows he had seen,” recalled McMahon of that chance meeting. “He had all these layers of spiritual and countercultural depth.
    Everything he said about the Grateful Dead was intellectual and perceptive and poetic.”
    By the end of that afternoon, Silberman had been invited to contribute an article to “The Golden Road” and that led to the high honor of writing liner notes for albums and box sets, and ultimately co-authoring the episodic glossary, “Skeleton Key: A Dictionary for Deadheads.”
    Silberman was known for wearing a custom T-shirt to a Halloween show bearing the message “Your Hallucinations Are My Costume,” and for his skill at putting cultural, scientific and medical complexity into common language, which he did during decades as a science journalist and in his 500-page treatise, “NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity” published in 2015.
    He spent four years on that project, followed by six years becoming an expert on cystic fibrosis. An upcoming book titled “The Taste of Salt,” was scheduled for publication in 2026. Silberman was to Silberman Chronicle obit.rtf the point of submitting chapters to his editor when he died suddenly at his home in San Francisco on Aug. 29. Cause of death was an apparent heart attack, said his husband Keith Karraker.
    “Steve lived an exciting life and wrote a book that changed the world,” said Karraker. “He could walk into a grocery store and make a friend for life with the counter guy, just from commenting on the music playing on the stereo.”
    Silberman also made friends for life by starting and maintaining a Facebook group titled “Cole Valley, a Not-So-Secret SF Neighborhood.” It has 8,000 members, including his sister Hillary Shawaf and mother Leslie, both of whom moved here from the East Coast based on Silberman’s recommendation.
    “He just loved this beautiful small-town neighborhood on the N Judah line,” said Karraker, a high school chemistry teacher. “Steve created a town square for the neighborhood,” added his sister. “One of the greatest talents he had was keeping it civil.”
    Silberman spent many years as an editor and writer for Wired magazine, but perhaps his greatest creative outlet was the Dead, having seen his first Dead show in 1973 at Watkins Glen, N.Y. He also developed an expertise on Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and became a close friend and confidante of the often-difficult David Crosby. He wrote the liner notes for the Crosby-Nash live album “Another Stoney Evening,” released in 1998, and the 50th anniversary edition of Crosby’s solo debut “If I Could Only Remember My Name,” from 1971.
    “He understood people,” Shawaf said of her brother. “Making human connections was his life blood. When he walked down the street people approached him constantly.”
    After the death of Jerry Garcia, in 1995, Silberman wrote an essay called “The Only Song of God,” that was originally published in Dupree’s Diamond News. In it, Silberman described walking by the Henry J. Kaiser Auditorium in Oakland after Garcia’s death, where he estimated he had seen 40 of the 56 shows the Dead played there, often on weeknights when only the cognoscenti came.
    Silberman in an undated photo at the Oakland home of Regan McMahon and Blair Jackson, publishers of “The Golden Road,” an essential Grateful Dead fan magazine. He met them at a concert and soon became a contributor.
    “If you weren’t from the Bay Area, after three or four shows at Kaiser, eventually, you’d move here,” wrote
    Silberman, who had followed that migration himself, though he had the extra incentive of earning a master’s degree in English literature at UC Berkeley.
    His tryout with “The Golden Road” explored the connection between the Beat anti-hero Neal Cassady and the Grateful Dead, a connection that the band’s historian and publicist, Dennis McNally also visited in his biography of Jack Kerouac.
    “Steve was always willing to chat about some angle of the 60s music scene in general and was a very reliable source,” said McNally. “What he said was trustworthy.”
    Stephen Louis Silberman was born Dec. 23, 1957 in Ithaca, N.Y. His father, Donald, was an English professor at Queensborough Community College and an anti-war activist, as was his wife, Leslie Hantman.
    “We saw my parents get arrested and be led away in handcuffs,” said Shawaf. “My dad did 11 days at the Queens Detention Center.”
    Silberman’s first literary goal was to be a poet and he had success in sixth grade with a poem called “the
    Math Battle.” It began, “Cubes are swirling through my head, π’s attack me in my bed,” and built enough momentum to win a poetry competition sponsored by Fordham University. That became his first published work. Silberman attended John P. Stevens High School in Edison, NJ., and gave a graduation speech in 1975, declining to cut his shoulder-length hair for the ceremony.
    Seen here in an undated photo, Silberman helped author David Gans write a collection of reminiscences about Jerry Garcia, the Grateful Dead co-founder and guitarist.
    “He was a magnificent human being,” Gans says of Silberman.
    By then he was already a Deadhead, having attended his first show and begun a live concert tape collection that was to include “tons and tons and tons of tapes,” said his sister, “and some very obscure ones.” He had also come out as gay, which was not immediately accepted.
    “My parents reacted very badly. It took some years for them to come around,” Shawaf said.
    He attended Oberlin College in Ohio, and his slow migration west began with a position as a teaching assistant for Beat poet Allen Ginsberg at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colo. Silberman planned to continue as a poet himself until his father, the English professor, advised him that “he was better at prose and would reach more people that way,” said his sister.
    He also reached people by helping them with their own writing. After Garcia’s death, David Gans, who has published five books about the Grateful Dead, was having trouble putting together a collection of reminiscences. When he told Silberman of his struggles over the phone, Silberman immediately drove from San Francisco to Gans’s home in Oakland, read through Gans’s essay, tore it apart and restructured it for him.
    “That was one of dozens of times Steve improved my work with his generosity of spirit and his wisdom,” said Gans. “I know dozens of other people who were similarly blessed with Steve’s generosity. He was a magnificent human being.”
    Later, Silberman, Gans and Blair Jackson co-produced. “So Many Roads 1965-1995,” a five-CD box for which Silberman wrote an essay. He also appeared on camera in the 2017 documentary “Long Strange Trip.”
    Silberman on vacation in Europe in 2023. “He really brought empathy and compassion to a topic that had only been covered negatively in the press,” says Shannon Rosa, whose son Leo was featured in Silberman’s book about autism.
    “There are Deadheads who are extreme but Steve had a historic overview that made his observations sensible and a little more grounded than some,” said McNally.
    Silberman’s expertise on autism began when he was working at Wired and got a tip that there was a spike in diagnoses of the developmental disorder in Silicon Valley. This became an article called “The Geek Syndrome,” published in 2001, and greatly expanded in “NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity.”
    “Steve’s book gave hope to a lot of families like ours that had only had messages that our lives would be one of doom and gloom,” said Shannon Rosa of Redwood City, whose son Leo is featured in the book.
    “He really brought empathy and compassion to a topic that had only been covered negatively in the press. I
    can’t tell you how many families I’ve heard from whose lives have been changed for the better because Steve showed us with compassion, not pity.”
    That came through in everything Silberman wrote, especially the essay on seeing the Dead at Kaiser Auditorium.
    “At shows in those years, up at the front on ‘the rail’ where you could observe the musicians at work, the crowds could get so dense on a Saturday night that you would lose your footing,” Silberman wrote in Dupree’s Diamond News. “But if you relaxed, you could nearly float, like a cell in a bath of nutrient, the rhythms coming to you as a gentle push in one direction, then another...”
    “It was one of the safest places in the world.”

