• 7,961 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • dmcvt
    Billy Idol: Worm Wedding

    Hey little sister, who’s your only worm…

  • JimInMD

    There has to be a VHS of that wedding party somewhere, I want to see it.

    If it does surface, Oro, this could seriously jeopardize your career in politics.

    Truth be known, nobody strives to become a worm farmer. Most just marry into it.

  • Oroborous
    City Island

    Looks like a cool venue.
    Didn’t get the best listen of 84, but Felt like it was a creeper and really liked the space with that 100’ tall bullfrog of Jers, from then out was good. I agree Jim, like 83 better. Always been a favorite since it was one of the best sounding tapes I ever had. Buddy found new awesome tape source, but then just as suddenly lost it, as my buddy knocked up his boss at the worm farms daughter and after the (white wedding) ,no more soup for him as they were ultra religious lol. Still kicking myself for not getting the sources number!
    Best it gets better, they hired us to play at the wedding reception.
    So clueless freaks we were, we bring all our McIntosh amps, JBL speakers, racks of gear etc (basically same stage gear as the boys at the time) to this little fire hall. Of course we dressed up; I had my best pocket tee shirt, Levi corduroys and desert boots on lol.
    So late, and high like usual, we set up and prep and the shrooms are kicking in and we finally get on stage and tune up and 1,2, 3, and turn around and step to the mic and HOW SWEET IT IS TO BE LOVED BY YOU, (figured good wedding opener) and as I finally start to realize the reality of the situation were in as I stare at the mostly old, conservative, suit wearing crowd, now glaring back at us lol, well, it was definitely an interesting evening to say the least lol.
    Just glad I didn’t get the fear onstage!
    But it gets better. Somehow, music for the trad dances etc was never contemplated by anyone, hey we were hippie musicians not wedding planners lol. So during set break we panicked and somehow somebody got a tape deck that we integrated into the PA and the drummer found an Eagles tape in his car.
    So we think, Peaceful Easy feelings a nice song, that’ll work for the new couple to dance to. (Can’t remember what the father daughter dance was).
    So eventually things had mellowed a bit as the civilians loosened up a little and we figured out where we actually were and tried to adjust accordingly lol, and so the dances are going well and then eventually the new couple starts swaying to the mellow vibes of Peaceful Easy Felling as the crowd all smiles looks on, and then…ooops, the line “I want to sleep with you in the desert tonight”…Doahhh Right back in the dog house with the old conservative church crowd once again staring daggers at us, like “yeah ya stupid freaks, that’s what got us here in the first place”!

    For sure one of the weirdest gigs ever, and the last we ever saw of old Druggels again, poor bastard: no more fun, no more Dead especially or rock and roll at all, prolly still working at the worm farm!
    How we used to race around and be in all these crazy situations while tripping amazes me all these years later? Guess practice makes perfect lol.

    5/31/69, good sheet, really enjoyed that one, will have to check out the upgrade.
    But first I’m onto Toga!

  • Dennis
    Jim City Island 84

    Was there,,,, mostly I remember the bridge you had to walk across. My records show we thought Black Peter was the hit of the day. Playing Eyes right now,,, not a bad recording,,,, but a FAST Eyes.

  • Forensicdoceleven
    Crazy man crazy...............

    Morning, rockers!!

    For anybody interested in such things, a "new & improved" copy of May 31, 1969 just hit general circulation, courtesy of the kind folks at the GEMS network. Definitely worth a listen and thank you very much!!!

    Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must live.....

    Rock on!

    Out of my mind, back in five minutes............

  • JimInMD
    Re: City Island, Harrisburg 84

    Not a very memorable show, I liked the 83 show there a little better. Chill venue though.. we had a good time. I think between the bunch of us we could not put the setlist together after the show. Perhaps this shows our state of mind...

    Merriweather was a few days away and they were much better shows which unfortunately let this one slip from memory into the ravages of time.

  • Oroborous

    1984: I’ve made up to Summer tour, which starting on I’m on today, starting with my 40th anniversary of my first time seeing the boys in a foreign country lol.
    Really, in those pre 911 days, for us locals it was more like going to the next county, or state. 6/21/84, complete with THE Band opening, Wavy Gravy, and Kesey was a blast and definitely a good show, but not RJ.
    So my buddy Tree drove us in his lil Bug and we both dropped at the exact international point on the bridge
    (hey if they gave us one of the occasional quick search’s we had nothing in our possession, with plenty of good black hash etc at the show, and we’d be back on the road before things started getting weird)
    so a few hours later, by the time we got there things were definitely getting interesting! I always mix this one up with 87 as our mo etc was very similar.
    But for those who don’t know, the venue was within Canadas Wonderland amusement park. So having to enter in the middle of FAMILIES!!!, ya know, normal people and children! And, all while being in the middle of what seemed like we were in the middle of the real life Flintstones as everything seemed like some kind of Disney land plastic stone prehistoric village lol. I distinctly recall LMAO after getting in and over the fear, thinking, I’m in a Flintstones episode lol. Hey, the fear was real man ; )
    I’m Onto 6/23 as I type, betting Jim was there? Started out kinda ruff but creeping into it, it’s picking up nicely.
    Won’t rehash all of 84 as I’ve previously posted, except just to say similar better overall than expected, with plenty of good ones in April, and the Rocks, especially 6/13, perhaps one of the years best?
    Ok, going native again, sorry for the intrusion, hopefully somebody gets something outta it lol.
    ONWARD! And back to your regularly scheduled POTD!

