• 7,961 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • bolo24
    Incognito pick?

    2/23/93 - Mardi Gras with Ornette Coleman. Our group of friends had a float in the parade (kind of a long story). Our "Acme Krewe" was listed at the bottom of the poster for that show.

    As usual, I will categorically deny posting here today.

  • Oroborous
    You had to be there

    Unless you were there, you’ll never fully grasp this show. (Toga 84)
    One of our best GD experiences, right up there with Oxford 88!
    In a word: ELECTRIC! The weather, crowd, vibe, cannot KNOW this show without all that.
    The Dancin in the Streets is pretty much the theme song for this show.
    Started the day before and didn’t stop until the next day.
    (I’ll share some more stories separately)
    Yeah the vocals are ragged on Dancin, but have been on every show opener on this tour so far. Dire Wolf has a little cocaine gargle but it’s not that bad?
    Minglewood is off the fuggin charts! Seriously, (besides Bobs slide solo going on to long and the unfortunate mandatory screaming badger being tortured noise) it’s a monster! And from there things just keeps on growing.
    Wonderland was good, but polite, which makes sense considering national radio coverage in two countries along with very pricey tickets (Seva Benefit).
    City Isle started out ruff, but creeped to where I felt the Drumz onward was good, but,…, but Toga…Insane!
    I’m sure the environment/vibe/energy or what not was so intense the band would have felt it, probably before arrival lol
    And they sure seemed to rise to it: going hard for it and having just as much fun as us, well, almost lol. Not only could you feel it, you could see they were way into it!
    I think the only critique I can make about this show was, too much energy. They were so jacked up on the vibe (on top of everything else; ) that at times I think over enthusiasm led to not always being just exactly perfect. Hard to describe, they generally played well, just not so perfect, if that makes sense?
    I’m onto Blossom currently, the third show we hit that summer, and so far it’s ok, but..kinda laid back after the opening volley of tour ragers.
    Oh, yeah, Merriweather I rehashed and they’re similar: start out ragged, but look out, the rocket lifts off and burns baby burns. Again, hot but excess sometimes perhaps leads to occasional less than perfect moments, but good shows if not RJ. Summer tour 84,

    Can’t imagine those shows on a bike. The rain was what helped make both those shows so fun, but in 85 by the next day we’d had enough, (even before Hershey lol) and we weren’t on bikes! But hey, the adversity usually helped make good shows great!

    Edit: added my story to the 6/24/84 show page if anyones interested.

  • Obeah

    Doc you were there? I normally don't spend time feeling envious, but this is one of those shows where I sure wish I coulda been there. After all these years it is still a show I'll listen to any day, any time. There's something for everyone: Weir was absolutely on, Healy with his bag of tricks, Phil on mad bombing runs (and that Tom Thumb's!!), drummers on point all night long, Brent so colorful and out in front (and just a demon on the organ), and I run out of superlatives to talk about Garcia's performance this day.

  • dmcvt
    For Jim: Airto's Killer Bees

    Hey Jim, no question, play Airto Moreira and the Gods of Jazz recordings Killer Bees, or Revenge of the Killer Bees. Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, Stanley Clarke early fusion, like Weather Report but different, very interesting, under the radar stuff. For treatment, instead of toxic spray, Dr. Bronners peppermint castille in cool water, soak that nest from safe distance with a hose end sprayer on a cold morning . Bees, wasps etc hate peppermint and soap being surfactant, gets under their exoskeletal shells. Once the nest is soaked a time or two, they will abandon.

  • Forensicdoceleven
    I have jumped off a balcony from the second floor.......

    Hey hey hey................

    As a certain Mr Pen used to say, "Baby I ain't no balcony hanger!"..........

    The 1985 SPAC show was the only Dead show I ever attended solo. Beautiful day, rode out on the bike, camped out on the lawn, had some green leafy material, just enjoyed the heck out of the whole experience!

    Early the next morning set out for Hershey. Got soaked on the way, but hey, when you're on a bike and you get soaked, you can't get any wetter. My best friend and my brother---both bikers---were supposed to ride down and met me there and we'd ride back together. LOL they chickened out. It rained, but we kept the blow dry. Another enjoyable and noteworthy experience..........

    Rode back solo the next day, those were the days!

    Rock on!!!

    Doc, paperwork day!
    Youth has no age.....

  • JimInMD
    New One For Me

    So why not.. SPAC 84 virgin listen.

    They played the beginning of the City Island show the day before on Today in GD History. I think I have one cursory listen a couple decades ago when I discovered Archive.Org. Jerry's voice is a big haggard on a few songs (thinking Peggy-O for example), which seems to continue on through to SPAC.