  • daverock
    Rip this joint gonna get down low.

    51 years ago tonight I saw The Stones for the first time. I can remember wondering if they would be any good - Mick Jagger had just turned 30, and they seemed like a bit of 60's throwback. Perish the thought. I only new about 25% of the songs - I'd never heard either Let It Bleed or Exile on Main Street but it mattered not a jot. It was incredible. I have just been listening to "The Brussels Affair" double album from the same tour, and featuring the same songs. One of the best live albums of all time.

    I don't think I've ever seen a hummingbird. In Lowestoft we have great big seagulls - I swear they are getting bigger every year - and during summer, if anyone eats food on the seafront they sometimes swoop down and take it out it out of their hands. It looks great, the surprise on the people's face when it happens. The most rock n' roll bird I have seen.

  • itsburnsy

    Stupid bear kept raiding my bird feeder so I had to very begrudgingly get rid of it. In the summer I got birds from as far as S America heading for AK. Now all I can do is have a Hummingbird feeder, which is cool, but I never seem to have more than one regular at a time. Right now he's green with a red head, the second, not sure what happened to the first. Read somewhere that they are the most territorial birds of all, maybe that's why I only get one at a time? Anyway, they are fascinating little guys aren't they

  • billy the kiddd
    Happy Birthday Mickey Hart

    Joan Baez sang Mickey Hart Happy Birthday before the start of 9/11/81 at the Greek. They brought a big birthday cake out on stage. My favorite Grateful Dead years were when Mickey Hart was in the band.