  • Oroborous

    So half way through the year, which I’ve been focusing on shows I haven’t heard from,
    Primary: 84 and 94, and
    Secondary: 69, 79, and 89

    So 69 I’m up to November (all the SBs, not many AUDs), 79 I’ve hit all but 1 or 2?, and 89 I’ve only December left, but I need to revisit August in sequence.
    Summer 94 has been a very pleasant surprise! I’m finding the dreaded later years aren’t so bad removed from set and setting situations etc of seeing shows then, as well as being able to finally get better aquatinted with the newer material, which doesn’t bother me near as much, though that chorus on Long Way Home will probably always be annoying lol. Also, three decades has allowed me to catch up with the “industrial” sound lol.
    Though I wouldn’t say anything really was RJ, the consistency etc was much better than I expected. I should mention, I’ve done summer tour complete and just a few miscellaneous, including finally hitting the very fine Boxilla show on 10/1. From what I’ve heard so far I think Dave went to the right house for this one, though the Palace shows, some of Deer Creek, say first or second night of Shoreline, really every stop had at least one show, with most at least decent/good. Only recall third night of Shoreline was sub par with Jer having some vocal flubs. Perhaps the best I heard was from 6/17/94 even though it was an Aud. Think Bluecrow suggested this back aways?
    Awesome rave spaces throughout!
    So if your not a feared and have an open mind, I think there’s some enjoyable shows. They make a great palate cleanse, especially when/if gettin burned out on certain songs etc! And, though the occasional mellowness would of turned me off BITD, now in my sixties, gulp, I find these a nice alternative similar in that sense to 76.

  • Oroborous
    Try again

    Private Spacley checking in from the wild lands of weird!
    Baltimore 73, fo sure, yet another awesome 73 sequence, and a second set Candyman too! Always dig HCS!
    One could most def argue for a spring box, but I still think the first six shows of the year are the hidden jewel…summer, meh, has big hype shows, but imho the music isn’t as good as the rest of the year, good but…and the fall/winter, sigh…Top Shelf where mama hides the cookies! Or RJ

    I’ve hit 6/5/80 also on my quest, or fools errand? Lol. I definitely dug it, but perhaps a half step behind the previous from the land of Vikings and Deadvikes !

    But, I’m here more to cannonball into the middle of your nice enjoyable flow to report from the wild weird west and Wonderland too.
    Apologies for my side show Bob shit show side trips, but hey, maybe there’s some freak out there who’ll get something outta my frontier adventures?

  • Oroborous
    Summers here and

    Fudge, just got Hey Nowed on a long post…Murphy’s law?

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Member for

17 years 1 month
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Not sure if there is a better year, so many great shows and yes, sound quality on releases have varied over the years. Would be interesting to hear 10/19 with Plagent.
I think the HCS Box sounds better than the PNW box.

Which reminds me, I should listen the Des Moines show tomorrow.

Would love to send some rain your way Jim. We have had more rain here in the last three months than we had in the previous three years.

July should bring us the 2024 Box reveal and for sure Dave's Picks #51. What will it be?

85, 77 and 69? 91?

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


I happened upon a thingie on your toob

England 1970
The Lost Film

Very worth checking out

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by proudfoot


I saw that video hanging around there.. like an hour and a half. I've been crazy busy doing useless crap for other people lately.. so I only got about a third of the way through it last night. It must have been uploaded recently.

Needing a pick me up, how about 5/7/89, something someone we all know and love mentioned on the Dave's 50 thread. I don't think I have listened to it.

Sorry about your rain DVikes. If you pee in the river I live on it would probably double the flow. (not that I am recommending peeing in rivers, power to the fishies)

If they made 10/19/73 sound better, I'd buy two just to thank them for their trouble.

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Gotta revisit 10/19/73

Like Alpine 89, I have never fully understood what is so aMAzing about it.

A road trip with 10/19/73 should do the trick....

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by JimInMD


There's a lot of subtlety to it

And some unsubtle things, too :)))

For whatever reason, I really enjoyed it yesterday.

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Fallout from the Phil Zone

Listen to it sometime this month

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Member for

3 years 11 months

In reply to by proudfoot


Infrared Roses

Listening to that again for the first time in a while

Just finishing up the Des Moines show from the HCS. I love this box!

Jim, I will get 5/7/89 rolling this afternoon. I believe this was a Rex benefit show.

Hope you all can enjoy some good Dead music this week.