    SPAC is one of my many GD regrets. I never made it there and could have. I am particularly fond of the 85 show. Now which one of you was dangling from the balcony that night? never mind.. you'll never admit it, but you know who you are.

    Got a medium size hornets nest in my attic that needs to go before while summer is young. I think my attic fan is shot too. The exterminator is charging too damned much so I am going to brave this adventure tonight. Wish me luck (balanced with how much could it really hurt anway).

    What should I play for the dancing bees 🐝 to give me an edge? A good meltdown space, a rockin' Fire in the attic or Dancing in the Hive?

    Edit: Jerry's a little rough or Dire Wolf but recovered nicely by the time the Candayman came around. Similar to the rough start the night before but improving, apparently, as the night progressed.

    Edit 2: Finished this while cleaning the house. They did pick up steam as the night progressed. Vocals notwithstanding, a high energy Bertha helped pull things together, the highlight for me being the PITB>China Doll. The Other One was typical for the era but good, a soulful Wharf Rat reigned them back to the finish line with a well paired double encore that would a smile on anyone's face as they walked through gates realizing they have no idea where they left their car (or bike).. but who really cares anyway.

    Nice tales from the Road Doc. Creates a little visual and context for the listen.

  • Forensicdoceleven
    In this bright future you can't forget your past.....

    Morning rockers!!!

    Can it really be 40 years ago that we stood in the rain at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center and enjoyed a fun Dead show, rain and all?!! Got drenched on the motorcycle ride down from Canada, but we kept our doses dry. Those were the days!!!

    Decent soundboards are out there, worth a listen.......

    We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.....

    Rock on,

    One must always maintain one's connection to the past and yet ceaselessly pull away from it.......

  • uncle_tripel
    City Island...

    ...yeah, 2 hour drive to harrisburg listening to the newly taped FM broadcast of WONDERLAND of CANADA show and ready for a great afternoon in the sun, several friends (3 car loads) would plan to meet, one car "alabama toot-away", one car packed with coolers of cold beer, another car "up in smoke". walking through the city enroute to the bridge to take us into the middle of the river, hey look over there at that guy passed out under the tree, damn he sure does look like our friend Chumpweed...keep walking, he would never miss Garcia by over indulging in the early afternoon. Next day, everyone safely back in town and meeting up at a friend's apartment to rap about the show...hey Chumpweed, what did you think of the show? ah, man I passed out under a tree and missed the whole show.....

    I remember most the opener: toot-away, a fun tmns to end 1st set, eyes, black peter, gdtrfb; and yeah it was a speedy GOGD event, and most unique venue to have seen the band.

  • JimInMD
    If We'd Have Timed This Better

    They might have been talking about worm farming on the last GD Bulletin

  • 1stshow70878
    Great story Oro!

    And Jim and DMC, bada-bing!
    Very funny stuff you guys.
    Keep bringing the good stuff now that the HN police are easing up some.

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Member for

17 years 1 month
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Not sure if there is a better year, so many great shows and yes, sound quality on releases have varied over the years. Would be interesting to hear 10/19 with Plagent.
I think the HCS Box sounds better than the PNW box.

Which reminds me, I should listen the Des Moines show tomorrow.

Would love to send some rain your way Jim. We have had more rain here in the last three months than we had in the previous three years.

July should bring us the 2024 Box reveal and for sure Dave's Picks #51. What will it be?

85, 77 and 69? 91?

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


I happened upon a thingie on your toob

England 1970
The Lost Film

Very worth checking out

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by proudfoot


I saw that video hanging around there.. like an hour and a half. I've been crazy busy doing useless crap for other people lately.. so I only got about a third of the way through it last night. It must have been uploaded recently.

Needing a pick me up, how about 5/7/89, something someone we all know and love mentioned on the Dave's 50 thread. I don't think I have listened to it.

Sorry about your rain DVikes. If you pee in the river I live on it would probably double the flow. (not that I am recommending peeing in rivers, power to the fishies)

If they made 10/19/73 sound better, I'd buy two just to thank them for their trouble.

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Gotta revisit 10/19/73

Like Alpine 89, I have never fully understood what is so aMAzing about it.

A road trip with 10/19/73 should do the trick....

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


There's a lot of subtlety to it

And some unsubtle things, too :)))

For whatever reason, I really enjoyed it yesterday.

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Fallout from the Phil Zone

Listen to it sometime this month

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3 years 11 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Infrared Roses

Listening to that again for the first time in a while

Just finishing up the Des Moines show from the HCS. I love this box!

Jim, I will get 5/7/89 rolling this afternoon. I believe this was a Rex benefit show.

Hope you all can enjoy some good Dead music this week.