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3 years 10 months

Friend of The Devils: April 1978 (Dead.net Exclusive) [19 CD]


Curtis Hixon Convention Hall, Tampa, FL 4/6/78
Sportatorium, Pembroke Pines, FL 4/7/78
Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Jacksonville, FL 4/8/78
Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA 4/10/78
Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA 4/11/78
Cameron Indoor Stadium, Duke University, Durham, NC 4/12/78
Cassell Coliseum, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 4/14/78
Huntington Civic Center, Huntington, WV 4/16/78

Recorded By Betty Cantor-Jackson
Newly restored and speed-corrected audio by Plangent Processes
Mastered by Jeffrey Norman
Liners By Author Steve Silberman
Artwork By Acclaimed Artist Matthew Brannon

Limited To 10,000 Individually Numbered Copies
Dead.net Exclusive

It’s been said before but April ‘78 was an incredible month for the Dead. Like May ‘77, you could throw a dart and guarantee you hit a stellar show. - KyloRensPecs, r/gratefuldead, Reddit

.... April/May '78 has a lot of the same qualities of Spring '77 but with some extra edge and a much bigger sound from the Rhythm Devils. A really special era that often gets neglected. - viewtiful_alan, r/gratefuldead, Reddit

Sportatorium - April 7, 1989

when drums started I thought, oh s*#!, i hate drum solos and Billy and Mickey stopped me in my tracks. Wow, these guys are really good. Little did I know the pervasive influence this phenomena would have on my life. - pearlybakerbest, Dead.net

Huntington Civic Centre, West Virginia – 16 April 1978

This is another must-hear concert by The Grateful Dead. The sound and mix are almost ‘absolutely perfect'... It’s difficult to pick out highlights because everything is played so well; the band are tight, Donna is great and the set list is strong. - Grateful Ted, gratefulted.co.uk

We're hitting the bullseye with the eight previously unreleased stellar shows that make up FRIEND OF THE DEVILS: APRIL 1978. Filled to the brim with peak performances from the Grateful Dead's post-hiatus period, this collection captures the historic tour where "Drums" begat "Space," morphed into "Drums">"Space" and cemented the Rhythm Devils' second-set power move from the music business to the "transportation business."

Spring 1978 finds the Dead consistently weaving spontaneous magic, showing signs of great promise and potential - from the no-nonsense rock'n'roll in Tampa, where scholars cite the first "Drumz" leading into "Space," to the lengthy communal get down in Pembroke Pines to Jacksonville where the twain emerge fully formed, offering the primordial opportunity for "soul retrieval." It's evident in the dynamic range delivered on back-to-back nights at the intimate Fox Theatre and through the laid-back unity of the band's performance in Durham at Duke, a comfort that carries over to Virginia and West Virginia where the playing is unbridled, bursting with momentum, threatening to carry itself away. And nowhere can you hear that more clearly than through Betty Cantor-Jackson's original recordings, reliably crisp, bright, and vivid.

Individually numbered to 10,000 copies and exclusive to Dead.net, FRIEND OF THE DEVILS: APRIL 1978 has been mastered by Audio Engineer Jeffrey Norman using Plangent Processes tape restoration and speed correction. Steve Vance designed the collection’s custom box, which features a removable wave drum. (We invite you to unleash your inner Rhythm Devil.) Acclaimed artist Matthew Brannon created the set’s original artwork. The collection also includes a 48-page book with original liner notes by author Steve Silberman and photos by James Anderson, Bob Minkin, and more.

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8 years 4 months

In reply to by Dead in MA


Dave's unboxing video is out. Glad to see he has his box. He is the producer and legacy manager so I am glad he doesn't have to wait.

Box looks super cool. I wonder how it is selling?

Last year's sold out in less than a month with 10,000 copies.

Can't wait to get mine next week.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

The drum has rattles inside?
Dave's fluffy cat photobombs him.
My shipping now says Saturday.

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Member for

17 years 9 months

My Dead Box set was delayed in New Mexico due to weather Now back on track to come on Saturday by FedEx, but my Dylan Box was put off for three weeks on Amazon?? Now coming on Oct.9th??? I see some people have received theirs?? Were these ordered directly from the Bob Dylan web sight? Which now says Sold Out?

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17 years 9 months

So sorry for the trouble; I've brought this to the Doc's attention and hope for a speedy resolution. Onward!
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15 years 5 months

In reply to by Chuck


I ordered mine from a UK record store called Badlands. Looking at the UK Amazon site I see they are now selling from the US site rather than directly. Delivery 7th to 22nd October!
I’ve noticed this with the last two Garcialive releases. The UK site sells from the US, all the earlier ones came directly from the UK.

Edit: It wouldn’t be deadnet if the downloads worked immediately. They appear unable to learn from past mistakes.

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17 years 9 months

Colin......Thanks for the Info. I also noticed my original Amazon order was for $129.00 Now it is down to $106.00

Time for another Floor to Celling wall shelf unit in my (what used to be an extra bedroom) extra room

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17 years 9 months

Box has arrived in Snohomish WA! Love it when a release comes on a Friday, doesn't get any better than that...

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9 years 7 months

In reply to by Chuck


Was in the grocery store, there was a gentleman in front of me in the produce section. He was coming toward me, and turned into an aisle. He was wearing an older tie dye. I ask him to see what was on the back, didnt wear correct glasses. It was not a GD shirt. He heard me and the first thing out of his mouth was "Are you a dead head?" So gave him the secret hand shake and wink. Riiiiggghhht. We started talking for a while and he said his first show was 10/17/70 at The Cleveland Music Hall. We ended up talking for 15 minutes, some in all eras but mostly his early years. He siad some people said it was a horrble concert to which I replied "some people always say was a bad show," most who were not there. Exchanged contact info. Any way here is his show as reported on some sites but not on others from best i can tell. Think it has some errors as cut and paste was struggling.

Set 1

Casey Jones
China Cat Sunflower
I know You Rider
Me and My Uncle
It Hurts me Too
The Other One
Cryptical Envelopment
Sugar Magnolia
Hard to Handle

Set 2

Good Love
Good Love
Cold Rain and Snow
Dark Star
Not Fade Away
Going Down the Road
Not Fade Away


Uncle John's Band
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

Miller source is an awesome audience from this era. Enjoy
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

While this show is happening 2000 miles east in Ohio, Pink Floyd plays Pepperland in San Rafael the same night. I wonder if any Dead family members holding down the fort in Marin county went and checked them out?
-David Ryder (07/11/2016)

Great audience copy of this show because the crowd is not constantly clapping like they do in the mid to late seventies. Never understand why people were clapping in time with the band ruining audience copies to hundreds of shows
-Kdead (10/17/2019)

Set 1

Casey Jones
China Cat Sunflower
I know You Rider
Me and My Uncle
It Hurts me Too
The Other One
Cryptical Envelopment
Sugar Magnolia
Hard to Handle

Set 2

Good Love
Good Love
Cold Rain and Snow
Dark Star
Not Fade Away
Going Down the Road
Not Fade Away


Uncle John's Band
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

Miller source is an awesome audience from this era. Enjoy
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

While this show is happening 2000 miles east in Ohio, Pink Floyd plays Pepperland in San Rafael the same night. I wonder if any Dead family members holding down the fort in Marin county went and checked them out?
-David Ryder (07/11/2016)

Great audience copy of this show because the crowd is not constantly clapping like they do in the mid to late seventies. Never understand why people were clapping in time with the band ruining audience copies to hundreds of shows
-Kdead (10/17/2019)

Set 1

Casey Jones
China Cat Sunflower
I know You Rider
Me and My Uncle
It Hurts me Too
The Other One
Cryptical Envelopment
Sugar Magnolia
Hard to Handle

Set 2

Good Love
Good Love
Cold Rain and Snow
Dark Star
Not Fade Away
Going Down the Road
Not Fade Away


Uncle John's Band
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

Miller source is an awesome audience from this era. Enjoy
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

While this show is happening 2000 miles east in Ohio, Pink Floyd plays Pepperland in San Rafael the same night. I wonder if any Dead family members holding down the fort in Marin county went and checked them out?
-David Ryder (07/11/2016)

Great audience copy of this show because the crowd is not constantly clapping like they do in the mid to late seventies. Never understand why people were clapping in time with the band ruining audience copies to hundreds of shows
-Kdead (10/17/201 - ooops
Set 1

Casey Jones
China Cat Sunflower
I know You Rider
Me and My Uncle
It Hurts me Too
The Other One
Cryptical Envelopment
Sugar Magnolia
Hard to Handle

Set 2

Good Love
Good Love
Cold Rain and Snow
Dark Star
Not Fade Away
Going Down the Road
Not Fade Away


Uncle John's Band
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

Miller source is an awesome audience from this era. Enjoy
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

While this show is happening 2000 miles east in Ohio, Pink Floyd plays Pepperland in San Rafael the same night. I wonder if any Dead family members holding down the fort in Marin county went and checked them out?
-David Ryder (07/11/2016)

Great audience copy of this show because the crowd is not constantly clapping like they do in the mid to late seventies. Never understand why people were clapping in time with the band ruining audience copies to hundreds of shows
-Kdead (10/17/2019)

Set 1

Casey Jones
China Cat Sunflower
I know You Rider
Me and My Uncle
It Hurts me Too
The Other One
Cryptical Envelopment
Sugar Magnolia
Hard to Handle

Set 2

Good Love
Good Love
Cold Rain and Snow
Dark Star
Not Fade Away
Going Down the Road
Not Fade Away


Uncle John's Band
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

Miller source is an awesome audience from this era. Enjoy
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

While this show is happening 2000 miles east in Ohio, Pink Floyd plays Pepperland in San Rafael the same night. I wonder if any Dead family members holding down the fort in Marin county went and checked them out?
-David Ryder (07/11/2016)

Great audience copy of this show because the crowd is not constantly clapping like they do in the mid to late seventies. Never understand why people were clapping in time with the band ruining audience copies to hundreds of shows
-Kdead (10/17/2019)

Set 1

Casey Jones
China Cat Sunflower
I know You Rider
Me and My Uncle
It Hurts me Too
The Other One
Cryptical Envelopment
Sugar Magnolia
Hard to Handle

Set 2

Good Love
Good Love
Cold Rain and Snow
Dark Star
Not Fade Away
Going Down the Road
Not Fade Away


Uncle John's Band
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

Miller source is an awesome audience from this era. Enjoy
-Anonymous (10/17/2012)

While this show is happening 2000 miles east in Ohio, Pink Floyd plays Pepperland in San Rafael the same night. I wonder if any Dead family members holding down the fort in Marin county went and checked them out?
-David Ryder (07/11/2016)

Great audience copy of this show because the crowd is not constantly clapping like they do in the mid to late seventies. Never understand why people were clapping in time with the band ruining audience copies to hundreds of shows
-Kdead (10/17/201 - ooops

I am downloading now.

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Member for

14 years 4 months

It sounds like it's breathing...in a Darth Vader sort of way.

Knew there were going to be some issues with last post. Dead slowed me down some causing double posts.

Also guessing even bustin the archive link up wouldnt let me post. Send message if want the link I can try again but show is out there.

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Member for

8 years 1 month


And like Vguy, now my tracking info says to be delivered today. Our cups runneth over.

Glad people's boxes are arriving! I think I will put on 9/20/70 to honor the date and pass the time whilst I wait.

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Member for

8 years 9 months

Got mine today. The box is an easy to shelf size. Thanks Dave. Beats the heck out of MSG box design.

I'm into runs of shows so happy also. Maybe next year Summer Tour 85' Greeks thru Chula Vista?

Drum rain sound item has already been used on my cats. Confusion & chaos abounds.

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Member for

12 years 4 months

Everything ripped in and filed.

My quick pokes while ripping shows the recording to be very nice. Phil sounded real sweet.

Now to find a place on the shelf!

Dylan and Duke 78 have labels printed also and they are awaiting product.

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Member for

3 years 7 months

Mine still sitting at label created. Are the downloads working this time or not?

Usual. Thx. I got my ship notice but has been sitting at label created since the 18th. Thought about buying the downloads also but Honestly tired of dealing with this entity.

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Member for

14 years 4 months

In reply to by jjc


Avoided issues with the FLAC downloads by not pre-ordering (like I did with the Here Comes Sunshine box downloads), and purchased around lunch time today. No issues - when I completed checking out I was presented with 8 individual links on-screen for zipped folders of each of the shows. I also received the email with the links but didn't need to use them.

Spent the late afternoon cleaning up the tags. Now I need to find time to actually listen to the thing!

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Member for

10 years 9 months

Are these shows generally on the level of the excellent 4-24-78 that is Dave's Picks Vol. 7?


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Member for

11 years 7 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


They took the arrival date off my tracking now. It was in OK at noon. Might not be until next week now. Oh well.

Glad to see other folks are receiving their sets.

Dave's unboxing video was cool. Looks like a really nice box.

Delivery date is gone from my tracking info, and has been replaced with "We'll add a delivery date as soon as your package starts moving." (UPDATE 8 o'clock pm - package has reached Tracy, CA - about an hour from here)

But yes indeed Dave's unboxing video was fun. Bonus points bc it included his cat!

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Member for

9 years 7 months

How lovely to get this on a Friday afternoon! Nice job Dead Net; This box set is a cool design. Fun stuff!
I recently played DaP 37 and this is the same great sound quality.

These aren't digipacs but cardboard sleeves. I got a great tip here on Deadnet, round bottom sleaves that fit pretty good in the cardboard sleeve for protecting CDs. I have them in all my GD cardboard shows.
search for: SoundSourceCDs Round bottom inner.
Happy Listening!

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Member for

16 years 4 months

I’ll never understand the logistics of shipping. I’m in the south suburbs of Cleveland. Mine was in Perrysburg, OH, outside Toledo, about two hours away. Then they sent it on a two hour trip to Plain City, OH, outside Columbus. So, they sent it on a two hour trip and it’s still two hours away. Oh well, maybe tomorrow? Maybe Sunday?

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Member for

2 years 1 month

Got my ALAC files around 9 pm (Pacific) last night.
The actual box set arrived first thing this morning (I always nab both).
Been listening most of the day while I worked.
Was never the biggest 78 fan, though Dick’s 18 has always been a fave, but both 78 box sets have given me a new appreciation.
So far, this set is a gem to my ear sockets.

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Member for

5 years 11 months

Very nice mix and the band is hot!!

Waiting on box, but streaming sounds fantastic!!!

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Member for

16 years 4 months

Will make for a nice Saturday/Sunday.
So pumped!

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Member for

9 years 5 months

In reply to by bigbrownie


The b/w video from Duke show is now up on the GD you tube channel synched with Jeffrey Norman's mix for the box. There's a nice historical intro by the GOGDeadcast. Had it on VHS back in the day and as many here already know it is killer.

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Member for

10 years 4 months

I got an updated email as other did saying they are working on the problem. Has anybody received an updated link that worked?

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Member for

8 years 1 month

Same here @TN John - wbu, Vguy? We three have seemed to be on parallel tracks with this one... hope yours is on its last mile too

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Member for

4 years 7 months

In reply to by Obeah


Remember old Family Circus comics where Billy would take insanely circuitous routes for simplest of movements?

The descriptions here sound like he is in charge of delivering these box sets

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Member for

11 years 7 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Came home from grocery shopping, and was showing delivered. Not on carport or front porch so panic ensued. Looked on the next door neighbor's golf cart in his carport and spotted that box I saw Dave unpacking last night.
#4399 has arrived!

Getting the first show ripped to start on after lunch

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Member for

10 years 6 months

... in western Colorado.
Number 2778/10000.
At this point I'm sorta meh on the drum but it has to stay with the set for posterity, lol. The cat is not impressed either. This looks to be the most shows of any box I have. A great deal for less than $10/disc. Woohoo!

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Member for

16 years 4 months

02824 has landed! Very excited!

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Member for

8 years 1 month

1493 has arrived in the Bay Area. This is why I got all the vacuuming and other loud chores done this morning... now I'm just folding laundry, so it's time to put on this first show from Curtis Hixon Hall!

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by Obeah


....at least according to the picture on my phone.
Still at stupid work.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by Vguy72


....secured. Packaging is cool, as expected. Going in order.
Ton of awesome pics in the Silberman book RIP.
I find it interesting that the length of the rhythm devils get longer every show up until Durham. My subwoofer gonna get a workout.

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Member for

4 years 1 month

Just a bit outside PdXs, Oregonia!

Listened to this one on my Soundcore Q30 headphones yesterday, and making another run through it on speakers this morning. Sounds really good. Just like Dave's 38. The first set is pretty strong, but the second set is smoking! I did notice a problem in the left channel on Around And Around. It might just be the rip. Haven't checked the physical CD yet. The U.S. Blues encore is better than it would become in later years, but still doesn't have that '74 pep.

I'm happy with this box so far. Got the Sportatorium show ripped. I'll start it after breakfast when I head out for my walk.

Hope our brothers across the way start receiving these soon.

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Member for

14 years 4 months

Received a shipping notice not long after my last post. Even though it said Sept 21, I held out hope for a Devilish miracle. Especially after I watched Dave’s video.
Not only did the miracle not come, the delivery date has now disappeared as the box has been stuck somewhere in Ohio since Thursday.

Something something… missing a Sunday show!

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